
Thursday 20 August 2020


In the post-SECRET INVASION Marvel Universe, there just aren't enough Avengers. Sure we have New Avengers, Dark Avengers, Young Avengers and even an Avengers: Initiative. But what we really need are some good, old-fashioned Mighty Avengers

After going through a rough patch with his wife Janet van Dyne (the Wasp) while they were both taking time away from the Avengers, Hank Pym was replaced by a shapeshifting alien Skrull. The Wasp died in the final battle against the Skrulls and Hank returned to discover his chance at reconciliation had been lost.

Now, Hank doesn't just plan to honour the history of the Avengers, he intends honouring his wife's legacy the only way he knows how...
[SECRET INVASION - Death of the Wasp, return of Hank Pym]
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity...
[LOKI READING ORDER: Mistress of Mischief (2008-2010)]
Mighty Avengers #20
Hank Pym has learned his wife, the Wasp, died during the final battle with the Skrulls. On the way to her funeral, Ms Marvel tells Hank everything he's missed. At the service, Hank publicly blames Tony Stark. Outside, Norman Osborn warns Ronin and the rest of the Avengers that they have 24 hours to register or they'll face consequences.

Avengers: The Initiative #20
The Initiative is
falling apart. Those who were replaced by Skrull impostors receive counselling, but Hank Pym has started having deep conversations with Jocasta (a robot built by Ultron with the Wasp's brainwaves) as his own form of therapy. Realising he has no place with the Initiative, Hank heads off with Jocasta to start a new life. Elsewhere, Ryder and 3-D Man leave to hunt any remaining Skrulls. Gauntlet takes charge of the Initiative. Tigra realises she's pregnant with Skrull Hank Pym's baby. Ant-Man joins the Thunderbolts. The Shadow Initiative and are assigned to hunt down Hardball. And the Thor clone known as 'Ragnarok' activates...
Secret Invasion: Requiem #1
Jocasta's uploaded 'Janet van Dyne' persona comes further to the fore, bringing out feelings for Hank Pym. Hank repeats the experiment that gave the Wasp her powers on himself, allowing him to take on a new identity as the Wasp in her honour...

Mighty Avengers #21
Inexplicable disasters erupt across the face of the Earth, killing or incapacitating super-teams everywhere. Edwin Jarvis and the Scarlet Witch separately gather Avengers teams who quickly come together as one. Wasp (Hank Pym), Jocasta, Hercules, Amadeus Cho, Hulk, Stature, USAgent and Vision assemble! Beneath Wundagore Mountain, Modred the Mystic has summoned the demon Chthon who has claimed Quicksilver as his host body...
Mighty Avengers #22
In-fighting breaks out among the Avengers over the Scarlet Witch's reappearance and the presence of unregistered heroes. Iron Man's arrival doesn't help. Chthon/Quicksilver gets to work destroying the world, leaving Modred to look after the Darkhold - the magical book that allowed him to summon the demon. While the Hulk's busy beating Iron Man over their recent issues (during WORLD WAR HULK), Wasp leads his new team into the Darque Hold under Wundagore. Iron Man arrives with an unconscious Bruce Banner and repulsor-blasts Modred, unaware that the real Quicksilver is trapped in the pages of the Darkhold...

Mighty Avengers #23
Iron Man takes command of the freshly-formed Avengers, putting Hank Pym down, abandoning those he has no use for and attempting to blow up Wundagore Mountain. Pym rallies the remaining Avengers to stop them setting off the uranium beneath the mountain and blowing Transia sky high! Utilising everyone's abilities in unison, Wasp pulls Chthon out of Quicksilver and into Modred, then draws them into the Darkhold and undoing all the death and destruction they'd caused. Iron Man and Hulk move on, but Wasp suggests the others remain together as a team of Mighty Avengers, immediately gaining public support. Quicksilver decides to join when he realises his sister, the Scarlet Witch, helped form the group. But this 'Scarlet Witch' is really Loki in disguise.
MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that are directly impacted by 'Earth's Mightiest'. The issues in grey are stories impacted by the sub-plots and lesser plot points.

Avengers: The Initiative #21-24 (2009)
The Shadow Initiative hunt down Hardball over his affiliation with Hydra; Ragnarok attacks Camp Hammond during DARK REIGN.

Dark Avengers #1 (2009) 

Norman Osborn's Avengers are publicly announced; the rights to the Ms Marvel name and costume are revealed to be owned by Osborn as he gives both to Moonstone when she joins the Dark Avengers during DARK AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! / DARK REIGN.

Invincible Iron Man #8-9 (2009) 
HAMMER is officially announced to the public during DARK REIGN.

Thunderbolts #128 (2009) 
Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady) is first seen settling into his new role among the Thunderbolts during DARK REIGN.

Avengers: The Initiative #25 (2009) 
Camp Hammond is rebranded as Camp HAMMER and becomes a super-villain training camp run by Taskmaster and the Hood during DARK REIGN.

Skrull Kill Krew #2 (2009) 
The dead members of the Skrull Kill Krew are revealed to have come back to life during DARK REIGN / SKRULLS MUST DIE!

Mighty Avengers #24 (2009)
Quicksilver officially joins the Mighty Avengers as Loki continues to masquerade as the Scarlet Witch in order to manipulate him during DARK REIGN

Mighty Avengers #27-31 (2009-2010)
The 'Scarlet Witch' is revealed to be Loki during DARK REIGN.

The Torch #1 (2009) 
Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch, is repaired and resurrected (his statue is the one torn down at Camp Hammond; the training ground was named after him).

Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #5 (2010) 
Modred the Mystic next appears during AVENGER OF THE SUPERNATURAL.

Thor #607 (2010) 
Ragnarok faces Thor himself during SIEGE.

Mighty Avengers #36 (2010) 
The Mighty Avengers fight their last battle; Jocasta and Hank Pym's relationship ends when she agrees to return to Ultron's side to keep him from trying to wipe out humanity together during SIEGE.

Siege #4 (2010) 

The Superhuman Registration Act is overturned during SIEGE.

Avengers: The Initiative #35 (2010) 

Tigra has her half-human/half-Skrull baby during SIEGE.

Thor #610 (2010) 

Thor destroys Raganok during SIEGE.

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades #1 (2010) 

A handbook entry reveals Tigra's son's name as William Grant Nelson.

New Avengers #1 (2010) 
Stature and Vision are revealed to be back among the Young Avengers during THE HEROIC AGE.

Avengers Academy #7 (2011) 
Hank Pym returns to his Giant-Man identity; even though he's not the father, Tigra aks Hank Pym to be her son's guardian if anything should happen to her.

Avengers: The Children's Crusade #2 (2011) 

The real Scarlet Witch returns during THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE.

Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt #1 (2011) 
Camp Hammond is officially shut down during FEAR ITSELF.

Avengers #31-32 (2012) 
The original Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) returns, having survived the Skrulls' plans and been stranded in the Microverse during END TIMES.

New Warriors #1 (2014) 
Bova returns but is immediately killed by her 'creator', the High Evolutionary, during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!

New Warriors #5 (2014) 
Chthon reappears during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!

Original Sins #5 (2014) 
Dum-Dum Dugan is revealed to have been an LMD (Life Model Decoy) all this time, even when he was a Skrull prisoner, during ORIGINAL SIN.

Avengers: Rage of Ultron (2015)
Hank Pym's next new identity is thrust upon him when he merges with Ultron.
Mighty Avengers vol.4: Secret Invasion, Book Two
Mighty Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis - The Complete Collection
Mighty Avengers: Secret Invasion HCSecret Invasion by Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus
Include Mighty Avengers #20.

Avengers: The Initiative vol.4: Disassembled
Avengers: The Initiative - The Complete Collection vol.2
Include Avengers: The Initiative #20.

Mighty Avengers: Dark Reign HC
Mighty Avengers: Earth's Mightiest
Mighty Avengers by Dan Slott - The Complete Collection
Include Mighty Avengers #21-23 and Secret Invasion Requiem #1.

Avengers: The Many Faces of Henry Pym
Includes Secret Invasion: Requiem #1.

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