
Sunday 30 August 2020


Onslaught may have been defeated, but the X-Men, Cable, the Hulk and Spider-Man are still feeling the impact of his assault on New York. Professor X decides to punish himself for his role in Onslaught's creation and Bastion uses the death of the Avengers and Fantastic Four to sell push anti-mutant agenda. And what's going to happen to little orphan Franklin Richards?
Previous events that directly impact this story:
Related Events:
A series of separate but related stories dealing with the impact of the Onslaught event.
  • Cable #36
  • Incredible Hulk #446
  • Uncanny X-Men #337
  • Amazing Spider-Man #416
  • Incredible Hulk #447-448
  • X-Men #57
  • Generation X #20
  • Onslaught: Epilogue #1
  • X-Men '96
Cable #36
Following his clash with Nate Grey (during FALLEN FROM GRACE), the reduction of Cable's telekinetic powers has led to him losing control of the Techno-Organic Virus that threatens to ravage his body. While Mister Fantastic's father, Nathaniel Richards, tries to save him physically, Cable makes peace with his deceased step-son Tyler Dayspring (aka Genesis, killed by Wolverine during STONE COLD DEATH) and his wife, Aliya Dayspring, on the psychic plane (possibly with help from Franklin Richards). Despite being near death's door, Cable makes a full and instant recovery.

Incredible Hulk #446
The US Army's attempt to remove the unconscious Hulk from scene of the final battle against Onslaught quickly goes awry as a seemingly mindless Green Goliath (having had his Bruce Banner persona removed during ONSLAUGHT) begins tearing off his own face as his body mutates. The Hulk's radiation melts the reinforced box the army drop on him, transforming it into a horrifying cocoon. Elsewhere, Janis Jones escapes the Pantheon and catches a ride to New York...
Uncanny X-Men #337
Professor X (Charles Xavier) is now powerless and berates himself for his role in the creation of Onslaught (during FATAL ATTRACTIONS) and gets a pep talk from Wolverine while the rest of the X-Men try to cheer each other up over breakfast. In New York, mysterious Bastion observes presidential candidate Graydon Creed (the human son of Sabretooth) turning the death of the heroes to his campaign's advantage. J Jonah Jameson decides to look into Creed's true motives while Bastion has many of the destroyed Sentinels sent to the secret Operation: Zero Tolerance base...

Amazing Spider-Man #416
Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) continues to fight crime on the streets of New York as one of the few heroes to have avoided the final battle with Onslaught. To save money, J Jonah Jameson making staff cuts at the Daily Bugle, costing photographer Peter Parker his job. Gaunt and Scrier plot against the Rose, attempting to discern his identity, unaware that Judas Traveller intends taking them both down. Spidey tales to two kids fighting over whether or not mutants are to blame for the death of the Avengers and Fantastic Four, reminding them that there are more peaceful and respectful ways to resolve things.
Incredible Hulk #447
Two days after the Hulk's rampage, Betty Banner joins the crowds holding a vigil around the Hulk 'statue' at the site where the heroes died in Central Park where Alex Wildman tries to take on US troops before being struck by lightning. Colonel Cary St Lawrence tries to talk Betty into helping her with the Hulk, but she refuses. Paris of the Pantheon meets with Henry Peter Gyrich to convince him to allow the Pantheon to deal with the Hulk situation, but Gyrich turns him down. Finally, a meaner, moodier Hulk breaks out of the cocoon, fends off the army, tells Betty Banner he's never seen her before and leaps away with Janis Jones on his back...

Incredible Hulk #448
Days later, Janis tells the Hulk she plans on helping him in return for his returning to her time and freeing it from the control of the tyrant who replaced the Maestro. Col. St Lawrence and Gyrich agree to late the Pantheon take down the Hulk and witness the live footage of them blowing the Hulk's head off. Having faked his death for the camera, the Pantheon ask the Hulk to return to work for them. Instead, he blows their contract with the government, smashes their jet and heads to the Pentagon where Janis warns them to leave the Hulk alone or he'll start retaliating.
X-Men #57
Professor X continues to look for a way to make up for all the damage he caused when Dr Valerie Cooper shows up to take him into the custody of the Committee on Mutant Affairs. Despite the X-Men's posturing, the Professor overrides their protectiveness and surrenders himself to Val. Elsewhere, Beast gets back together with Trish Tilby, Psylocke discovers feathers in Archangel's apartment and J Jonah Jameson's investigation into Graydon Creed earns him a warning from Bastion. Not a man to take threats,  Jonah warns Bastion back...

Generation X #20
Bastion looks into Chamber's arrival in America (during FOURTH GENESIS) to discern the location of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. At the school, Nightmare taunts Emma Frost who wonders if the kids will ever trust her again. Nathaniel Richards brings the now-orphaned Franklin Richards to the school for training and protection. In Los Angeles, Skin and Chamber continue to try to get back to the school and catch a ride with Howard the Duck...
Onslaught: Epilogue #1
Charles Xavier turned himself over to the Committee on Mutant Affairs out of guilt. Instead of helping them to learn about mutants, he was handed over to Bastion and now finds himself a prisoner of Operation: Zero Tolerance under the former Hulkbuster Base in Nevada. It's unclear whether or not Bastion knows he's the founder of the X-Men, but he continues to treat Xavier as one. Aggressively so. Xavier is secretly befriended by Nina, one of a number of children dubbed 'Mannites' who have been genetically engineered by the government to gain superhuman powers. Nina appears to be the last of the Mannites and implies Bastion has killed the others.

Bastion summons psychologist Dr Ingrid Thysson to study Xavier and she arrives with the National Security Agency's Mutant Task Force agent Daryll Smith who Bastion takes an instant dislike to. Xavier sets up a sequence of events that allow Nina to make her escape from Hulkbuster Base. When it's about to fail Agent Smith helps things along while maintaining his cover. Dr Thysson leaves the facility and Nina is taken to safety by Xavier's old friend, Renee Majcomb.
X-Men '96
The X-Men's baseball game with X-Force and Generation X is interrupted when a damaged Sentinel arrives. The mutants try to destroy it, only for it to explain that it had gained sentience and had broken its programing in favour of warning the X-Men about an inevitable threat, only for it to 'die' before it gets a chance. The X-Men quickly get over their regret in killing the Sentinel and have a pool party. Cable manages to put his issues with Wolverine (namely killing his stepson) behind them. The mutants pose for a photo, create fireworks with their powers and psychically link for a soothing mind-meld.
MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that are directly impacted by 'Onslaught Aftermath'. The issues in grey are stories impacted by the sub-plots and lesser plot points.

Generation X #21 (1996)
Howard the Duck leads Skin and Chamber into more trouble; the mysterious being in the shadows of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters is revealed to be injured Rigellian coloniser Tana Nile. 

Heroes Reborn #½ (1996)
The heroes are revealed to be alive somehow on an Earth without costumed heroes during HEROES REBORN.

Iron Man #1-2 (1996)
On the new Earth, Bruce Banner is transformed into the Hulk during HEROES REBORN.

Uncanny X-Men #338 (1996)
Cannonball and Iceman infiltrate Graydon Creed's campaign as volunteers; Archangel is revealed to have shed his metal wings and has his feathered wings back during THE ASSASSINATION OF GRAYDON CREED

X-Men #58 (1996)
J Jonah Jameson continues to investigate Bastion and Graydon Creed, attracting the attention of rogue mutant Havok; Gambit and Joseph fight over Rogue during THE ASSASSINATION OF GRAYDON CREED.

Uncanny X-Men #339 (1996)
Havok and his new Brotherhood of Mutants attack J Jonah Jameson and the X-Men to warn them that they want to be the ones to take out Graydon Creed during THE ASSASSINATION OF GRAYDON CREED.

Incredible Hulk #449-450 (1997)
The Thunderbolts decide to take down the Hulk when they make their public debut, which ends poorly for the them; in retaliation for the Thunderbolts' attack, the Hulk retaliates hits back at Los Angeles; Alex Wildman (calling himself the Wildman) attempts to kill the Hulk, but is teleported away at the end of the fight which somehow cures him of the voices in his head as well as his powers during JUSTICE LIKE LIGHTNING.

Incredible Hulk #450 (1997)
Doctor Strange discovers the Avengers, Fantastic Four and Bruce Banner are alive on another Earth; the separation of Banner and the Hulk threatens to destroy the Earth during HEROES REBORN.

Amazing Spider-Man #417 (1996)
Gaunt kills Scrier (Charles Bates); it's revealed that there is a whole organisation of Scriers called the Brotherhood of Scriers; Judas Traveller and the Host take on Gaunt and the Brotherhood of Scriers; Judas Traveller's true origin is revealed and the Host disbands; Traveller tries to warn Spider-Man who's behind all his clone-related problems.

Amazing Spider-Man #418 (1996)
Mary Jane Watson-Parker loses the baby (though it appears as though Norman Osborn's agent, Alison Mongrain, actually stole the child under Osborn's orders); Gaunt's employer is revealed to be Norman Osborn who kills Gaunt for his repeated failure during

Peter Parker, Spider-Man #75 (1996)
The Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) kills Ben Reilly and reveals him to be the clone; Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man again during

Spider-Man: Revelations tpb (1997)
Jimmy-6 swears revenge when he learns the Green Goblin killed Ben Reilly during the expanded version of

Generation X #22-23 (1996-1997)
Nightmare is revealed to be tormenting Emma Frost; Nightmare leaves Emma Frost with a chilling warning of her future; Howard the Duck brings Chamber and Skin back to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and stays for a while.

Tales of the Marvel Universe #1 (1997)
Nathaniel Richards repairs the damage to Four Freedoms Plaza, then removes Mister Fantastic's technology to stop it from falling into the wrong hands during JUSTICE LIKE LIGHTNING / LAW OF THE JUNGLE / THE HAUNTING OF CASTLE DOOM.

Venom on Trial #1 (1997)
Bastion offloads Agent Daryll Smith by putting him in charge of monitoring Venom when he's captured and prepared for trial during LICENSE TO KILL.

Wolverine #½ (1997)
Cable finally makes peace with Wolverine over the death of Genesis.

X-Factor #130 (1997)
Graydon Creed's presidential candidacy ends abruptly when he's assassinated during THE ASSASSINATION OF GRAYDON CREED.

Incredible Hulk '97 Annual (1997)
Franklin Richards is drawn to the Hulk when he unknowingly senses his connection to the disappearance of his parents.

Thunderbolts #2 (1997)
Franklin Richards attends the unveiling of a statue in honour of the Avengers and Fantastic Four.

X-Men Unlimited #14 (1997)
Franklin Richards attacks Joseph, believing him to him to be responsible for the death of his parents.

Generation X #24-25 (1997)
Mondo is revealed to be working for Black Tom Cassidy (most likely the person encouraging the mutant-hater to apply for the janitorial role) who attacks the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, bringing Nightmare's premonition true; in the scuffle, Jubilee is taken by Bastion and Franklin Richards and Howard the Duck are teleported away by Tana Nile during OPERATION: ZERO TOLERANCE.

X-Men #65-66 (1997)
Bastion reveals to Professor X that he's obtained the Xavier Protocols and captured the X-Men; Phoenix sees an apparent vision of Iron Man during OPERATION: ZERO TOLERANCE.

Cable #45-46 (1997)
Bastion breaks into the Xavier Institute in an effort to decipher the Xavier Protocols; Cable erases the files and removes all traces of Shi'ar technology to thwart Bastion's efforts during OPERATION: ZERO TOLERANCE.

Generation X #30-31 (1997)
Daria betrays Bastion and helps Jubilee escape; M ('Monet St Croix') separates into two beings - the St Croix twins, Claudette & Nicole St Croix - during

X-Men #69 (1997)
Bastion is ultimately defeated and Operation: Zero Tolerance is shut down during OPERATION: ZERO TOLERANCE.

Silver Surfer '97 Annual (1997)
An ancient being called the Scrier is revealed to be the inspiration for the Brotherhood of Scriers on Earth durin

Incredible Hulk #458 (1997)
Janis Jones is last seen monitoring her grandfather, Rick Jones (in his present-day incarnation), after he's left paralysed; her whereabouts after that are unknown during HEROES REBORN: THE RETURN.

Daydreamers #1-3 (1997)
Franklin Richards, Tana Nile, Howard the Duck and Man-Thing face the physical manifestation of Franklin's fears, the Dark Hunter, during HEROES REBORN: THE RETURN.

Heroes Reborn: The Return #1-4 (1997)
The Avengers and Fantastic Four are revealed to have been on a new 'Counter-Earth' created by Franklin Richards; both teams regain their memories and return home; Colonel Cary St Lawrence teams up with the Thunderbolts to take try and down the Hulk; the Hulk clashes with the new Bruce Banner/Hulk until they are merged together again during HEROES REBORN: THE RETURN.

Generation X #34-40 (1998)
Claudette & Nicole St Croix briefly merge with Emplate to become M-Plate; Penance is revealed to be the true Monet St Croix; Monet becomes M while the St Croix twins take her place as Penance.

Spectacular Spider-Man #255 (1998)
Jimmy-6 shoots the Green Goblin (unaware that it's a new man under the mask), but the Goblin's armour saves his life durin

Machine Man & Bastion Annual (1998)
Bastion's origin is revealed - having both passed through the Siege Perilous, Nimrod and the Master Mold Sentinel combined to form Bastion - during ENGINES OF DESTRUCTION.

X-Men #73 (1998)
Henry Peter Gyrich leads the dismantling of Operation: Zero Tolerance and their presence at Hulkbuster Base (aka Gamma Base); he demands the release of Professor X but discovers him missing.

Amazing Spider-Man #436 (1998)
Disgruntled ex-Daily Bugle employee Jacob Conover is revealed to be the man under the Rose's mask.

Incredible Hulk #466 (1998)

Colonel St Lawrence tries and fails to save Betty Banner's life when she's poisoned by gamma radiation.

X-Men #84 (1999)
Professor X returns to the X-Men having had his powers fully restored by Nina of the Mannites during THE HUNT FOR XAVIER.

X-Men #86-87 (1999)
Joseph is revealed to be a clone of Magneto created by Astra (a previously unknown member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants); Joseph sacrifices himself to stop Magneto from causing global disaster during THE MAGNETO WAR.

Wolverine/Cable: Guts & Glory (1999)
The first meeting between Wolverine and Cable that birthed their dislike of one another is revealed.

Astonishing X-Men #1-3 (1999)
The X-Men come to the aid of the remaining Mannites when they're hunted by Apocalypse's new Horseman Death (Logan) during THE SHATTERING.

Cable #75 (2000)
Cable meets his destiny by confronting Apocalypse during

Generation X #60-61 (2000)
The true Mondo first appears as the one who joined the team is revealed to have been a plant-life recreation of the real Mondo created by Black Tom Cassidy.

X-Men Forever #2 (2001)
It's finally confirmed that Mystique assassinated her own son, Graydon Creed.

New X-Men #116 (2001) 
Professor X goes public about his mutants abilities and the true purpose of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters (though it's actually carried out by Cassandra Nova having gained control of Xavier's mind and body).

Hulk #1 (2008)
Gamma Base is revealed to be in use by General Thunderbolt Ross again as a prison for the captive Bruce Banner during GREEN HULK/RED HULK.

Wolverine: Origins #28-29 (2008)

It's revealed that Wolverine was sent by Romulus to infiltrate the X-Men and murder Professor X; Professor X broke Romulus' hold over Wolverine and allowed him to stay with the X-Men because he "needed a weapon" during ORIGINAL SIN.
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe with these reading orders:
X-Men/Avengers: Onslaught Omnibus
Cable #36
Onslaught: Epilogue #1
Uncanny X-Men #337
X-Men #57
X-Men '96

Incredible Hulk Epic Collection vol.22: Ghosts of the Future
Incredible Hulk #446-448

Spider-Man: Ben Reilly Omnibus vol.2
Spider-Man: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic vol.5
Both include... 
Amazing Spider-Man #416

X-Men: The Complete Onslaught Epic vol.4
Cable #36
Onslaught: Epilogue #1
Uncanny X-Men #337
X-Men #57

Cable and X-Force: Onslaught
Cable #36

X-Men Milestones: Onslaught
Onslaught: Epilogue #1
Uncanny X-Men #337
X-Men #57

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