
Sunday, 17 November 2019


Doctor Strange has been using magic in the name of varies mystical beings over the years (such as Cyttorak, the Raggadorr, Munnopor, etc), calling upon their power to assist him in his role as Sorcerer Supreme. So he must owe them pretty big, right? Well, he doesn't see it that way. When the Vishanti ask for his help in fighting a 5000 year magic war, Strange decides to go AWOL. But that doesn't come without consequences...
Minor Crossover: You can read the story that goes through the issues of Doctor Strange's series without the other issues and not miss any key story point.
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2[5/5]
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42 (also see THE INFINITY WAR)
  • Silver Surfer #67 (also see THE INFINITY WAR)
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #43-47 (also see THE INFINITY WAR)
  • Darkhold #3-7 (tie-in)
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #48-50
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2[5/5]
A Faltinian called Flyx comes to Doctor Strange's house to ask Clea for help. He explains that Clea's grandfather, Sinifer, also spawned Umar and Dormammu and their feud with the offspring of Kalijulaa is the reason why Clea must now help Flyx restore order to the Dark Dimension. Clea decides not to ask her husband, Doctor Strange, for help. Instead, she searches for magical allies, starting with Aggamon from the Purple Dimension. As payback for Strange's earlier conflict with him, Aggamon tricks Clea into stepping into a crystal and ageing her and Flyx rapidly. As she's only half-Faltinian, Clea breaks free and convinces Aggamon to provide her with magical weapons for the coming war...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42
Galactus appears outside Doctor Strange's house, ordering him to help investigate Eternity's comatose state (see THE INFINITY WAR). Strange refuses, intending to conduct his own investigation, angering Galactus and initiating a conflict which ends with Strange Catching Galactus off-guard and knocking him down. For the good of his neighbourhood, Strange relents and agrees to join him, but their path is blocked by the Silver Surfer. Despite the obvious peril her husband is in, Clea decides against rescuing him in favour of returning to the Dark Dimension to free her home from the tyranny of Umar and Baron Mordo...
Silver Surfer #67
The Silver Surfer visits the drooling, mindless Nebula imprisoned on Titan until he learns Galactus has returned to Earth. Initially, the Surfer orders Galactus to leave Doctor Strange - his old Defenders ally - alone until Strange has convinces the Surfer that he's agreed to help Galactus.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #43
Galactus' straps Doctor Strange into a device that will draw the power from the Eye of Agamotto and use it to follow a trail after the cosmic culprit behind Eternity's coma. Agamotto himself teleports Strange and the Eye back into his home dimension to express his concern over giving Galactus access the power of the Eye. Strange summons Galactus to aid him and the Devourer of Worlds finds himself in battle against Agamotto. Strange calls upon the other two members of the Vishanti - Oshtur and Hoggoth - who convince Agamotto to let Strange help Galactus. Back on Earth, Clea leaves for the Dark Dimension with her diminutive companion, Flyx...
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #44
Cyttorak attacks the Star Sphere as it hurtles through dimensions, taking Doctor Strange and Nova captive. Strange summons the Juggernaut (who gained his powers from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak) to aid him. Together, they free Nova from Cyttorak's grasp, but the Juggernaut's thirst for power gets the better of him. He steals the gem from Cyttorak's head and almost breaks Doctor Strange's back. Strange restores Cyttorak's gem and sends Juggernaut back to Earth, earning his and Nova's freedom and allowing them to return to their mission...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #45
Doctor Strange, Galactus, the Silver Surfer and Nova are all dead, having been blown to particles by the Magus. Galactus might well be powerful enough to reconstitute himself and the others along with him, but Death herself intends stopping him. The only thing that stands against her is the soul of Doctor Strange. Strange defies Death, despite her throwing all his life's failings at him, giving Galactus the chance to resurrect them all. But Death will have him, one day...
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #46
Doctor Strange leads the Scarlet Witch, Agatha Harkness, Doctor Druid and Shaman back to Earth to find a way to break the Magus' hold over the world's population. Realising Sleepwalker's efforts in conjunction with Professor X and his fellow telepaths is working, Strange decides to check on Clea before returning to space to fight the Magus. Instead, hordes of demons burst from his Sanctum Sanctorum, led by what appears to be a Doppelgänger of Strange, himself. The evil Doctor Strange seriously injures the true Strange with the Sword of Ultimate Shadow when he steps in to protect the inert Wong. With his allies overwhelmed by the demon hordes, the group face a sound defeat...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #47
The duplicate 'Doctor Strange' reveals to his captives that he isn't a Doppelgänger, but is actually the Stephen Strange of Counter-Earth who calls himself Necromancer. Long before Counter-Earth was destroyed by Thanos, Necromancer left the planet and became trapped within Eternity. He escaped Eternity when Gamora cured him and allied himself with the Magus. The real Doctor Strange magically transports his allies to space. When they return, Shaman and the others confront Necromancer's demons while Doctor Strange defeats the Rintrah Doppelgänger and Doctor Strange Doppelgänger before forcing Necromancer to channel too much of Eternity's energies and explode.
Darkhold #3 (tie-in)
Wasp and Wonder Man discover the Scarlet Witch starts acting like she did when she was possessed by Chthon. The Darkhold Redeemers (Vicki Montesi, Sam Buchanan and Louise Hastings) continue their hunt for the lost pages of the Darkhold and learn their benefactor is Modred the Mystic. Meanwhile the mysterious Dwarf gives a page of the Darkhold to a poor woman named Aurora Poule, granting her beauty and a fancy new dress. The town laughs at her and a group of men assault her, so she decides to use the page to help her get revenge, unleashing demons on the town. The Redeemers arrive to find a demon infestation. Sam Buchanan is also surprised to see the return of his old nemesis, Sabretooth...

Darkhold #4 (tie-in)
Agatha Harkness comes to the Scarlet Witch's aid, but decides to call on someone more capable. Louise Hastings fires a shotgun intp Sabretooth's crotch to save Sam and the pair leave him for the demons to feed on. Vicki Montesi discovers the demons aren't able to perceive her, which saves her life while the townspeople are slaughtered. Sabretooth survives and joins the fight. Modred arrives to help fight the N'Garai demons. Aurora Poule allows herself to die to end the threat. Back in New York, the Dwarf offers a page of the Darkhold to Reverend Styge...

Darkhold #5 (tie-in)
The Punisher pursues Reverend Styge, unaware of his new power to resurrect the dead. Styge plans to resurrect the Punisher's family in return for an alliance. The Redeemers learn Styge has been eating his victims and confront him in a graveyard, just as both the Punisher and Ghost Rider arrive to do the same. The Punisher shoots Styge before he can resurrect his family. His half-life minion, Speakeasy, drags the body away. Doctor Strange receives a visit from the Scarlet Witch and Agatha Harkness who tell him that the Redeemers appear to be behind the increased Darkhold activity and must be stopped... 

Darkhold #6 (tie-in)
Doctor Strange tells the Scarlet Witch of the Malachi Prophecy which states that a child born of no man and a woman marked by sin will cause Chthon to return. Strange, Harkness and the Scarlet Witch find them Redeemers in Hawaii as they search for a page from the Darkhold, only to find they're working for Modred and a battle between both groups begins. The dwarf offers the page to an America veteran of World War II who believes that his son was turned down for a job at a Hawaiian hotel because he's not Japanese. Hawaii suddenly finds itself under attack from WWII era Japanese fighter planes...

Darkhold #7 (tie-in)
Modred and Doctor Strange join forces to protect the island. When things get out of hand, planes turn into destructive ectoplasm and take the form of a giant monster. The Redeemers shut it all down by finding the man who used the page and see a vision of the Dwarf for the first time. Realising the Redeemer's intentions are good, Strange encourages them to close the gateway to Chthon that the use of the pages is starting to open. Everyone leaves, expect for Modred who's still magically held to the island. On the plane home, Sam Buchanan figures a way to stop all the Darkhold pages at once...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #48
In the Dark Dimension, Clea and her band of magical allies defeat Umar and Baron Mordo's armies and claim victory. But Flyx reveals himself to be Dormammu in disguise and he claims the throne before Clea can. Doctor Strange is attacked in his home by Ygothic Cyclopeans and is saved by the Vishanti who need him to fight for them against the Trinity of Ashes in the impending War of the Seven Spheres. Strange declines on the basis that the war will last five thousand years, incurring their wrath. To avoid certain death, Strange escapes through a singularity...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #49
Doctor Strange struggles to leave this violent new dimension now that he lacks the powers provided for him by the Vishanti. Every deity he calls upon for his magicks attempts to enlist him in the War of the Seven Spheres. Ikonn, Watoomb, the Seraphim, Cyttorak and the VIshanti fight among themselves in their attempts to claim him, along with their demonic counterparts. He rejects them all in favour of fighting to protect the Earth and it costs him the use of their power. Strange is cast back to Earth with virtually no power. At that moments, Clea summons him to the Dark Dimension where Dormammu is on a rampage...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #50
In dire need of aid, Doctor Strange summons Ghost Rider, the Silver Surfer and the Hulk (as his Secret Defenders) and whisks them off to the Dark Dimension where they battle through hordes of Mindless Ones. While the Hulk keeps G'uranthic Guardian busy, the Silver Surfer searches for Clea and Strange channels the power of the Ghost Rider against Dormammu. He directly assaults Dormammu's soul while the other Defenders attack his body. Defeated, Dormammu abandons the Dark Dimension in favour of a much larger goal. Clea remains behind while the Defenders return to Earth where a crowd has gathered outside Doctor Strange's house, denouncing him as evil...
Silver Surfer #70-75 (1992) 
Geatar takes Nebula to Dr Mandibus to be restored to her original state; the Silver Surfer and Nova rebel against Galactus; Mandibus turns Nebula into a cyborg.

Darkhold #8-10 (1993)

Modred escapes Maui; Sam Buchanan tries to end the threat of the Darkhold pages by turning Vicki Montesi over to his boss, CIA superior DeGuzman; DeGuzman is revealed to be the leader of the Darkholders, so Sam rescues her; the Darkholders are killed by the demon Diabolique.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #51 (1993)
Rintrah is left in a state of near-death when he tries to sacrifice his own life to defeat Tartessus, costing Doctor Strange his apprentice.

Secret Defenders #1-3 (1993)
While he's busy dealing with Morbius and Nightmare, Doctor Strange summons another team of Secret Defenders (Darkhawk, Nomad, Spider-Woman and Wolverine) to tackle the Zusommin during A NIGHTMARE ON BLEECKER STREET.

Secret Defenders #4-5 (1993)
Doctor Strange summons the Punisher, Sleepwalker and Namorita to stop the Nightmare-spawned Roadkill.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #3 (1993)
Doctor Strange gains a new apprentice, Kyllian Boddicker.

Secret Defenders #6-8 (1993)
Doctor Strange enlists the Scarlet Witch, Captain America and Spider-Man against Xandu.

Secret Defenders #9-10 (1993)
Doctor Strange summons the Silver Surfer, Thunderstrike and War Machine against Nebula.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #54-55 (1993)
Doctor Strange appeals to Eternity for assistance, but Eternity erases his memory of their encounter; Dormammu tries to convince Doctor Strange to become his avatar against the Goddess (the personification of Adam Warlock's goodness) during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Secret Defenders #11 (1994)
Doctor Strange summons the Hulk, Northstar and Nova to fight the Starblasters; Thanos recruits Geatar during STARBLAST.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #57-59 (1993)
The Vishanti choose Urthona and Jarakk to fight the Trinity of Ashes' warrior, Pura-Shamutra, for them; Urthona kills Pura-Shamutra and is rewarded with the Pyx which he uses to take over Gevaltu; Doctor Strange defeats Urthona and uses the Pyx to resurrect Pura-Shamutra and free Gevaltu; Kyllian turns against Doctor Strange in favour of Iskelior.

Secret Defenders #12-14 (1994)
Despite Thanos having killed the original Geatar and used his corpse to fake his own death, the Geatar clone reluctantly agrees to work for Thanos for one mission; Thanos forms 'Secret Defenders' of his own, tasking Geatar, Nitro, Rhino, Super-Skrull and the Titanium Man to kidnap the Oracle of Ancient Knowledge for him.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #60-61 (1993)
Imei Chang is murdered by the demon Sister Nil before she and Wong can marry; former Sorcerer Supreme Salomé returns to Earth and tries to retake her previous title; in doing so, Salomeé destroys Doctor Strange's house; a being simply called Strange emerges from the rubble during SIEGE OF DARKNESS.

Nightstalkers #17-18 (1994)
Salomé observes as a Dracula clone called Bloodstorm leads an army of resurrected vampires against the Nightstalkers in the hopes of turning it to her advantage; Bloodstorm, Varnae and the Nightstalkers all appear to die when they're caught in an explosion.

Midnight Sons Unlimited #5 (1994)
Kyllian takes the name Wildpride and becomes Modred the Mystic's protegee; Modred attempts to gain Salomé as an ally against Doctor Strange, but she turns against him.

Marvel Comics Presents #153 (1994)
Having discovered she's pregnant with Chthon's child, Vicki Montesi is taken in by Doctor Strange; Sam Buchanan turns his attention to apprehending Vengeance.

Secret Defenders #15-17 (1994)
Doctor Strange hands the reigns of the Secret Defenders over to Doctor Druid who summons Luke Cage, Deadpool and Shadowoman to aid him against the sorceress Malachi; Agamotto resurrects dead teenager Cody Fleischer to act as his avatar, Cadaver, granting him the Sword of Bone; Cadaver and Shadowoman become regular members of the Secret Defenders; the mysterious 'Strange' attempts to retrieve the Sword of Bone from Cadaver, but is fended off.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #64-66 (1994)
Wong becomes Salomé's manservant after she disguises the demon Xaos as Imei Chang; continuing his efforts to gain mystical items for Doctor Strange, Strange is prevented from obtaining the Coral Crab by Namor the Sub-Mariner who's possessed by Salomé at the time; Wong kidnaps Dr Vincent Stevens, believing him to be the real Doctor Strange during STRANGERS AMONG US.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #4 (1994)
Strange and Dr Vincent Stevens learn they're constructs created by the real Doctor Strange while he recovers in Null Space; Doctor Strange tries and fails to retake his title from Salomé during STRANGERS AMONG US.

Marvel Comics Presents #162-163 (1994)
Salomé agrees to mentor Diabolique if she kills Vengeance; despite her failure, Salomé agrees to take Diabolique, but the kid demon looks for another mentor, instead.

Blade the Vampire Hunter #4-5 (1994)
Marie Laveau tries to turn Blade into a host for Varnae; Night Terror becomes a host for Varnae instead, but is forced underground along with Laveau thanks to Blade; Salomé continues to search for allies among the vampires.

Secret Defenders #18-19 (1994)
Doctor Druid, Cadaver and Shadowoman are aided by Archangel, Giant-Man, Iceman and Iron Fist against Swarm; Agamotto's champion, Cadaver, fails to defeat Swarm; Druid uses the Sword of Bone to better effect, instead. 

Secret Defenders #20-21 (1994)
USAgent, Venom and Spider-Woman help the Secret Defenders defeat the magic-using Slaymaker.

Secret Defenders #22-25 (1994-1995)
Shadowoman changes her name to Sepulchre and goes on one last mission with Doctor Druid, Cadaver and new ally, the Cognoscenti; with help from Cloak, Dagger, Deathlok and Drax the Destroyer, the Secret Defenders battle Slorioth when he takes control of the Hulk, the Silver Surfer and Namor the Sub-Mariner; Doctor Druid kills Cadaver and makes a deal with Slorioth to save Sepulchre, only for Slorioth to enter the Earthly plane; the Living Tribunal ultimately banishes Slorioth, but Doctor Druid is believed dead which leads to the Secret Defenders going their separate ways; Agamotto resurrects Cadaver to fight in the War of the Seven Spheres for him for the next 5000 years.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #70-71 (1994)
Strange attempts to merge with Rick Jones while Dr Vincent Stevens possesses the Hulk; Salomé becomes the Vishanti's avatar; Wong discovers Imei Chang is truly dead and Salomé has deceived him; Sister Nil comes to Doctor Strange's aid when he's attacked in his once-secret lair.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #72-75 (1994-1995)
Doctor Strange gathers the last of the mystic artefacts to use against Salomé; Clea considers a truce with Dormammu; Salomé discovers Doctor Strange's secret lair; Doctor Strange merges with Dr Vincent Stevens, but Strange convinces Doctor Strange to allow his freedom and merges with Nobel the Progenitor to become Paradox; Doctor Strange defeats Salomé and gains a new look.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #80 (1995)
Having given in and fought in the War of the Seven Spheres for five thousand years (other-dimensional time, not our time), Doctor Strange returns to Earth four months later with another new look and having reclaimed the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #90 (1996)
Chthon attempts to break through to the Earthly plane during the birth of Vicki Montesi's baby; Doctor Strange us unable to defeat Chthon but he's forced by by Vicki's purity of spirit.

X-Men Unlimited #12 (1996)
Juggernaut next meets Cyttorak and fights to retain his powers during ONSLAUGHT.

Heroes Reborn #½ (1996)
A new Counter-Earth first appears (which is later revealed to have been created by Franklin Richards) during HEROES REBORN.

Punisher #5 (2009)
The Hood and Microchip attempt to resurrect the Punisher's family in order to manipulate him; the Punisher ruthlessly ensures they won't be resurrected in order to defeat Microchip during DARK REIGN.

New Avengers #53 (2009)
Necromancer is revealed to have returned to life, somehow, during DARK REIGN.

Uncanny X-Men #542 (2011)
Cyttorak strips Juggernaut of his powers when he begins serving the Serpent as a host for Kuurth; the Juggernaut powers are passed to Colossus of the X-Men during FEAR ITSELF.

Uncanny X-Men #20 (2012)
Magik frees Colossus from the power of Cyttorak.

Uncanny Avengers #1 (2015)
Counter-Earth returns with little explanation as to how it survived destruction at Thanos' hands during AVENGERS NOW!

Amazing X-Men #18 (2015)
Juggernaut is restored as the avatar of Cyttorak.
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Omnibus vol.2
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42-50
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2
Silver Surfer #67

Infinity Gauntlet Box Set Slipcase
Infinity War Omnibus
Both include... 
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42-47
Silver Surfer #67

Darkhold: Pages From the Book of Sins - The Complete Collection
Darkhold #3-7

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