
Friday 4 June 2021


When the Spider-Man and X-Men films were released, Marvel realised their back-catalogue might be a little tricky for potential new comic fans to follow. So, a new universe was introduced. Earth-1610 (better known as the Ultimate Universe) started from scratch in our present, rather than the 1960s. As such, the Ultimate titles reflected the bleaker modern times.

During a recent confrontation between the X-Men and the Brotherhood, Professor X (Charles Xavier) was seemingly forced to take Magneto's life to end the threat he posed. But Xavier isn't a man who takes a life easily. Instead, he secretly saved Magneto, wiping his memories and giving him a new life as a family man. 

Inevitably, Magneto's memories returned and the Master of Magnetism created a message in the sky over New York made up cars to thank Xavier for allowing him to live. Now, with the government believing the X-Men are in league with Magneto, they're on their most wanted list. And there's only one group powerful enough to take the X-Men down and that's Earth-1610's version of the Avengers... the Ultimates!
Crossover: While the two stories are clearly connected, the reading order isn't so obvious. 
  • Ultimate X-Men #26
  • Ultimate War #1-2
  • Ultimate X-Men #27
  • Ultimate War #3-4
  • Ultimate X-Men #28-33
Ultimate X-Men #26
First we delve into Charles Xavier and Magneto's eight-year history, learning how they started the Brotherhood together when Xavier walked away from his family to focus on saving mutantkind. Their partnership turned sour as time underlined their differing perspectives, gradly turning them from brothers-in-arms to bitter enemies. When Xavier decided to flee their Savage Land civilatiation for mutants, Magneto crippled him by hurling a metal spear into his spine. Three years later, Xavier - as Professor X - formed the X-Men. In the present day, Magneto prepares to wage war on humanity...

Ultimate War #1
Magneto's Brotherhood mark their return by blowing up the Brooklyn Bridge. The Ultimates easily take the small band of mutants down, while Magneto's kids - the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver - turn to the US Government looking for sanctuary. Iron Man checks out the Xavier Mansion and finds it empty, convincing him that Xavier's switched sides...
Ultimate War #2
The Ultimates begin their search for the fugitive X-Men. Looking at photos in the government's files, Captain America recognises Wolverine as Jim Howlett, a soldier he fought alongside during World War II. The X-Men have set up a new hideout in New York. Wolverine returns from his mission to the Savage Land, breaking the news that Cyclops didn't survive (in truth, Wolverine let Cyclops fall down a ravine in the hope he'd die and let him have have Marvel Girl all to himself). Over at the Ultimates' headquarters, the Triskelion, Magneto forces his way in and shoots Quicksilver in the kneecaps for betraying him to the humans. As Magneto makes his exits, Captain America promises to take down the X-Men as hard as the Brotherhood...

Ultimate X-Men #27
The Brotherhood steal works of art and return them to Magneto's floating fortress where the young mutant Forge is building a device to help Magneto execute his current plan. With it, Magneto destroys the mutant tracking satellite in orbit around Earth. Xavier sends Nightcrawler on a mission to pick up geneticist Moira MacTaggert.
Ultimate War #3
Professor X arranges a meeting with Magneto and agrees to have his X-Men join the Brotherhood to save them from humanity. In truth, he's arranged for Wolverine to follow Mags back to his hideout. Magneto sees through the blatant attempt as trickery and informs the Ultimates of the X-Men's secret base...

Ultimate War #4
The Ultimates assault the X-Men and, even though the mutants mostly hold their own, they don't manage to stop the Ultimates from capturing their boss, Charles Xavier. With no one to lead them, the X-Men need to figure out how they're going to take down Magneto's entire Brotherhood and not get caught by the authorities...
Ultimate X-Men #28
The Brotherhood's attack on Chicago is intercepted by the X-Men, desperate to prove they're not in league with Magneto. Nick Fury's SHIELD agents capture Nightcrawler and probe his mind to find the X-Men's new safehouse. But Magneto finds them first, offering them one last chance to join his before he wipes out humanity. They have seven days...

Ultimate X-Men #29
Cyclops is alive! He broke his leg and dinged up his arm, but survived the fall. After a month of surviving by any means necessary, the Brotherhood's mutant detectors find Cyclops and bring him to the floating fortress to patch him up. The X-Men prepare for the final assault on Magneto...
Ultimate X-Men #30
Having saved two of each animal (including two humans), Magneto reveals his plan to wipe out all life on Earth, saving only the mutants aboard his floating fortress. Forge uses his machine to power Magneto up again, but the process is interrupted by the X-Men who crash their jet into the fortress. Cyclops convinces a doctor to lead him to Magneto's chamber, though he's essentially blind without the visor that holds his powers back. He joins the X-Men in their assault, but the magnetic master of mutantism blows up a nuclear reactor in Miami as payback...

Ultimate X-Men #31
Professor X and the other mutant prisoners of SHIELD escape their cells and make their way to Miami. The X-Men gives Magneto a thrashing. Professor X rides to the rescue on a Sentinel, leading the other escaped mutants out to rescue humanity. The impact of Magneto's plans cause serious damage to a nuclear power plant in Miami, leaving the X-Men to figure out how to undo it. Before they can, Cyclops and Wolverine stand face-to-face. Wolverine knows the truth is about to come out...
Ultimate X-Men #32
Cyclops blasts Wolverine into unconsciousness with one shot and kicks him off the team. Professor X, Nightcrawler and Rogue save numerous lives in Miami. Marvel Girl's Phoenix powers return, enabling her disperse the fallout, of the power plant. Now everyone sees the X-Men as heroes. In the weeks that follow, Rogue and Nightcrawler join the X-Men and the US Government decide the best tactical move is to annex the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters in order to keep an eye on the growing mutant population. But have they unwittingly invited Xavier into the heart of the US military machine...?

Ultimate X-Men #33
Months later, Magneto awaits trial in a plastic prison. Xavier visits him for one last debate. Cyclops tracks down Wolverine and apologises for the immature way he handled their situation, inviting him back onto the team where he can keep his eye on him...
Ultimate Nightmare #1-5 (2004-2005) 
The Ultimates and X-Men clash again during THE COMING OF GAH LAK TUS.

Ultimates 2 #2 (2005) 
The UK reveal their European Defence Initiative.

Ultimate X-Men #61 (2005) 
Magneto escapes the Triskelion and reforms the Brotherhood.

Ultimates 2 #9-13 (2006-2007) 
Black Widow is revealed to be a traitor; Black Widow is killed by Hawkeye.

Ultimate X-Men #66 (2006) 
Sabretooth returns and reveals he survived decapitation because his head wasn't completely severed.

Ultimate X-Men #68-71 (2006) 
The true Phoenix Force makes its debut; Marvel Girl accepts the full power of the Phoenix.

Ultimate X-Men #79 (2007) 
Nightcrawler and Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) leave the X-Men.

Ultimate X-Men #84 (2007) 
Betsy Braddock joins the X-Men as Psylocke.

Ultimates 3 #1-4 (2008) 
Scarlet Witch is murdered by Ultron; Magda Lehnsherr (Magneto's ex-wife and the mother of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch) makes her debut appearance; Quicksilver leaves the Ultimates; Unus is killed by Thor during MARCH ON ULTIMATUM.

Ultimate X-Men #96 (2008) 
Professor John Grey is revealed to have died during MARCH ON ULTIMATUM.

Ultimatum #1-3 (2009) 
Magneto puts a new plan into motion that kills hundreds of people in New York; Nightcrawler dies in the attack; Magneto kills Professor X; Forge, Hard-Drive and Detonator are revealed to have died during ULTIMATUM.

Ultimate X-Men #100 (2009) 
Wolverine kills Multiple Man during ULTIMATUM.

Ultimatum #5 (2009) 
Magneto kills Wolverine; Magneto is killed by Cyclops; Cyclops is assassinated by Quicksilver; Quicksilver chooses to carry on his father's mission to wipe out humanity; the Ultimates disband during ULTIMATUM.

Ultimatum - X-Men: Requiem #1 (2009) 
The X-Men disband; Psylocke is revealed to have died; Marvel Girl reveals she's no longer a host for the Phoenix during ULTIMATUM.

Ultimate X #1 (2010) 
Wolverine's son James Hudson Jr first appears.

Ultimate Wolverine #3-4 (2013) 
Magda Lehnsherr is revealed to be the mother of Wolverine's son.
Ultimate X-Men vol.3 HC
Ultimate X-Men Omnibus vol.1
Ultimate X-Men: Ultimate Collection vol.3
Ultimate War #1-4
Ultimate X-Men #26-33

Ultimate War
Ultimate X-Men vol.5: Ultimate War
Ultimate War #1-4

Ultimate X-Men vol.6: Return of the King
Ultimate X-Men #26-33

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