
Monday 3 May 2021

DEATHLOK READING ORDER: Luther Manning (1974-2014)

In the distant future of 1990 on Earth-7484, Colonel Luther Manning is killed in action only for his body to be used the Brand Corporation's Project Alpha Mech to create the Deathlok cyborg (also known as Deathlok the Demolisher). Deathlok would them regain sentience and rebel against his creators, finding himself jumping through time to modern day Earth-616 to run into Captain America, Spider-Man, the Thing, Daredevil and others. He'd also find himself plucked from his own reality to join a team of other heroes from dystopian futures to warn numerous alternate worlds about the Celestials growing within their respectives Earths' cores. All the while, Manning just wanted to be returned to his original body and reunited with his family.

Deathlok has one strange history. And it's one he'd share with later Deathloks, including a handful from Earth-616. Things can become hard to keep track of when time-travel is involved, so here's the complete chronology of Luther Manning... the Deathlok of Earth-7484.

MCG Notes:
  • Issue listings in blue & black: The must-read Deathlok stories from this time period, along with any key related stories and often-forgotten tales that are worth a read.
  • Issue listings in grey: Part of Luther Manning's chronology, cameo appearances or stories of note that non-essential or no longer considered 'required reading'.
  • Chronology: Every appearance of Deathlok from this period is included in chronological order - mapping out his timeline rather than just the order the issues were released.
  • Spoilers: The issue/story overviews may include spoilers, so be warned!
Marvel Fanfare #4[2/3] (1982)
The Deathlok cyborg is experimented on by the Brand Corporation who makes him live out a fantasy of his own escape and reunite with his family, only to realise he didn't escape at all.

Astonishing Tales #25[1/2]-28 (1974-1975) 
First appearance of Deathlok/Col. Luther Manning, Richard Manning, Major Simon Ryker, Janice Travers, Mike Travers and Earth-7484; Luther Manning's personality asserts control over the Deathlok cyborg and escapes Simon Ryker's facility to search for his humanity, allying with his old war buddy Mike Travers and his band of rebels; Ryker transforms himself into a cyborg and creates the War-Wolf to attack Deathlok and his allies; Deathlok finds his wife and son, but they're horrified by the creature they see.
Astonishing Tales #30-31[1/2], 32-36[1/2] (1975-1976)
First appearance of the Luther Manning Clone and Hellinger/Harlan Ryker; first appearance of Simon Ryker as the Savior-Machine; Simon Ryker continues to upgrade himself; Deathlok learns that Mike Travers married Luther Manning's widow; Deathlok meets Hellinger, one of the key scientists who worked on Project Alpha Mech who has created a clone of Luthor Manning; Deathlok believes his consciousness could be transferred into the clone's body and agrees to help Hellinger who claims he's Ryker's prisoner; Hellinger reveals he's really Harlan Ryker, Simon's brother; Ryker merges with the Omni-Computer to become the Savior-Machine; the CIA repair Deathlok, but alter his programming to keep him in line; another Luther Manning clone helps Deathlok tap into the Omni-Computer to battle Simon Ryker in its virtual space; after a series of body swaps, Ryker goes mad, the clone wakes up with Luther Manning's consciousness, but so does Deathlok; Deathlok battles Hellinger's Doomsday Mech, created using his Manning clone.

Marvel Team-Up #46 (1976)
Spider-Man of Earth-616 hurtles through time and lands on Earth-7484 and assumes Deathlok is the bad guy in an encounter with the mutant Cubists and agents of Simon Ryker; despite disapproving of Deathlok's methods, Spider-Man joins forces with him against the Cubists before returning to his own time during FUTURE SHOCK!
Astonishing Tales #36[2/2] (1976)
First appearance of Godwulf; Deathlok encounters Godwulf who intends restoring the ruins of the world to the way they used to be; Godwulf tricks Deathlok into a time-portal.

Marvel Spotlight #33 (1977)
Marvel Two-in-One #26-27 (1977)
First appearance of Devil-Slayer/Eric Payne; Deathlok arrives on Earth-616 (during our present) and soon runs into the demon-hunter Devil-Slayer who assumes Deathlok is an evil extra-dimensional being before he's pulled back into the timestream by Godwulf; Mentallo and the Fixer pull Deathlok back into modern-day Earth-616 to utilising a control device to turn Deathlok as a weapon against SHIELD and to assassinate the President; the Fantastic Four stop Deathlok but he goes offline due to the control disc during DAY OF THE DEMOLISHER.

Marvel Two-in-One #28 (1977)
Deathlok cameo; SHIELD and Stark International's scientists fail to remove the control device from Deathlok.

Marvel Two-in-One #32 (1977)
Deathlok cameo; Deathlok appears in an isolation capsule to prevent him from dying while cybernetics expert Professor Louis Kort looks for a way to remove the control device. 

Marvel Two-in-One #34 (1977)
Deathlok cameo; Professor Kort removes the control device and Deathlok is taken into SHIELD custody.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition #3 (1986)
Text Profile: Deathlok is stolen by agents of Roxxon who use him as the basis of their own Deathlok robot; Nth Command - a faction of Roxxon - rose to prominence, looking to monopolise world energy and initiating Operation: Purge, their plan to wipe out all costumed heroes.
Captain America #286-288 (1983)
First appearance of 'Scarlet' (later known as Sister Pleasure); Godwulf sends the Luthor Manning clone back in time to Earth-616 to locate Deathlok and restore his memories; the Luthor Manning clone dies; teaming up with Captain America, Deathlok returns to Earth-7484 for a final showdown with Hellinger.

Marvel Fanfare #1 (1996)
Despite Captain America returning to Earth-616 and shutting down Nth Command in the present, the Red Skull ensured its resurgence; Deathlok returned to present day Earth-616 to shut Nth Command and Operation: Purge down once again; Captain America and the Falcon initially misunderstand Deathlok's motives, but ultimately help him succeed; Justice Peace of the Time Variance Authority returns Deathlok to his own time.
Paradise X: Heralds #1-3 (2001-2002)
Paradise X #1-4, 6-10 (2002-2003)
First appearance of the Heralds; Deathlok is plucked from his own time by X-51 (the former-Machine Man, now referring to himself as the Watchman) of Earth-9997 to become a member of the Heralds alongside other heroes from dystopian futures; the Heralds jump to other realities to warn them about the Celestial Egg contained inside each universe's planet Earth; as a reward, X-51 reveals the history of Earth-9997 to Deathlok and offers him a new body; it' sunclear is X-51 keeps his promise to Deathlok to turn off the computer that torments him or if he actually gives Deathlok the new body before seemingly returning him to his own time.

Deathlok #29[2/2] (1993)
Deathlok #31-34 (1994)
Deathlok begins referring to himself simply as the Demolisher; Deathlok encounters the temporal energy manipulator and would-be conqueror Timestream who brings him back to present day Earth-616; Timestream transforms Luther Manning of Earth-616 into a Deathlok cyborg who the Demolisher believed was his own past self; after becoming lost in the actual timestream following an encounter with another Deathlok from Earth-616 (Michael Collins), Deathlok returns to the past of Earth-7484 and helps defeat Timestream; Deathlok rejects Godwulf's offer to partner up again, instead using a Time Gauntlet to escape him.
Daredevil #335-337 (1994-1995)
The Demolisher takes to hiding out in the sewers of Earth-616 where he witnesses the resurrection of the Mayan servant of the Lords of Death called the Devourer; the Demolisher reluctantly kills the Devourer and saves Daredevil from the self-styled King of the Sewers; the Demolisher works alongside Daredevil, Blackwulf and the Peacekeeper to save his fellow sewer-dwellers from the agents of Walter Jenkins; the Demolisher disappears into the sewers, turning down Blackwulf's offer to join forces with him and start a new life.

All-New Invaders #8-10 (2014)
Deathlok (restored to his original appearance) is revealed to under the control of Kurt Dagmar who plans to use him as part of his Deathlok Army; the Invaders discover Dagmar is a Martian and take down the Deathlok Army; Deathlok destroys the device Dagmar was using to keep him on Earth-616 and fades away during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!
Other major Deathloks will receive their own reading orders:
  • DEATHLOK: Michael Collins (1990-2015)
  • DEATHLOK: Jack Truman (1998-2012)
  • DEATHLOK: Deathlok Prime (2010-2014)
  • DEATHLOK: Henry Hayes (2014-2015)
Other notable Deathloks form various alternate realities directly relating to Luther Manning:
Marvel Two-in-One #53-53, 57-58 (1979)
On Earth-616, the Deathlok robot was created by Roxxon using Deathlok of Earth-7484 as a template; the Deathlok robot is sent by Roxxon to infiltrate Project PEGASUS, encountering the Thing and Quasar before it self-destructs.

Deathlok #25-27 (1993)
Deathlok #31-34 (1994)
Luther Manning of Earth-616 experiences vivid dreams in which he's become Deathlok; the time-hopping would-be conqueror Timestream uses temporal energy to transform Manning into a Deathlok the Demolisher, similar in appearance to Earth-7484's Luther Manning/Deathlok; as Deathlok, Manning is tricked into allying with Timestream, opposing Earth-7484's Demolisher (the original Deathlok) and Earth-616's current Deathlok (Michael Collins) on Earth-7484; doubting in Timestream's true motives, Manning commits suicide and his body is returned to Earth-616 by Justice Peace of the Time Variance Authority.

New Avengers #33, 35-36 (2007-2009)
On Earth-616, a Deathlok of unknown origin is put up for auction by the Owl during THE TRUST.

Deathlok #1-7 (2010)
On Earth-10014, the remains of soldiers Luther Manning and Mike Travers are used to create the Deathlok cyborg by Roxxon who promoe war for entertainment; Deathlok rebels against Roxxon and learns his origins.

X-Factor #231-232, 241 (2012)
On Earth-TRN193, the Scarlet Witch cast the spell "no more humans", transforming humanity into monsters; Steve Rogers becomes a Deathlok; Damian Tryp of Earth-6124 tries to manipulate Deathlok/Steve Rogers into killing Jamie Madrox of Earth-616, but the creature is far too obsessed with killing Iron Man of Earth-TRN193.

Deathlok the Demolisher: The Complete Collection
Marvel Masterworks: Deathlok
Astonishing Tales #25-28, 30-36
Captain America #286-288
Marvel Spotlight #33
Marvel Team-Up #46
Marvel Two-in-One #27, 54

Marvel Fanfare: Strange Tales
Marvel Fanfare #4

Earth X vol.4-5
Earth X Trilogy Omnibus vol.2
Paradise X vol.1-2
Paradise X #1-4, 6-10
Paradise X: Heralds #1-3

Daredevil Epic Collection vol.19: Root of Evil
Daredevil #335-337

All-New Invaders vol.2: Original Sin
All-New Invaders #8-10

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