
Tuesday 11 May 2021


After one of the worst days team ever faced, the Avengers decided to disband (during AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED). But a breakout at a super-prison for super-bad guys will bring a number of costumed heroes together to combat it. Maybe it's a sign that we need a team of New Avengers...

The mid-2000s shake up of Earth's Mightiest Heroes continues as some of Marvel's most popular characters join Earth's Mightiest Heroes' line-up for the first time, along with a few '70s classic, with writer Brian Michael Bendis charged with making the Avengers a top-selling series again.

The story is expanded with two mini-series which follow up on the villains who escape the Raft, as Spider-Man and the Black Cat chase two opposing factions down while Toxin tries not to make mince-meat of the rest. These two bones stories are entirely optional.
Stories leading up to this event:
MCG Note: If you're just interested in the origin of the New Avengers, stick with those first six issues of their series.
  • New Avengers #1-6
  • Spider-Man: Breakout #1-5
  • New Avengers: Most Wanted Files #1
  • Toxin #1-6
New Avengers #1
An unknown benefactor hires Electro to stage a very public breakout at the Raft - the island prison for super-powered criminals. That same evening, lawyers Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson are visiting the island, along with their bodyguard, Luke Cage, at the request of Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four. They're greeted by Jessica Drew - formerly the original Spider-Woman and current agent of SHIELD and Head of Security at the Raft. There's a massive power outage as Electro assaults the prison. Peter Parker witnesses the attack from his apartment as the blackout hits the rest of New York. He dons his Spider-Man costume and hitches a ride on a helicopter to the Raft where he's greeted by Captain America. As all hell breaks loose (along with a vast number of prisoners), Murdock, Nelson, Drew and Cage try to get to safety, making their way to Murdock's original goal: the cell that's housing the most powerful man on the planet... the forgotten hero called the Sentry.

New Avengers #2
Spider-Man is dragged into the prison by Vermin, Crusader, Foolkiller and Count Nefaria who beat him and unmask him. Jigsaw breaks his arm just before Captain America pulls him out and the two desperately fight their way through the criminal swarm. Inside, Murdock converses with the Sentry who refuses to get involved because he believes he killed his wife. Carnage and Mister Hyde emerge from the darkness to attack Foggy Nelson, inspiring the Sentry to grab Carnage, fly him into space and rip him in two. Hydro-Man floods the lower levels. Jessica Drew flies Foggy to the surface and Cage and Murdock make their way out, finding themselves in a war zone. Iron Man arrives to lend a hand. Luke Cage's old enemy, the Purple Man, uses his powers to take control of Cage and turn him against his allies...
New Avengers #3
Luke Cage breaks free of the Purple Man's control beats him down. The heroes try to subdue as many villains as they can, capturing forty-five while forty-two escape. Later, Captain America convinces Iron Man that this convergence of heroes was a sign. Cap recruits Spider-Man, Luke Cage and Jessica Drew into a new line-up of Avengers. Daredevil turns down the offer. Tony Stark can't afford to rebuild Avengers Mansion, so he allows the group to use the upper levels of Stark Tower as a headquarters. Edwin Jarvis returns as their butler. Jessica Drew is hesitant to join, but some shadowy connections encourage her to accept membership and report back to them on the activities of SHIELD and these new Avengers...

New Avengers #4
New SHIELD Director Maria Hill is unimpressed by the formation of a new Avengers team. Jessica Drew's returns to her Spider-Woman identity. The Avengers recapture Electro and a number of other escapees. Their questioning reveals that Electro was there to break out Karl Lykos, aka the mutant dino-vampire Sauron. The Avengers fly the new model Quinjet to the Savage Land to track Sauron down, but the jet is immediately stomped by a T-Rex. The Avengers survive, though Spider-Woman finds herself with some familiar claws held to her throat...
New Avengers #5
Spider-Woman defeats Wolverine, forcing his claws through his own throat. He's there to find Sauron after a tip-off. The group are rendered unconscious by Vertigo of the Savage Land Mutates. When they wake up, Lykos orders Brainchild to kill the naked Avengers, but Tony Stark vocally activates his Iron Man armour and uses it to free the team. Back in their costumes, the Avengers battle the Mutates. Wolverine physically tackles Lykos who absorbs enough of his mutant energy to transform into Sauron. Before he can fight back, Sauron is shot through the head from a distance by Yelena Belova, the new Black Widow.

New Avengers #6
The Avengers face off against Belova and her band of rogue SHIELD agents. Sauron heals enough to attack Belova, breathing fire at her and sending her running. Sauron is defeated by the Avengers who continue to investigate SHIELD's presence in the Savage Land, finding an outpost using Ape-Men as slaves to mine the Savage Land's Vibranium resources. The SHIELD Helicarrier arrive and launch in to an attack against this faction, killing them and many of the Ape-Men. Captain America confronts Maria Hill who denies all knowledge of this rogue faction's activities. Later, Tony Stark checks the Avengers old databases and finds fourteen of the escaped criminals are meant to be dead, yet SHIELD were holding them at the Raft. It looks like SHIELD are stockpiling super-villains. Stark asks Wolverine to join the Avengers, figuring they'll need someone to carry out more aggressive maneuvers. Elsewhere, Yelena Belova lies in a hospital bed and someone offers her the chance to have her revenge against the Avengers...
Spider-Man: Breakout #1
Mary Jane Watson-Parker tries to talk her husband, Peter, out of chasing all the escaped criminals down alone as he's still got a broken arm and a facial injuries. Most of the super-criminals have already made their way out of New York, but two factions have a grudge with each other and both know about a stash that could set them up for life. The U-Foes (Vector, Ironclad, Vapor and X-Ray) have a long-standing dispute with Crossfire, who has convinced a group of fellow escapees (Controller, Corruptor, Mandrill and Mister Fear) to follow him. It's not long before the two groups are clashing in the streets and Spider-Man finds himself right in the middle...

Spider-Man: Breakout #2
Spider-Man takes down Mister Fear, giving the U-Foes a chance to escape. Captain America and Iron Man arrive, sternly reminding Spidey that he should be calling on them for help. But the message doesn't sink in and he finds himself calling on the Black Cat to arrange a meeting with criminal mastermind the Owl to get information on why the two groups are still in New York. 
Spider-Man: Breakout #3
Spidey learns that a former prison warden at the Raft, Roz Backus, shared the location of Crossfire's secret stash and nabbed it herself. The two gangs are causing carnage across the city looking for her, but Spidey finds her first and finds out she used Crossfire's money to start a shelter for abused women and their families.

Spider-Man: Breakout #4
It turns out Roz knew Crossfire while he was still just William Cross. They worked together on a government project to create mind-control technology to rehabilitate criminals. Eventually, they got engaged. Cross stole the technology and framed Roz. Her name later was cleared when he resurfaced as Crossfire, but she wanted revenge. The U-Foes capture the Corruptor, but Crossfire's team are now ahead of the game. They burst into Roz's apartment and the Controller slaps a control disc on Spider-Man's webbed head...
Spider-Man: Breakout #5
Spider-Man slyly summons the Avengers allies. Captain America and Iron Man arrive while the two groups of bad guys are wailing on each other. X-Ray defeats the Controller, freeing Spidey. The shelter is destroyed in the conflict. The U-Foes escape, but the Avengers detain the Controller, Mandrill and Crossfire.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files #1

Avengers files on the villains who escapes the Raft.
Toxin #1
A little time has past and some of the villains who escaped the Raft are still on the loose. Pat Mulligan recently found himself symbiotically bonded to the alien offspring of Venom and Carnage. When he's not fighting crime as a police officer by day, he's crime-fighting as Toxin by night. Pat continues to hide this from his wife Gina Mulligan who doesn't understand why he's spending so much time away from their newborn son, Eddie. This earns him numerous unwelcome lessons about responsibility from his father Jim Mulligan. After Toxin apprehends King Cora, Spider-Man asks him to bring in his fellow Raft-escapee Razor-Fist...

Toxin #2
Solving part of the mystery about how Razor-Fist... manages himself, the psychotic mercenary gathers follows who are obsessed with self-mutilation. One follower, Anton, is tracked by Toxin who falls into a trap and becomes Razor-Fist's prisoner.
Toxin #3
Pat Mulligan falls out with his Toxin Symbiote over their captivity. They put their issues aside enough to scare Razor-Fist off. Razor-Fist slices up one his his followers Lulu, forcing Toxin to give up the chase and take her to the hospital. In an attempt to impress the Owl and earn some employment, the Answer takes his new sidekick to do a few bank jobs. Toxin discovers their crime spree and asks the Answer to tell him how to control his symbiote in exchange for the villain's freedom. The Answer suggests he kills himself, so Toxin slaps takes him back to the Raft. Later, Pat actually takes the Answer's advice and tries to commit by throwing himself off a building...

Toxin #4
Pat's suicide attempt fails when the Toxin symbiote saves him. Now that they're stuck with each other, he's going to have to find another way to live with it. Toxin continues to round up Raft escapees, recapturing the Wrecker and Piledriver of the Wrecking Crew.
Toxin #5
Razor-Fist's army of cutters, the Piranha Tots, has grown large enough for him to initiate his true plan: threatening New York with 'Slasherday' unless money is donated to his bank account. His NYPD informant Officer Perkins tells Razor-Fist that Chief Paul Meadows knows who Toxin is, so 'Fist kidnaps him. He learns Toxin is Pat Mulligan and tracks down his father. But Toxin gets a warning from Spider-Man not to lose control of the Toxin symbiote. Mulligan gives Spidey his permission to take him down if he does...

Toxin #6
Toxin follows Razor-Fist's scent and arrives in time to watch Jim Mulligan take a blade through the chest. 'Fist escapes while Toxin checks on his father, but he's too late to save his life. When he only raises $35, Razor-Fist decides it's Slasherday! Toxin finds him before he can begin, rips the blades off his arms and hands him over to the police. Mulligan comes to an agreement with the symbiote, allowing his two hours of play time a day (as long as he doesn't kill anybody). Figuring he's got things under control, Mulligan returns to his wife and son.
New Avengers #7-10 (2005) 
Sentry's wife Lindy Reynolds is revealed to be alive; Sentry joins the Avengers.

Giant-Size Spider-Woman #1 (2005) 
A flashback reveals how Hydra offered to give Jessica Drew her Spider-Woman powers back.

New Avengers #11-15 (2005-2006) 
Silver Samurai is revealed to be among the escaped criminals; Echo joins the new Avengers as Ronin; 'Spider-Woman' admits she's a double-agent for SHIELD and Hydra; the new Avengers go public.

I ♥ Marvel: Masked Intentions #1 (2006) 
The Raft is revealed to be operating as normal again during I ♥ MARVEL.

Daughters of the Dragon #1-2 (2006) 
Razor-Fist is soon back on the streets thanks to crime boss Ricadonna.

New Avengers Annual #1 (2006) 
Yelena Belova returns as the Super-Adaptoid (though it's later implied that the Yelena Belova who encountered the Avengers and became the Super-Adaptoid may not be the real Yelena and is likely an imposter) during HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

Civil War #1 (2006) 
Nitro is revealed to be among the escaped criminals; the New Warriors chase Nitro down but over 600 people are killed in the conflict in Stamford; the Avengers are split down the middle when the Super Hero Registration Act is initiated during CIVIL WAR.

Civil War #3 (2006) 
Captain America forms a 'Secret Avengers' team, operating outside outside the law and taking a stand against registration during CIVIL WAR.

Civil War: Front Line #5 (2006) 
Mister Fantastic, Tony Stark and 'Hank Pym' create a Prison 42 in the Negative Zone during CIVIL WAR.

Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 (2007) 
Toxin is considered a potential 50-State Initiative recruit during CIVIL WAR.

New Avengers #27 (2007) 
When the war ends, Luke Cage continues to run an outlaw Avengers team during THE INITIATIVE.

Mighty Avengers #1 (2007) 
Iron Man forms a SHIELD-sanctioned Avengers team under the 50-State Initiative during THE INITIATIVE.

New Avengers #35 (2007) 
Crossfire and Vector both join the Hood's gang and their feud is never mentioned again during THE TRUST / VENOM BOMB.

New Avengers #40-42 (2008) 
Flashbacks reveal 'Spider-Woman' is the Skrull Queen VerankeKa-Zar and Shanna the She-Devil discovered the SHIELD agents digging in the Savage land were Skrulls, the 'Hydra' Spider-Woman was working for was a Skrull faction who saw her opportunity to infiltrate the new Avengers during SECRET INVASION.

Mighty Avengers #16 (2008) 
A flashback reveals a Skrull disguised as Elektra hired Electro during SECRET INVASION.

New Avengers #43 (2008) 
A flashback reveals Veranke's full invasion plan during SECRET INVASION.

Secret Invasion #8 (2009) 
Veranke is killed and the Skrull invasion is ended; the real Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew and Edwin Jarvis return during SECRET INVASION.

Siege #4 (2010) 
The Sentry gives in to his dark persona, the Void; Thor is left with no choice but to kill the Sentry during SIEGE.

New Avengers Finale #1 (2010) 
The era of the New Avengers comes to an end during SIEGE.

New Mutants #10 (2010) 
Sauron is revealed to have survived.

Carnage #1-4 (2010-2011) 
The Carnage symbiote returns; Tanis Nieves becomes the new CarnageCletus Kasady is revealed to have been kept alive by the Carnage symbiote; Kasady becomes Carnage once again.

New Avengers #16 (2011) 
Daredevil joins the Avengers during FEAR ITSELF.

Venom #15 (2012) 
It's revealed that Blackheart beat Pat Mulligan to death; Eddie Brock claims the Toxin symbiote.

See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Avengers: The Vibranium Collection Slipcase
New Avengers vol.1 HC
New Avengers vol.1: Breakout
New Avengers Omnibus vol.1
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection vol.1
Include New Avengers #1-6.

Spider-Man: Breakout
Spider-Man: Breakout #1-5.

Toxin: The Devil You Know
Toxin #1-6.

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