
Wednesday 21 April 2021

DECISIONS (1998-1999)

Hawkeye has turns his back on the Avengers and tracks down the Thunderbolts, promising to help them become heroes. This will no doubt comes as a surprise to the Avengers...
Previous events that directly impact this story:
  • HEROES RETURN - The Avengers' first clash with the Thunderbolts
Related Events: While the stories from each of these titles stand well on their own, they make more sense when read together.
  • Thor #7 (tie-in)
  • Thunderbolts #20-22
  • Captain America & Citizen V Annual
  • Thunderbolts #0
  • Avengers #12
Thor #7 (tie-in)
In search of the missing Asgardian gods, Thor and Hercules arrive in Olympus only to find it in a similar ruined state to Asgard. The Olympian gods attack Thor, believing Odin led the recent assault on them. Little do they realise the Dark Gods hold Odin prisoner and attacked Olympus while posing as Asgardians, so the Olympians will never come to Odin's rescue. Back in Olympus, Thor stands up to Zeus and swears Asgard was not responsible. When Hercules stands by Thor, Zeus casts them both down to Earth for their betrayal. Thor turns down the offer to join Hercules for a drink and blow off some steam. As Thor heads away, Hercules hears the news that the Thunderbolts were actually the Masters of Evil and figures another way to exorcise his rage...

Thunderbolts #20
Weeks ago, the Crimson Cowl offered the remaining Thunderbolts a place among her new Masters of Evil or face death at their hands. Now, the T-Bolts head to the Western Currency Facility in Fort Worth to announce their decision by stopping the Masters from robbing it blind. As the team begin to gain the upper hand, Moonstone tries to take charge to prove she should be leading the Thunderbolts. This backfires and the team are captured. Out of nowhere, Dreadknight appears on an Atomic Steed and frees the T-Bolts. Both groups escape as authorities arrive. Dreadknight accompanies the team back to their cabin hideout where he reveals he's really Hawkeye and has come to make them a deal. In Central America, Baron Zemo makes new plans with the Fixer...
Thunderbolts #21
Hawkeye fights the Thunderbolts alone - one archer vs a team of superhumans - to prove they need to accept his offer to lead them, in line with an agreement he's made with the Commission on Superhuman Activities. Songbird struggles with so much change and uncertainty and flies out to a populated area, leaving it up to Mach-1 to calm her down and learn her origin. The pair are cornered by the National Guard, so Hawkeye concocts a plan to help them escape without hurting anyone. A photographer gets a shot of Hawkeye leading the Thunderbolts away. Later, the T-Bolts accept Hawkeye's offer. He doesn't reveal that the CSA turned down his plan to rehabilitate the team, but he demands that Mach-1 goes to jail...

Thunderbolts #22
Mach-1 flies off to consider his options. Hercules bursts through the wall of the cabin, looking to have his revenge on Atlas for the beating he took from him years earlier (while Atlas was still Goliath during UNDER SIEGE). he Thunderbolts rush to his defense but Atlas insists it's his fight, believing he deserves the beating from Hercules. Mach-1 rushes in, angering Hercules further so Hawkeye steps in and risks being crushed by a huge rock to vouch for the Thunderbolts. Hercules grudgingly stands down, but no longer considers Hawkeye a friend. Later, Mach-1 tells Songbird he'll agree to go to jail to serve time for murder. And the media announce Hawkeye's involvement with the Thunderbolts...
Captain America & Citizen V Annual
Deep in the Amazon, Baron Zemo and the Fixer use some of the indigenous population as slaves to search for the missing container of Particle X. Zemo's troops face sporadic attacks from locals, unaware that their being armed by the mysterious new Citizen V. Captain America tracks Citizen V down, believing him to be Zemo and they tussle until it becomes clear that it's not the same man. Cap tells Citizen V how he fought alongside the original Citizen V against Baron Helmut Zemo in World War II. The new Citizen V reveals herself to be the original's granddaughter, removing the padding that made her appear masculine. The two heroes lead the Amazonians against Zemo in an effort to stop him using Particle X to make all the world's technology obsolete. Citizen V risks her life to stop the missile containing Particle X from releasing its payload. Later, Baron Zemo and Fixer relocate to a new undetectable headquarters.
Thunderbolts #0
The Thunderbolts spend a night in a hotel while Hawkeye makes arrangements with reporter Gail Rogers for Mach-1 to make a public surrender. Before he does, the T-Bolts have one last night out on the town but are targeted for death by a Hydra assassination squad. Gail Rogers reports on the very public battle hits, drawing the attention of Baron Zemo, Citizen V, the Crimson Cowl and the Avengers...
Avengers #12
Hawkeye sets the T-Bolts up with a new headquarters in Dominus base, formerly occupied by the alien Lucifer. This sets off an alarm that draws in the Avengers who believe the Thunderbolts are holding Hawkeye against his will. He explains his plan to help them reform just like the Avengers helped him reform, years earlier, but the discussion is interrupted when a giant Dominex robot tears out of the ground. Tony Stark calls in advice from his sick bed that allows the two teams - along with Firebird - to stop it. It's the Thunderbolts who finally put the robot down, passing an opportunity to use the robots for their own gain. Having proved the T-Bolts are serious about reforming, Hawkeye snaps his Avengers priority card in half and the Avengers leave the scene...
MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that are directly impacted by the major events of 'Decisions'. The issues in grey are stories impacted by the tie-ins, sub-plots and moments that aren't key to the main story threads.

Thunderbolts #23-25 (1999)
Mach-1 turns himself in; the new Citizen V confronts the Thunderbolts; the T-Bolts publically take down the Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil; Dallas Riordan is revealed to be the Crimson Cowl.

Iron Man #13 (1999) 
Tony Stark makes his way to recovery.

Thor #9-13 (1999)
Thor learns the origin of the Dark Gods; Mjolnir is briefly destroyed by the Dark Gods; Thor ultimately defeats the Dark Gods with help from Hercules; Thor and Odin destroy Majeston Zelia; Odin restores Mjolnir.

Iron Man #15 (1999) 
Tony Stark alters his amour design to create the 'Safe Armour' and save his ailing health.

Thunderbolts #30 (1999) 
Moonstone weaves her way into Hawkeye's affections.

Thor #14 (1999)
Thor discovers Erakt of the Enchanters has been inhabiting Mjolnir, explaining its strange behaviour.

Thor #18-20 (1999-2000)
Thor regains full control of Mjolnir and defeats Enrakt and his fellow Enchanters.

Thunderbolts #35-56 (2000)
The US Government employ the reformed Mach-1 for special missions, sending him out in new upgraded Beetle armour; Gayle Rogers is murdered while investigating Jolt's murder; Eamonn and Piers of the V-Battalion make their first full appearances.

Thunderbolts #38-39 (2000)
The new Citizen V is revealed to be Dallas Riordan; the new Scourge locates Baron Zemo's hidden base and seemingly kills him.

Thunderbolts #42 (2000)
The true identity of the Crimson Cowl is revealed to be Justine Hammer, daughter of Justin Hammer; Justine used her Cowl's abilities to switch places with Dallas Riordan and frame her as the Crimson Cowl when the Thunderbolts defeated her Masters of Evil; Dallas' attempt to gain revenge on Justine Hammer results in her sustaining an injury that leaves her paralysed during THE NEFARIA PROTOCOLS.

Avengers #34 (2000)
The Avengers and Thunderbolts put aside their rivalry to save Wonder Man and Atlas from Count Nefaria during THE NEFARIA PROTOCOLS.

Thunderbolts #45 (2000)
A new Citizen V (John Watkins III) emerges as the true grandson of the original Citizen V during MAXIMUM SECURITY

Thunderbolts #47-48 (2001)
Baron Zemo's consciousness is transferred into the body of John Watkins III, secretly allowing him to reclaim the role of Citizen V and taking leadership of the Commission of Superhuman Activities super-team the Redeemers.

Thunderbolts #50 (2001)
Hawkeye's decision to ignore the Commission on Superhuman Activities' warnings and attempt to reform the Thunderbolts catches up with him; Hawkeye agrees to go to jail.

Thunderbolts #57-58 (2001)
After having lost his physical form and become a being made of ionic energy, Atlas channels himself into Dallas Riordan causing them to merge; in their shared form, Dallas is able to walk again; Baron Zemo's consciousness is forced out of John Watkins and into the Fixer's systems; Fixer rejoins the Thunderbolts during LIFE SENTENCES.

Thunderbolts #60-62 (2002)
After most of the Thunderbolts are transported to the 'Heroes Reborn' Counter-Earth, Baron Zemo regains a physical form and leadership of this faction of Thunderbolts; Hawkeye escapes prison and leads a new team of villains against the Crimson Cowl during BRAVE NEW WORLD.

Thunderbolts #65 (2002)
Man-Killer joins the Thunderbolts as Amazon.

Thunderbolts #75 (2003) 
Hawkeye leaves the Thunderbolts; Atlas regains his physical form when he's blasted with Pym Particles, ending his merged existence with Dallas Riordan; Dallas maintains some ionic powers; having proven his own heroic tendencies, Baron Zemo regains leadership of the Thunderbolts; John Watkins III retires as Citizen V.

Avengers #74 (2004) 
Hawkeye returns to the Avengers.

Avengers/Thunderbolts #1-6 (2004)
Dallas Riordan adopts a new costumed identity as Vantage; he Avengers oppose the Thunderbolts again when Baron Zemo's plans to sae the world cross too many ethical lines.

Captain America #1-15 (2005)
Bucky Barnes
returns as the Winter Soldier.

Marvel Divas #1-4 (2009) 
Firestar reveals her powers have given her cancer; Firestar's cancer goes into remission for unknown reasons (though it could possibly be related to Daimon Hellstorm's deal with Hellcat).

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