
Monday 15 February 2021


The superhuman community is about to be torn in two! Tony Stark is about to make some moves that will divide friends and teammates, so he's going to need allies and Spider-Man could be just who he's looking for. Especially if he can't keep the Illuminati under control.

Elsewhere, a different kind of storm is on the horizon. But does it mark the return of one of Earth's mightiest heroes or one of it's deadliest villains? The Fantastic Four are about to find out! CIVIL WAR is coming...
Previous events that directly impact this story:
Related Events: The stories in each of these titles impact the upcoming 'Civil War' event - some more than others.
  • Amazing Spider-Man #529-530
  • Fantastic Four #536
  • Amazing Spider-Man #531
  • Fantastic Four #537
  • New Avengers: Illuminati #1
Amazing Spider-Man #529
Tony Stark creates a new Spider-Man costume for Peter Parker that's armoured enough to withstand small-caliber bullets, allows him to glide, has an emergency radio scanner and has all sorts of other gadgets. But Tony's gifts come with a price. He asks Peter to stand by him and become his protege, backing him up no matter what, even keeping their agreement from Captain America. Desperate for a father figure, Peter accepts and is immediately accompanies Tony a trip to Washington...

Amazing Spider-Man #530
In Washington, the senate are proposing the instigation of a new Superhuman Registration Act. There's a call for recess when Peter pipes up uninvited. That's when the Titanium Man takes the opportunity to attack Tony Stark. Peter switches to his 'Iron Spider' armour and prepares to fight his first super-villain since his upgrade...
Fantastic Four #536
Continuing to the keep his sneaky meetings with the Illuminati a secret from his wife, Mister Fantastic gets a handy diversion when dodging the truth! SHIELD alert the Fantastic Four to a dire situation in Oklahoma. Battling their way through a whole army of Doombots, the team are surprised to discover the real Doctor Doom is alive and no longer in Hell. Also, SHIELD have been keeping the arrival of Thor's hammer on Earth a secret...

Amazing Spider-Man #531
After a protracted battle with Spider-Man, the Titanium Man decides he's had enough and flies away. Peter takes the opportunity to be heard in the senate as Spider-Man, but his testimony won't be considered valid unless he unmasks which, off course, he refuses to do. The Titanium Man's attack discouraged the senate from pursuing the idea of the Superhuman Registration Act. Though later, Stark dons his Iron Man armour and meets with the Titanium Man to pay him for his services. So, it looks like Tony's up to no good, again...
Fantastic Four #537
Doom recalls witnessing the destruction of Asgard, his escape from Hell by following Thor's hammer to Earth and his return to Latveria. The Fantastic Four fail to stop Doom's grab for Mjolnir which sets off a blinding tower of light. Doom ultimately proves to be unworthy to lift the hammer and the FF have to leave it where they found it. But it seems the flash could well have been a signal. A man with the initials D.B. buys a ticket to Oklahoma to investigate further...

New Avengers: Illuminati #1
Years ago, just after THE KREE-SKRULL WAR, Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Black Bolt, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the Black Panther gathered to discuss how to deal with future threats to Earth. They decide to make these decisions in secret, prompting the Black Panther to leave their little 'Illuminati'. More recently, when Iron Man suggested launching the Hulk into space, a physical disagreement between Iron Man and Namor broke out. Now, Iron Man calls one last meeting to reveal the US Government's proposal for a Superhuman Registration Act and suggests they encourage everyone to sign up and support it. Namor walks away. Doctor Strange is disgusted by the idea and teleports out. Black Bolt offers to play Pull My Finger. No one joins in. Mister Fantastic is the only one who appears to agree with Iron Man. And the Illuminati is the first casualty in the war to come...
Incredible Hulk #91-92 (2006) 
The result of the Illuminati's decision on how to deal with the Hulk is revealed during PLANET HULK.

Fantastic Four Special #1 (2006) 
Doctor Doom summons the Fantastic Four to the Latverian Embassy to challenge Mister Fantastic to a battle of wills.

Civil War #1-2 (2006) 
Tony Stark's prediction about the worst case scenario of having unregistered heroes comes true to the letter; Speedball and the New Warriors' actions in Stamford lead to the deaths of over 600 people; the Superhuman Registration Act being passed; Tony Stark convinces Peter Parker to publicly reveal himself as Spider-Man in support of the SHRA during CIVIL WAR.

Fantastic Four #538 (2006) 
Donald Blake reclaims Mjolnir during CIVIL WAR.

Civil War #5 (2007) 
Spider-Man rejects Tony Stark and his armour, taking an anti-registration stance during CIVIL WAR.

Thor #1-2 (2007) 
Thor returns and restores Asgard above Oklahoma.

World War Hulk #1-5 (2007-2008) 
The Hulk returns to Earth after fighting for his life and being led to believe that the Illuminati destroyed his one shot at happiness; Hulk enacts his revenge against the Illuminati during WORLD WAR HULK.

New Avengers: Illuminati #1 (2007) 
The Illuminati's initial retaliation against the Skrulls after the Kree-Skrull War is revealed.

Thor #604-606 (2010) 
Doctor Doom tries to gain immortality by dissecting Asgardians, bringing him into direct conflict with Thor during LATVERIAN PROMETHEUS.

New Avengers #1 (2013) 
The Illuminati reform with the Black Panther as a member during AVENGERS WORLDMARVEL NOW!

Avengers #28 (2014) 
The Hulk/Bruce Banner ends up joining the Illuminati during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity:

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