
Thursday 14 January 2021


The secret black ops team X-Force of Earth-616 (the mainstream Marvel reality) recently jumped over to the Age of Apocalypse (Earth-295) and found a very different place from the one we remembered. When we last visited this reality, things seemed more hopeful now that America was no longer under the rule of Apocalypse. But things have changed and the Death Seed that once powered En Sabah Nur now resides in Logan - Weapon X has become Weapon Omega and rules as Apocalypse once did. 

The X-Men of Earth-295 have just returned to their home reality after aiding X-Force against Archangel on Earth-616. But the conflicts have cost them dearly and many of their number are now dead. It seems they have no chance of shutting down their former team mate and friend by ending the rule of Weapon Omega. Or do they? A band a humans has risen and they seem just as capable of getting the job done as any team of mutants...
Previous stories directly impacting this event:
With the intro chapters taking place in other titles, 'The X-Terminated' counts as a crossover.
  • Marvel Point One #1[3/7]
  • Uncanny X-Force #19.1
  • Age of Apocalypse #1-4
Marvel Point One #1[3/7]
Following the successful execution of Krakken - the mutant engineer who invented ways to exterminate masses of humans - Prophet (William Stryker) gathers his X-Terminated (Deadeye/Zora Risman, Fiend/Francesca Trask, Goodnight/Donald Pierce & Horror Show/Graydon Creed) as they prepare to take on Weapon Omega himself and save what's left of humanity...

Uncanny X-Force #19.1
The X-Terminated prove themselves against a Samurai Sentinel then meet with Magneto to reveal their latest plan, having cloned his deceased daughter the Scarlet Witch after learning how the Earth-616 iteration had the power to turn off the mutant gene. Despite Magneto's initial rage, he reluctantly agrees to let Jean Grey tap into the mindless clone and activate her powers. Before they can, Weapon Omega arrives and kills Rogue and Magneto, prompting Jean to unleash the Scarlet Witch's powers out of pure desperation with a radius of only a few feet. Sabretooth and Jean are the only surviving X-Men and are completely powerless, while Weapon Omega was untouched and still reigns supreme. In retaliation, Weapon Omega destroys the Vestry which housed all of the hidden humans. Only Jean, Sabretooth, the X-Terminated and a handful of humans escape...
Age of Apocalypse #1
The Vestry is destroyed, but Weapon Omega wants Jean Grey so her can join her or die. Humans are almost completely extinct, but it won't stop Prophet from planning his next move. With Jean as their now-human ally and Sabretooth locked in their brig, the X-Terminated track down the human journalist, Harper Simmons, who recently made the jump from Earth-616. He leads them to one the Dark Beast's hideout where he emerged in this reality where the team discover Cyclops very much alive and back on the wrong side...

Age of Apocalypse #2
The X-Terminated narrowly escape Cyclops, except Deadeye who's taken prisoner. Back at Humanity's Last Stand, Jean tries to summon her mutant powers to no avail. When her powers left, so did the Phoenix Force. Now Prophet plans to train her to fight. And it's not long before the X-Terminated discover Cyclops was cloned back to life by the Dark Beast and Sugar Man, with more resurrections are in the pipeline... 
Age of Apocalypse #3
Jean is sent to Horror Show (Graydon Creed) for training and he immediately takes a liking to her. She refuses to go on a date with him unless he speaks to his father, the imprisoned Sabretooth. The X-Terminated locate the cloning lab and discover Havok, Dead Man Wade, Emplate and Colossus have already been brought back. The team free Deadeye and start killing their way through the clones. Meanwhile, Goodnight pays a visit to Dr Bruce Banner who seems to have forgotten that he can transform into the gamma-spawned, grey-skinned Thing...

Age of Apocalypse #4
Goodnight reveals to Banner that he years in the pens, just like Banner did, being turned into something designed to kill humans. He encourages Banner to transform into the Thing, convinces him Betty Ross is alive and sends him towards the Dark beast's cloning facility. It's a ruse, but it gives the X-Terminated the upper hand a he destroys the cloning chambers. Prophet saves the chamber containing Monet St Croix's clone and leaves Weapon Omega to a battle that results in the death of the Thing.
Age of Apocalypse #6 (2013)
Prophet sets Monet St Croix up as an opponent to Weapon Omega with the clone of Colossus working for her; the Monet clone becomes Penance.

Age of Apocalypse #11-12 (2013)
Prophet puts his ultimate plan into action that results in the power of the Death Seed being drained from Weapon Omega and contained by Humanity's Last Stand; Jean reveals how the power attempted to jump to her, but she was able to repel it.

Age of Apocalypse #13 (2013)
Now back to his Weapon X persona and feeling immense guilt, Logan hunts his former soldiers; Weapon X kills Cyclops and presumably Havok; as Lady Penance, Monet St Croix becomes a peaceful ruler of both mutant and humankind, replacing the tyrannical rule of the deposed Weapon Omega during X-TERMINATION.

X-Termination #1 (2013)
Nightcrawler returns to Earth-295, accidentally unleashing the indestructible, matter-consuming Exterminators (destructive beings created by the Celestials) on his home reality in the process during X-TERMINATION.

Astonishing X-Men #60 (2013)
Just as Sabretooth and Horror Show make something that approximates peace, they're killed by an Exterminator during X-TERMINATION.

Age of Apocalypse #14 (2013)
Fiend, Lady Penance and the clone of Colossus are killed in the fight against the Exterminators during X-TERMINATION.

X-Treme X-Men #13 (2013)
Dark Beast claims the power of the Death Seed for himself, but quickly loses control of it during X-TERMINATION.

Astonishing X-Men #61 (2013)
Jean Grey accepts the power of the Death Seed and becomes the host to the Phoenix Force once again, transforming her into a new Apocalypse - a worse threat than Weapon Omega - during X-TERMINATION.

X-Termination #2 (2013)
In order to prevent the Exterminators or Jean Grey/Apocalypse from harming out other realities, Nightcrawler seals the way to Earth-295 as the reality presumably consumes itself; Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Deadeye and Goodnight are among those who remained on Earth-295 and are assumed to have died; Weapon X is presumably among the dead; Prophet and Harper Simmons survive having been transported to Earth-616; Dark Beast escapes back to Earth-616 with a fragment of the Death Seed's power, but Wolverine of Earth-616 catches up with him during X-TERMINATION

Astonishing X-Men #64 (2013)
It's revealed that Dark Beast is imprisoned on Earth-616.

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 (2013)
Dead Man Wade is killed in a battle between good and evil variations of Deadpool from multiple alternate universes (presumably having been plucked from the past) during DEADPOOL KILLOGY.

Magneto #9 (2015)
Sugar Man is revealed to have returned to Earth-616 when he's sought out by Magneto during SECRET WARS.

Deadpool: Too Soon? (Infinite Comic, 2016)
Earth-295's Weapon X is among an entire team of Logans from various realities who make up a baseball team called the Seething Snikters who play against a team called the Amazing Arachnids made of up Spider-Totems from various realities; it's not clear if this means Weapon X survived the destruction of the Age of Apocalypse, if it wasn't destroyed at all, if he was taken from an earlier time or if he was from a divergent Age of Apocalypse.
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel continuity with these reading orders:
Age of Apocalypse vol.1: The X-Terminated
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse - Termination
Age of Apocalypse #1-4
Marvel Point One #1
Uncanny X-Force #19.1

Uncanny X-Force vol.5: Otherworld
Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender Omnibus
Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender: The Complete Collection vol.2
Uncanny X-Force #19.1

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