
Thursday 19 November 2020


Disillusioned with her relationship with Hawkeye and her role with the Avengers, Natasha Romanoff decided to become the Black Widow again and return to the espionage life with SHIELD. Her first mission will uncover a sinister conspiracy masterminded by three familiar villains and draw the Avengers into her world, inspiring Hawkeye to take on a new identity and learning the archer's origins...

But other heroes will be affected by the machinations of this terrifying trio. Carol Danvers has begun questioning Captain Marvel's role as a hero since he appeared to steal a moon rocket. The mysterious and repetitive disappearances of his civilian identity 'Dr `Walter Lawson' are putting also calling that role into question. Captain Marvel's loyalty to humanity is coming under fire from his Kree superiors, particularly Yon-Rogg. His most recent clash with the Kree colonel has resulted in the death of his beloved Una. Will he even want to save humanity, now?

Back on Earth, Daredevil's gone AWOL since Matt Murdock decided to ditch his costumed persona. Recent medical treatment has caused the radiated cells that give Daredevil his powers to make him react wildly and send him on the run, while the hitman Starr Saxon has learned his identity and taken Karen Page hostage...
Minor Crossover: Not an official 'crossover event' (as events didn't really happen in the '60s), this Avengers story expanded into Captain Marvel, Sub-Mariner and Daredevil. While those stories were largely read separately at the time - and still can be - they make a little more sense when read together with all the threads becoming more apparent.
  • Captain Marvel #12
  • Avengers #63
  • Captain Marvel #13
  • Sub-Mariner #14
  • Captain Marvel #14
  • Daredevil #52 (tie-in)
  • Avengers #64-65
Captain Marvel #12
The Black Widow breaks into a hidden installation to uncover a threat to national security. There, a hidden mastermind unleashes his plastic robot Man-Slayer on the world. The god-like Zo grants Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) powers of illusion and teleportation to help him enact his vengeance on Yon-Rogg who believes him to be dead. Mar-Vell returns to the Cape military base and discovers his human identity, Dr Walter Lawson, is now considered a security threat. When the Man-Slayer arrives at the Cape and targets the base's moon rocket launch, 'Lawson' avoids arrest and becomes Captain Marvel but struggles to subdue it. The Black Widow destroys the controls operating the Man-Slayer, saving Mar-Vell but allowing her capture. 'Lawson' teleports away to dodge arrest again...

Avengers #63
The Avengers' eventful return to Manhattan cements Hawkeye's belief that he's the weakest team member. Wasp returns to the line-up along with her husband Hank Pym who's decided to keep his Yellowjacket identity due to the effects the growth formula that made him Goliath was having on his mind. Before Hank can safely lock way the formula and Goliath costume, Nick Fury alerts the Avengers to the Black Widow's capture. The team head to the Caribbean to investigate, but leave Hawkeye behind as he's emotionally compromised. The Widow calls on Hawkeye to rescue her, so he takes Hank's growth formula and becomes Goliath himself. The three masterminds - Egghead, Mad Thinker & Puppet Master - set a trap at Coney Island, allowing a giant lizard-like android to taunt the hero while holding the Widow. Goliath defeats the gigantic android and rescues the Black Widow, taking her to safety...
Captain Marvel #13
The Man-Slayer restarts, attempting to follow the Mad Thinkers original directive, but unsure why. Captain Marvel's efforts to stop it destroying the moon rocket down are marred by the soldiers taking pot shots at him. He decides to retreat, teleporting back to the Kree ship to where he confronts Yon-Rogg who easily subdues him and forces him to watch the Man-Slayer approaching Carol Danvers on the viewscreen. Mar-Vell knocks out Yon-Rogg but doesn't kill him, in favour of grabbing a Lasonic Disintegrator and teleporting back to Earth to save Carol. The Man-Slayer is no longer a threat, but Mar-Vell finds himself surrounded by military police once again...

Sub-Mariner #14
The Mad Thinker has taken control of the original Human Torch (the android Jim Hammond) and unleashed him on the Pacific Ocean, causing volcanoes to erupt and charge his device with energy. Namor the Sub-Mariner attacks him, breaking the Thinker's control device. Egghead announces the villainous trio's plan to seal America off from the rest of the world and take it over, shutting down all power in the process. Namor and the Torch assault the Thinker's hidden base, destroying most of his machines. In the scuffle, the 'Human Torch' discovers he's actually the Torch's sidekick Toro (Thomas Raymond) who was brainwashed by the Thinker. After being super-charged by the Thinker's cannon, Toro goes after the escaping villain and sacrifices himself by blowing them both up. Namor survives and ponders Toro's heroic death.
Captain Marvel #14
Tony Stark's flight home from the Caribbean is interrupted when the Puppet Master takes control of him from his secret lair with an 'Iron Man' doll, forcing him to exit the plane in armour and attack Captain Marvel and the moon rocket. Mar-Vell uses the lasonic disintegrator on Iron Man, inducing a near-heart attack. In a rage, Puppet Master destroys the doll and causes his own equipment to explode, burying him in machinery. Captain Marvel teleports to Kree space where Zo expresses his disappointment and says he must kill Yon-Rogg soon or lose his new powers.

Daredevil #52 (tie-in)
Black Panther searches for the missing Hawkeye, but is drawn into the search for the missing Daredevil instead when he learns the costume crime-fighter could die if he doesn't receive treatment soon. He soon joins Daredevil in rescuing Karen Page who's been held hostage by hitman Starr Saxon in Matt Murdock's apartment. Daredevil allows Saxon to escape to prevent him from revealing his secret identity. The Black Panther overhears Saxon reveal DD is Matt Murdock but decides not to intervene further.
Avengers #64
Egghead makes his move and fires a beam down at America, obliterating a town in the midwest. Goliath returns with the Black Widow, revealing he's done with his Hawkeye identity and reuniting with the Avengers after their wild goose chase. The team are at a loss until notorious underworld racketeer Barney Barton arrives and offers to share the coordinates of Egghead's space station. He'd previously turned down an offer to work with Egghead on this and wants to play the hero for once. Despite Goliath's misgivings about Barton, he accompanies the Avengers into space where the team board Egghead's satellite. Barton sacrifices himself to destroy Egghead's death ray controls, but the villain escapes. Goliath takes Barney's death hard, revealing his real name - Clint Barton - to his teammates for the first time. He's just lost his brother.

Avengers #65
Having escaped to Earth, Egghead hires the Swordsman to use his old Avengers connection to break into the mansion, kill Hawkeye and bring Goliath back to him, though he's unaware that Hank Pym is no longer under Goliath's mask. It was the Swordsman who trained young Clint Barton and his brother until they discovered his criminal activities. Swordsman successfully kidnaps Goliath/Hawkeye, but gets into a fight with Egghead when he makes veiled threats. Goliath breaks free, defeats Egghead and saves Swordsman from a death fall, proving himself as the villain's superior.
MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that are directly impacted by the major events of 'Like a Death Ray From The Sky'. The issues in grey are stories impacted by the sub-plots, tie-ins and moments that aren't key to the main event.

Captain Marvel #15-18 (1969) 
Zo is revealed to be the Kree Prime Minister Zarek, working for the Supreme Intelligence; Zarek betrays the Intelligence but it defeated by Marvel; the Supreme Intelligence grants Captain Marvel the Nega Bands, new powers and a new costume; Captain Marvel is bonded to Rick Jones and must switch places with him, alternating between existing in the Negative Zone or the Earthly plane; Captain Marvel accidentally kills Yon-Rogg and empowers Carol Danvers.

Daredevil #54 (1969)
Starr Saxon takes on the Mister Fear identity in order to taunt Daredevil; Saxon falls to his death in their final confrontation, taking Matt Murdock's secret with him.

Daredevil #57 (1969)
Matt Murdock finally reveals to Karen Page that he's Daredevil.

Avengers #76 (1970) 
The Black Widow returns and ends her relationship with Goliath (Clint Barton).

Avengers #78-79 (1970) 
The Swordsman returns, opposing the Avengers again as a member of the Lethal Legion.

Daredevil #69 (1970)
The Black Panther reveals to Daredevil that he knows his secret identity and reveals his in return during HOSTAGE!

Fantastic Four #96 (1970) 
The Mad Thinker returns, having survived the explosion that killed Toro.

Fantastic Four #100 (1970) 
The Puppet Master returns, teaming up with the Mad Thinker again in an effort to take down the Fantastic Four.

Avengers #97 (1972) 
Clint Barton abandons the Goliath identity and quits the Avengers during THE KREE-SKRULL WAR.

Avengers #98-100 (1972) 
Clint Barton rejoins the Avengers as Hawkeye; the Swordsman becomes an ally of the Avengers again to aid them against Ares.

Marvel Feature #5 (1972) 
Egghead returns to plague Hank Pym (who's returned to his Ant-Man guise).

Avengers #114 (1973) 
Swordsman officially rejoins the Avengers.

Captain Marvel #40 (1975)
Una's corpse is briefly reanimated by a space parasite.

Marvel Two-in-One #47 (1979)
First appearance of Machinesmith (though his true identity isn't revealed for some time, the Machinesmith is actually Starr Saxon's consciousness is uploaded into one of his robot bodies) during THE CORPORATION.

Avengers #212-213 (1981)
Yellowjacket/Hank Pym's instability reaches its lowest point when he's court-martialed for his aggressive actions against the Elfqueen; Pym builds a robot to attack the Avengers in an effort to prove his worth; Pym trikes his wife, the Wasp, in a moment of rage that leads to their eventual divorce.

Avengers #217 (1982) 
Egghead initiates final plan to ruin Hank Pym's life.

1983-??? Avengers #227-230 (1983) 
Egghead's final plot to destroy Hank Pym and the Avengers results in his death when Hawkeye fires an arrow into the villain's gun to save Pym's life; Hank Pym officially abandons his Yellowjacket identity; Hawkeye learns Barney Barton was an FBI agent working undercover rather than a genuine racketeer.

Hawkeye #3-4 (1983) 
More details about Hawkeye's origin are revealed.

Solo Avengers #12 (1988) 
It's revealed that the Swordsman encouraged young Clint Barton to train under the tutelage of Trick Shot, who also turned out to be a criminal.

Avengers West Coast #50 (1989) 
The original Human Torch (Jim Hammond) is reactivated and learns of Toro's death.

Avengers West Coast #91 (1993) 
Hawkeye briefly returns to his Goliath identity.

Thunderbolts #11-12 (1998) 
The Thunderbolts use Egghead's space station when their true identities are revealed during HEROES RETURN.

Avengers #27 (2000) 
Hank Pym reclaims the Goliath identity again.

Avengers/Invaders #12 (2009)
Toro is resurrected by Bucky Barnes using a Cosmic Cube.

Hawkeye: Blind Spot #1-4 (2011) 
It's revealed that Egghead took Barney Barton's body and placed it in a regeneration chamber; Baron Zemo frees Barney and convinces him to turn against Hawkeye, giving him the costumed identity Trickshot; Barney helps restore Hawkeye's ailing eyesight, but remains an enemy.

New Avengers #18-23 (2011) 
Barney Barton takes on the name Hawkeye and joins Norman Osborn's new Dark Avengers, opposing Luke Cage's New Avengers during OSBORN RISES.

Dark Avengers #175 (2012)
Trickshot (Barney Barton) is given the chance of redemption along with some of Osborn's other Dark Avengers when they become the next band of Thunderbolts.

Hawkeye #12 (2013)
Barney Barton finally reconciles with his brother.
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel vol.2
Includes Captain Marvel #12-14.

Avengers Epic Collection vol.4: Behold... The Vision
Avengers Omnibus vol.3
Marvel Masterworks: Avengers vol.7
Include Avengers #63-65.

Marvel Masterworks: The Sub-Mariner vol.4
Marvel Visionaries: Roy Thomas
Include Sub-Mariner #14.

Daredevil Epic Collection vol.3: Brother, Take My Hand
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil vol.5
Includes Daredevil #52.

Black Widow Omnibus
Includes Avengers #63-64.

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