
Monday 16 November 2020


Not only is Nick Fury's ongoing series about to be cancelled, he's also going to be assassinated by Hydra. Instead of looking into who's been picking off SHIELD agents, Nick's taking Laura Brown out on the town. But the daughter of the former Imperial Hydra is about to go through a horrifying break-up when Fury takes zero precautions against an attempt on his life.

The next three issues of Nick Fury's solo series reprint older stories before cancellation, so it's up to the Avengers to swoop in and wrap up this adventure. Even if it makes very little sense...

  • Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #15
  • Avengers #72

See how this story fits into Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #15
Hydra hire an assassin names Bulls-Eye to kill Nick Fury when he takes Laura Brown to a concert in Central Park. From a safe distance, Bulls-Eye interrupts the Country Joe and the Fish concert by shooting Fury in the head. SHIELD agents arrive faster than it takes Bulls-Eye to descend from his tree and Hydra abandon him, leaving him short of his million dollar bounty. Dum Dum Dugan gets the kill shot in and claims vengeance over the death of the Director of SHIELD...

Avengers #72
Despite the very public shootout, SHIELD managed to keep Nick Fury's death a secret. Dugan reveals the truth to the Avengers when he calls on them to investigate Scorpio's involvement in the disappearance of three city officials. Rick Jones reveals he'd only just confronted Scorpio when he tried to break into Nick Fury's apartment to ask to join SHIELD, despite being bonded to Captain Marvel by the Nega-Bands. Scorpio defeated Marvel, so Rick has turned to the Avengers. Scorpio causes an explosion at Avengers Mansion and subdues the whole team. When they recover, he unveils the other eleven members of the Zodiac crime cartel. The Avengers break free thanks to Yellowjacket's ants and 'Scorpio' unmasks as Nick Fury, as the heroes put an end to the Zodiac's plan to take over 12 major cities. It was Fury's Life Model Decoy was shot at Central Park while he masqueraded as Scorpio to draw out the Zodiac, but failed to bring out the true Scorpio (Nick's brother, Jacob Fury).

Avengers #77 (1970)
The Avengers are briefly coerced into working for multi-millionaire Cornelius Van Lunt.

Avengers #80-82 (1970)
Cornelius Van Lunt is revealed to be Zodiac member Taurus; the Zodiac hold New York City hostage; Aries is killed in the conflict during HOSTAGE!

Ghost Rider #6-7 (1974)
Aquarius becomes the One-Man Zodiac and is killed by the demon Slifer.

Giant Size Avengers #4 (1975)
Zodiac member Libra (Gustav Brandt) is confirmed to be Mantis' father during THE CELESTIAL MADONNA SAGA.

Daredevil #131-132 (1976)
A new assassin called Bullseye emerges, making his debut by trying to publicly kill Daredevil.

Defenders #46-50 (1977)
The real Scorpio (Jacob Fury) returns, forming a new Zodiac to replace the one that abandoned him. 

Captain Marvel #50 (1977)
Captain Marvel tricks the Super-Adaptoid into emulating his Nega-Bands, then uses their powers to free Rick Jones from the Negative Zone, separating Jones and Mar-Vell and leaving the Adaptoid trapped in their place.

Hulk Comic #8 (1979, Marvel UK)
Laura Brown is reunited with the real Nick Fury, only for another assassin to take a shot at him on their date.

Spider-Woman #13-16 (1979)
Laura Brown returns, continuing in her role as an agent of SHIELD, but is no longer dating Nick Fury.

West Coast Avengers #26-29 (1987-1988)
Scorpio discovers he's actually a Life Model Decoy, himself; Scorpio's LMD Zodiac kill the remaining members of the original Zodiac, except for Taurus; he uses the Zodiac Key to transport himself and his LMD Zodiac to the Ankh Dimension where they all shut down, unable to function on that plane of existence; Moon Knight's reckless actions cause the death of the original Taurus, Cornelius Van Lunt.

Marvel Graphic Novel #50: Wolverine/Nick Fury - The Scorpio Connection (1989)
Nick Fury's son, Mikel Fury, takes on the Scorpio identity.

Captain America #449 (1996)
A terrorist group called the Zodiac make their move on Manhattan during FIRST SIGN.

Alpha Flight #1 (1997)
A mercenary outfit calling themselves the Zodiac emerge during BURY YOUR DEAD.

Avengers #60 (2003)
A new Scorpio leads another new Zodiac against the Avengers.

New Warriors #4 (2007)
Another super-human organisation calling themselves the Zodiac rise up during THE INITIATIVE.

Secret Warriors #25-27 (2011)
The existence of the original Zodiac (also known as the Great Wheel) is revealed; the real Jacob Fury emerges alive, masquerading as the Hydra agent Kraken and secretly aiding Nick Fury in his war against Hydra.

Avengers Assemble #1-4 (2012)
Thanos empowers twelve humans as a new Zodiac.

Amazing Spider-Man #1-2 (2015)
Nick Fury's great uncle, Vernon Fury, becomes Scorpio and leads his own version of the Zodiac during ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL.

War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #4 (2019)
Despite her apparent death at the hands of the LMD Zodiac, Virgo is revealed to be alive and running an event called HenchFest during WAR OF THE REALMS.

SHIELD: The Complete Collection Omnibus
Marvel Masterworks: Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD vol.3
Includes Avengers #72 and Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #15.

Avengers by Geoff Johns: The Complete Collection vol.2
Avengers Epic Collection vol.4: The Final Threat
Avengers Omnibus vol.3
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers vol.8 (2nd Edition)
Include Avengers #72.

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