
Sunday 16 August 2020


The world has been saved from the Skrull invasion, but Norman Osborn provided the kill shot and now he's the world's greatest hero. But the remnants of the anti-registration Avengers team have bigger worries, namely the kidnapping of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones' baby by the Skrull masquerading as Edwin Jarvis

The new Captain America (James "Bucky" Barnes, the former Winter Soldier) selects few costumed heroes to meet him at Steve Rogers' old pad the day after the Skrull forces are defeated. The real Spider-Woman is back, but one trusts her because they still see her as a Skrull. Mockingbird has returned having been captured by the Skrulls years earlier. Things should be looking hopeful, but Norman Osborn's working on an Avengers team of his own...

MCG Note: The 'New Avengers' and 'Dark Avengers' are editorial names. The teams are never called anything other than 'Avengers' in the stories, but I'll refer to them as 'New Avengers' or 'Dark Avengers' to avoid confusion as to which team Im referring to.
Stories leading up to and impacting this event:
Related Events: The storylines in these two Avengers titles are closely tied, but don;t directly crossover. But reading both titles in this order gives a filler reading experience.
New Avengers #48
Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ronin (Clint Barton), Mockingbird and Spider-Woman accept Captain America's invite to form a new team. SHIELD has been shut down. No one's sure who's in charge any more. Still wanted outlaws for opposing the Superhuman Registration Act, the team agree to stay together as New Avengers
Ms Marvel, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage arrive and explain Skrull Jarvis has kidnapped baby Danielle Cage and the search begins. The group lose their one lead to a triggerhappy former SHIELD agent. Some time later, the desperate Luke Cage turns to the one person he believes might be able to help: Norman Osborn.

New Avengers #49
While Venom's busy chewing through Skrulls under Osborn's orders, Luke Cage finds 'Jarvis' at the Skrulls' warehouse hideout. Bullseye puts a bullet through the Skrull's head before Cage can get answers, but at least his daughter is safe. Cage breaks his deal with Osborn and clubs Venom and Bullseye with the Wrecker's magic crowbar on his way out of Avengers Tower. When he returns to Captain America's apartment, the rest of the group are watching as Norman Osborn's new Dark Avengers are announced on live TV. Enraged at the misuse of the 'Avengers' brand, Ronin figures it's time to shut Osborn down, permanently...
Dark Avengers #1
Since the Skrull invasion ended, Norman Osborn has recruited Victoria Hand as his second-in-command, fired Maria Hill, been given the keys to Avengers Tower, rebranded SHIELD as HAMMER and formed his very own Avengers. He tried and failed to recruit Carol Danvers to his team, so he gets Moonstone (Karla Sofen) to become his Ms Marvel. Bullseye becomes Hawkeye, Venom (Mac Gargan) becomes Spider-Man and Ares and the Sentry (former Mighty Avengers) are added, retaining their own identities. Daken, the son of Wolverine, becomes Norman's Wolverine. Finally, Noh-Varr (sometimes called Marvel Boy) is freed from the Cube prison and renamed 'Captain Marvel'. 

The Ghost helps Osborn unlock Tony Stark's armoury. He adapts the technology and gives it a repaint to become the team's leader, the Iron Patriot, and unmasks when he reveals his Avengers squad to the public. The recently-released Doctor Doom is returned to Latveria by agents of HAMMER to find his homeland decimated by Morgana le Fay...
New Avengers #50
Having figured out the identities of most of the Dark Avengers, Ronin gets the New Avengers stirred up with a plan to take them down. Ms Marvel (Danvers) suggests using Tony Stark's depowering tech. Spider-Woman drops by Avengers Tower to convince Osborn she's willing to join him and knows the whereabouts of Luke Cage and his team. But it all backfires when Osborn decides taking down Captain America would be bad PR. Instead, he sends his Cabal ally, the Hood, to the meeting point. Hood takes out the no-powers tech, then his villain army burst in and all hell breaks loose! Overpowered by sheers numbers, Spider-Woman channels her energy powers through Ms Marvel to knock the Hood's Gang back so the New Avengers can escape. Still raging, Ronin heads to the nearest news studio to announce on TV that Osborn's Avengers are villains...

Dark Avengers #2
Before Norman Osborn can prepare a list of targets for the Dark Avengers to take out, he's forced to deal with a very different PR nightmare for the team's first mission - helping Doctor Doom. Morgana le Fey and her demons have trounced Doom, so Norman sends in the Sentry who rips Morgana's head clean off. She makes the Sentry explode and returns from her own time because... time travel. Or something. She takes control of Venom, making him eat Ares.

Dark Avengers #3
Days earlier, Norman Osborn convinced the Sentry to join his Avengers team by telling him that he, too, has struggled with a darker persona in his mind by telling the Green Goblin that he didn't exist. Osborn tells Sentry to believe the same about his dark side, the Void. Back in the distant past, Morgana le Fey investigates her new foes and learns they're villains. Returning to the present, she turns Ares to stone before being filled with arrows from Hawkeye. Doctor Doom reluctantly gives Osborn access to his files so he can save his life opening a time cube to 690AD, where he and Doom confront Morgana in her own time...

Dark Avengers #4
In the present, the Dark Avengers keep on killing Morgana le Fey, while Doctor Doom and Morgana argue in the past. She believes Doom has betrayed her by not living up to their bargain, but he thinks she's just paranoid and crazy. She also believes Doom won't kill her because she's relevant to his past and his future, so he sends her back in time and traps her in pre-history - One Billion, BC. Doom returns himself and Osborn to the present and restores Ares. When the Dark Avengers leave without thanks, Doom uses another time cube to restore Castle Doom. On the way back, Osborn learns Ronin outed the Dark Avengers as villains on TV. But the real shocker comes when the team arrives at Avengers Tower to find the Sentry waiting. And very much alive. Now, even Norman Osborn is scared...
MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that are directly impacted by 'Dark Avengers Assemble!'. The issues in grey are stories impacted by the sub-plots and lesser plot points.

Secret Invasion #8 (2009) 
Tony Stark learns he's been replaced by Norman Osborn during SECRET INVASION.

Mighty Avengers #20 (2009) 
Many of the outlaw heroes make an appearance at the Wasp's funeral during SECRET INVASION.

Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #1 (2009) 
The Fantastic Four are revealed to have restored the Baxter Building during DARK REIGN.

Wolverine: Origins #34 (2009) 
Wolverine (Logan) confronts Daken over his allegiance to Norman Osborn during DARK REIGN.

Immortal Iron Fist #22-23, 25-26 (2009) 
Iron Fist overcomes his personal problems and avoids his dark destiny by surviving his final battle with Quan Yaozu.

New Avengers: The Reunion #1-4 (2009) 
Ronin and Mockingbird get reacquainted during DARK REIGN / THE REUNION.

Invincible Iron Man #8 (2009) 
Maria Hill allies herself with Tony Stark; Norman Osborn begins the persecution of Tony Stark during DARK REIGN.

Thunderbolts #128 (2009) 
The Ghost joins Norman Osborn's black ops Thunderbolts team during DARK REIGN.

Dark Reign: Hawkeye #1 (2009) 
Hawkeye (Bullseye) is caught killing an opponent by the media during DARK REIGN.

Ms Marvel #42-46 (2009) 
Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers) battles Ms Marvel (Karla Sofen) during DARK REIGN.

Dark Avengers #6 (2009) 
Captain Marvel (Marvel Boy) escapes the Dark Avengers and goes on the run when he realises they're a bunch of murderers during DARK REIGN.

Spider-Woman #1-7 (2009-2010)
In an effort to atone for the actions of her Skrull replacement (and for a little payback), Spider-Woman becomes a secret agent of SWORD, hunting and capturing aliens.

New Avengers #55 (2009) 
The Hood's Gang find the power-drain technology and adapt it for their own use during DARK REIGN.

New Avengers #57-60 (2009-2010) 
Norman Osborn gets to have his revenge on Luke Cage when the Avenger is forced to turn to Osborn again for help after a mid-battle heart attack during DARK REIGN.

Dark Reign - The List: Avengers #1 (2009) 
Ronin decides to assassinate Norman Osborn alone, only to end up being captured by the Dark Avengers during DARK REIGNDARK REIGN - THE LIST / ONE DOWN.

Dark Avengers Annual #1 (2010) 
Noh-Varr gives up both his 'Marvel Boy' and 'Captain Marvel' identities and becomes the Protector during DARK REIGN.

Siege: The Cabal #1 (2010) 
Doctor Doom finally turns against Norman Osborn during SIEGE.

Dark Avengers #15 (2010) 
Hawkeye kills Lindy Reynolds in an effort to give Osborn greater control over the Sentry; Victoria Hand realises she's on the wrong side during SIEGE.

Siege #3-4 (2010) 
Sentry kills Ares when he betrays Norman Osborn; Osborn orders the Sentry to allow the Void to take over; Thor kills the Sentry/Void; Osborn is revealed to still be under the influence of the Green Goblin; the Dark Avengers are defeated; HAMMER is shut down; SHIELD returns with Steve Rogers acting as Director; the Superhuman Registration Act is repealed during SIEGE.

Dark Avengers #16 (2010) 
The Dark Avengers officially disband; Daken avoids capture; Steve Rogers offers Victoria Hand a job with SHIELD during SIEGE.

New Avengers Finale #1 (2010) 
This iteration of the New Avengers have their last outing when they chase down the Hood during SIEGE.

Avengers Prime #1 (2010) 
Clint Barton resumes his 'Hawkeye' identity during SIEGE / THE HEROIC AGE.

Avengers #6 (2010) 
Protector (Noh-Varr) joins the real Avengers during THE HEROIC AGE.

Secret Avengers #1 (2010) 
Maria Hill returns to SHIELD and becomes the liaison for the Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers team during THE HEROIC AGE.

New Avengers #1 (2010) 
Victoria Hand becomes the liaison for Luke Cage's official New Avengers team; Iron Fist rejoins the Avengers during THE HEROIC AGE.

Thunderbolts #144 (2010) 
Karla Sofen returns to her 'Moonstone' identity and tries to make amends for her actions as a Dark Avenger during THE HEROIC AGE.

Shadowland #1 (2010) 
Having given up the 'Hawkeye' identity, Bullseye pursues Daredevil again, only to die at his hands during SHADOWLAND.

Amazing Spider-Man #648 (2011) 
Mac Gargan returns to his 'Venom' identity during BIG TIME.

Moon Knight #2-9 (2011-2012) 
Echo moves to Los Angeles and expresses her frustration at being forgotten by the Avengers immediately after the Skrull invasion.

New Avengers #18 (2012) 
Norman Osborn forms a new team of Dark Avengers, with different villains in 'hero' roles during OSBORN RISES.

Fearless Defenders #12 (2014) 
Morgana le Fey returns to the present day.

Spider-Woman #1 (2016) 
Spider-Woman finds herself dealing with Skrulls again just as she's about to give birth during ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL.

Doctor Doom #2 (2019)
Doctor Doom and Morgana le Fay are reunited on better terms.
New Avengers vol.6 HC
New Avengers vol.10: Power
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis - The Complete Collection vol.4
Secrey Invasion by Brian Michael Bendis
All include...
New Avengers #48-50

Secret Invasion by Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus

New Avengers #48-49

Dark Avengers HC

Dark Avengers vol.1: Assemble
Dark Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis - The Complete Collection
All include... 
Dark Avengers #1-4

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