
Monday 20 July 2020

RED GUARDIAN READING ORDER: Soviet Super-Soldier (1967-2015)

The Red Guardian is about to make his film debut in the upcoming Black Widow solo film. While the character beneath the mask will be Alexei Shostakov, it looks like he'll be a vastly different character from the one we've seen in the comics. Let's take a look at the comic history of the Russian counterpart of Captain America...

As per usual, I'd like to thank the Marvel Chronology Project whose work I use as a basis and then figure out my own Marvel chronology based on the vast back catalogue of comics I've read over the last several decades. Every appearance of each Red Guardian from 1967-2015 is broken down by character and included below in chronological order.

MCG Notes:
  • Issue listings in blue & black: The must-read Red Guardian stories from this time period, along with any often-forgotten tales that are worth a read.
  • issue listings in grey: Part of the Red Guardians' chronology, cameo appearances or stories of note that non-essential or no longer considered 'required reading'.
  • Chronology: Every appearance of every Red Guardian from this period is included in chronological order - mapping out his timeline rather than just the order the issues were released.
  • Spoilers: The are some spoilers in the story overviews, though I've tried to keep them to a minimum - just be warned!
Not only is Alexi Shostakov not the only Red Guardian, he's not even the first - though he was the first to appear in comics in 1967. The existence of his predecessor and original Red GuardianAleksey Lebedev, would be revealed 24 years later. In that time, we'd see plenty of other Red Guardians including a female version who joined the Defenders, new male Red Guardian who would lead the Supreme Soviets and a robot of Alexi Shostakov. While more replacement Red Guardians would emerge, the role would finally be filled by Nikolai Krylenko, the Russian mutant who first appeared in 1978 as Vanguard.

Pretty much every Red Guardian we've had since Alexi Shostakov has made more appearances than him as the Red Guardian. Shostakov was actually the Black Widow's husband who she believed had died before she became a Russian agent (hence her codename). Shostakov was only ever intended to die once he'd served his purpose in the story, though he's made a few more appearances since...
Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #1[3/4] (1991)
Flashback: Aleksey Lebedev was selected by the Soviet government during World War II to become the Union's answer to Captain America

Captain America Annual #13[1/5] (1994)
Flashback: Red Guardian is sent on a mission to Berlin to retrieve Adolf Hitler's strong box and encounters the second Captain America (William Nasland) and the Patriot (Jeff Mace).

Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #1[3/3] (1991)
First appearance of the Red Guardian (Aleksey Lebedev); the Red Guardian teams up with the second Captain America (William Nasland) and the Sub-Mariner to stop telepathic German spy Otto Weiss from killing President Harry Truman.

Captain America: Patriot #2 (2010)
First appearance of the original Soviet Super-Soldiers; at the start of the Cold War, Red Guardian and the Soviet Super-Soldiers clash with the third Captain America (Jeff Mace) and the All-Winners Squad over alleged Russian spy Klaus Fuchs.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: A-Z Update #4 (2010)
Aleksey Lebedev is killed for opposing experiments that will later lead to Alexi Shostakov becoming the second Red Guardian.

Marvel Graphic Novel #61: Black Widow - The Coldest War (1990)
Flashback: the early days of Alexi Shostakov and Natasha Romanoff's relationship are revealed, including their wedding.

Black Widow: Deadly Origin #2 (2010)
The KGB select Alexi Shostakov as a special operative and fake his death, leading Natasha Romanoff to become the Black Widow and honor her husband's 'sacrifice' by spying for her country.

Avengers #43-44 (1967)
First appearance of the Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov); Hawkeye and Hercules rush to rescue the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) who's been kidnapped by Communists while on a mission for SHIELD; instead, the two Avengers clash with the Russian super-soldier, the Red Guardian, who is unmasked and revealed to the the Black Widow's 'deceased' husband; the Red Guardian sacrifices himself to save the Black Widow's life.

Daredevil #61, 64 (2004)
The Black Widow discovers her husband is still alive when she teams up with Daredevil and SHIELD and uncover his plot to reclaim her on behalf of the Bulgarian Government; Red Guardian is apprehended. 

Widowmaker #1-4 (2010-2011)
First appearance of Alexi Shostakov as Ronin; first appearance of the Dark Ocean Society; having dropped his Red Guardian identity, Shostakov becomes the new Ronin and leads his own version of the Supreme Soviets; the Black Widow, Hawkeye, Mockingbird and Dominic Fortune oppose his plan to start a war between Japan and Russia to restore Russia's former glory.
Defenders #35-40 (1976)
Defenders Annual #1 (1976)
First appearance of Red Guardian (Tania Belinskaya); Doctor Strange summons Russian neurosurgeon and costumed adventurer Dr Tania Belinskaya to help him return Nighthawk's brain to his own body; as Red Guardian, Tania Belinskaya assists the Defenders, eventually joining the team against Nebulon and the Headmen during EXILE TO OBLIVION!

Defenders #41 (1976)
The Defenders battle tha mad magician Shazana of Drakos.

Marvel Comics Super Special #1: Kiss (1977)
First appearance of Kiss; Red Guardian cameo.

Incredible Hulk #206-207 (1976-1977)
The Red Guardian and her fellow Defenders attempt to stop the Hulk's latest rampage until they learn it's been caused by the death of his beloved Jarella; the Defenders try and fail to bring Jarella back.
Defenders #43-46 (1977)
First appearance of 'Nick Fury' (a rogue Nick Fury Life Model Decoy, later known as Max Fury); first appearance of Doctor Strange as the Red Rajah; Clea and Hellcat join the Defenders; Red Guardian plays a key role in the Defenders war with the Egghead's Emissaries of Evil and the magically-powered Red Rajah; Red Guardian, Doctor Strange and Power Man (Luke Cage) quit the team.

Defenders #49 (1977)
The KGB summon the Red Guardian back to Russia and reveal they know she's secretly the Red Guardian; 'Nick Fury' is revealed to be an LMD.

Defenders #51 (1977)
First appearance of Dollar Bill (Aaron English), Horace Ledge and the Ringer (Anthony Davis); Red Guardian is taken to Russian agent Codename: Sergei.

Defenders #52-56 (1977-1978)
First appearance of the Presence (Sergei Krylov); Namor the Sub-Mariner briefly rejoins the Defenders; Clea leaves the Defenders; Sergei Krylov tries to use Red Guardian's powers to a giant amoeba control he's accidentally created that can feed on atomic energy; Red Guardian and Krylov ends up with super-powers; Krylov becomes the Presence and uses his new-found power to control the Red Guardian; the Defenders head to Russia, battle the mind-controlled Red Guardian and defeat the Presence and his giant amoeba; Red Guardian is arrested by the KGB.

Defenders #59 (1978)
First appearance of Belathauzer; Soviet scientists fail to find a cure for Red Guardian's powers and realise she could escape at any time.

Defenders #61 (1978)
The Presence decides to pursue Red Guardian as a mate.

Defenders #64-65 (1978)
Soviet scientists continue to try to return Red Guardian to her human form to no avail; the Presence reactivates his giant amoeba; Red Guardian rescues the Presence when the giant amoeba attacks him; with the amoeba destroyed, the Red Guardian settles with the Presence in the radioactive Forbidden Zone in Kyshtym.

Incredible Hulk #250 (1980)
First appearance of the Soviet Super-Soldiers; Red Guardian appears in error.

Incredible Hulk #258-259 (1981)
First appearance of Professor Phobos; the Soviet Super-Soldiers are tasked with stopping the Presence and Red Guardian from spreading their radiation from the Forbidden Zone; Professor Phobos tries to siphon the radioactive energy and mutant powers of the costumed heroes, the Hulk and Red Guardian and the Presence; Darkstar and Vanguard are revealed to be the children of the Presence; Red Guardian and the Presence save the world by absorbing the radioactivity unleashed by Professor Phobos.

Marvel Comics Presents #70[4/4] (1991)
First appearance of Red Guardian as Starlight; still under the mind-control spell of the Presence, Red Guardian attempts to claim Darkstar and the Black Widow as additional consorts.

Quasar #14 (1990)
First appearance of the Power Platoon; Starlight cameo.

Quasar #19-20 (1991)
The Presence - with Starlight by his side - tries to manipulate Jack of Hearts into killing Quasar.

Quasar #60 (1994)
Starlight cameo; the Presence seeks revenge on Quasar.

Avengers #42-44 (2001)
The Presence - with Starlight by his side - begins using his powers to mutate the Russian population and restore Russia former glory; the Presence is defeated by Thor and Firebird during

Avengers #52-53 (2002)
Starlight and the Presence rally to the Avengers' side and destroy Kang's Damocles Base, helping bring his efforts to take over 21st century Earth to a close during

Darkstar & the Winter Guard #1-3 (2010)
First appearance of the Protectorate; in a sequence of flashbacks, Starlight is revealed to have turned against the Presence and joined the Winter Guard, then joined Vanguard's Protectorate; Starlight is sucked into Limbo during a confrontation with the Dire Wraiths.
Captain America #352-353 (1989)
First appearance of the Supreme Soviets, including Red Guardian (Josef Petkus), Perun, Sputnik (Vostok) and Fantasia; the Supreme Soviets are assigned to apprehend the Soviet Super Soldiers for apparently defecting from the Soviet Union; Captain America convinces the Supreme Soviets not to kill the Soviet Super-Soldiers. 

Soviet Super Soldiers #1 (1992)
First appearance of Firefox (Grigori Andreivitch) and Remont 4; the disparate groups of Russian super-humans - the Soviet Super Soldiers, the Supreme Soviets and the Russian Mutant Underground are brought together to combat a mutual threat, the Synthesizer; the survivors, including Red Guardian, form the People's Protectorate.

Avengers #319-324 (1990)
First appearance of the People's Protectorate; Red Guardian leads the People's Protectorate against the Russian terrorist group the Peace Corpse; the team are aided by the Avengers and Alpha Flight when they take on super-powered Peace Corpse members, the Combine.

X-Factor Annual #6[3/3] (1991)
Red Guardian cameo.
Incredible Hulk #393[1/4] (1993)
The Red Guardian leads the People's Protectorate against the Hulk when he and the Pantheon apprehend Russian spy Igor Drenkov who was responsible for Bruce Banner's transformation into the Hulk.

Iron Man #9-10 (1998)
First appearance of the Winter Guard; first appearance of Red Guardian as the Steel Guardian; first appearance of Illarion Ramskov as Powersurge; after initially turning down Iron Man's request for help, the Winter Guard ally with the Avengers against the Mandarin's forces when he attacks Russia.

Thunderbolts #25 (1999)
Steel Guardian cameo.

Avengers #42-44 (2001)
The Winter Guard and the Avengers fight to defend Russia from the Presence during

Thunderbolts #57 (2001)
Steel Guardian cameo; Steel Guardian is among the heroes subdued by Graviton.

Darkstar & the Winter Guard #2 (2010)
A flashback reveals how the Winter Guard discover a traitor among their ranks; Steel Guardian is impaled in battle against the Dire Wraiths.
Marvel Graphic Novel #61: Black Widow - The Coldest War (1990)
First appearance of Chilokyev Machina; the Black Widow is lured into a trap when she's led to believe that her husband has been resurrected, only for it to be confronted by a robotic construction of the Red Guardian.
Maverick #10-12 (1998)
First appearance of the Red Guardian (Krassno Granitsky); after Josef Petkus becomes the Steel Guardian, Krassno Granitsky picks up the name and costume of the Red Guardian; Red Guardian teams up with Maverick to end Ivan Pushkin's plan to expand his drug empire into Russia, pitting him against Omega Red.

Captain America #1 (2005)
Red Guardian is captured and killed by Aleksander Lukin.
Hulk #1 (2008)
First appearance of the Red Guardian (Anton), Crimson Dynamo (Boris Vadim), Darkstar (Sasha Roerich) and the Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross LMD (Life Model Decoy); first appearance of General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross as the Red Hulk; Ursa Major is joined by a new Red Guardian, Crimson Dynamo and Darkstar as the Winter Guard, clashing with She-Hulk and Doc Samson over the Abomination's murder investigation during GREEN HULK/RED HULK.

Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #34-35 (2008-2009)
The Winter Guard and War Machine fend off attacking Super-Skrulls in Russia during

She-Hulk #34-36 (2008-2009)
The Chinese and Russian governments prevent aid from getting to Marinmer after a devastating earthquake, prompting She-Hulk to reform the Lady Liberators and help the country's citizens; on arrival the Lady Liberators clash with the Winter Guard; She-Hulk convinces the Red Guardian to stop fighting and help people; Red Guardian's name is revealed to be Anton.

Mighty Avengers #22-23 (2009)
Red Guardian cameo; the Winter Guard are among the heroes dealing with a global crisis when inexplicable disasters erupt across the planet during

Iron Man vs Whiplash #1 (2009)
First appearance of Whiplash (Anton Vanko); Red Guardian cameo.

Hulk: Winter Guard #1[1/3] (2009)
First appearance of the Crimson Dynamo (Galina Nemirovsky); the Winter Guard return to the Forbidden Zone to hunt Igor Drenkov when he's transformed into a gamma monster by the Presencethe Red Guardian is revealed to have transferred his consciousness into an LMD to make himself more formidable.

Hulk: Winter Guard #1[3/3] (2009)
First appearance of Darkstar (Reena Stancioff); the Winter Guard conclude their battle with the Presence, Igor Drenkov and Remont 6.

Age of Heroes #3 (2010)
The Winter Guard and the Blue Marvel both confront King Hyperion when he arrives on Earth-616 during

Darkstar & the Winter Guard #1-3 (2010)
A flashback reveals how the Winter Guard discover a traitor among their ranks; Red Guardian is decapitated by a Dire Wraith; Galina Nemirovsky keeps his living head. 
Iron Man #109-112 (1978)
First appearance of Vanguard (Nikolai Krylenko) and Crimson Dynamo (Dimitri Bukharin); Russian super-agents Vanguard, Darkstar and a new Crimson Dynamo attack Iron Man and Jack of Hearts on the moon; Vanguard channels his mutant energy powers through his hammer and sickle; Iron Man and the Russians uncover a secret war between the Rigellians and the Knights of Wundagore.

Marvel Team-Up Annual #2 (1979)
Spider-Man and the Hulk clash with Vanguard, Darkstar and the Crimson Dynamo.

Incredible Hulk #250 (1980)
First appearance of the Soviet Super-Soldiers; Vanguard cameo.

Incredible Hulk #258-259 (1981)
First appearance of Professor Phobos; Vanguard and his fellow Soviet Super-Soldiers are tasked with stopping the Presence and Red Guardian (Tania Belinskaya) from spreading their radiation from the Forbidden Zone; Professor Phobos tries to siphon the radioactive energy and mutant powers of the costumed heroes, the Hulk and Red Guardian and the Presence; Darkstar and Vanguard are revealed to be the children of the Presence; Red Guardian and the Presence save the world by absorbing the radioactivity unleashed by Professor Phobos.

Contest of Champions #1, 3 (1982)
Vanguard is among the numerous heroes selected by the Grandmaster and the Unknown to fight on their behalf; Vanguard, Angel and Black Panther battle the Peregrine, Thing and Wolverine.

Incredible Hulk #277, 279 (1982-1983) 
Vanguard cameo; heroes across the planet witness the Hulk finally redeem himself when he saves the world from the U-Foes.

Rom #45-46 (1983)
Gremlin joins the Soviet Super-Soldiers; Vanguard and his team are sent on a mission to kill the Gremlin by the Commissar of State Security who's secretly a Dire Wraith; after butting heads with the Spaceknight called Rom, the Soviet Super-Soldiers team up with him against the Dire Wraiths.

Rom #65 (1984)
The Soviet Super-Soldiers are among the heroes defending Earth from the Dire Wraiths' attempt to merth the planet with Wraithworld during

X-Men vs the Avengers #1-3 (1987)
The Soviet Super-Soldiers attempt to bring Magneto to justice for sinking the submarine Leningrad; the team get caught up in a war between the X-Men and the Avengers.

Captain America #352-353 (1989)
First appearance of the Supreme Soviets, including Red Guardian (Josef Petkus), Perun, Sputnik (Vostok) and Fantasia; the Supreme Soviets are assigned to apprehend the Soviet Super Soldiers for apparently defecting from the Soviet Union; Captain America convinces the Supreme Soviets not to kill the Soviet Super-Soldiers.

Soviet Super Soldiers #1 (1992)
First appearance of Firefox (Grigori Andreivitch) and Remont 4; the disparate groups of Russian super-humans - the Soviet Super Soldiers, the Supreme Soviets and the Russian Mutant Underground are brought together to combat a mutual threat, the Synthesizer; the survivors form the People's Protectorate.

Quasar #28 (1991)
Vanguard cameo; Vanguard is among the heroes Her considers as a potential mate.

Starblast #1 (1994)
Quasar #54 (1994)
Starblast #2 (1994)
Quasar #55 (1994)
Starblast #3 (1994)
Quasar #56 (1994)

Vanguard is among the heroes defending Earth when the Starblasters attempt to lay claim to the Star Brand during

Quasar #60 (1994)
Vanguard cameo; the Presence seeks revenge on Quasar.

Daredevil #369-270 (1997)
Vanguard and Ursa Major attempt to kidnap the Black Widow, coming into conflict with Daredevil.

Iron Man #9-10 (1998)
First appearance of the Winter Guard; first appearance of Red Guardian as the Steel Guardian; first appearance of Illarion Ramskov as Powersurge; after initially turning down Iron Man's request for help, the Winter Guard ally with the Avengers against the Mandarin's forces when he attacks Russia.

Thunderbolts #25 (1999)

Avengers #42-43 (2001)
The Winter Guard and the Avengers fight to defend Russia from the Presence durin

Darkstar & the Winter Guard #1-3 (2010)
First appearance of Vanguard as the Red Guardian; flashbacks reveals how the Winter Guard discover a traitor among their ranks and battle the Presence, Krang and the Dire Wraiths; Vanguard becomes the Red Guardian.

Amazing Spider-Man #676 (2012)
The world mistakenly believes the Winter Guard are dead when they clash with the Intelligencia.

Secret Avengers #35 (2013)
Red Guardian cameo.

Fantastic Four #643 (2015)
Red Guardian cameo.
Namor the Sub-Mariner by John Byrne & Jae Lee Omnibus
Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #1

Captain America: Patriot
Captain America: Patriot #2

Avengers Epic Collection vol.3: Masters of Evil
Avengers Omnibus vol.2
Black Widow Epic Collection vol.1: Beware The Black Widow
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers vol.5
Marvel's Black Widow Prelude
All include... 
Avengers #43-44

Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders vol.5
Defenders #35-40
Defenders Annual #1

Hulk: Heart of the Atom
Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk vol.12
Both include...
Incredible Hulk #206-207

Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders vol.6

Defenders #43-46. 52-56

Marvel Masterworks: Iron Man vol.12
Iron Man #109-112

Defenders: Tournament of Heroes
Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders vol.7
Nova Classic vol.7
All include...
Defenders #64-65

Captain America Epic Collection vol.15: The Bloodstone Hunt
Captain America #352-353

Black Widow Epic Collection vol.2: The Coldest War
Black Widow: Web of Intrigue
Both include...
Marvel Graphic Novel #61: Black Widow - The Coldest War

Hulk Visionaries: Peter David vol.8
Incredible Hulk by Peter David Omnibus vol.2
Both include...
Incredible Hulk #393

Iron Man by Kurt Busiek & Sean Chen Omnibus
Iron Man: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection vol.1
Iron Man: Revenge of the Mandarin
All include...
Iron Man #9-10

Daredevil vol.10: The Widow
Daredevil Hardcover vol.4
Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev Omnibus vol.2
Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev - The Ultimate Collection vol.2
All include...
Daredevil #61, 64

Captain America by Ed Brubaker Omnibus
Captain America vol.1: Winter Soldier
Captain America: Winter Soldier - The Ultimate Collection vol.1
All include...
Captain America #1

Hulk vol.1: Red Hulk

Hulk: Green Hulk/Red Hulk 1.1
Hulk by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness Omnibus
Hulk by Jeph Loeb: The Complete Collection vol.1
All include... 
Hulk #1

She-Hulk vol.8: Secret Invasion
Includes She-Hulk #34-36.

Darkstar & the Winter Guard
Darkstar & the Winter Guard #1-3
Hulk: Winter Guard #1

Black Widow: Widowmaker
Hawkeye & Mockingbird/Black Widow: Widowmaker
Hawkeye: Avenging Archer
All include...
Widowmaker #1-4

Black Widow Omnibus
Avengers #43-44
Marvel Graphic Novel #61: Black Widow - The Coldest War

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