
Thursday 23 April 2020


The birth of the apparent 'mutant messiah' (during MESSIAH COMPLEX) resulted in the death of Professor X (Charles Xavier) destruction of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Cyclops decided to disband the X-Men, believing they were safer apart (during DIVIDED WE STAND). But with a new headquarters set up in San Francisco, it's time to call the team together again...
[MESSIAH COMPLEX - The Mutant Messiah is born]
[DIVIDED WE STAND - The X-Men disband]

MCG Note: The issues marked with an asterisk are the essential chapters of the 'Manifest Destiny' storyline. If you don't want to read every tie-in and only want to pick up those key chapters, they're the issues to go for.
  • Free Comic Book Day: X-Men #1 *
  • Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1[1/3]-4[1/3]
  • Young X-Men #6 *
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5[1/3]
  • Astonishing X-Men #25-30 * (also see GHOST BOX)
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #2[2/3]
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #2[3/3]
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3[2/3]
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3[3/3]
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5[3/3]
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5[2/3]
  • Uncanny X-Men #500 *
  • X-Men Legacy #215-216 *
  • Uncanny X-Men #501-503 *
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1[2/3]
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1[3/3]
  • Cable #6 *
  • Secret Invasion: X-Men #1-4 * (also see SECRET INVASION)
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #4[2/3]
  • Uncanny X-Men #504-507 * (also see LOVELORN)
  • Young X-Men #7
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny #4[3/3]
  • Young X-Men #8-9
  • X-Men: Manifest Destiny - Nightcrawler #1
  • Eternals #7-9
Free Comic Book Day: X-Men #1 *
When the X-Men disbanded, Pixie (Megan Gwynn) headed home to Wales where she discovers an infestation of N'Garai demons and realises she's the only one who can see them. She calls on her old X-Men tutors who cross the Atlantic to help her locate the portal to the N'Garai dimension. Pixie brings the mine down on the demons and teleports the X-Men out. She earns her place as the first of the students to head back with the team to San Francisco...
Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1
With his handful of boxes moved over to the X-Men's new San Francisco headquarters, Wolverine (Logan) figures it's time to face up his recently-remembered past in Chinatown. Fifty years ago, he came to the city, shattered the Black Dragon Tong and killed Lo Shang Cho. Logan flashes the broken spear around, heads to the nearest bar and waits for trouble to find him. Now there's a new Black Dragon Death Squad and a new Black Dragon to replace Lo Shang Cho. And they aren't the only ones who want him dead...

Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #2
Wolverine's ex-girlfriend, Lin - the new Black Dragon - has him beaten almost to death by the Black Dragon Death Squad until he escapes into the sewers. He's nursed back to health by a man a man called Master Po, who only just tried to kill Logan until Lin shot him in the back. Po realises Logan is a changed man and is Chinatown's only hope...

Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #3
Fifty years ago, the Black Dragon Tong controlled Chinatown and it took the combined might of the various kung fu schools in order to defeat them. The same plan won't quite work this time around as all the schools want Logan dead. And, despite all the fighting he's done over the years, he's no kung fu master. Logan's meeting with the Sons of the Tiger ends in a hail of gunfire as mercenaries look to claim the bounty on his head. After he's arrested for killing the leader of the Hot Handed Gods of Guns and teleported out of a jail cell by Nightcrawler, Logan heads back to the centre of Chinatown for a very public face-off with the Black Dragon...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #4
Fifty years ago, Logan killed Lo Shang Cho, aka the Black Dragon. When he was offered the spear of the Black Dragon Tong along the mantle of the Black Dragon, Logan turned the job down and walked away. Rather than allow Chinatown to descend into chaos, Lin became the new Black Dragon. The Sons of the Tiger join forces with Wolverine and the kung fu schools against the Black Dragon Death Squad and countless mercenaries. Lin escapes with her life and Wolverine finally accepts the role as the Black Dragon.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1[1/3]
A week ago, Iceman (Bobby Drake) hooked up with his old girlfriend Opal Tanaka in Iowa, just as his powers started fritzing. The X-Men send a jet to Bobby to bring him to their new HQ in San Francisco, at which point 'Opal' reveals herself to be Mystique who kicks Iceman out of the jet and lets it crash. Now, Bobby resurfaces having pieced himself together as Iceman. But he's in a bad way...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #2[1/3]
Iceman is rushed to hospital and nursed back to health until Mystique tries to kill him again by injecting him with a deadly poison. Bobby lies dying while the police and hospital staff fight the shape-changing villain...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3[1/3]
A trucker soon regrets giving Iceman a lift home when Mystique attacks, yet again! Sure he managed to use his powers to get rid of the poison, but she's not letting up. She destroys the truck and threatens Bobby with a shotgun...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #4[1/3]
The stand-off ends with Iceman freezing the shotgun, but he's no closer to finding out why Mystique's trying to kill him. Sure they shared a kiss once, but is this really all about that? Iceman takes the truck driver to safety and Mystique makes plans to follow Bobby Drake to San Francisco...

Young X-Men #6 *
Mirage (Dani Moonstar) reviews the Young X-Men's recent experiences. Soon after Donald Pierce's little scam (during DIVIDED WE STAND), Cyclops came to the team and was met with Rockslide's rage following the death of Wolf Cub. Despite his betrayal, the team allow Ink to stay with the group. Blindfold quits. Moonstar and Sunspot start training the Young X-Men in San Francisco. Jonas Graymalkin is revealed to be a 200 year-old ancestor of Professor X (Charles Xavier). Dust strikes up an odd relationship with Donald Pierce - now a prisoner of the X-Men - relaying her personal life to him. Anole takes up Moonstar's offer to join the Young X-Men.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5[1/3]
Disguised herself as Iceman, Mystique threatens to blow up the Golden Gate Bridge if anyone approaches. The real Iceman confronts her and accuses her. She promises she'll mess with him one more time after she makes him love her, then throws herself off the top of the bridge. 

Astonishing X-Men #25 *
Storm stops by the X-Men's new headquarters in San Francisco is taking shape, while they're deciding what to call it. The SF police call on the X-Men to help solve a mutant-related murder. The victim is still on fire. And floating. The notebook from his rucksack reveals he was trailing his own killer, 'Subject X', and was heading to somewhere called Tian. Beast's autopsy reveals the man is a Triploid, with his mutant gene on a third, artificial chromosome. Someone is making mutants. The X-Men hop into the X-Plane and follow Subject X's trail to Chaparanga in Indonesia...
Astonishing X-Men #26 *
The X-Men catch up with Subject X while he's using what he can from a dead spaceship to power up his 'Ghost Box'. Cyclops orders the ship to be destroyed in order to stop him, risking the death of Subject X and making Storm question how far the X-Men's leader is now willing to go. Subject X survives, but blows his own head off and leaves the X-Men with the Ghost Box...

Astonishing X-Men #27 *
Back in the mainstream reality (Earth-616), the X-Men return home from Chaparanga with the Ghost Box. Beast calls on his girlfriend, Abigail Brand of SWORD, who explains that Ghost Boxes are used for travel between parallel worlds. Beast realises Subject X was a mutant from another reality. It also turns out Tian is a city hidden in a cloaked part of China; home to their version of the X-Men. At least until M-Day took their powers...

Astonishing X-Men #28 *
Though the 'Chinese X-Men' are all dead, Tian is far from uninhabited. The X-Men come under attack from two more mutants from Earth-TRN113 and a Triploid. Caught in the secret war between these two factions, the X-Men struggle to defeat them all. But when they inevitably do, they learn the creator of the Triploids is Storm's old flame, Forge...

Astonishing X-Men #29 *

The 'Chameleon' reveals that Forge created him and his fellow 'New Mutants' to combat the invading mutants from Earth-TRN113. Cyclops lets Wolverine kill the alternate reality mutants, then the team track Forge down at Wundagore Mountain (former home of the High Evolutionary) where they realise he's gone crazy...
Astonishing X-Men #30 *
Forge actually believes he's fixed the problem of the dwindling mutant population by creating his New Mutants, but they're just cyborg mutate freaks. And, he's got his very own Ghost Box. Armor tricks Forge into answering her phone, allowing Abigail Brand to pinpoint their location. Cyclops orders her to fire a destructive beam into the box, destroying Earth-TRN113, Wundagore Mountain, the New Mutants and Forge. Now, even Beast is questioning Cyclops' harder edge...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #2[2/3]
Juggernaut hangs out in a bar, virtually holding the customers hostage while they help him decide whether he should be a good guy or a bad guy. He decides on 'good' until the cops show up and open fire on him with little warning. 'Bad guy' it is, then!

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #2[3/3]

As the X-Men settle into their new home in San Francisco, former-villain Emma Frost still feels like an outsider. Despite her relationship with Cyclops, she knows the X-Men will never truly trust her. Wolverine convinces her to start forgiving herself for her dubious past because everyone else already has. Alone, Emma finally lets herself cry.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3[2/3]
Beast tests Graymalkin's powers, learning he's invulnerable in darkness and powerless in daylight, explaining how he survived being buried alive for 200 years. Anole learns how Graymalkin's father beat him and buried him alive when he discovered he was gay. Lucky for him, he's emerged in a more tolerant age.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3[3/3]
Wolverine and Nightcrawler desperately try to figure a way to cheer Colossus up after losing Shadowcat in space (during UNSTOPPABLE). He finally cheers up when he gets to help a little girl get her cat out of a tree.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5[3/3]
On the plane back to America, Dazzler beats Man Mountain Marko by singing to him. Her powers charge up when he joins in so she can laser him in the eye. A promoter offers her a regular singing gig at a club in San Francisco.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5[2/3]
The owner of the San Francisco bar 'Nick's' gets threats from the X-Men when they discover he's secretly the former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Avalance. He seems more keen on keeping his nose clean...
Uncanny X-Men #500 *
The Mayor of San Francisco welcomes the X-Men who find a surprising amount of acceptance in the city. The team attend an art exhibition featuring three original Sentinels when it opens downtown. Magneto emerges and reveals he's got his powers back. The Sentinels inevitably activate, but are defeated. Magneto's powers powers are revealed to be artificial. Magneto warns the X-Men that they'll bring down mutantkind, then fades out. Storm discovers the High Evolutionary meddling with the energies of the Dreaming Celestial who's been stood motionless in San Francisco for some time, now. In space, the High Evolutionary and Magneto elude to their future plans. Cyclops sends a message out to all the mutants across the world, offering safe haven with the X-Men in their new home. A few weeks later, Pixie attends a Dazzler concert and is about to find herself a victim of the Hellfire Cult...
X-Men Legacy #215 *
Having learned the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters is in ruins, Professor X convinces Cyclops to meet him in secret. Cyclops is relieved to see Xavier alive, but angry about being manipulated by him yet again. Their debate soon gets heated and attracts the attention of Emma Frost. In Australia, Rogue confronts the ghost of Mystique's memories in her head. And, at the Hellfire Club's New York chapter, the fight for a place in the Inner Circle gets bloody...

X-Men Legacy #216 *
Years of nudging the X-Men's minds has destroyed the trust between Xavier and Cyclops. His efforts to check Cyclops' mind for Mister Sinister's influence backfire. Emma Frost corners Xavier, throwing every one of his worst decisions back at him. Emma restores the memory of the final moments of Moira MacTaggert's life to Xavier as punishment. Xavier offers his hand to Cyclops, asking for forgiveness. Cyclops accepts it. 

Uncanny X-Men #501 *
Pixie takes a beating from the new anti-mutant group known as the Hellfire Cult, stirring the X-Men into action. Karma lures the Cult into a trap where they find themselves up against Wolverine and Nightcrawler. Little do the X-Men know, the Hellfire Cult are being controlled by Empath - a former-member of Emma Frost's Hellions. But who is the mysterious, fetishistic Red Queen who controls him...?

Uncanny X-Men #502 *
Wolverine captures one of the Cult who reveals they've been given orders not to harm Cyclops. Pixie leaves hospital and decides to continue living apart from the other X-Men. The Red Queen unmasks for Empath, revealing Emma Frost's face.The X-Men locate the Hellfire Cult's headquarters, but Empath makes his escape on motorcycle...

Uncanny X-Men #503 *
Against Beast's wishes, Pixie successfully helps the X-Men capture the powered-up Empath by stabbing him in the head with her Soul Dagger. Back at the warehouse, Cyclops has sex with Emma Frost dressed in fetish-wear, but later realises it was his supposedly deceased wife, Madelyne Pryor, in disguise. In Madripoor, Madelyne recruits Chimera to her new team...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1[2/3]
Having left Nextwave behind her, Tabitha Smith is back with the X-Men. But will she become Boom-Boom or Meltdown again? She has to take down Nuwa (former-member of 3-Peace) before she can choose. But that takes a little internet research...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1[3/3]
After losing a battle with Emma Frost in a training session, Karma spends some time with her brother and sister Leong & Nga Coy Manh. Which is all good until they beg to see Shadowcat and Karma loses control of her emotions.

Cable #6 *
After the events of MESSIAH COMPLEX, Cyclops asked Cable (Nathan Summers) to take the infant 'mutant messiah' into the future for protection. Since then, Cyclops has been experiencing nightmares. He admits his 
feelings of helplessness to Emma Frost, and how it reminded him of the time he handed his son (infant Nathan Summers) over to a time-traveller to save him, years earlier. Years later, Cyclops and Cable are still relative strangers. Can Cable really be trusted? Cyclops doesn't tell Emma about his plan to send X-Force into the future to kill Bishop, the former X-Man who wants the mutant messiah dead. Emma convinces Cyclops to leave a message for Cable to pick up in the future, telling him that he trusts him to protect the child...
Secret Invasion: X-Men #1 *
The Skrulls have begun their full-scale invasion of Earth (during SECRET INVASION). They figure San Fransisco won't be overly defended, not realising the X-Men have just moved in. Cyclops intends leading the team to victory by any means necessary, while Nightcrawler's distracted by an alien beachball...

X-Men: Secret Invasion #2 *

Cyclops' psychics break the Skrulls' psi-blockade. He unleashes his secret black-ops team, X-Force (right in plain sight), to grab a tissue sample for dissection by Beast. The sample is still attached to the rest of a dead Skrull. But, the psi-assault might've just cost Emma Frost her life...
Secret Invasion: X-Men #3 *
The Skrulls start trapping thousands of San Francisco's citizens in various buildings. The X-Men are sent to free the captives. Beast figures out a way to use the deadly Legacy Virus against the alien invaders...

Secret Invasion: X-Men #4 *
The Skrulls announce their plan to blow up the buildings with the 50,000 trapped civilians if the X-Men don't surrender. Cyclops tells the Skrulls he'll accept his surrender when the Skrull-killing version of Legacy Virus starts taking the aliens down. The civilians are freed and the X-Men are the big heroes of San Francisco!

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #4[2/3]
Mercury tells X-23 that she suspects her parents don't love her. After they team up to defeat some members of the Hellfire Cult, X-23 gives Mercury the perspective she needed. 

Uncanny X-Men #504 *
Madelyne Pryor recruits Spiral and Lady Deathstrike into her Sisterhood of Mutants. Colossus runs into a Tattooed Man he remembers crossing paths with while growing up Russia. Beast and Angel recruit Nazi-hunting super-scientist Doctor Nemesis as the first member of their mutant science squad, hoping to save the dwindling mutant population. Cyclops allows Emma Frost to enter his mind to discover the sourse of his recent change in behaviour. She's surprised to find every fantasy about every woman he's ever met and a box locked so tight, not even her incredible psychic abilities will let her into it. He admits that's where he keeps secrets even she can't know about. Footage of the massacre in Cooperstown (during MESSIAH COMPLEX) is released that implies mutants were to blame for the carnage. The birth of the first mutant since M-Day becomes public knowledge...

Uncanny X-Men #505 *
Simon Trask is alive! He announces his plans to protect humanity with his Humanity Now! coalition. Mayor Sadie Sinclair announces San Francisco as a safe haven for mutants. Years ago, the Tattooed Man threatened young Colossus' parents for payment in return for keeping his mutant nature a secret. In the present, the Tattooed Man offers Colossus a job. Beast, Angel and Doctor Nemesis recruit the slightly deranged Madison Jeffries. Cyclops explains to Emma Frost that the secrets he keeps are vital for the survival of the mutant species. Emma decides to accept an offer from Norman Osborn to join a very select group of individuals...

Uncanny X-Men #506 *
Colossus infiltrates the Tattooed Man's gang but blows his cover as soon as discovers their human trafficking operation. He frees the depowered mutant women and offers them safe haven at the X-Men's Graymalkin Industries complex. Emma Frost agrees to go with Colossus to confront the Tattooed Man. Beast decides to enlist Dr Yuriko Takiguchi who once led the Green Team assigned to take down the Leviathan (aka Godzilla). Initially believing the Beast's team to be invading Russians, Takiguchi unleashes Leviathan on them...

Uncanny X-Men #507 *

Angel reveals his ability to transform into Archangel (regained during DIVIDED WE STAND) in order to kill Leviathan and save Beast's freshly-formed X-Club, but refuses to reveal how or why. Colossus and Emma Frost apprehend the Tattooed Man. Colossus begins to come to terms with the loss of Shadowcat. Sadie Sinclair warns Cyclops that it's beginning to look like he's forming his own militia. Having secretly captured Sebastian Shaw (during LOVELORN / DARK REIGN) Emma Frost erases his memory. Aboard the High Evolutionary's space station, Magneto gets his powers back.
Young X-Men #7
Moonstar and Sunspot lead the Young X-Men on a mission to locate fifty-six missing construction workers who recently disappeared while working on an island. The island turned out to be a Krakoa (a living island that consumes mutants, possibly the 'offspring' of the original) and the workers are quickly rescued. Dust continues to have her little chats with Donald Pierce who reveals that Ink is a human who received his powers from his mutant tattoo artist. Dust reveals that she's dying...

X-Men: Manifest Destiny #4[3/3]
Nightcralwer begins to doubt his place on the team. He realises he hasn't addressed is his guilt over the loss of Shadowcat (during UNSTOPPABLE).
Young X-Men #8
Ink's tattoo artist, Leon Nunez, is a mutant who grants people powers based on whatever tattoo he gives them and has been willingly giving out powers to human criminals. The team go in search of the recipients who have formed an army called the Y-Men. The Young X-Men find themselves overwhelmed by sheer numbers and Moonstar is shot. But a new team member has been watching the rest of the trainees for quite some time...

Young X-Men #9
Cipher has been watching the Young X-Men since day one. She takes Ink to see Leon Nunez who explains how he gave the Y-Men powers because he owed them money. Ninez gives Ink one last tattoo Ink gets tatted up one last time by Nunez to give himself an edge against the army of bad guys and head off to save the Young X-Men. Ink uses the power of his Phoenix tattoo to remove all the bad guys' powers. Cyclops agrees that Ink should stay among he X-Men to monitor his 'Phoenix' powers, even though everyone still hates him.
X-Men: Manifest Destiny - Nightcrawler #1
Still feeling he no longer has a place among the X-Men, Nightcrawler quits the team and accepts an invite to his hometown of Winzeldorf, Germany, where a museum dedicated to him has just been opened. Kurt soon learns that, while the museum is real, he was brought there by the same villagers who once chased him out of the village (during SECOND GENESIS) so he can defeat the Vielfras who has kidnapped one of their children. Nightcrawler discovers the Vielfras is just local boy who had a curse put on him by a gypsy hag. Henrik takes his own life instead of fighting to prove his innocence (he was the kid who people believed the Vielfras kidnapped). Nightcrawler heads back to San Francisco and rejoins the the X-Men.

Eternals #7
Sersi recently sacrificed herself to save the life of the Dreaming Celestial and prevent the destruction of the planet. Now, with Gilgamesh having destroyed the Reactivation Chambers (their means of regeneration), the Eternals are now essentially mortal. Sersi finds herself in the Vestibule; a bar that appears to be an afterlife for immortals. To avoid breaking Zuras' truce with Druig, Ikaris abandons his ties to his people so that he can confront the villain himself over Sersi's death. Ikaris lures Druig's forces into a trap where he's joined by the X-Men. In conversation with Uatu the Watcher, the Dreaming Celestial prepares to face the Horde (a swarm intent on devouring Earth who acts as universal destroyers to oppose the role of the Celestials) while struggling with his newfound emotions...
Eternals #8
The X-Men don't hold back as they face down Druig's Eternals. The Dreaming Celestial tries to convince the Horde to turn away from Earth as the planet's energies will likely overwhelm it. Unable to deny their purpose set by the Fulcrum, the Horde decide to consume Earth, anyway. The X-Men and Ikaris defeat Druig but witness the arrival of the Horde...

Eternals #9
One hundred years in the future, Thena's son recounts how the Eternals formed a Uni-Mind and and joined with the Dreaming Celestial to visit the Fulcrum (who runs the bar in the afterlife) and convince him to stop the Horde from consuming Earth and restore Sersi to life. In the future, the Eternals have convinced humanity they no longer exist and fight on in secret.

MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that show the direct impact of  the major events of 'Manifest Destiny' and wouldn't otherwise have occurred. The issues in grey are impacted by the sub-plots, tie-ins and and story points that aren't key to the main event.

X-Men: Original Sin #1 (2008)
Professor X explains how he manipulated Wolverine into joining the X-Men during ORIGINAL SIN.

Wolverine Origins #29 (2008) 
The fight for control of the Hellfire Club escalates; Castlemere is killed by Tithe during ORIGINAL SIN.

Cable #7-10 (2008-2009) 
X-Force capture Bishop when he returns to the present; despite Beast's protests, Emma Frost psychically tortures Bishop; Bishop escapes the X-Men; X-Force fail to kill Bishop as he escapes into the future during WAITING FOR THE END OF THE WORLD.

Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 (2009) 
Emma Frost joins Norman Osborn's Cabal during SECRET INVASION / DARK REIGN / LOVELORN.

X-Force #7 (2008) 
Another strain of the Legacy Virus emerges and is stolen from Mister Sinister's labs by the Vanisher.

Uncanny X-Men Annual #2 (2009) 
After taking down the Tattooed Man, Emma Frost meets with Namor the Sub-Mariner and apprehends Sebastian Shaw during DARK REIGN / LOVELORN.

Young X-Men #10-12 (2009) 
Cipher is revealed to have been recruited to the X-Men by Cyclops, Jean Grey and Xorn and started acting as X-Men headquarters security (originally at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning); Ink redeems himself by resurrecting Dust when she dies, though it leaves him in a coma.

Uncanny X-Men #508 (2009) 
Empath is revealed to have been left blind by Pixie's attack; Madelyne Pryor recruits Lady Mastermind (Regan Wyngarde) and resurrects Kwannon in her original body (the one that was previously being used by Psylocke), making them the final members of the Sisterhood of Mutants; Dr Kavita Rao joins X-Club.

X-Men Legacy #219 (2009) 
Juggernaut confronts his step-brother, Professor X.

Uncanny X-Men #509-512 (2009) 
The threat of the Hellfire Cult is ended; still a prisoner of the X-Men, Empath is revealed to be a Trojan Horse for Madelyne Pryor; Simon Trask's anti-mutant agenda continues with him pushing for Proposition X - a bill that will stop those with the X-gene from "breeding"; Madelyne Pryor's Sisterhood of Mutants attack the X-Men; Pryor is revealed to be a 'psychic ghost' in need of a host body; Pixie attacks his mind again, shattering his consciousness; Madelyne Pryor tries to resurrect Jean Grey to use as a host body; the Sisterhood are defeated by the X-Men and Pryor discorporates; Psylocke regains Kwannon's body, is freed from Pryor's control and rejoins the X-Men; Psylocke joins the X-Club.

Dark X-Men: The Confession #1 (2009) 
Cyclops confesses all his secrets to Emma Frost during UTOPIA / DARK REIGN.

X-Men Legacy #224 (2009) 
Professor X finally helps give Rogue control over her powers.

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men #1 (2009) 
Simon Trask stirs up further anti-mutant sentiment during UTOPIA / DARK REIGN.

Uncanny X-Men #513 (2009) 
Emma Frost uses the perception that she's still untrustworthy to her advantage when she joins Norman Osborn's Dark X-Men during UTOPIA / DARK REIGN.

Dark Avengers #8 (2009) 
Simon Trask's true agenda is revealed and he's apprehended by the 'Dark' X-Men during UTOPIA / DARK REIGN.

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1 (2009) 
The X-Men build their own island headquarters off the coast of San Francisco during UTOPIA / DARK REIGN.

Uncanny X-Men #515 (2009) 
Professor X rejoins the X-Men; Dr Yuriko Takiguchi dies of natural causes during NATION X.

Cloak and Dagger #1 (2010)
The Young X-Men make their last official appearance as a team

X-Force #12-13 (2009) 
The Leper Queen infects Beautiful Dreamer, Fever Pitch, Hellion and Surge with a strain of the Legacy Virus devised by Bastion that transforms the infected mutant into a human bomb; Hellion and Surge are cured by Elixir; Dark Beast is also believed to have a sample of the virus during MESSIAH WAR.

X-Force #16 (2009) 
Despite following him to the future, X-Force fail to kill Bishop again during MESSIAH WAR.

X-Force #19 (2009) 
Donald Pierce is revealed to be feeding Bastion information from inside the X-Men's prison.

Uncanny X-Men #517-519 (2010) 
Magneto rejoins the X-Men; believing Cyclops has crossed too many lines, Beast leaves the X-Men during NATION X.

Uncanny X-Men #522 (2010)
Colossus and Shadowcat are reunited when Magneto retrieves almost kills himself retrieving her from space (though she's intangible and they're unable to touch) during NATION X.

X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back #1-4 (2010) 
Pixie's mother is revealed to be alive; Pixie learns her biological father is Jason Wyngarde - the original (now deceased) Mastermind.

Cable #24 (2010) 
Cable strands Bishop in the year 6700 with no way home.

X-Men: Second Coming #1 (2010) 
Cable and the teenage mutant messiah, Hope Summers, return to the present as a teenager during SECOND COMING.

Uncanny X-Men #523 (2010) 
X-Force's existence becomes common knowledge among the X-Men during MESSIAH COMPLEX.

X-Force #26 (2010) 
Fighting alongside the X-Men, Nightcrawler is killed by Bastion during SECOND COMING.

Uncanny X-Men #524 (2010) 
Donald Pierce's capture is revealed to be part of Bastion's plan to put a mole inside the X-Men's headquarters during SECOND COMING.

New Mutants #13 (2010) 
Donald Pierce breaks out and rejoins Bastion's ranks during SECOND COMING.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: A-Z Update #4 (2010) 
Doctor Nemesis' history is rewritten to explain away the time he worked for the Nazis, make him a repentant Nazi-hunter following World War II.

Uncanny X-Men #532-534 (2011) 
Graymalkin Industries shuts down; Sebastian Shaw is revealed to have regained his memories and is thrown out of EVA while flying over China after Emma Frost completely erases his memory completely.

New Mutants #21 (2011) 
Pixie reclaims the lost parts of her soul.

Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #3 (2011) 
Another alternate Tian (of Earth-1610) is revealed during THE REPUBLIC IS BURNING.

Wolverine #17-19 (2011-2012)
Wolverine has a rematch with Jade Claw and the Black Dragon Tong during REGENESIS.

Wolverine and the X-Men #2 (2012) 
A third Krakoa emerges and becomes the grounds for the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning during REGENESIS.

Uncanny X-Men #1 (2012) 
Danger joins the X-Club during REGENESIS.

Generation Next #15 (2012) 
Hope Summers lets the mind-wiped Sebastian Shaw join her Lights team against the wishes of Cyclops and Emma Frost during REGENESIS.

Hulk #49 (2012)
Druig returns, attempting to claim dominance over planet Earth; Druig is defeated by the Red Hulk.

Wolverine #304 (2012) 
Wolverine hands the mantle of Black Dragon over to Fat Cobra.

Avengers: The Children's Crusade #1-9 (2010)
The Scarlet Witch undoes the events of M-Day and begins returning the mutant population's powers; Wundagore Mountain is revealed to have been restored during THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE.

Avengers vs X-Men #11 (2012)
While under the influence of the Phoenix Force, Cyclops kills Xavier; the X-Club disbands during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.

Marvel NOW! Point One #1 (2012) 
Forge is revealed to be alive; Cable uses his telepathy to show Forge his own mind as a machine, allowing him to fix it and restore his sanity during MARVEL NOW! / WANTED.

Uncanny Avengers #1 (2012) 
A clone of the Red Skull rejigs Avalanche's brain, forcing him to attack New York in costume before committing suicide during MARVEL NOW!

Cable and X-Force #1 (2013) 
Forge joins Cable's new X-Force team in an effort to redeem himself during MARVEL NOW! / WANTED.

X-Factor #250-256 (2013) 
The war between the Hell Lords is fought.

X-Termination #1 (2013) 
The Dreaming Celestial wakes up during X-TERMINATION.

Age of Apocalypse #14 (2013) 
The Dreaming Celestial is killed by the Exterminators during X-TERMINATION.

Astonishing X-Men #62-65 (2013) 
The real Opal Tanaka returns while Iceman is being manipulated by Mystique (again) as well as Iceman of Earth-295 (the Age of Apocalypse).

X-Men #7 (2014)
Lady Deathstrike forms a new Sisterhood.

Amazing X-Men #1-5 (2014) 
Nightcrawler's father, Azazel, is revealed to be a member of an ancient race of mutants rather than an actual demon; Nightcrawler is resurrected by the demon Bamfs.

Uncanny X-Force #17 (2014) 
Forge makes his peace with Storm during VENDETTA.

Uncanny X-Men #16 (2014) 
Freddie Dukes next appears as the Blob, having had his powers restored.

Wolverine and the X-Men #42 (2014) 
Anole, Blindfold, Pixie and Rockslide graduate and becomes full X-Men.

X-Men #12 (2014) 
Madelyne Pryor is resurrected in the body of Ana Cortes and vows to create another new Sisterhood.

X-Men #19 (2014) 
Ink is revealed to have recovered and started attending the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.

Avengers World #18-19 (2015) 
Sunspot joins another group of renowned bad guys when he buys AIM and becomes their Scientist Supreme during TIME RUNS OUT.

Magneto #19 (2015) 
Magneto calls upon the High Evolutionary to augment his powers to help stop the looming incursion during SECRET WARS / LAST DAYS.

Uncanny X-Men #6 (2016)
Sebastian Shaw regains his memories and rejoins the Hellfire Club during APOCALYPSE WARS.
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes
Astonishing X-Men vol.5: Ghost Box
Include Astonishing X-Men #25-30.

Cable vol.2: Waiting For The End Of The World
Cable: The Last Hope vol.1
Include Cable #6.

Eternals: Manifest Destiny
Includes Eternals #7-9.

Secret Invasion: X-Men
Collections: Secret Invasion: X-Men #1-4.

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny
Includes Free Comic Comic Book Day: X-Men #1, Uncanny X-Men #500-503 and parts of X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1-5.

Uncanny X-Men: Lovelorn
Includes Uncanny X-Men #504-507.

X-Men Legacy: Sins of the Father
Includes X-Men Legacy #215-216. 

X-Men: Manifest Destiny
Collects Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4, X-Men: Manifest Destiny - Nightcrawler #1 and parts of X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1-5.

Young X-Men vol.2: Book of Revelations
Includes Young X-Men #6-9.

Uncanny X-Men by Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection vol.1
Includes Uncanny X-Men #500-507. 

Wolverine by Jason Aaron Omnibus

Wolverine by Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection vol.1
Include Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4.

X-Men: The Adamantium Collection
Includes Uncanny X-Men #500.

X-Men: We Are The X-Men

Includes Free Comic Book Day: X-Men #1.

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