
Monday 3 January 2022

SHADOWLAND (2010-2011)

With its roots right back at the outing of Matt Murdock as Daredevil (during UNDERBOSS) and callbacks to the introduction of the Snakeroot (during FALL FROM GRACE), 'Shadowland' sees the Man Without Fear settle into his role as leader of the Hand. From his throne within the mysterious Shadowland, built upon the graves of his last major failure, Lord Daredevil leads the ninja death cult as a force for extreme justice in New York's Hell's Kitchen. But is Matt Murdock really in control? The results of a confrontation with Bullseye will make his friends wonder if Daredevil really leads the Hand or if darker powers are at work.

He's been outed as a costumed vigilante, become the 'Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen' and now has a power base like never before. This controversial storyline takes Daredevil from the sidelines and thrusts him into a major Marvel Universe event.

Due to the fact that some issues take place between the pages of others or the timing of some issues could be split into two or three parts, there are a number of possible placements for each issue when trying to read this event in order. There are also a number of time discrepancies, especially as the main Shadowland series is meant to take place over a fairly short time period, but some of th tie-ins take place over several days, sometimes more than a week. With that in mind, I would advise sticking to just the main mini-series, the Daredevil issues and the Ghost Rider one-shot, especially as the other tie-ins are largely superfluous. 
Stories directly leading into this event:
  • FALL FROM GRACE - Daredevil first encounters the Snakeroot
  • THE RETURN OF THE KING - Daredevil & Kingpin vie for the leadership of the Hand
  • THE DEVIL'S HAND - Daredevil's leadership is tested, foundations of Shadowland
Major Event: The issues marked with an asterisk are the essential chapters of  the 'Shadowland' saga. If you don't want to read every tie-in and only want to pick up those key chapters, they're the issues to go for.
  • Shadowland #1 *
  • Daredevil #508 *
  • Shadowland: Bullseye #1
  • Shadowland: Moon Knight #1
  • Daredevil #509 *
  • Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1
  • Shadowland: Power Man #1
  • Shadowland #2 *
  • Shadowland: Elektra #1
  • Shadowland: Power Man #2
  • Shadowland #3 *
  • Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #2
  • Shadowland: Ghost Rider #1 *
  • Daredevil #510 *
  • Shadowland: Spider-Man #1
  • Thunderbolts #148
  • Thunderbolts #149
  • Shadowland: Moon Knight #2
  • Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #3
  • Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #1
  • Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #4
  • Shadowland: Moon Knight #3
  • Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #2
  • Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #3
  • Shadowland: Power Man #3
  • Shadowland #4 *
  • Daredevil #511 *
  • Shadowland #5 *
  • Shadowland: Power Man #4
  • Daredevil #512 *
  • Shadowland: After The Fall #1 *

Shadowland #1 *
The Snakeroot have become the inner circle of the ninja death cult known as the Hand and have manipulated Daredevil into allowing the evil at the core of the clan into his very soul. The Avengers discuss their concerns over DD's new role as leader of the Hand, having declared martial law in Hell's Kitchen from the Shadowland fortress. Luke Cage and Iron Fist agree to talk some sense into him. Bullseye escapes a prison transport and heads to Shadowland to challenge Daredevil who sics his ninja assassins on him. Cage and Iron Fist witness Bullseye murdering his way through Hand ninjas until he faces an uncharacteristically brutal Daredevil who runs a sai through him, killing Bullseye...
Daredevil #508 *
Dakota North obtains footage that shows Daredevil killing Bullseye, prompting Foggy Nelson to want to talk to Matt Murdock to find out what's going on. White Tiger is relieved when she learns DD shows no remorse over murdering his nemesis. Detective Alex Kurtz has to go to a different precinct to work ever since the Hand took over the Hell's Kitchen precinct. Daredevil and his ninja leaves muggers strung up on the streets of the Kitchen. White Tiger intercepts Foggy and Dakota and, under orders from the Snakeroot, tries to kill them both. Master Izo approaches Elektra to help release Daredevil from the Hand. Alone, Matt Murdock struggles against whatever has control of him, but the dark side wins out...

Shadowland: Bullseye #1
In honour of Bullseye who sided with them once against a rival gang (not realises he picked a side at random), the Hell Riders motorcycle gang hold a funeral for their fallen honorary member. They take Front Line Editor in Chief Ben Urich, a priest and others and force them to attend as 'mourners'. Urich leaves clues for Daredevil to find, though he's shocked at his friend's ferocity when he and his warriors come to the rescue.
Shadowland: Moon Knight #1
Things are looking up for Moon Knight since he joined the Secret Avengers, rejected the demigod Khonshu and has even turned his back on his true persona... the mercenary Marc Spector. His girlfriend Marlene Alraune fully accepts his multiple personality disorder and the couple have moved into a new mansion to make a home for their unborn child. Daredevil hires the Profile to deal with Moon Knight. He does so by choosing someone else to offer himself up to Khonshu as his avatar. The new avatar murders prostitutes using electricity-based powers, taking the name Shadow Knight and leaving their corpses as a challenge to Moon Knight. Meanwhile, Captain America sends Moon Knight to infiltrate Shadowland. While he's busy allowing himself to be captured by Hand ninja in his 'Jake Lockley' guise, Shadow Knight breaks into his mansion home and beats Marlene almost to death...

Daredevil #509 *
In Japan, Master Izo and Elektra break into the Hand's fortress and learn that the Snakeroot are behind Matt Murdock's latest fall from grace and that White Tiger is reporting to them. Luke Cage and Iron Fist save Foggy and Dakota from the band of Hand ninja who come close to killing them. Believing she has her personality issues under control, Typhoid Mary approaches Shadowland, offering her services to Lord Daredevil as an ally. Foggy and Dakota get to safety while Luke Cage and Iron Fist gather friends to approach Daredevil for a little intervention, only to witness an explosion at Shadowland...
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1
The Shroud investigates the murder of Mikey Fortunado in Hell's Kitchen. Gang boss Bobby Fortunado, Mikey's brother, turns to Misty Knight for help in finding his killer who he believes to be Daredevil. Misty throws out the abusive Fortunado, but the Shroud soon drops by and tells her that the murder has the hallmarks of the Hand. Stranded in America since Symkaria fell into chaos, Silver Sable tracks down a mark for Interpol but finds him dead with a red handprint on his face. Misty Knight joins Matt Murdock's friends' intervention, but Sable sees the explosion at Shadowland some time later. And the Shroud is shot by Paladin...

Shadowland: Power Man #1
It seems there was one survivor of the tenement explosion caused by Bullseye (during THE DEVIL'S HAND) and that was Victor Álvarez, a teenager who's been taking down criminals in the West Side in exchange for payment under the name Power Man. But he soon finds himself up against the Hand who recognise some of his moves, as they match those used by Iron Fist. Fist and Luke Cage find Power Man's contact details on Craig's List and confront him, only for him to punch out Luke on behalf of his father...
Shadowland #2 *
'Jake Lockley' is taken to the cells beneath Shadowland by a group of ninja. The Kingpin approaches Luke Cage and Iron Fist, suggesting they take down Daredevil together. Daredevil orders Black Tarantula to look for reinforcements - allies from the costumed community - who will be considered enemies if they refuse to join him. The Kingpin uses the Black Scroll to summon the 'Zugaikotsu' to use as his pawn against Daredevil, though this being is none other than the Spirit of Vengeance called the Ghost Rider. Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Spider-Man and Shang-Chi enter Shadowland and try to talk sense into Daredevil who is emotionless and disinterested in their pleas. Ghost Rider's arrival convinces him that their meeting with him was just a distraction and orders them taken dead or alive. Meanwhile, Jake Lockley's plans are in ruins as he's just one of many prisoners to escape...

Shadowland: Elektra #1
Elektra promised she'd never interfere in Matt Murdock's life again, but Master Izo has convinced hero to return to America where she takes a job from the CIA to cover her expenses and soon finds herself in the presence of Hand ninja warning her to leave the country. Elektra violently despatches the ninja and lands on the streets of New York where footage of Daredevil's murder of Bullseye is being televised. She knows he's being controlled by the Beast - a nihilistic demonic entity who is the true power behind the Hand and the Snakeroot - and, in the footage, sees a flash of regret in Daredevil's face which gives her hope that he's not lost...
Shadowland: Power Man #2
Victor Álvarez had an argument with his father on the night of the explosion that killed him as he was preparing to defend their home. Now, his fight with Luke Cage and Iron Fist attracts the attention of on of the members of the Rivals gang who alerts their leader. She sends the Flashmob (Chemistro, Cheshire, Cockroach, Mister Fish & Spear) to kill Power Man, but they're defeated by all three heroes instead. Luke Cage realises Power Man's father was Shades, a fellow member of the Rivals gang from back when he was a member. The morning after Luke and Fist fight for their lives in Shadowland, Victor reveals his secret identity to his cousin to cover his tracks. Meanwhile, Deadly Nightshade - the Rivals' current leader - plots against Power Man...

Shadowland #3 *
Ghost Rider tears through the ninja in the cells below Shadowland. 'Jake Lockley' decides to join the fight above. Daredevil orders his warriors to bring him the heads of his friends as they fight for their lives. The Punisher's arrival gives them the exit they needed. Spider-Man, Punisher and the others head to the streets where violence is breaking out all around Hell's Kitchen as the dark power spreads further. The Kingpin plans to send the Ghost Rider to strike at the source of the Hand's power. Moon Knight remains in Shadowland, observing as Lord Daredevil prepares to go to war against the Avengers themselves. Daredevil and Typhoid head to Bullseye's grave with the intention of resurrecting him as an enforcer for the Hand, but they're interrupted by Elektra. As Luke Cage, the Punisher, Spider-Man and the others plan their next move, Master Izo arrives and explains Matt Murdock is in the thrall of the demonic Beast...
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #2
Shroud's cap took the hit from Paladin, now Shroud has the upper hand. He learns Paladin thought the Shroud had killed his employer, Mikey Fortunado, who hired him to kill his brother, Bobby. Thinking Bobby had Mikey killed first, Paladin decided to rob him to get his money. Shroud explains someone else killed Mikey. Silver Sable's Interpol connection believes she killed her mark, forcing her to investigate the Hand murders herself. Misty Knight breaks into the morgue and confirms Mikey wasn't killed by the Hand, but a cadre of ninja warn her they will pick up the investigation on Lord Daredevil's behalf. She tries to warn Bobby Fortunado, but the ninja kill him and his men. Misty and Paladin arrive on the scene and discover the bodies, but become the target of Fortunado's remaining men...

Shadowland: Ghost Rider #1 *
The Kingpin summons Ghost Rider back to his office and orders him to head to Japan and kill the three members of the Snakeroot who have manipulated Matt Murdock. Against his will, Ghost Rider heads to the Hand fortress, but is unable to kill Makoto, Takashi & Yutaka due to the Hand's magic. Instead, Johnny Blaze returns to human form and allows himself to be beaten and taken captive. When the Snakeroot murder him, God refuses to let him die. Blaze insists he's owed a favor and God returns him to life as the Ghost Rider, sending the Black Host of Warrior Angels with him to slaughter the Snakeroot and their entire ninja clan.
Daredevil #510 *
Dakota North protects Foggy Nelson from the White Tiger's ninja emissaries long enough before the Black Tarantula arrives and despatches the assassins, warning Foggy and Dakota to leave the city. Instead, they meet with Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Master Izo and learn of the Beast of the Hand before the Kingpin arrives and offers his allegiance once more. Black Tarantula tries to talk sense into Daredevil, who now has both Typhoid Mary and Elektra at his side. DD orders him back into the streets where riots are breaking out. White Tiger joins him, telling him Lord Daredevil has ordered the looters to be executed, then runs the Tarantula through with a sword and hurls him to the streets below...

Shadowland: Spider-Man #1
Spider-Man and Shang-Chi try to break up the war for territory between a slew of Hand ninja and Mister Negative and his Inner Demons. Mister Negative grabs Shang-Chi who absorbs much of his power and appearance, becoming negative himself. He takes control of the Inner Demons and tries to kill Mister Negative until Spider-Man risks his life to prove to Shang-Chi that he believes he will never harm him. Mister Negative escapes, returning to the blissfully unaware form of philanthropist Martin Li.
Thunderbolts #148
Luke Cage learns an old friend is being held in a secondary prison below Shadowland. He sends the Thunderbolts on the off-the-books mission to kill every ninja they find and free the prisoners, leaving Songbird and Fixer in charge of the team while he deals with other Shadowland-related problems. The team find themselves up against a swarm of super-powered ninja who impale Fixer and subdue Songbird, which Moonstone allows to happen so that she can take over...

Thunderbolts #149
The Thunderbolts murder their way through the super-ninja, then locate the secondary Shadowland beneath the sewers. Moonstone battles a dragon while Crossbones discovers his recent exposure to the Terrigen Mists has given him flame breath powers. Ghost frees the prisoners, including Cage's friend but Crossbones murders the friend because he's a cop. The Thunderbolts succeed in saving the other prisoners and destroying the underground lair, but Cage's faith in the Thunderbolts has changed...
Shadowland: Moon Knight #2
Amid the chaos on the confrontation with Daredevil at Shadowland, 'Jake Lockley' dons a makeshift cape to become the Moon Knight. He directly confronts Daredevil, but Khonshu is forced to fend off the Beast's attempt to influence Moon Knight who then warns the others that Matt Murdock is no longer in control. Khonshu sends Moon Knight on a mission to find the Sapphire Crescent - the only object that can break the Beast's control over Daredevil - and warns him that the other man vying for the role of his avatar, the Shadow Knight, is also seeking the mystical object. Lockley returns home to find the battered Marlene and rushes her to hospital. Days later, he seeks out the Shadow Knight and finds him lurking in New York City. Shadow Knight unmasks, revealing himself to be Randall Spector, Marc Spector's brother...

Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #3
Silver Sable helps Misty Knight and Paladin escape Fortunado's gangsters, taking them to a safehouse where they agree to work together. Shroud discovers another murder that matches the MO of the faux Hand ninja, this time a known sex-offender. Misty approaches her old NYPD friend Detective Rafael Scarfe who warns her to cease her investigations due to her pregnancy and implies the victims deserve what they got. Sable's sources reveal all of the recent victims have avoided serious charges in the past. Shroud and Paladin face the Hand ninja crew again and narrowly escape. While walking home, Misty is beaten by thugs who tell her Mister Negative wants her to drop her investigation, then leave her bleeding in the street...
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #1
Colleen Wing's attempt to free immigrant women being used as slaves by a 'legitimate' massage business is ended by the police who warn her to leave it alone. Later, Daredevil leaves her a message to come to Shadowland as he has information about Colleen's mother, Azumi Ozawa. Misty intercepts her (before Misty's beating) to warn her it's a trap. Ignoring her advice, Colleen heads to Shadowland where Daredevil reveals her mother was a member of an elite group of all-female Hand assassins called the Nail. He introduces her to four other daughters of Nail assassins and asks her to lead them...

Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #4
Iron Fist and Rafael Scarfe visit Misty in hospital. Despite another warning from Scarfe, she's soon back on her feet when Sable comes to her with new information. Sable, Misty, Shroud and Paladin spread information to lure the faux ninja to the former Symkarian Embassy where they spring their trap, taking down the ninja and unmasking Scarfe as their leader. The cops wanted to use the Hand as a cover to kill notorious criminals who had escaped justice. Real Hand ninja arrive and are defeated. Scarfe and his crew are arrested thanks to their confession being broadcast by Silver Sable. Scarfe holds a gun to Misty's head, but she beats him down.
Shadowland: Moon Knight #3
Randall Spector is alive and is still utterly insane. He admits to hurting Marlene, then uses the powers he gained superpowers on his last military job against Moon Knight and escapes. The incident leaves Moon Knight uncertain about his true identity and purpose. Khonshu points Moon Knight towards New Orleans where he locates the Sapphire Crescent, but it's stolen from him by Shadow Knight. Both Knights fight over it, but Moon Knight loses the Crescent when he hurls it at Shadow Knights throat to stop him setting off explosives on his body, knocking him into the sea. Moon Knight returns to Manhattan, shedding his identities aside from Marc Spector and Moon Knight, worshipping Khonshu and fighting the Hand.

Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #2
Colleen Wing and her Nail ninja - Black Lotus, Cherry Blossom, Makro & Yuki - free immigrant women from a truck in the Palisades, then return to the brothel Colleen tried to shut down a week earlier. Black Lotus disobeys Colleen's orders and blows up the brothel once the immigrant women are free. White Tiger reveals a reputable councilman is behind the brothel and the Nail kidnap him. The Hand then kidnap some of the councilman's employees, including Colleen's friend Tig. Her attempt to free Tig is discovered by Black Lotus who slashes as Colleen's neck in front of the other members of the Nail, naming her a traitor...
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #3
Colleen Wing is overpowered by the Nail and taken prisoner, but Cherry Blossom helps her escape. She turns to Misty who encourages her to do what's right and take a stand against Daredevil and the Nail. She breaks into Shadowland, frees Tig, defeats Black Lotus in one-on-one combat and leaves with Tig and Cherry Blossom. Two weeks later, she heads to Japan with her two new partners, in search of the truth about her mother.

Shadowland: Power Man #3
Right after the initial clash in Shadowland, Iron Fist decides to turn the new Power Man into an ally, while Deadly Nightshade retakes control of some corrupt cops who escaped Shadowland. Iron Fist figures Victor Álvarez is Power Man and has absorbed the chi of the 107 victims of the tenement explosion. Nightshade lures Power Man into a trap, taking the goggles she mistakenly believes to be the source of his power. But he actually gained them when the building exploded and microscopic shards of his father's goggles (given to him by Nightshade when he operated as the super-criminal Shades) became embedded in his body. The chi he gained included memories of Iron Fist's students who learned K'un-Lun martial arts. Iron Fist finds Iron Fist, so Nightshade orders Power Man to kill him in return for a better understanding of his powers. Meanwhile, Victor's cousin is kidnapped by the Hand...
Shadowland #4 *
Elektra lets Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Master Izo, the Punisher, Shang-Chi, Spider-Man and Wolverine into a secret entrance below Shadowland, warning them that Lord Daredevil is about to raise Bullseye from the dead as a creature of the Hand. Elektra kills the Hand priest, interrupting the ceremony and battle commences. Wolverine stabs Daredevil in the chest, but he survives and takes on a more demonic form, blasting the rest of his former-friends with a shockwave of pure evil energy. Kingpin and Lady Bullseye head toward Shadowland by helicopter...

Daredevil #511 *
J Jonah Jameson orders riot cops to take down the rioters in Hell's Kitchen. Dakota North accidentally hints to Alex Kurtz that Matt Murdock is Daredevil, then she rescues Becky Blake from a fire in the Nelson, Blake & Murdock offices. Foggy Nelson decides to scale Shadowland to confront Matt himself. White Tiger drags him to Lord Daredevil who insists on killing Foggy himself...
Shadowland #5 *
Ghost Rider returns to America, helping Foggy Nelson reach the roof of Shadowland. Daredevil sucks the hellfire out of Ghost Rider, leaving him a bag of lifeless bones. Daredevil insists on killing Foggy Nelson himself, but Foggy's pleas get through to him for a moment, allowing Master Izo to knock out White Tiger and Iron Fist to plant a healing blow on Daredevil to help Matt Murdock begin to regain control. Elektra enters Daredevil's mind, encouraging him to commit sepukku. The Beast's hold over Hell's Kitchen is gone and Daredevil lies near death, though his body disappears when everyone's back is turned. The Kingpin arrives at Shadowland, verbally unlocks Typhoid Mary's secret fourth personality and takes his place as the new leader of the Hand. Dressed in a hoodie and jogging bottoms, Matt Murdock heads to a church to give confession...

Shadowland: Power Man #4
Power Man turns on Nightshade, but Iron Fist has to convince him save the cops who beat him rather than capture Nightshade as she flees. Power Man learns his cousin is held in Shadowland. The ninja who failed to kill Power Man give their lives to summon the Retainer, an avatar of the Beast. While Iron Fist joins his friends in sneaking into Shadowland, Power Man makes his own way in. He frees his cousin, then the chi of everything in Hell's Kitchen helps him defeat the Retainer. After defeating Daredevil, Iron Fist helps Power Man and his cousin escape Shadowland. A week later, Iron Fist gives Victor Álvarez a job at the Rand Foundation, working with Iron Fist on a plan to take down Nightshade...
Daredevil #512 *
The NYPD are unable to close down Shadowland as it's still full of ninja. Captain Madison orders Detective Kurtz to locate and arrest Matt Murdock. Becky Blake realises she can;t stand by Foggy Nelson anymore as she no longer trusts Matt blindly like Foggy does. In Shadowland, Lady Bullseye kills the ninja who refuse to bow to the Kingpin. Iron Fist and Luke Cage catch up with a man fighting crime on the streets of Hell's Kitchen who matches Daredevil's description, but realise it's now the Black Panther who looks after this neighbourhood. Dakota finds Black Tarantula in the Night Nurse's care as he expresses his fear for the wellbeing of the White Tiger who's fully under the Hand's spell. Matt Murdock gets on a bus and leaves town.

Shadowland: After the Fall #1 *
Ben Urich and Alex Kurtz both seek out Daredevil, but no one knows where he is. Not even Foggy Nelson who's trying to rebuild his law firm now that his disbarment has been overturned. Kurtz sees the Black Panther fighting criminals on the streets of Hell's Kitchen, initially believing him to be Daredevil. He's approached by a group of cops who ask him not to bring Daredevil in because he helped all of them in his time. Ben receives a tape from Matt, explaining his failure and asking him to allow Foggy to think he's dead. Elektra visits Ben and convinces him not to tell the news of what went on in Shadowland. Foggy and Ben meet up and agree that Matt Murdock ultimately had a positive effect on Hell's Kitchen and they'll probably never see Daredevil again.
MCG Note: Major fallout from Daredevil, the Shadowland series and the Ghost Rider and After the Fall one-shots are included in black & blue. Secondary (less important) fallout from those titles and all fallout from the other one-shots and mini-series are included in grey.

I Am An Avenger #1 (2010)
Misty Knight learns her pregnancy isn't real and that Iron Fist's powers had manifested an additional lifeforce within her; the devastating news leads to them separating.

Thunderbolts #150 (2011)
Luke Cage kicks Moonstone out of the Thunderbolts for her actions under Shadowland; Crossbones tries to kill the resurrected Steve Rogers again, this time using his Terrigen powers; Luke learns Crossbones killed his friend on the Shadowland mission and kicks him off the team.

Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #513-518 (2011)
A flashback reveals Matt Murdock asked the Black Panther to step in as protector of Hell's Kitchen in his absence; having passed the throne on to his sister Shuri, the Panther accepted the role, initially defending the neighbourhood from the crime-lord Vlad the Impaler; the Black Panther is assisted by Detective Alex Kurtz.

Wolverine #2-5 (2010-2011)
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze returns, free of the Kingpin's control and no worse for wear, when he's called upon by Mystique to save Wolverine from Hell during WOLVERINE GOES TO HELL.

Thunderbolts #151 (2011)
Crossbones is revealed to have lost his Terrigen powers; Moonstone is reinstated as a member of the Thunderbolts.

Amazing Spider-Man #652-653 (2011)
The new Power Man tries to prove himself by attacking the only foe Iron Fist has never defeated, Spider-Man, during BIG TIME.

X-Men: To Serve and Protect #4 (2011)
Colleen Wing is revealed to have returned to America with no sign of Tig or Cherry Blossom; Colleen and Misty Knight work together as the Daughters of the Dragon again.

Heroes for Hire #1-5 (2011)
Misty Knight transforms Nightwing Restorations into a new Heroes For Hire in which she assembles street-evel super-human individuals appropriate ot the job at hand; Misty's calls upon Elektra, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Paladin, the Punisher, Silver Sable & other for her first series of missions.

Moon Knight #1 (2011)
Moon Knight's personality begins to diverge again, this time manifesting as hallucinations of members of the Avengers.

Power Man and Iron Fist #1-5 (2011)
Iron Fist continues to train the new Power Man as a member of the Heroes for Hire.

Daredevil: Reborn #1-4 (2011)
After wandering America for months, Matt Murdock is drawn back into the life of a hero to save a small town from a drug lord; with that, Matt returns to Hell's Kitchen, reunites with Foggy Nelson and decides to become Daredevil again.

Amazing Spider-Man #663-664 (2011)
Martin Li finally learns about his own Mister Negative persona; Shang-Chi beings training Spider-Man to develop his own fighting style, the Way of the Spider, during INFESTED: THE ROAD TO SPIDER-ISLAND.

Thunderbolts #158 (2011)
Juggernaut is granted the Hammer of Kuurth, transforming him into one of the Serpent's Worthy; this marks Juggernaut's exit from the Thunderbolts during FEAR ITSELF.

Thunderbolts #159 (2011)
Crossbones escapes the Raft during FEAR ITSELF.

New Avengers #16 (2011)
Matt Murdock publically returns as Daredevil, immediately accepting membership in the Avengers when the Thule Society lay siege to America during FEAR ITSELF.

Heroes for Hire #9 (2011)
The Shroud works for Misty Knight's new Heroes for Hire during FEAR ITSELF.

Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #522 (2011)
Becky Blake returns, helping bail Foggy Nelson out of jail when he and 'Mr Okonkwo' (aka the Black Panther) are wrongfully arrested during FEAR ITSELF.

Avengers Academy #20 (2011)
A new White Tiger (Ava Ayala) emerges, having taken the amulets from her niece Angela del Toro, and works to restore the good name of the White Tiger during FEAR ITSELF.

Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #524 (2011)
The Black Panther finally ruffles the Kingpin's feathers when he faces his assassin, Lady Bullseye, during SPIDER-ISLAND.

Herc #9 (2011)
Elektra next clashes with the Hand.

Vengeance #2 (2011)
The Young Masters steal Bullseye's corpse from a morgue as 'proof' that they've killed him, but Lady Bullseye steals it back.

Daredevil #1-2 (2011)
Matt Murdock fully returns to life as Daredevil, though Foggy Nelson initially struggles with his decision to become a crimefighter again; Captain America initially tries to bring Daredevil in to face his actions as the leader of the Hand; Nelson & Murdock take a new approach to lawyering due to the allegations that Matt Murdock is Daredevil.

Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #525-529 (2012)
Typhoid is finally utilised by the Kingpin when he sends both her and Lady Bullseye to kill the Black Panther; after clashing with the Kingpin, the Black Panther passes the baton of protector of Hell's Kitchen back to Daredevil.

Villains for Hire #0.1, 1-4 (2012)
Misty Knight disbands the Heroes for Hire and forms a crew made up of villains to combat the Purple Man's new Villains for Hire; Paladin infiltrates the Villains for Hire as the new Scourge; Paladin develops strong feelings for Misty.

Avengers Academy #21 (2012)
The new Power Man is enrolled at Avengers Academy during SHATTERED HEROES.

Dark Avengers #183 (2013)
After a series of harrowing mission, the Thunderbolts disband; Ghost, Mach-V, Moonstone, Songbird and Troll part from Luke Cage on good terms and go their own way during THE END IS THE BEGINNING.

Daredevil #24-27 (2013)
It's revealed that Lady Bullseye used Hand techniques to resurrect her Bullseye, though he loses all of his senses except sight and lives in an iron lung; Bullseye spent several months sending villains to battle Daredevil and convince him that he was going insane before his resurrection would be revealed; Daredevil's battle with Lady Bullseye and Ikari results in an accident that also leaves Bullseye blind. 

Captain Marvel #11 (2013)
Dakota North returns, taking her next big case from Carol Danvers when she's hired to hunt down Deathbird.

Uncanny Avengers #9 (2013)
The Sentry is resurrected (initially as a mind-controlled pawn of the Apocalypse Twins) during MARVEL NOW!

Mighty Avengers #3 (2014)
The new Power Man joins Luke Cage's Mighty Avengers during INFINITY.

Superior Spider-Man #14 (2013)
Shadowland is destroyed by Spider-Man (Otto Octavius) during MARVEL NOW!

Daredevil #6-7 (2014)
Matt Murdock learns his mother Margaret Murdock left him and his father as she was unable to trust herself due to her postpartum depression during ORIGINAL SIN.

Elektra #9-11 (2015) 
Bullseye returns having been restored to full health by the Hand.

New Avengers #1 (2015)
Songbird finally joins the Avengers (alongside the new Power Man) during ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL / EVERYTHING IS NEW.

New Avengers #7 (2016)
Angela del Toro returns as the White Tiger, clashing with her successor, Ava Ayala, as well as the new Power Man (Victor Álvarez) as a member of the New Revengers.

Power Man and Iron Fist #2 (2016)
Black Tarantula is revealed to have returned to his criminal career, allying with Tombstone against Luke Cage & Iron Fist.

New Avengers #18 (2017)
Ava Ayala quits being the White Tiger and convinces Angela del Toro to do the same (though Ava soon returns to the role).

Daredevil #17-20 (2017)
Daredevil frees the Purple Children from the Purple Man's control; in return, the Purple Children erase the knowledge that Matt Murdock is Daredevil from the minds of everyone in the world during RUNNING WITH THE DEVIL.

Daredevil #26-28 (2017)
The Beast of the Hand regains a physical form in Japan; the Beast makes a deal with Blindspot to trade Daredevil's soul in exchange for Lu Wei's, though he fails.

Daredevil #600-605 (2018)
Daredevil becomes embroiled in a clash between the Hand and the Kingpin once more; Daredevil confronts the Beast directly, stabbing it with a magical sword to end its latest siege on Manhattan during MARVEL LEGACY.
See how this events fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Daredevil: Shadowland Omnibus
Daredevil #501-512
Daredevil: Reborn #1-4
Dark Reign - The List: Daredevil #1
Shadowland #1-5
Shadowland: After The Fall #1
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1-4
Shadowland: Bullseye #1
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #1-3
Shadowland: Elektra #1
Shadowland: Ghost Rider #1
Shadowland: Moon Knight #1-3
Shadowland: Power Man #1-4
Shadowland: Spider-Man #1
Thunderbolts #148-149

Shadowland #1-5

Shadowland: Blood on the Streets
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1-4

Shadowland: Daredevil
Daredevil #508-512
Shadowland: After The Fall #1

Shadowland: Moon Knight
Shadowland: Moon Knight #1-3
Moon Knight #13 (1981)

Shadowland: Power Man
Shadowland: Power Man #1-4

Shadowland: Street Heroes
Shadowland: Bullseye #1
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #1-3
Shadowland: Elektra #1
Shadowland: Ghost Rider #1
Shadowland: Spider-Man #1

Shadowland: Thunderbolts
Thunderbolts #148-151

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