
Friday 5 November 2021

THE CHASE (1985-1986)

Alison Blaire loved her life as the performer Dazzler, using her light-based mutant powers to enhance her stage performances. But her singing career came to end when a demonstration of her powers was set up to promote her upcoming film ended in disaster, stirring up anti-mutant sentiment. Having become the focus of a number of costumed criminals, Dazzler turns to the X-Men to learn how to handle her mutant powers in a world that now fears and hates her...

This story was originally meant to end with Dazzler joining Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Angel as a member of X-Factor, but Marvel ended up bringing Jean Grey back to fill that role instead.

Events that influence this story:
  • DAZZLER THE MOVIE - Anti-mutant hysteria builds, all thanks to Dazzer
  • SECRET WARS II - The Beyonder comes to Earth
Dazzler #38
Dazzler recently turned to Professor X for training alongside the X-Men. She turned down an offer to join the team, but still wanted to prove herself to Wolverine who had issues with her recently coming out as a mutant as part of a publicity stunt. As agreed, Wolverine and Colossus track Dazzler down some time later, giving her a chance to prove she's able to handle herself and to put her new soundwave-absorbing costume into action. Dazzler manages to defeat them both, but Cyclops has to step in to stop Wolverine from taking things too far. In Los Angeles, bounty hunter O.Z. Chase is hired to apprehend Dazzler...

Dazzler #39
Scientist Rowden Piper builds a suit that will allow him to kill Dazzler with a 'deathgrip'. Piper blames Dazzler for his daughter's near-catatonic state, though it was actually caused by Melissa Piper taking drugs to make up for the lack of attention from her father. Despite saving some local kids from a near-fatal car accident, people still perceive Dazzler as a threat. Rowden Piper puts people at risk in order to try and kill Dazzler in front of his daughter. The shock of seeing her father almost die in an explosion wakes Melissa out of her state. But Dazzler unleashes her full light power on Piper to stop him from murdering her, leaving him in a similar catatonic state. O.Z. Chase arrives and apprehends Dazzler, despite him learning that she's only wanted because she's a mutant...
Secret Wars II #4
The Beyonder turns to the Molecule Man for advice on love and goes in search of it himself, selecting Dazzler as the focus of his affections. Snatching her from O.Z Chase's truck, the Beyonder tries to impress Dazzler by transporting her to numerous romantic locations in rapid succession. He transports himself to Canada to take a ring from Shaman's medicine pouch (interrupting Alpha Flight's clash with Omega Flight during AND GRAVES GIVE UP THEIR DEAD), but she rejects it and demands to be left alone. He tries to earn her sympathy by creating facsimile Avengers to attack him, then grants her some of his power to make Dazzler his equal. She forces the power from her body while floating above Dallas and crashes to the ground. The Beyonder resurrects her with unquestioning affection for him. Knowing her emotions aren't real, he decides to go on one last adventure with her until the effect fades...

Dazzler #40
With Dazzler gone and his truck broken down, OZ Chase heads into the nearest town where he clashes with psychic bikers sent by the mysterious Dust to find Dazzler. The Beyonder drops Dazzler off, but senses the threat of these Outriders and returns to her side. When they're defeated, the Beyonder powers them up so they become more of a threat and more of a thrill to battle. Dazzler walks away from the fight when she realises what they Beyonder is doing. The Beyonder undoes the damage caused to the town and depowers the Outriders, remarking to Dazzler that their initial increase in power came from exposure to her light-casting before he departs from her life...
Dazzler #41
Dust intends using her light powers to activate the drug he created with his wife Silence which gives normal people superhuman powers. Dust currently leaps to new host bodies to stay alive as each physical form he takes crumbles. Arriving in Denver, Dazzler and OZ Chase are met by Dazzler's father Carter Blaire who takes Dazzler away in his limo, but she soon realises this isn't her father at all. Dust has claimed her Carter's physical body. OZ Chase finds the corpse and goes after them both. Dust's driver Jared takes Dazzler out to the state park where Dust reveals his plans and Dazzler's retaliation unlocks Jared's powers but exerts himself trying to kill Dazzler. When Dust tries to jump into Dazzler's body as his next host, OZ Chase arrives and shoots him in the head, then watch as he begins to crumble away. Dazzler steals Chase's truck and heads off to shut down Silence and the drug-powered New Wave...

Dazzler #42
Silence has Dazzler and her mother Barbara London captive and plans to use Dazzler's powers to create an army of super-beings called the New Wave who will be under her control. She intends on killing Dazzler for her role in the death of her husband, Dust. Dazzler uses her powers to project sound instead of light, killing Silence. Beast (Hank McCoy) and O.Z. Chase arrive and help Dazzler escape as the New Wave lose their powers. As thanks for saving them, everyone agrees to tell the police that the body of New Wave agent Portia is actually Dazzler, so the world believes she's dead. Beast offers Dazzler membership in X-Factor...

Alpha Flight #28 (1985)
The Beyonder's encounter with Alpha Flight is expanded during AND GRAVES GIVE UP THEIR DEADSECRET WARS II.

Thor #363 (1986)
Renaming himself 'Kurse', Algrim the Elf catches up with Thor during SECRET WARS II.

X-Factor #1 (1986)
X-Factor officially come together as a group with the returned Jean Grey taking the last spot on the team (though there's no mention of Dazzler) during THIRD GENESIS.

New Mutants 42 (1986)
Clearly having rejected the Beast's offer to join X-Factor, Dazzler joins Lila Cheney's band on tour.

Uncanny X-Men #214 (1987)
After she becomes a target of the Marauders, Dazzler decides to join the X-Men during MUTANT MASSACRE.

Silver Surfer #1 (1987)
The Silver Surfer finally escapes the barrier that's been trapping him on Earth.

Uncanny X-Men #228 (1988)
OZ Chase reacts to the news of Dazzler's apparent death, recalling a recent occasion when he teamed up with her and the X-Men against a mutant KGB agent; Chase toasts the X-Men.
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Secret Wars Battleworld Box Set
Secret Wars II Omnibus
Dazzler #40
Secret Wars II #4

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