
Saturday 16 October 2021


Jason Philip Macendale Jr started out as the boundiing, bizarre costumed criminal Jack O'Lantern, but his rivalry with the Hobgoblin took him to another level. Simply enquiring with the Foreigner about the Hobgoblin's potential demise led to Ned Leeds being assassinated. It seemed - at the time, at least - that Ned had been the Hobgoblin all along! So with the original off the board, Macendale dropped his pumpkin head in favour of becoming the Hobgoblin himself.

Unfortunately, he fared no better as a Hobgoblin than he did as a Jack O'Lantern. Macendale wasn't taken seriously from the beginning and, lacking the stolen Green Goblin formula that gave the original Hobgoblin his powers, turned to the demon N'Astirh for superhuman abilities in exchange for his soul. Gaining the form of a true Hobgoblin, Macendale's transformation messed with his mind and the goblin within began taking control of his body until it separated from him as the Demogoblin

Aside from joining the Sinister Six, forming his own Sinister Seven and leading the cyborg squad Cell-12, Macendale spent much of his time at war with the Demogoblin, trying to gain alternative superpowers or failing to prove himself as a major league mercenary. He was such an embarrassment that it prompted the real original Hobgoblin to return and end his career.

MCG Notes:
  • Issue listings in blue & black: The must-read Hobgoblin stories from this time period, along with any key related stories and often-forgotten tales that are worth a read.
  • Issue listings in grey: Part of Jason Macendale's chronology, cameo appearances or stories of note that non-essential or no longer considered 'required reading'.
  • Chronology: Every appearance of the Hobgoblin - as well as his demonic counterpart, the Demogoblin - from this period is included in chronological order, mapping out their timeline rather than just the order the issues were released.
  • Hobgoblin/Demogoblin: When the Demogoblin and the Hobgoblin exist simultaneously but independently, I'll start each synopsis with which of them are appearing in that story as long as both exist.
  • Spoilers: The issue/story overviews may include spoilers, so be warned!
See the history of Jason Macendale's previous costumed identity:

Amazing Spider-Man #289(pp.15-17) / Web of Spider-Man #29(pp.11-13) (1987)
Amazing Spider-Man #289(pp.18-38) (1987)
Web of Spider-Man #29(pp.14-23) (1987)
First appearance of Jason Macendale/Jack O'Lantern as the Hobgoblin; the new Hobgoblin kills crooked cops Johnston & Varley, displaying their bodies to the mobster the Rose who he allows to live; the Kingpin immediately figures out that the new Hobgoblin is Jason Macendale when he approaches the crimlord to retrieve his file on him; Spider-Man is almost killed trying to stop this ruthless new Hobgoblin from killing his way to the file, but Flash Thompson throws a pumpkin bomb back at the villains which sends him packing; the Hobgoblin tries to kill Alfredo Morelli when he tries to destroy any evidence that may connect the original Hobgoblin to the Rose during THE HOBGOBLIN REVEALED.

Web of Spider-Man #38 (1988)
The Hobgoblin confronts the Arranger over the Kingpin blacklisting him from assassination contracts; the Arranger sends him to kill Spider-Man to prove his worth; despite accidentally drinking punch with alcohol in it, Spider-Man still manages to defeat the Hobgoblin.

Amazing Spider-Man #311 (1989)
Spectacular Spider-Man #146 (1989)
Hobgoblin cameo; Hobgoblin spies on Harry Osborn during INFERNO.
Web of Spider-Man #47 (1989)
Amazing Spider-Man #312 (1989)
The Hobgoblin clashes with Spider-Man when he interrupts his search for the formula that empowered Harry Osborn's father, Norman Osborn - the Green Goblin - in the ruins of an Oscorp facility; the Hobgoblin goes to Harry's home yo terrorise the Osborn family, inspiring a manic response in Harry who resumes the Green Goblin identity himself; Spider-Man and the Green Goblin ward off the Hobgoblin together during INFERNO.

Spectacular Spider-Man #147 (1989)
Web of Spider-Man #48 (1989)
The Hobgoblin is attacked by a handful of the demons from Limbo who ate plaguing New York City; he demands to see their master N'Astirh and offers his soul in exchange for power; N'Astirh transforms the Hobgoblin, granting him demonic powers on a par with the original Green Goblin but physically altering his form so that he resembles a demon; Hobgoblin attacks Spider-Man, unleashing his new powers on him; the Hobgoblin is caught in a gas explosion during INFERNO.
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #11[1/2] (1989)
As part of the Prime Movers' campaign against the costumed heroes, the Hobgoblin is sent to kill Doctor Strange; Strange ends the Hobgoblin's assault by magically convincing him that he's returned to human form during ACTS OF VENGEANCE.

Spectacular Spider-Man #161-163 (1990)
First appearance of Martha McBride; now unable to acknowledge his own demonic form, the Hobgoblin is hired by Hammerhead to assassinate Joe Robertson but fails thanks to Spider-Man, the Puma and Tombstone; Hobgoblin frees Carrion from the Vault to help him kill Spider-Man for Hammerhead; Carrion turns on the murderous Hobgoblin, who both appear to die in a pumpkin bomb explosion.

Amazing Spider-Man #335, 337-339 (1990)
Doctor Octopus invites the Hobgoblin to join the Sinister Six; the team soon learn Doctor Octopus was using them for his own agenda in a plot to take over the world himself; the Six turn against Doctor Octopus, though he's ultimately defeated by Spider-Man and the Sandman.
Spider-Man #6-7 (1991)
Hobgoblin's demonic persona takes over, removing his mask for the 'sinners' he's kidnapped to show his true demonic face underneath; Spider-Man is joined by Ghost Rider is hunting down the Hobgoblin and freeing the survivors of his insane rampage; Spider-Man stops Ghost Rider from killing the demonic Hobgoblin and turns him over to the authorities.

Darkhawk #1-3 (1991)
First appearance of Darkhawk/Chris Powell, Allegra Bazin, Broderick Bazin, Philippe Bazin, Cheryl Colon, Harry Lennox, Grace Powell, Jason Powell, Jon Powell, Michael Powell, Steve 'Headset' Rubino, St Johnny/John Trane/Mondu, Jimmy Zafar, the Darkhawk Amulet and the Darkhawk Android; with his human persona back in control after escaping the police, the Hobgoblin turns to crimelord Philippe Bazin to locate an item that can cure him of his demonic side; the Hobgoblin senses the power in Darkhawk's amulet and tries to claim it himself, only to be defeated by Darkhawk and Spider-Man before he gets a chance.

Ghost Rider #16-17 (1991)
First appearance of Reverend Styge/Jim Sharp; Ghost Rider and Spider-Man team up against the Hobgoblin again as his demonic side takes over once more when he kidnaps Francis Ketch; together with Johnny Blaze they defeat Hobgoblin and watch his unconscious form switch between the human Jason Macendale and the demon side...
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #31-33 (1991)
Hobgoblin takes to killing mercenaries, including Marc Spector and Jean-Paul Duchamp, attacking them at Spector Manor; while switching forms between the mercenary Jason Macendale and his demonic side, Spider-Man joins the fight; Hobgoblin bites Moon Knight; Moon Knight (who once worked with Macendale in his mercenary days) beats Hobgoblin into submission.

Spider-Man #18, 19[1/2]-20[1/2], 21-23 (1992)
When the home of the family who gave the Sandman somewhere to stay is blown up by Doctor Octopus, the Sandman agrees to ally with the other betrayed members of the Sinister Six - including the Hobgoblin - to bring him to justice; instead he convinces them to join him in his campaign to destroy Earth; Spider-Man gets help from Ghost Rider, the Hulk, Deathlok, Nova, Solo, Sleepwalker and the Fantastic Four in defeating the Sinister Six and their newest member, Gog.
Web of Spider-Man #84-87 (1992)
First full appearance of the Demogoblin; the Hobgoblin continues to struggle with his human and demon sides with incarcerated; the former Rose Richard Fisk breaks the Hobgoblin out of jail to use against Spider-Man; Jason Macendale and his demonic side painfully split into two separate beings; the Demogoblin departs to learn more about himself; retaining the Hobgoblin identity, Jason Macendale and his hi-tech hitmen the Praetorian Guard attack the new Rose's hideout and kidnaps Richard Fisk and takes Spider-Man prisoner during THE FALL OF THE KINGPIN

Web of Spider-Man #88-89 (1992)
HOBGOBLIN: The Hobgoblin takes Richard Fisk and Spider-Man to Fisk Tower which is attacked by the Rose's men, forcing the Hobgoblin to flee; later, Spider-Man and the Hobgoblin team up to track down the Rose (now the Blood Rose) and fights them fighting each other; Hobgoblin betrays Spider-Man but takes the opportunity to escape when Spidey tries to save Richard Fisk from drowning during THE FALL OF THE KINGPIN.
Spider-Man #24 (1992)
HOBGOBLIN & DEMOGOBLIN: The Demogoblin sports a new look when he returns to kill the Hobgoblin with Spider-Man caught in the middle; a Spider-Man Doppelganger enters the fray and attempts to assimilate Spidey; Hobgoblin blasts the Doppelganger onto a railing, killing him; the impaled four-armed Doppelganger corpse to be stolen by the Demogoblin during THE INFINITY WAR / GOBLIN KNIGHT.

Marvel Comics Presents #112[2/4] (1992)
DEMOGOBLIN: The Demogoblin puts the Spider-Man Doppelgänger in cold storage and looks for a way to revive it; Code: Blue are alerted to the Demogoblin's whereabouts and apprehend him, sending him to the Tombs Prison during THE INFINITY WAR / GOBLIN KNIGHT.

Web of Spider-Man #93-94 (1992)
HOBGOBLIN & DEMOGOBLIN: Jason Macendale retrains and relearns his mercenary skills for the right to become the Hobgoblin again without demonic powers; to finally pay off his outstanding debt to the Foreigner for having Ned Leeds murdered, the Hobgoblin has to kill Moon Knight and new photographer Nick Katzenberg; Moon Knight and Spider-Man defeat the Hobgoblin; from the Tombs Prison, the Demogoblin mentally resurrects the Doppelganger who breaks him out of the Tombs during GOBLIN KNIGHT / SPIRITS OF VENOM.

Web of Spider-Man #95 (1992)
Ghost Rider & Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #5 (1992)
Web of Spider-Man #96 (1993)
Ghost Rider & Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #6 (1993)
HOBGOBLIN & DEMOGOBLIN: Demogoblin immediately resumes his vendetta against the Hobgoblin before Spider-Man can even get him to the authorities; Spider-Man and Hobgoblin seek refuge from Demogoblin and the Doppelganger in a church, but Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze and Venom's clash with Hag & Troll collides with them and the conflict continues in the sewers; Venom saves Hobgoblin from Demogoblin and his new pet; Hobgoblin and Demogoblin are arrested during SPIRITS OF VENOM.

Marc Spector: Moon Knight #45-46 (1992-1993)
DEMOGOBLIN: Having learned the bite he received from the demonically-possessed Hobgoblin is the cause of the mutation that will kill him in just 72 hours; Moon Knight breaks into Brinkstone Prison to get the cure he needs from the Demogoblin during GOBLIN KNIGHT.

Alpha Flight #121 (1993)
HOBGOBLIN: Hobgoblin
cameo; the Hobgoblin is among those present when the Chess Set run an auction to sell the remains of Gamma Flight members Silver and Auric to the highest bidder.
Web of Spider-Man #101 (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man #378 (1993)
Spider-Man #35 (1993)
Spectacular Spider-Man #201 (1993)
Web of Spider-Man #102 (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man #379 (1993)
Spider-Man #36 (1993)
Spectacular Spider-Man #202 (1993)
Web of Spider-Man #103 (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man #380 (1993)
Spider-Man #37 (1993)
Spectacular Spider-Man #203 (1993)

DEMOGOBLIN: Carnage convinces the Demogoblin and the Doppelganger to ally with him and his murderous crew as they rampage through New York City; after battling Spider-Man, Venom, Deathlok and other, Demogoblin ends up being defeated by his ally Shriek during MAXIMUM CARNAGE.

Ghost Rider #40 (1993)
DEMOGOBLIN: Having gained additional power from the Darkhold, Blade - now calling himself Switchblade - begins killing all supernatural beings, including the Demogoblin during MIDNIGHT MASSACRE.

Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #13 (1993)
DEMOGOBLIN: Demogoblin cameo; Louise Hastings of the Darkhold Redeemers uses the Darkhold to undo the damage caused by Switchblade, changing him back to Blade and resurrecting those he'd murdered - including Demogoblin - during MIDNIGHT MASSACRE.

Sleepwalker #20-22 (1993)
HOBGOBLIN: 8-Ball and the Hobgoblin make a bet - whichever one of them kills Sleepwalker within 24 hours will get $100,000; Sleepwalker and his host Rick Sheridan switch bodies, so the two villains end up fight Sheridan in the form of the Sleepwalker; Hobgoblin cuts Sleepwalker's throat and demands the prize, but 8-Ball realises it's not really Sleepwalker; Hobgoblin turns against 8-Ball, believing he's trying to avoid paying up but flies away when he learns the truth.

Deathlok #26 (1993)
HOBGOBLIN: Hoping to make amends with the Foreigner, the Hobgoblin takes a job from Clayton Burr who wants Deathlok dead over his recent actions in Paris (as part of the CYBERWAR); Deathlok almost forgoes his 'no killing' parameter when the Hobgoblin threatens his family.

Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda #1-3 (1994)
HOBGOBLIN: Scientist Herbert Landon, an old friend of the Beast, is revealed to be searching for a way to destroy the mutant gene; Landon allies with the Hobgoblin to help carry out his plan which is opposed by the Beast and Spider-Man; Landon ends up being mutated by his own formula; Hobgoblin is defeated and arrested.

Spider-Man #44 (1994)
HOBGOBLIN: Spider-Man reflects on his uncle Ben Parker and goes web-swinging to clear his mind; he runs into the Hobgoblin who is working as a bodyguard for an illegal arms dealer; Spider-Man shuts down their operation, leaving a webbed-up Hobgoblin who promises he'll kill Spider-Man the next time he sees him.
Venom: The Enemy Within #1-3 (1994)
DEMOGOBLIN: Demogoblin tries to kill a group of demon worshippers only to be teleported to San Francisco by rogue city mayor Charles Palene; Demogoblin ends up leading the goblins Palene has summoned to invade San Francisco and is opposed by Morbius and Venom, but eventually turns against Palene.

Spider-Man #46-48 (1994)
HOBGOBLIN & DEMOGOBLIN: First appearance of Coldheart/Kateri Deseronto, Gregor and Vladimir Kravinoff; Demogoblin resumes his search for the Hobgoblin, not to kill him but to offer him forgiveness, though this only angers the Hobgoblin when they clash once more; Hobgoblin heads to Russia to find the son of Kraven the Hunter to translate his coded journal that contains the secret of the formula that enhanced Kraven's abilities; Hobgoblin's enhanced abilities give him an edge of the Demogoblin; Demogoblin dies saving a child from being crushed by a falling church pillar; Hobgoblin tracks down his ex-wife, intent on reclaiming his son; Spider-Man and Hobgoblin are attacked by Coldheart who blames superhumans for the death of her son, but is won over by Spider-Man while Hobgoblin escapes.

Spider-Man: Funeral For An Octopus #1-2 (1995)
After Doctor Octopus is murdered by Kaine, his cousin Elias Hargrove hires the remaining members of the Sinister SixHobgoblin, Electro, Mysterio and the Vulture - to steal Doc Ock's equipment; Mysterio is revealed to have planned the heist in a bid to keep the stolen equipment for himself. 
Spider-Man Unlimited #9 (1995)
Hobgoblin forms the Sinister Seven with Electro, Mysterio, Vulture, Beetle, Scorpia and Shocker to hunt down Kaine before he can kill them first; Spider-Man steps in to stop Kaine from murdering the Seven during THE MARK OF KAINE.

Green Goblin #4 (1996)
The new Green Goblin (Phil Urich) gets a little help from the Thing in taking down the Hobgoblin when he tries to rob a money train, even though the experience almost kills him; the Hobgoblin flees before he can be arrested.
Spider-Man #68 (1996)
Spectacular Spider-Man #234 (1996)
After receiving cybernetic upgrades from cyborg mercenaries Cell-12, Hobgoblin leads them on a mission to kill Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) and kidnap Seward Trainer; Spider-Man barely survives, but Trainer is taken tohis employer Gaunt during BLOOD BROTHERS

Spider-Man #69 (1996)
Disappointed with their performance, the Hobgoblin kills Cell-12; Gaunt fires the Hobgoblin who promises to prove himself by killing Spider-Man, but he's ordered to allow Spidey to live or he'll be killed instead; Spider-Man defeats the Hobgoblin who, despairing of his life choices, spills information to the press.
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives #1 (1997)
First named appearance of Daniel Kingsley; the imprisoned Hobgoblin decides to reveal the truth about how he had Ned Leeds murdered and stole the Hobgoblin identity from him; the real original Hobgoblin returns, breaks into the facility where Jason Macendale is being held and hits him with a gauntlet blast so powerful it leaves him a smouldering skeleton.
The original Hobgoblin's reading order continues and a new Hobgoblin emerges:
  • 1997-2015: Kingsley Returns
  • 2010-2013: Phil Urich
Jason Macendale and the Demogoblin have both since returned to the land of the living. Here are some stories of note that feature them:

Dead No More; The Clone Conspiracy #2-4(pp.1-8) (2017)
Amazing Spider-Man #23
(pp.1-15) (2017)
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #3
(pp.13-19) / Amazing Spider-Man #23(pp.17-20)
/ Prowler #4(pp.1-3) / Silk #16(p.17) (2017)
Prowler #4(pp.4-20)-5 (2017)
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #5 (2017)
Jason Macendale is among the deceased foes of Spider-Man brought back by the new Jackal during THE CLONE CONSPIRACY.

Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #1-3 (2019)
Demogoblin is resurrected using Shriek's body as a host, with the Symbiote called Scorn making up her central nervous system; she renames herself Demagoblin, falls in 'love' with Carnage and battles Iron Fist and Misty Knight during ABSOLUTE CARNAGE.

Scream: Curse of Carnage #6 (2020)
Demagoblin renames herself Saint D and turns a church into a refuge for the homeless, forming the Cult of Saint D.
See reading orders for other characters referenced above:

Notable collected editions that include the Hobgoblin and/or Demogoblin:

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection vol.17: Kraven's Last Hunt
Amazing Spider-Man #289
Web of Spider-Man #29

X-Men: Inferno Crossovers
X-Men: Inferno Omnibus
Amazing Spider-Man #311-312
Spectacular Spider-Man #146-147
Web of Spider-Man #47-48

Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage
Amazing Spider-Man #378-380
SPectacular Spider-Man #201-203
Web of Spider-Man #101-103

Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives!
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives #1

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