
Monday 23 August 2021

CIVIL WAR (2006-2007)

Tony Stark has always been a futurist. A man savvy businessman known for his technological advancements, including the creation of the Iron Man suit. It stands to reason that it's not just changing technology on his mind. When he sees a change in the attitude towards costumed heroes, he knows change is coming. And he know there'll come disagreements. 

Captain America is a traditionalist, believing in the underlying principles of what his country should be capable of. He and Tony Stark haven't always seen eye-to-eye but, despite being fellow Avengers, their friendship is about to be tested now more than ever before.

The New Warriors recently became the stars of their own reality TV series, following their role as crime-fighters in the name of entertainment. How could their efforts to attain fame possibly lead to one of the most impactful events in the history of the Marvel Universe?

This entry also includes the SPIDER-MAN UNMASKED and CASUALTIES OF WAR tie-ins as they're essentially a part of CIVIL WAR, anyway. This is the complete event in chronological order.
Events that lead the characters towards the Civil War storyline:

MCG Notes:

  • Only want to read the essentials? Key issues are marked with an asterisk *. Read the story in its entirety, if you like. Or just read the main series and add the issues featuring the characters who interest you the most.
  • I've included all six 'Moon Knight' tie-ins under the 'Casualties of War' banner as that was the original intention. It was only lateness that led to them being branded as tie-ins to 'The Initiative', but I'll also include issues 11-12 in the entry for The Initiative.

  • Civil War #1 *
  • Wolverine #42
  • Civil War: Front Line #1[1/3] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #1[2/3]
  • New Avengers #21 *
  • She-Hulk #8
  • Civil War: Front Line #1[3/3]
  • Civil War #2 *
  • New Avengers #22 *
  • Wolverine #43
  • Wolverine #44
  • Wolverine #45
  • X-Factor #8
  • Amazing Spider-Man #532
  • Amazing Spider-Man #533
  • Thunderbolts #103 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #2[2/4]
  • Sensational Spider-Man #28 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Civil War: Front Line #2[3/4] *
  • Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1
  • Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #2
  • Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #3
  • Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4
  • Civil War: Front Line #2[1/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #2[4/4]
  • Heroes for Hire #1
  • Wolverine #46
  • Wolverine #47
  • Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #11 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #12 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #13 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Moon Knight #7 (Casualties of War)
  • Moon Knight #8 (Casualties of War)
  • Moon Knight #9 (Casualties of War)
  • Moon Knight #10 (Casualties of War) (tie-in)
  • Moon Knight #11 (Casualties of War) (tie-in) (also see THE INITIATIVE)
  • Moon Knight #12 (Casualties of War) (tie-in) (also see THE INITIATIVE)
  • Ms Marvel #6
  • Ms Marvel #7
  • Ms Marvel #8
  • X-Factor #9
  • Civil War: Front Line #3[2/4]
  • Fantastic Four #538 *
  • Black Panther #18 *
  • Thunderbolts #104 *
  • Thunderbolts #105 *
  • Captain America #22 *
  • New Avengers #23 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #3[1/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #3[4/4]
  • Black Panther #19 (tie-in) *
  • Civil War: Front Line #4[2/4]
  • Black Panther #20 (tie-in) *
  • Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[1/6]
  • Black Panther #21 (tie-in) *
  • Civil War: Front Line #4[1/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #4[4/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #3[3/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #4[3/4]
  • Civil War: X-Men #1
  • Cable & Deadpool #30
  • Civil War: Front Line #5[1/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #5[2/4]
  • Civil War #3 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #6[4/4]
  • Civil War Files #1
  • Daily Bugle: Civil War
  • Civil War #4 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #6[1/4] *
  • Cable & Deadpool #31
  • Cable & Deadpool #32
  • Captain America #23 *
  • Civil War: X-Men #2
  • Civil War: X-Men #3
  • Civil War: X-Men #4
  • New Avengers #24 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #5[3/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #6[3/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #7[3/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #7[4/4]
  • Heroes for Hire #2
  • Heroes for Hire #3
  • Black Panther #22 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #6[2/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #7[1/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #7[2/4]
  • Iron Man/Captain America: Casualties of War #1
  • Sensational Spider-Man #29 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Sensational Spider-Man #30 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Sensational Spider-Man #31 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Winter Soldier: Winter Kills #1 (Casualties of War)
  • Civil War: Front Line #5[4/4]
  • Amazing Spider-Man #534
  • Fantastic Four #539 *
  • Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[2/6] (also see LOW-LIFE)
  • Civil War: Front Line #8[4/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #8[2/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #8[3/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #9[3/4] *
  • Civil War: The Return #1[2/2]
  • Civil War: Front Line #8[1/4] *
  • Civil War: Front Line #9[1/4] *
  • Amazing Spider-Man #535
  • Fantastic Four #540 *
  • Civil War #5 *
  • Punisher War Journal #1 *
  • Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[5/6]
  • Fantastic Four #541
  • Civil War: Front Line #9[2/4]
  • Civil War: Front Line #9[4/4]
  • Sensational Spider-Man #32 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Sensational Spider-Man #33 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Sensational Spider-Man #34 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Wolverine #48 (Casualties of War)
  • Captain America #24 *
  • Iron Man #13 *
  • Iron Man #14 *
  • Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[4/6]
  • Civil War: Front Line #10[2/2]
  • Ghost Rider #8 (Casualties of War)
  • Ghost Rider #9 (Casualties of War)
  • Ghost Rider #10 (Casualties of War)
  • Ghost Rider #11 (Casualties of War)
  • Blade #5 (Casualties of War)
  • Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #14 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #15 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #16 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
  • Civil War: War Crimes #1
  • New Avengers #25 *
  • Fantastic Four #542 *
  • Black Panther #23
  • Black Panther #24
  • Amazing Spider-Man #536 *
  • Amazing Spider-Man #537 *
  • Civil War #6 *
  • Punisher War Journal #2
  • Punisher War Journal #3
  • Civil War: The Return #1[1/2]
  • Civil War #7 *
  • Civil War: Front Line #10[1/2] *
  • Black Panther #25
  • Civil War: The Confession #1[2/2] *
  • Amazing Spider-Man #538 *
  • Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[3/6] (also see THE LAST IRON FIST STORY)
  • Captain America #25 *
  • Civil War: The Confession #1[1/2] *
  • Daily Bugle: Civil War - Fallen Son Special Edition
  • Civl War: Front Line #11 *
  • Civil War: The Initiative #1 * (also see THE INITIATIVE) / FAITH IN MONSTERS / ALPHA TO OMEGA)
  • Civil War: Battle Damage Report
  • Fantastic Four #543[1/3] *
Civil War #1 *
Seizing an opportunity to increase the ratings on their reality TV show, the New Warriors' attempt to capture a band of villains backfires when Nitro explodes himself, killing over 600 people in Stamford, Connecticut, including school kids and the Warriors themselves. The Fantastic Four, Avengers, X-Men clear the wreckage, but the damage to the reputation of the superhuman community has been done. The media call for costumed heroes to be regulated or shut down and the government once again consider a Super-Human Registration Act (SHRA). After the Human Torch is even beaten in the street, the heroes gather at the Baxter Building to discuss the pros and cons of making their secret identities public. Meanwhile, Captain America refuses to cooperate with Maria Hill's orders to take down heroes who refuse to unmask and fights his way through 'Cape-Killer' SHIELD agents to escape the Helicarrier and go underground. Concerned about Cap becoming a figurehead to oppose the SHRA, the President turns to Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Yellowjacket who reassure him that they'll deal with Captain America...
Wolverine #42
Wolverine ignores orders from Cyclops and Iron Man to stay and help deal with their current problems. Instead, he decides to track down the only survivor of the Stamford disaster: Nitro.

Civil War: Front Line #1[1/3] *
Journalists Ben Urich of the Daily Bugle and Sally Floyd of the Alternative attend the funeral of a newsman killed in Stamford. Later, Robbie Robertson asks Ben to just report the news without opinion. Meanwhile, Sally is approached by Spider-Man who asks her to consider running a story about the possible effects of publicly revealing his identity. At a press conference the next day, Tony Stark reveals he's Iron Man.

Civil War: Front Line #1 [2/3]
Turns out Nitro wasn't the only survivor when a farmer discovers Speedball of the New Warriors is still alive, blasted away from ground zero and contained in a kinetic cocoon. When he comes out of his coma, Speedball learns his friends are dead and that he's under arrest...
New Avengers #21 *
Dum Dum Dugan leads a team of Cape-Killers hunt Captain America and he narrowly avoids capture. Falcon agrees to join Cap in opposing the SHRA, while Spider-Man begins siding with Iron Man. Cap and Falcon attempt to recruit Yellowjacket, but learn he's pro-registration. 

She-Hulk #8
A website has been releasing the secret identities of past members of the New Warriors, resulting in attacks on them. Captain America approaches his former pilot, John Jameson, for help but John declines to choose a side. She-Hulk defends the remaining New Warriors in court. Iron Man reveals disgruntled former-Warrior Hindsight Lad is behind the website. She-Hulk, Justice, Rage, Slapstick and Ultra Girl shut Hindsight Lad down before he can do any more damage. Later, John Jameson proposes to She-Hulk...

Civil War: Front Line #1[3/3]
Spider-Man continues to consider revealing his identity; a decision process that is inappropriately compared to the US Government's treatment of American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II.
Civil War #2 *
Registration is now law and SHIELD's Cape-Killers are tasked with apprehending and detaining unregistered. They arrest the Young Avengers, but Cap's Secret Avengers break the team out of their containment vehicle and take them to one of Nick Fury's secret bases where they're given new secret identities. As part of his next televised statement, Tony Stark lets Spider-Man step up and reveal his true identity on live TV. Peter Parker's arch-enemies now all know that who's under Spider-Man's mask. Elsewhere, Mister Fantastic tries and fails to recruit the Black Panther. Tony Stark has similar problems when he meets with Emma Frost of the X-Men who questions the whereabouts of the Avengers during the Genosha massacre. However, Bishop seems interested in talking to Stark privately...
New Avengers #22 *
Iron Man and Ms Marvel show up at Luke Cage and Jessica Jones' home to warn Cage that he'll need to sign up to the Super-Human Registration Act when it becomes law at midnight. Luke doesn't appreciate the threat of being dragged out of his home by the authorities. Jessica agrees to take their daughter up north to her parents' place while Luke stands his ground. When midnight strikes, SHIELD's Gabe Jones and a squad of Cape-Killers move in and Cage retaliates. He's backed up by other folks in the neighbourhood before Captain America, Falcon and Daredevil arrive to pull him out, stealing a cape-killer tank and driving off. Over the radio, Cage tells Maria Hill that the revolution is coming.

Wolverine #43
The SHRA has been passed in the days that Wolverine's been hunting Nitro. Iron Man tracks Wolverine down and tries to talk him out of killing Nitro and risking another Stamford incident. Instead, Wolvey joins the Cape-Killers assigned to bringing Nitro in, but they don't last long against the psychotic villain's explosive powers. Wolverine barely survives himself, as every inch of flesh on his Adamantium bones is burned away. But he soon heals and stands naked over the reconstituted Nitro...
Wolverine #44
Wolverine's revenge is cut short when a small band of Atlanteans show up to bring Nitro back to Atlantis for execution. He soon finds that out someone supplied Nitro with Mutant Growth Hormone (MGH) before the destruction at  Stamford, increasing his powers and allowing him to cause more destruction. But he won't be able to get to the bottom of this mystery if Namor the Sub-Mariner drags Nitro under the sea...

Wolverine #45
Namor takes down Wolverine and returns to Atlantis with Nitro. Iron Man lends Wolverine his undersea armour so he can petition Namor. An Atlantean interrogator learns Damage Control CEO Walter Declun provided Nitro with MGH. Now Wolverine knows who he really needs to kill...
X-Factor #8
Some time ago, Jamie Madrox - the Multiple Man, a mutant with the power to duplicate himself - sent one of his dupes out to becomes a SHIELD agent. Now, the dupe is being sent by SHIELD to X-Factor Investigations to order Madrox and his team to register. The real Madrox is busy investigating the mystery behind Damien Tryp. Siryn runs into Spider-Man and that the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were to blame for the mass-depowering of mutants on M-Day and that the X-Men lied when they said they didn't know what happened. Despite Layla Miller's attempts to keep Quicksilver away from X-Factor, he boldly walks through the door to their headquarters...

Amazing Spider-Man #532
The events leading up to Spider-Man's unmasking are revealed. Tony Stark tries to convince Peter to unmask so he discusses the pros and cons with his wife Mary Jane Parker and his aunt May Parker. He hesitantly agrees to back Tony and nervously appears on live TV.
Amazing Spider-Man #533
J Jonah Jameson decides to sue Peter Parker. Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman congratulate Peter on his big moment. Some members of the public call for Peter's head. Flash Thompson refuses to believe the reveal is real. Eddie Brock, Doctor Octopus and the Vulture plot revenge on their unmasked foe. Tony Stark announces Spider-Man will be among the heroes assigned to capturing Captain America before consulting with Spider-Man. Mary Jane is attacked by a fanatical Captain America fan...

Thunderbolts #103 *
The Commission on Superhuman Activities (CSA) hire the Thunderbolts to capture as many super-villains as they can while Iron Man and his crew try to bring down the Secret Avengers. Baron Zemo's team have already been capturing villains for weeks without the CSA's knowledge. 

Civil War: Front Line #2[2/4]
With the SHRA in full effect, Robbie Baldwin (the now-powerless Speedball) is given a choice: sign up to go to jail. Seeing signing registration as an admission of guilt, Robbie chooses jail and takes a beating without his powers to protect him...
Sensational Spider-Man #28 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
When Peter returns to Midtown High School to keep on teaching, Doctor Octopus knows where to find him. Peter dons his Spider-Man costume to defend the school and himself until star pupil Jordan Harrison steps up and tells Doc Ock to leave Mr Parker alone. The distraction gives Spider-Man the chance to beat Doctor Octopus.

Civil War: Front Line #2[3/4] *
SHIELD show up at the facility where Norman Osborn is being held and offer him a job...

Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1
In Los Angeles, the Runaways (the rebellious children of super-villain group, the Pride) have a run-in with the Flag-Smasher. Cape-Killers arrive and attempt to arrest them all. The Runways escape but cyborg Victor Mancha is badly damaged. In New York, the Young Avengers watch the televised coverage of the clash. The Vision has a little freak-out at the same time Victor is attacked. The group defy orders to stay in hiding in favour of helping the Runaways out. Arriving in LA, the Young Avengers track down the Runaways, but it quickly turns into a fight. When the Vision tries to touch Vic they have a joint freak-out...
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #2
Maria Hill visits the secret super-prison the Cube, encouraging the Warden to send their Kree prisoner Marvel Boy (aka Noh-Varr of Earth-200080) after the Runaways. In his reality, the Kree gene-spliced him with insects making him harder to kill than a cockroach. The Young Avengers run into the Runaways and fight it out until Nico Minoru uses her magic to chill everyone out. The two teams attempt to sort out their differences and learn about their similarities. Victor Mancha and Vision both have a connection to Ultron. Xavin and Hulkling are both Skrulls. While Speed is off entertaining young Molly Hayes, Marvel Boy arrives and breaks Xavin's neck, killing him...

Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #3
Marvel Boy proves to be a match for both team combined. Vision comes closest to defeating him by solidifying his arm inside Marvel Boy's chest, but the Kree breaks it off. He then captures Hulkling, Wiccan and Karolina Dean, taking them back to the Warden along with Xavin's corpse. Molly and Speed show up too late and the remains of the two teenage teams decide to join forces to rescue their friends...
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4
The Warden begins dissecting Hulkling in front of Wiccan. Xavin recovers (you can't kill a shape-changer by snapping their neck) and frees the others. They confront the Warden and Hulkling has to talk Xavin out of killing him. The Runaways and Young Avengers break into the Cube and fight Marvel Boy to a standstill until they free him from the Warden's mind-control and escape the prison. The two teams part on good terms, going their separate ways. Back at the Cube, Marvel Boy uses the Warden as a footrest and proclaims the Cube as the capital of the new Kree Empire...

Civil War: Front Line #2[1/4] *
Peter Parker gives Ben Urich an exclusive interview, unaware of the damage he's done to the Daily Bugle's reputation. Sally Floyd interviews Firestar who decides to quit the super-hero life. Later, Sally and Ben witness Prodigy's drunken defiance of the SHRA. Iron Man violently brings him down. The war has truly begun...

Civil War: Front Line #2[4/4]
A comparison between Iron Man and Prodigy's confrontation with Julius Caesar's differences with the Roman Senate.
Heroes for Hire #1
Iron Man employs Misty Knight's new Heroes for Hire to track down super-human criminals. She tests the loyalty of her new team by giving them the chance to defect and leave the country. Instead, they help bring down a fair number of lower tier villains. It won't be long until they're hired to capture their own friends. Now that will be the real test...

Wolverine #46
Wolverine follows a lead from Namor, making his way to Damage Control HQ to confront Walter Declun. The company has never been busier, thanks to the increased number of super-human battles. Damage Control President Ann-Marie Hoag denies Wolverine's claims that they might be the cause of some of that damage, having provided Nitro with MGH. Declun orders Hoag to stop talking. In retaliation, Wolverine attacks the offshore holding companies who manage Damage Control's accounts.
Wolverine #47
Walter Declun sets a trap for Wolverine who finds himself up against Guardsmen enhanced with weapons salvaged by Damage Control, including Mandroid tech. He's rescued by his newest Atlantean allies, Janus and Amir. The Sentry is sent to stop Wolverine from taking Declun down, seeing as he's a friend of the President. But Wolverine ultimately faces Declun himself, who knocks back some MGH. The two take the battle to the street until Wolverine very publicly stabs him in the head.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #11 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Peter Parker dodges parents and press protesting his presence at Midtown High. The school's new Gym teacher Flash Thompson refuses to believe Pete is Spider-Man. Peter decides to quit teaching, but this doesn't go down so well with the kids themselves. On his last day, the new Mysterio (Francis Klum) attacks Midtown High to get his revenge on Spider-Man for his involvement in the death of his brother. He transforms the school into a 'haunted house' the kids can only escape from if they find their way to the front door. Donning his Spider-Man costume, Peter helps the teachers and kids get past Mysterio's traps to find their way out. Meanwhile, the villain is confronted by someone claiming to be Quentin Beck... the original Mysterio! But, he's meant to be dead...
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #12 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
The police are struggling to get past Mysterio's 'magic' barrier to get to the school, when another Mysterio arrives (Daniel Berkhart, the second Mysterio) offering to defeat Klum. Inside, Beck reveals he's been resurrected by new masters and is observing Klum to see if he's a worthy successor. Spider-Man finds Klum at the same time Berkhart tracks him down. Quentin Beck confronts the new school nurse, Miss Arrow, and reveals his face which is missing a chunk due to his method suicide.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Spider-Man lets Berkhart and Klum fight it out. Beck explains to Miss Arrow that he knows who she really is and warns her to keep Peter Parker at Midtown High, then disappears. Spider-Man defeats Daniel Berkhart. Spider-Man finds the bomb Klum planted at the school and deactivates it easily. Alone with Klum, Miss Arrow reveals bone 'stingers' in her wrists (just like the one's Spider-Man's been displaying since THE OTHER: EVOLVE OR DIE) and uses them to kill Klum. Later, Arrow tells to Flash (who finally believes Peter is Spidey) that she's going to find a way to convince Peter to stay at Midtown High.
Moon Knight #7 (Casualties of War)
Spider-Man approaches Moon Knight, possibly to recruit him to the Pro-Registration forces. But he's not interested and prefers to fight criminals his way. Later, Marc Spector tries to convince his old friend Frenchie rejoin his war on crime. But Frenchie's had enough, especially after having lost both legs. Spector recruits Ray Landers as his pilot, instead. Later, Spector gets a visit from Steve Rogers...

Moon Knight #8 (Casualties of War)
Captain America tries to recruit Moon Knight into his Secret Avengers, but he's not interested. Goaded by the Egyptian moon god Khonshu (or an hallucination), Moon Knight begins his search for his former sidekick/nemesis Midnight who has been on a killing spree to try to get Moon Knight's attention...
Moon Knight #9 (Casualties of War)
Midnight attacks Marc Spector directly, injuring Frenchie's boyfriend. Midnight beats Marc and tears one of his teeth out, proclaiming himself as Moon Knight's new arch-nemesis. Midnight leaves the Spector estate, giving Marc time to don his Moon Knight costume and return to the streets where he runs into the Punisher...

Moon Knight #10 (Casualties of War tie-in)
Moon Knight verbally confronts the Punisher who he holds responsible for the death of his brother, Randall Spector. The pair discuss the current Superhuman Civil War. Later, Marc Spector finds the criminal consultant known as the Profile and beats information on Midnight out of him.
Moon Knight #11 (Casualties of War tie-in)
While preparing for his confrontation with Midnight, Marc Spector tries to win Marlene Alraune back, but fails dismally. He gets an unexpected visit from Tony Stark who wants him to report back to him on Captain America's movements. Again, Moon Knight refuses. He finds Midnight in the sewers dressed an an evil Moon Knight archetype.

Moon Knight #12 (Casualties of War tie-in)
A vicious fight between Moon Knight and Midnight ensues, ending with Midnight attempting to rip out Moon Knight's spine. He appears defeated until the cyborg Lynn Church (the former Ms Midnight) pummels Midnight with a hammer. Church helps Moon Knight recover and he takes the opportunity to shove a massive clock hand down his throat, apparently destroying him.
Ms Marvel #6
Ms Marvel has turned down Captain America's offer to join the Secret Avengers and has registered with the government and is tracking down unregistered heroes. Having already apprehended the Prowler, Carol is paired with Wonder Man to locate AraƱa and convince her to sign up, despite still being a minor. Meanwhile, Iron Man gives Arachne (Rachel Carpenter, formerly the second Spider-Woman) the job of bringing in the Shroud. But, it turns out she's actually been helping unregistered heroes escape into Canada. The Prowler rats her out to SHIELD who try to capture her and Shroud together...

Ms Marvel #7
Ms Marvel and Wonder Man offer to train AraƱa. Carol takes her on her next job, allowing her to observe the apprehension of Arachne and Shroud. But things quickly turn sour and, even though the Shroud is arrested, Arachne escapes and goes on the run, hoping to get back to her daughter and flee the country...
Ms Marvel #8
Ms Marvel, Wonder Man and AraƱa head to the home of Arachne's parents, hoping to arrest her there. When Arachne tries to get to her daughter, Ms Marvel makes her move and the house gets trashed. Arachne is separated from her daughter, making AraƱa wonder if she's made the right decision.

X-Factor #9
Quicksilver announces to X-Factor that he's setting up shop in Mutant Town. Jamie Madrox rescues Aegis (former member of the New Warriors) from SHIELD's Cape-Killers, leading to him taking a stand against the SHRA. Layla Miller reveals to Madrox that she'll marry him in the future. X-Factor throw the X-Men out of Mutant Town for lying about the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's involvement in M-Day.
Civil War: Front Line #3[2/4]
Robbie Baldwin is jailed and powerless. As his lawyer, She-Hulk tries to convince him to register to get him out of prison, but he refuses...

Fantastic Four #538 *
Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) and the Invisible Woman (Sue Richards) argue over Reed's priorities. The Civil War has his full attention and he hasn't spent any time by the beaten Human Torch's bedside. The Thing struggles to choose a side, wanting to obey the law despite not agreeing with registration. Though he does try to talk the Yancy Street Gang out of helping the Anti-Registration heroes. Later, the Mad Thinker and Puppet Master plan to use the Yancy Street Gang to their advantage. In Oklahoma, a blond doctor reclaims Thor's lost hammer...
Black Panther #18 *
The world's media and a who's who of TV personalities, presidents and super-humans and Uatu the Watcher show up for Storm and the Black Panther's wedding in Wakanda. The Panther calls for a cease-fire between Iron Man and Captain America, but both men leave rather than further cause trouble. Bast the Panther God meets Storm on his mystical plane and approves of her becoming the Wakandan Queen. The Cannibal attempts to sabotage the day, but Doctor Strange and Brother Voodoo sense his presence and head him off. As the day comes to a close, Storm and the Black Panther receive a message from Doctor Doom offering a truce.
Thunderbolts #104 *
The Thunderbolts continue to capture super-villains and add them to their ranks, working off their crimes rather than face jail. But Baron Zemo's real plan is to build an army big enough to take on the Grandmaster and save the universe. Radioactive Man helps Mister Fantastic and Yellowjacket with plans to construct a superhuman prison in the Negative Zone. Zemo uses the information he gathers from them to Captain America's Secret Avengers, offering them a way to escape from the Negative Zone prison before it's even finished being built...

Thunderbolts #105 *
Baron Zemo uses the power of the Moonstones to Secret Avengers and restrain Captain America, giving him a chance to convince him he's genuine. He then uses their power to jump back in time and snatch the keepsakes belonging to Cap that he destroyed when he invaded Avengers Mansion years earlier (during UNDER SIEGE). Zemo who still gives him the means to escape Prison 42 anyway, despite Cap still not trusting him. Songbird learns Iron Man has plans for the Thunderbolts as part of something called the Fifty-State Initiative. The CSA's Dallas Riordan has an offer for Songbird to keep her onboard. Nighthawk continues to side with the Grandmaster against Zemo.
Captain America #22 *
Sharon Carter - SHIELD's Agent 13 - talks to her psychiatrist about where her loyalties lie. Instead of using her relationship with Captain America to bring him in, she lies to SHIELD and unsuccessfully tries to talk him around herself. This results in trust issues with her boss, Maria Hill. Later, her psychiatrist isn't who he seems unmasks as Doctor Faustus and reports everything he's learned from Sharon to his boss, the Red Skull... 

New Avengers #23 *
Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) has been laying low since the SHRA was passed until the Cape-Killers find and arrest her. While Maria Hill and Iron Man try to convince Jessica to sign up, Hydra barge in and steal Jessica right out from under their noses. She turns down their offer to lead Hydra by blowing up their base and killing everyone inside. When she locates one of Nick Fury's secret bases, Jessica finds Captain America and his Secret Avengers hiding out and begs to join them...

Civil War: Front Line #3[1/4] *
Sally Floyd gets a lead that lands her an interview with the Anti-Registration Underground, a band of lesser-known heroes led by Battlestar, hoping this will lead her to an interview with Captain America himself. Ben Urich interviews Mister Fantastic and challenges his emotionless, mathematical justification for registration. Later, Sally witnesses a clash between two costumed heroes which ends with the unregistered Thunderclap accidentally kills registered Bantam.

Civil War: Front Line #3[4/4]
A poem written by a World War I soldier is compared to the Thunderclap/Bantam fight.
Black Panther #19 (tie-in)
After wrapping up their honeymoon, the Black Panther and Storm follow up on their offer to visit Doctor Doom in Latveria, with the US Government showing great interest in the potential alliances the Panther is making. But T'Challa turns down Doom's offer to work together, earning his anger. The newlyweds defeat his army of Doombots, but Doctor Doom grabs the Black Panther by the throat. Storm strikes him with lighting to free her husband, which displeases T'Challa despite it allowing them to escape.

Civil War: Front Line #4[2/4]
The powerless Robbie Baldwin is all set to take on the prison's toughest tough guy in the boxing ring. His experience as one of the New Warriors gives him the upper hand until someone slices his leg with a shiv from the ringside. It triggers what appears to be a burst of power from Robbie which destroys the ring. Soon after, Robbie's visited by her mother Maddie Naylor who expresses her shame in him and swears she'll never see him again...

Black Panther #20 (tie-in)
Storm and the Black Panther accept an invite to the Blue Area of the Moon to visit the Inhumans who relay recent events, including their disputes with the US Government and the theft of the Terrigen Crystals by Quicksilver. Gorgon and Karnak are especially aggressive towards the two outsiders, especially when Karnak let's slip that he's hiding something in the ancient ruins. The fight that ensues is interrupted when Black Bolt discovers Gorgon and Karnak have been using the Alpha Primitives as slaves again, despite Black Bolt's decree that their slavery had ended. Medusa asks the Black Panther to look into building a chamber out of Vibranium that will allow Black Bolt to speak without destroying the Moon and he agrees to look into it...
Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[1/6]
Mac Gargan, the new Venom, takes the opportunity to kill as many people as he can before giving himself up to the authorities. Songbird and Radioactive Man show up to apprehend him. But all he wants to do is sign up to the SHRA...

Black Panther #21 (tie-in)
The Black Panther and Storm accept Namor's invite to Atlantis. After relaying a story about the Invaders' little run-in with T'Challa's grandfather during World War II, Namor asks the Panther to consider becoming the leader of a global resistance against America's Super-Human Registration Act. Aware that the SHRA could lead to the birth of a superhuman army capable of invading other nations, the Black Panther accepts. The Black Panther then requests a meeting with the President of the United States, while Iron Man prepares for a fight...
Civil War: Front Line #4[1/4] *
Iron Man and his registered forces locate the Anti-Registration Underground members Sally Floyd has been interviewing. It's a violent confrontation and Sally only avoids arrest when Canasta helps her escape. Elsewhere, Ben Urich is attacked by the Green Goblin...

Civil War: Front Line #4[4/4]
Iron Man's attack on the unregistered heroes is awkwardly compared to a real-life incident from the Vietnam War.

Civil War: Front Line #3[3/4]
Detectives Keith Dixon and Donna Altieri investigate the destruction of a New York pet shop specialising in fish. The explosion appears to be a bombing. Little do Dixon and Altieri know that the shop owner, Joe, was an Atlantean sleeper agent...

Civil War: Front Line #4[3/4]
They soon learn Joe had no government records. Dixon half-jokingly suggests he was a Russian sleeper agent. Turns out, 'Joe' is still alive and fleeing the scene disguised as a firefighter.

Civil War: X-Men #1
Shatterstar and Domino get past the O*N*E Sentinels surrounding the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning and free The 198; some of the last remaining mutants who came to the Institute looking for refuge but have essentially become prisoners of the US Government. The X-Men refuse to give chase, believing they've earned their freedom. So Tony Stark orders Bishop to lead a group consisting of Micromax, Sabra and some of the Sentinels to bring them back. Cyclops leads a squad out of the Institute without the Sentinels noticing, but Emma Frost is picked up for questioning...
Cable & Deadpool #30
Deadpool registers with the SHRA just to get a badge. He decides to take in the Great Lakes Avengers (now calling themselves the Great Lakes Champions), but it turns out they're already registered. Later, Deadpool meets with Cable, unaware he's working with Captain America. When he learns the truth, he spies on Cable's meeting with Cap and learns the new secret identities of the Secret Avengers. He then follows Daredevil back to their hideout and confront the Secret Avengers directly...

Civil War: Front Line #5[1/4] *
Distressed, Ben Urich tells J Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson that the Green Goblin just threatened him and that he's coming for Jonah next. Jonah makes a phone call to confirm Osborn is still in jail and fires Ben. Elsewhere, Sally Floyd is approached by a stranger who tells her to keep looking into the Super-Human Registration Act and that she's being watched. Later, Sally and her boss are arrested by SHIELD Cape-Killers...

Civil War: Front Line #5[2/4]
She-Hulk explains to Robbie Baldwin how much contempt he's earned from the American media as they make their journey to his new holding facility. He's become the scapegoat for Stamford and people want him dead. When he arrives, he's transported through a portal into the Negative Zone where he lays his eyes upon Prison 42 (also known as Fantasy Island or Negative Zone Prison Alpha). This is where the apprehended heroes are being kept...
Civil War #3 *
Captain America summons his Secret Avengers to Geffen-Meyer Chemicals when he gets a report that the plant is on fire and hundreds of people are trapped inside, but Cable realises it's a trap. Iron Man and his forces arrive and he tries to talk Cap around with his plans for a "twenty-first century overhaul". Cap agrees to shake Iron Man's hand and, instead, uses a device that shuts down Iron Man's armour. As Captain America starts beating on Iron Man,the rest of the Secret Avengers follow suit with the Pro-Registration heroes. Spider-Man reluctantly punches out Captain America, giving Iron Man the chance to recover and retaliate against Cap. The Secret Avengers shave the upper hand until Thor shows up, to everyone's surprise. Back at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Human Torch wakes up...

Civil War: Front Line #6 [4/4]
Nighthawk is among the first of the Secret Avengers to feel the power of a bolt of lightning from Thor. His story is compared with a poem written by a Canadian pilot from World War II.
Civil War Files #1
Take a little breather from the animosity and have a read of Tony Stark's files, giving an overview of Marvel's political history and the histories of the major players of the Superhuman Civil War.

Daily Bugle: Civil War
Can't afford ¢3.99 but still want to shell out for an advert? Don't worry, there's always the Daily Bugle Civil War special for only 50¢. It gives you an overview of what's coming up in all the major tie-ins, including Spider-Man's unmasking, the Thunderbolts hunting villains and Wolverine's hunt for Nitro. Plus! The Bugle raises questions over Daredevil's identity now that Matt Murdock is in jail, the whereabouts of the Hulk, Mary Jane Parker's commitment to her husband and more.
Civil War #4 *
Thor's violent attack on the Secret Avengers ends with him blasting a lightning bolt through Goliath's chest, killing him instantly. The Invisible Woman turns against her Pro-Registration allies, allowing the Secret Avengers a chance to escape. Back at Avengers Tower, Spider-Man begins to wonder if he's chosen the right side while Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Yellowjacket regret their decision to create a Thor clone. More heroes decide to join the Secret Avengers following the death of Goliath, while others decide to leave the group. Goliath is buried in an enormous grave. Mister Fantastic notices Spider-Man and his family acting suspiciously. And the Invisible Woman cooks her husband a nice dinner, leaves him a note and heads off to join the Secret Avengers. Mister Fantastic reveals the newest recruits to the Pro-Registration cause, a new Thunderbolts Army made up of the vilest villains with nanobots keeping them under control...

Civil War: Front Line #6[1/4] *
Sally Floyd has been arrested by SHIELD and Ben Urich has been fired by the Daily Bugle. Having witnessed Thor's return and the death of Goliath, Ben takes the opportunity to interview Iron Man and questions him on his use of super-villain operatives. Iron Man walks away, confirming to Ben that he's onto something...
Cable & Deadpool #31
Before the clash at Geffen-Meyer, Deadpool fought the Secret Avengers, but was soundly defeated. Cable took Deadpool down with his own tranquillisers, then taped him to a chair. Now, the defeated Cable returns and teleports Deadpool to the White House
 in an attempt to convince him to abolish the Superhuman Registration Act, knowing the effect it'll have on the future. Instead, the President orders Deadpool to take down Cable dead or alive...

Cable & Deadpool #32
So far, they'd managed to work together. Cable had managed to utilise Deadpool's skill set to his advantage and keep him from causing too much trouble elsewhere. But now that he's under orders from the President to bring down Cable, Deadpool really goes for it. Their heated battle ends in a stalemate, despite Deadpool passing up an opportunity to kill Cable. But these two know they'll never be allies again.
Captain America #23 *
Nick Fury sends the Winter Soldier (aka James 'Bucky' Barnes) on a mission to break into a SHIELD base and reprogram a Nick Fury LMD to allow him to spy on SHIELD. Bucky takes the opportunity to spy on Aleksander Lukin and finds out he's been making regular visits to the Latverian Embassy. The Winter Soldier then takes down some of SHIELD's Cape-Killers and obtains some of their tech. Meanwhile, the Red Skull (whose mind is now secretly housed within the body of Aleksander Lukin) makes a deal with Doctor Doom for a weapon he plans to use against Captain America.

Civil War: X-Men #2
A human-piloted O*N*E Sentinel take Frost back to Valerie Cooper. Cyclops learns Captain America gave the 198 the location of one of Nick Fury's hidden bunkers as a hideout. Johnny Dee betrays his fellow mutants to General Lazer. Cyclops and his team locate the bunker at the same time as Bishop and his team. His attempt to diffuse the situation peacefully is royally crushed by Johnny Dee who takes control of Cyclops and makes him use the full force of his optic beams on Bishop...
Civil War: X-Men #3
While the X-Men defend the bunker containing the 198, Johnny Dee gives up control of Cyclops in favour of manipulating the 198 themselves, turning them against each other. Val Cooper of the CSA has the O*N*E's General Lazer arrested. Johnny Dee manipulates the 198 into triggering a countdown that locks down Fury's bunker and will destroy all the experimental weapons inside, as well as all the mutants. Both groups agree to a truce to save the 198.

Civil War: X-Men #4
Bishop and Cyclops powers and break the 198 out before the bunker blows up. Johnny Dee uses his control powers to kill General Lazer, though his machinations are uncovered and he's arrested. Bishop's relationship with the X-Men is permanently damaged, but he gets a job offer from the O*N*E. 
New Avengers #24 *
He might be the world's most powerful superhero, but the Sentry is also incredibly indecisive. Even though he recently decided to register, he's been sitting out the majority of the Civil War on the Moon, figuring out what his part in it should be. This doesn't sit well with the Inhumans due to their cold war with humanity. The Sentry convinces the Inhumans of his benign intentions and almost rekindles a romance with Crystal until he remembers he's married. Iron Man convinces him to return to Earth while the Inhumans prepare for war...

Civil War: Front Line #5[3/4]
SHIELD call Wonder Man in to investigate the explosion at the local aquatic pet store that now appears to have been a front for an Atlantean sleeper cell. When he explains that he's not a SHIELD agent, he's corrected. He became a SHIELD agent when he registered. Every superhuman who signs up can be drafted at any moment. This SHRA deal isn't looking so sweet, anymore.

Civil War: Front Line #6[3/4]
Wonder Man tracks 'Joe' the Atlantean to a warehouse where he discovers an Atlantean army preparing for war. He's gonna need backup...

Civil War: Front Line #7[3/4]
Detectives Donna Altieri and Keith Dixon discover the Atlantean warehouse in ruins, including the injured Wonder Man. It turns out, the Green Goblin showed up before back-up had a chance to arrive.

Civil War: Front Line #7[4/4]
The Goblin killed all the Atlanteans and left Wonder Man for dead (the events are relayed in the tale that features a poem by AE Housman).
Heroes for Hire #2
Misty Knight's Heroes For Hire agree to track down Captain America and his Secret Avengers, but end up uncovering a black market Skrull organ ring, instead. The organs are being implanted into superhumans to give them shapeshifting Skrull powers and evade SHIELD. Later, the Heroes for Hire locate Cap and Luke Cage at one of their hideouts, but promise not to arrest them so they can talk. Paladin breaks Misty's promise, knocks everyone out with gas and calls in SHIELD...

Heroes for Hire #3
Shang-Chi helps Captain America to his feet and takes down the treacherous Paladin, then dress him up as Cap. SHIELD agents show up and arrest Paladin, believing him to be Cap. The Heroes' HQ is bombed by Ricadonna's agents after she's broken out of prison by a group of villains with Skrull organs. Now she's looking to have her revenge on Misty Knight...
Black Panther #22 *
The Black Panther and Storm arrive in America for their meeting with the President, hoping to prevent the SHRA from becoming a global concern. But the couple aren't allowed to speak to the US President unless Storm registers. When they refuse and stage a walkout, the police start getting rough with the pro-Pather crowd outside which the media spin as a "violent protest". O*N*E Sentinels are sent to capture Storm. The Black Panther defeats James Rhodes' War Machine Sentinel. Iron Man joins the fray and, after a one-on-one fight, encourages the Black Panther to leave America. But the Panther declares he's not leaving...

Civil War: Front Line #6[2/4]
Mister Fantastic has a private conversation with Robbie Baldwin at Prison 42 in the Negative Zone. The conditions are horrific. Digitek has committed suicide and Battlestar has been left with shrapnel in his back after the cape-killers attacked his group and arrested them. Despite Robbie expressing his anger towards Reed Richards, he's offered a chance to go to the Capitol Building in Washington to put forward his side of the events in Stamford. Robbie agrees to go, but decides to wear his Speedball costume. He's greeted by crowds baying for his blood. She-Hulk and a group of bodyguards lead him to the Capitol, but he's shot on his way in...

Civil War: Front Line #7[1/4] *
Nearby, Ben Urich is busy talking on the phone to Joe Robertson and misses the shooting. Sally Floyd is released from custody by her nemesis Congressman Eugene Sykes who agrees with the SHRA but believes her arrest is a violation of her civil rights. Over at Osborn Industries, a mystery figure strikes up a deal with Norman Osborn, offering him a serum that can counter the nanites that control him...

Civil War: Front Line #7[2/4]
She-Hulk helps load Robbie Baldwin into an ambulance. Believing he's about to die, Robbie thinks back to the mistakes he made in his life and begins to believe the real reason he doesn't want to admit culpability for Stamford is because he doesn't want to acknowledge the death of the New Warriors. The ambulance he's in crashes on the way to the hospital.

Iron Man/Captain America: Casualties of War #1 (Casualties of War)
Iron Man and Captain America agree to meet in secret, one-on-one at the ruins of Avengers Mansion. The former-friends discuss their histories together, including past ideological differences, including the ARMOR WARS, OPERATION: GALACTIC STORM, Tony Stark's alcoholism, Steve Rogers quitting as Cap and their very first clash which was caused by the Chameleon. After a brief punch-up, the two depart, unable to come to an agreement...
Sensational Spider-Man #29 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
The Chameleon and Electro send the Scarecrow and Will O'the Wisp to attack Spider-Man whose new armour gives him the upper hand. Swarm is then dispatched to sting Mary Jane Watson-Parker. Spidey visits Madame Web for some advice and visions of the future, but she only sees a literal Hell coming to New York. The Chameleon convinces the reformed Molten Man to kidnap his own nephew, Normie Osborn. The Black Cat confronts Spider-Man over his failure to consult with her before unmasking. Her boyfriend, the Puma, detects a little too much emotion from her. She's still got it bad for Spidey...

Sensational Spider-Man #30 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Spider-Man takes down Electro solo and a stagehand defeats Swarm with a sandbag and a prop mace. Liz Osborn calls Spidey, begging him to rescue Normie. But it looks like she's in on the whole deal. Back at Avengers Tower, Peter Parker shows up in time to escort Aunt May into the building, but everything's not quite as it seems...
Sensational Spider-Man #31 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Aunt May was only recently been duped by a bad guy at Avengers Tower (during THE OTHER: EVOLVE OR DIE), so she slyly tests the 'Peter', then drugs him and knocks him out when she realises it's the Chameleon. The real Peter Parker shows up at Liz Osborn's house.Normie frees himself and exposes his mother's involvement in his 'kidnapping'. Spider-Man and the Black Cat defeat the Molten Man, Scarecrow and Will O'the Wisp, but Peter begins to regret making his wife and aunt targets for his deadly foes...

Winter Soldier: Winter Kills #1 (Casualties of War)
Bucky Barnes has regained his memories and has been working Nick Fury. His next mission is to stop the Young Avengers from busting what they believe to be a secret Stark Enterprises installation, but is actually a Hydra base Fury's been monitoring. The Young Avengers believe the Winter Soldier is working for Tony Stark and their scuffle attracts the attention of Hydra. With his cover blown, Fury orders the Winter Soldier to destroy the base. He takes the young heroes along to safety. Later, the Young Avengers track Bucky down at the grave of Jack Monroe. The Vision figures out the Winter Soldier is Captain America's partner from World War II. Bucky advises them to take Christmas off. Later still, he catches up with Namor the Sub-Mariner to find out how his old pal Toro died...

Civil War: Front Line #5[4/4]
Dressed in his classic red and blue costume, Spider-Man helps Iron Man apprehend the unregistered heroes Lectronn, Lightbright, Phone Ranger and Wildstreak.
Amazing Spider-Man #534
Following the fateful battle at Geffen-Meyer, Spider-Man starts to realise his new Iron Spider armour (created for him by Tony Stark) is feeding Tony details about the workings of his powers. When the prison transport makes its way through the streets of New York, the Secret Avengers show up and try to free their allies from the transport. Spidey comes into direct conflict with Captain America. A man he respects more than any other hero, but rejects his handshake and fights him anyway. When Cap becomes separated from his shield, Spider-Man stops looters running off with it...

Fantastic Four #539 *
The Yancy Street Gang feed intel about prisoner movements to Captain America's Secret Avengers, not realising the Mad Thinker and Puppet Master are the true source. When the prison transport makes its way through the streets of New York, the villains force it to detour and take control of a SHIELD helicopter pilot, making him open fire on the truck. The Secret Avengers show up and, unaware of the villains' devious plan, try to free their allies from the transport. Puppet Master's Yancy Street informant attempts to blows up the prisoner transport and, despite the Thing's attempt to stop him, another gang member is killed. Both sides try to convince the Thing to join them, but he decides his best option is to leave the country.

Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[2/6]
The new Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady) saves a passerby from falling rubble caused by the fight between pro and anti-registration forces on his way to ogle the ladies at the local yoga class.

Civil War: Front Line #8[4/4]
During the battle of Yancy Street, Ms Marvel tries to bring down Falcon and causes plenty of property damage while narrowly avoiding injuring innocent bystanders.

Civil War: Front Line #8[2/4]
Maria Hill aggressively interviews She-Hulk to find out what happened to Robbie Baldwin. Mister Fantastic saves his life and studies the changes in his powers. Maria Hill demands that Baldwin return to jail for good.
Civil War: Front Line #8[3/4] *
The Superheroes of Europe (SHE) show up in Manhattan to publicly hand the bodies of the dead Atlantean sleepers back to representatives from Atlantis. Norman Osborn emerges from the crowd and shoots the Atlantean Ambassador Govan, hitting his arm and forcing the group back into the ocean. The manic Osborn is arrested, claiming he's sick and that he didn't do it...

Civil War: Front Line #9[3/4] *
Detectives Altieri and Dixon get one chance to interview Norman Osborn before SHIELD take him away. He denies he carried out the shooting and froths at the mouth when he starts to say too much, claiming they put something inside of him. A familiar (but unseen) face terrifies Osborn when he arrives to take him away, informing Altieri and Dixon that they aren't allowed to tell anyone what Osborn said by order of the President...

Civil War: The Return #1[2/2]
The Absorbing Man tries to absorb the Sentry's powers only to end up being vaporised. The Sentry decides to side with Iron Man and registers his name and powers with SHIELD.

Civil War: Front Line #8[1/4] *
Ben Urich checks out the ruins warehouse where the Atlantean sleeper agents recently came under attack. His cop buddy Danny Granville informs him that the suspected attacker was the Green Goblin in exchange for a date with Sally Floyd. Danny also floats the idea that Tony Stark might be war profiteering as both Stark Enterprises and the Fantastic Four have won fat contracts from the government to incarcerate captured unregistered heroes. Meanwhile, Sally manages to get an interview with Captain America...

Civil War: Front Line #9[1/4] *
Captain America's comparisons between the SHRA and Nazi Germany disappoint Sally Floyd and she cuts the interview short in favour of a very successful date with Danny. Ben Urich gets help hacking into Stark Enterprises' accounts database from Peter Parker. Urich guesses Parker's having second thoughts as the pair learn Stark is making millions from the Civil War. Mister Fantastic and Iron Man examine Norman Osborn's nanobots to find out how they mutated and caused them to lose control of him. The only explanation is that there's a traitor amongst them. But Iron Man knew this all along...
Amazing Spider-Man #535
Peter Parker confronts Tony Stark about his profits from the Civil War. To distract him, Tony encourages him to take a tour of the Negative Zone prison with Mister Fantastic and learns that the heroes held there will remain incarcerated as long as they refuse to register. Even if it's for the rest of their lives. Peter also realises Mister Fantastic will follow the law no matter what. When they return to Avengers Tower, Peter instructs Mary Jane and Aunt May to pack their things and leave just as Iron Man comes crashing through the walls, attacking Peter as he dons his Iron Spider armour...

Fantastic Four #540 *
Mister Fantastic desperately tries not to think about the fact his wife has left him. But when Wildstreak escapes on her way through the portal to the Negative Zone prison, he learns that the Invisible Woman helped her escape. Mister Fantastic tries to convince the Invisible Woman to return to him and that his current actions are righteous. This angers her and she leaves, destroying several floors on her way out. The Thing packs his stuff and follows suit...
Civil War #5 *
The battle between Iron Man and Spider-Man is over pretty fast with the web-slinger taking the earliest opportunity to escape. But Tony Stark built the Iron Spider armour and it allows him to track Spidey's movements through the New York sewer system. Two of their newest Thunderbolts, Jester and Jack O'Lantern, pursue Spider-Man and it's only the intervention of the Punisher that saves him from a serious beating. Back at the Secret Avengers headquarters, Captain America learns Cloak & Dagger and Daredevil have been captured by SHIELD. The Punisher arrives with the battered Spider-Man. Despite protests from his allies, Cap considers adding the crazed vigilante to his ranks. After all, Tony Stark's got villains on his side, right? Little does he realise Tigra is a traitor...
Punisher War Journal #1 *
Frank Castle - better-known as the Punisher - had been monitoring Cap's Secret Avengers for weeks. In that time, he's continued to tackle the criminal element in New York, though the Civil War had been making it more challenging. Having brought down the registered Stilt-Man, Frank found himself hunted by a SHIELD team led by GW Bridge. But to catch a man with no rules, Bridge needs to break the rules himself. The Punisher targets Stuart Clarke (formerly the villain Rampage) to stop tech-themed villains from running riot across the city. Clarke convinces the Punisher that the villains are all being funded by Tony Stark and agrees to help him investigate. Tracking a Stark tech signal, the Punisher finds the armoured Spider-Man. He kills Jester and Jack O'Lantern to save Spidey's life and joins the Secret Avengers...

Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[5/6] 
Howard the Duck tries to register to get himself some free money. Unfortunately, he's registering at the DMV who discover he's been driving without a license for six years. When he finally tries to sign up to the SHRA, he's told the government don't believe he exists. He figures he can use this to his advantage...

Fantastic Four #541
The government make it difficult for the Thing to leave the country by freezing his accounts. When he finally arrives in Paris, he's recruited into Les Heroes De Paris to tackle L'Empereur du Monde Souterrain (a French version of the Mole-Man). Even though he causes some major damage to Paris and has still found himself living the 'superhero' life, he's keen to stay!

Civil War: Front Line #9[2/4]
A band of criminals at the maximum security facility known as the Raft plan to use the arrival of Robbie Baldwin to stage an escape. Razor-Fist injures Baldwin as he makes his escape attempt, triggering his new powers in him which take down all the escaping criminals in the process. After that, he's keen to register. But will he become Speedball again...?

Civil War: Front Line #9[4/4]
In a possible future, Nick Fury looks back on the Civil War with regret.
Sensational Spider-Man #32 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Mary Jane Watson-Parker and Aunt May are holed up in a motel with strict instructions to lay low and stay put. A series of nightmares encourage MJ to step out for some shopping (which is code for 'leaving town') while thinking back through their tumultuous history. A secret meeting with the Invisible Woman inspires MJ to stand by her man and return to the motel, only to find a battered Spider-Man in Aunt May's arms...

Sensational Spider-Man #33 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
While nursing her nephew back to health after a beating from the Rhino, May Parker recalls taking the infant Peter Parker on when his parents died and goes some way to explaining why she fusses over him. Meanwhile, the Black Cat hears about Spidey's injuries and decides to bring the Rhino in. Her concern makes the Puma jealous. Back at the motel, Peter' gets back on his feet...
Sensational Spider-Man #34 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Spider-Man has already left to rejoin the Secret Avengers when the Black Cat arrives to tell MJ and May she's going after the Rhino. Going it alone, the Black Cat learns the Rhino was meant to be part of the Chameleon's attack on Spidey. The Black Cat talks him into leaving town and realises she's still got it bad for Spider-Man...

Wolverine #48 (Casualties of War)
Wolverine recalls some of the most painful moments in his life, his recent clash with the Crusader and his confrontation with Nitro in which all the flesh burned off his bones and he should have died. It's revealed that when Wolverine dies he meets Jean Grey in the afterlife and fights to return to his physical form by battling a sword-wielding angel of death called Lazaer, though he has no memory of it when he revives. But Wolverine inexplicably remembered it when he died fighting Nitro. Wolverine reveals all of this to Amir, but decides not to tell her why his soul can't go to its resting place.
Captain America #24 *
SHIELD Director Maria Hill assigns Sharon Carter to the taskforce hunting Nick Fury, suspecting Sharon's still in contact with him. Fury is operating right under Hill's nose using a Life Model Decoy (LMD). Elsewhere, Hydra discover Captain America breaking into one of their bases and  blow it up with Cap still inside. Sharon Carter races in to rescue Cap from Cape-Killers as he begins to wonder if Tony Stark might be funding Hydra. The Red Skull calls on Arnim Zola to help him with his current plans to destroy Captain America...

Iron Man #13 *
Before Goliath was killed by the Thor clone, Tony Stark was already beginning to feel the pressure of being the face of the SHRA. When US Defence Secretary Jack Kooning offered Stark the role of Director of SHIELD, Tony turned it down. Now, Tony Stark talks to his friends Maya Hansen and Sal Kennedy about the pressures of his new role and how they make him a target. Later, Karim Mahwash Najeeb hires Spymaster to kill Tony. Happy Hogan steps up and defeats Spymaster single-handedly. He saves Tony's life, but is gravely injured in the process...
Iron Man #14 *
Tony Stark continues to work on capturing Captain America, creating the 50-State Initiative and assembling the Thunderbolts Army. But Happy Hogan's coma plays on his mind. Happy's wife Pepper Potts-Hogan asks Tony to use his Extremis abilities to turn off Happy's life-support, but he refuses. As Iron Man, Tony calls a parley to meet Cap in a stadium and find out if he had any involvement in hiring Spymaster. Things turn even more sour when Iron Man finds himself up against Cap's Secret Avengers. Later, the Invisible Woman confronts Tony over the effect of the Civil War on her marriage. Tony is tempted to turn to alcohol again. At the hospital, he reaches out with Extremis and turns off Happy's life-support...

Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[4/6]
Tony Stark assigns USAgent to act as US liaison to Canada by joining their new Alpha Flight programme and deal with the American super-criminals who escaped across the border when the Civil War began. USAgent rejects the idea and carries on with his mission to take down the Purple Man. When it goes horrifically wrong, USAgent reluctantly agrees to head to Canada to serve his country there...
Civil War: Front Line #10[2/2]
After registering, Robbie Baldwin visits the man who shot him in his cell. The man is the father of one of the kids killed in Stamford. Robbie asks for him to go free as part of his deal with the SHRA. After a disagreement with Mister Fantastic, Robbie Baldwin burns his old Speedball costume. He arranges for a new costume to be created, though it's more like a torture device. It's designed to make him to feel pain that represents everyone lost at Stamford, cutting into him and unleashing his new powers as Penance...

Ghost Rider #8 (Casualties of War)
Teenager Cameron Fillardi is decapitated while trying to have his wicked way with a girl in his hometown of Sleepy Hollow, Illinois. Sheriff Harry O'Conner can't let his killer go unpunished and quickly arrests a stranger who's shown up on the town's golf course, covered in blood. Harry dishes out his own brand of justice on the stranger - Johnny Blaze - with a golf club but the beating unleashes the Ghost Rider. Harry is hospitalised, but busts out when he hears there's been another beheading. And the one doing the beheading has a flaming head...
Ghost Rider #9 (Casualties of War)
The Ghost Rider intercepts the real killer, Jack O'Lantern. But this is actually the corpse of the true Jack O'Lantern whose body has been possessed by Lucifer. The demon is continuing his mission to gather up the pieces of himself that ended up in the bodies of the recently deceased when he escaped Hell. Lucifer defeats Ghost Rider with Jack O'Lantern's weapons and escapes, raising an undead army. Meanwhile, Harry O'Conner has his sights on the Ghost Rider...

Ghost Rider #10 (Casualties of War)
Ghost Rider reverts back to Johnny Blaze and convinces Harry to side with him against Lucifer. Together, they set a trap and lure him to a house rigged with explosives...
Ghost Rider #11 (Casualties of War)
Harry O'Conner battles it out with a resurrected Cameron Fillardi while Ghost Rider fights Lucifer who's still inhabiting Jack O'Lantern's body. Harry drops a fridge on the undead Cameron and Ghost Rider lures Lucifer into the house and blows it up. Jack O'Lantern's body still stands until Ghost Rider rips out its heart and stamps on his pumpkin head. Johnny Blaze is kicked out of town and he continues his search for Lucifer's fragments...

Blade #5 (Casualties of War)
Maria Hill convinces Blade to apprehend Wolverine for freeing himself from SHIELD custody in exchange for immunity from the SHRA. But when Blade confronts Wolverine, he realises he met Wolverine years ago when the Canadian saved his life. Figuring he owes him one, Blade lets Wolverine go...
Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #14 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Peter Parker uses an Image Inducer to masquerade as 'Wolverine' and the 'Punisher' to scare off enemies looking to threaten Midtown High School to attract Spider-Man. He also uses the image inducer to get a job working at the school again as 'Ben Reilly'. He soon learns that his old girlfriend Debra Whitman has released a tell-all book, revealing the effects that dating the secretive Mr Parker had on her sanity. Someone from SHIELD gives the Vulture back his costume and tasks him with hunting his oldest foe...

Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #15 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Flash Thompson and Betty Brant attend Deb Whitman's book-signing, though both have issues with the way she's sold Peter Parker out. Peter also shows up, hoping to explain himself to Deb and convince her he's a not really a selfish guy. The Vulture attacks the signing to draw Spider-Man out. Peter dons the webs and the two of them fight in the sky over New York until they both fall unconscious, plummeting to their potential deaths...
Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #16 (Spider-Man Unmasked)
Spidey comes to in the nick of time, saves the Vulture and leaves him for the authorities. Betty tries to hook up with Flash again, but Miss Arrow wants him for herself. Deb explains to Betty that she sold her story to pay for her mother's medical bills. The Daily Bugle took advantage of her and twisted the truth. Betty sells Deb's story about the Bugle to the Daily Globe. Spidey pays Vulture a visit in hospital and convinces him not to give up on living...

Civil War: War Crimes #1
Hammerhead warns the Kingpin that he'll soon be getting out and of jail soon and intends to claim his place as the Crimelord of New York while the Kingpin rots in his cell. Tony Stark visits the Kingpin, asking for information on the location of Captain America's underground base. Later, as Hammerhead puts things in motion to become the new Crimelord, the Kingpin gives Tony Stark Cap's location. When Iron Man raids the base with a SHIELD party, they realise they've been duped and discover Hammerhead's super-villain army. Iron Man's forces apprehend Hammerhead and his costumed compatriots. Later still, under Kingpin's orders, the hitman Underworld visits Hammerhead in the prison hospital and shoots him in the face...
New Avengers #25 *
Kenny, a seriously disgruntled Stark Enterprises employee, attacks Tony Stark directly in an attempt to stop his tech designs being used against Captain America. Kenny disables Stark's Iron Man armour, leaving him helpless in Avengers Tower. Maria Hill is forced to intervene directly. Kenny is killed by his own antimatter grenade. Hill helps Iron Man to his feet and offers him the role of Director of SHIELD...

Fantastic Four #542 *
The Human Torch and Mister Fantastic meet in secret to discuss the sides they've chosen and to talk about Reed's failing marriage. Mister Fantastic then turns to his old foe the Mad Thinker to check over his equations in his plan save the superhuman community from itself. Little does he realise, the Invisible Woman has been listening in to the conversation the whole time and knows, now, that her husband has been lying to her. He was always willing to risk losing the love of his family to do the 'right' thing. Meanwhile, in Paris, the Thing considers returning to America...
Black Panther #23
The Black Panther and Storm recently attended Goliath's funeral and decided to become involved in the Civil War, despite protests from his political adviser. While the Black Panther agrees to join Cap's Secret Avengers, Iron Man plans to use the Thor clone against Storm.

Black Panther #24
The US Government continue to create anti-Panther propaganda The Panther himself figures Tigra is a traitor and prepares to infiltrate the Baxter Building. Storm demands a meeting with Mister Fantastic.
Amazing Spider-Man #536 *
Since his battle with Iron Man, his defeat at the hands of Jester and Jack O'Lantern and being rescued by the Punisher, Peter Parker has taken Mary Jane and Aunt May to safety at a motel. Peter sneaks into a TV studio and interrupts a live broadcast, telling the public about Prison 42 and demanding that the public rise up against the SHRA. Of course, this gets Iron Man's undivided attention...

Amazing Spider-Man #537 *
The Kingpin finds out where the Parkers are staying and orders a hit on Spider-Man. If he's not there, then the killer should take out his family. Spidey tries to distance himself from the Secret Avengers to avoid bringing heat down on MJ and May, but Cap convinces Spidey to rejoin the group. The Kingpin's hitman, sets his sights on Mary Jane...
Civil War #6 *
In order to allocate a super-team to every American state, the 50-State Initiative are giving badges to just about anyone wearing a costume who's registered with SHIELD - from D-listers to super-villains - while half the pre-existing heroes rot in Prison 42 in the Negative Zone. Mister Fantastic rebuilds the Thor clone, while the Punisher uses his skills to break into the Baxter Building and steal the schematics for Prison 42. Namor is unimpressed when Captain America sends the Invisible Woman to petition him to ally with the Secret Avengers. Spider-Man returns to their ranks and costumed criminals Goldbug and the Plunderer ask to join too, but the Punisher kills them both. Disgusted, Cap kicks the Punisher off the team. The Secret Avengers break into Prison 42 through the Ryker's Island portal, looking to free the heroes held there. But Iron Man was ready for him and stands with his Initiative forces. The shape-changing Hulkling managed to sneak past Stark's defences disguised as Yellowjacket and free the prisoners of 42. The final battle is about to commence...
Punisher War Journal #2
In order to join the Secret Avengers, the Punisher had to agree not kill under Cap's command. The Punisher followed his orders like a good soldier, even if he got rough sometimes. GW Bridge monitored Stuart Clarke in the hope of catching the Punisher and came pretty close when Clarke gave Frank the means to break into the Baxter Building. But it all turned sour when Frank killed Goldbug and the Plunderer, took a beating from Cap and begged to be punished...

Punisher War Journal #3
So it turns out Frank Castle met Captain America back when he joined up to the army (though it was probably a different Cap, possibly William Burnside). He took a beating from Cap then, because he wouldn't fight the man out of respect. And he's taking a beating now. Spider-Man stops Cap from wailing on the Punisher and the group allow him to walk away. GW Bridge storms Stuart Clarke's apartment, but Clarke uses his little Iron Men and other Stark-style technology to escape. He soons reunites with Frank, re-equips him with a regular armoury along with weapons obtained from super-humans and he returns to the streets. His first target is the Rhino...
Civil War: The Return #1[1/2]
The Negative Zone is under attack from Captain America and the Secret Avengers. But the warden stays hidden because his presence in this time is a secret. The original Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell of the Kree) has somehow been plucked from time following his fateful confrontation with Nitro and landed in the Negative Zone. That means he already has cancer. He's going to die and now he knows it. In the meantime, Iron Man's given him the job of warden of Prison 42, but the break out is going to cause him to reveal himself to the world...
Civil War #7 *
The battle between the Initiative and the Secret Avengers spills from the Negative Zone to the street of New York City when Cloak teleports both groups back into the positive matter universe. The Secret Avengers take a pounding thanks to the vicious edge of the new Thunderbolts. Namor shows up with the Atlantean army just in time to tip the scales, but the Thor clone, Captain Marvel and the new Champions arrive to tip them back. Hercules destroys the Thor clone and Mister Fantastic redeems himself with the Invisible Woman by saving her from the Taskmaster. The Vision shorts out Iron Man's armour allowing Cap to beat him senseless, smashing off his face plate. But Cap is taken down by cops and EMTs who make him see the damage the Civil War has done. With New York City battered to hell, Cap sheds a tear and surrenders to the authorities. The war is over. As the heroes depart, the Punisher picks up Cap's discarded mask. Flash forward to the coming weeks as the 50-State Initiative's successful move to place a government-sponsored super-team in every state. Iron Man forms a new team of Avengers while Luke Cage forms his own underground Avengers squad. Prison 42 is used solely to contain criminals. Spider-Man returns to his black costume The Invisible Woman returns to the Baxter Building. And Tony Stark becomes Director of SHIELD...

Civil War: Front Line #10[1/2] *
Before the storming of Prison 42, Ms Marvel informed Sally Floyd of a traitor among the Initiative. Someone messed with Norman Osborn's nano-tech and sent him on a rogue mission, but none of Iron Man's allies know who. Sally figures it out. Ben Urich officially leaves the Daily Bugle and prepares to tell a story a paper like the Bugle can't. As the Negative Zone breakout spills into the streets of New York, Sally and Ben cross paths in the war zone and realise the real reason for the Superhuman Civil War...
Black Panther #25
The final battle is told from the point of view of Storm and the Black Panther. Storm battles the Thor clone before he's obliterated by Hercules. The Panther reveals to Storm that Cap has surrendered.

Civil War: The Confession #1[2/2] *
Remaining masked the whole time, Iron Man visits Captain America in his cell and taunts him over losing the war. But Cap believes he won as Iron Man sold out his principles.

Amazing Spider-Man #538 *
As the smoke clears after the final battle, Spider-Man is counted among the missing. Peter Parker, returns to the motel where Mary Jane and Aunt May are holed up. The Kingpin's assassin who's been watching the motel takes his shot, misses Peter and hits Aunt May in the stomach...

Civil War: Choosing Sides #1[3/6]
'Daredevil' goes back to fighting crime on the streets of New York while also being hunted by SHIELD's Cape-Killers as an unregistered combatant. Later 'Daredevil' returns home, unmasking as Danny Rand who's been covering for Matt Murdock while he was in prison. Now that the war is over, Danny goes back to being Iron Fist...
Captain America #25 *
In anticipation of Captain America's trial, the media give an overview of the Sentinel of Liberty's history, from his role during World War II to his actions and arrest during the Superhuman Civil War. The public are divided with some supporting him as a hero and others proclaiming him a traitor. As the unmasked Captain America arrives at the courthouse, he's shot in the back by a sniper. Sharon Carter rushes in as another shooter finishes Cap off with three more shots. He's rushed to hospital while the Falcon and the Winter Soldier go after the sniper, Crossbones, an agent of the Red Skull. The media announce that Captain America is dead. While Sharon Carter tries to comes to terms with Cap''s death, she gets a visit from the Red Skull's daughter, Sin, who tells her a key word and unlocks her recent memory. Sharon Carter was the second shooter. Sharon Carter killed Captain America...
Civil War: The Confession #1[1/2] *
Iron Man returns to the SHIELD Helicarrier and talks about how he isn't able to inspire his new troops, how he predicted there would be a war among the heroes way back when he travelled through time and teamed up with King Arthur against Doctor Doom. He recalls Nick Fury alerting him to the plans for the Superhuman Registration Act and how, when he came out in support of it, he knew Captain America would oppose him. He reflects on all the hard choices he made and finally admits to Cap's corpse what he'll never admit to anyone else: that it wasn't worth winning the war if it meant losing Captain America...

Daily Bugle: Civil War - Fallen Son Special Edition
The Daily Bugle covers the story of Captain America's assassination (and Marvel get to do a little promo for all the Civil War fallout that's on the horizon).
Civil War: Front Line #11 *
Following the final battle in New York City, Sally Floyd and Ben Urich took the opportunity to interview Captain America before his assassination, with Sally accusing Cap of being out of touch with modern America. They interviewed fugitive heroes, watched others rebuild rebuild New York and attended Captain America's funeral before founding their new online newsite Front Line. Sally and Ben get a chance to interview Tony Stark and tell him that the traitor among his ranks who freed Norman Osborn was none other than Stark himself. Even though these events had an effect on the stock market, Stark's intentions were to use the profits to provide pensions for firefighters, police and ambulance workers and to pay for Prison 42. The potential war with Atlantis encouraged more heroes to register with SHIELD. He did it all with the best of intentions and all it cost him was his friends. Stark throws Ben and Sally out of his office, though they promise never to share his story...

Civil War: The Initiative #1
Iron Man has won the war and become Director of SHIELD. Now the plan to put a trained and licensed super-team into every American state is being put into action. In Canada, Sasquatch visits Michael Pointer - the man who killed Alpha Flight - and offers him a place among the new Omega Flight. The government-sanctioned Thunderbolts aggressively take down unregistered heroes. Iron Man meets Ms Marvel and expresses his concerns that she recently passed up a chance to apprehend Spider-Woman. Now Iron Man has a hard task ahead of him, selecting the members of his new Mighty Avengers squad...
Civil War: Battle Damage Report
Tony Stark files his report on the status of the costumed community six months after the passing of the Superhuman Registration Act. Wakanda opposes the Act, though the Black Panther and Storm stay in America while the threat of war hangs over the two countries. Sabra plans to set up Israel's own SHRA. Japan forms a voluntary partnership with their superheroes. The strained relationship between America and the Inhumans continues. Great Britain is predicted to copy America, just like it always does. France find themselves defending their borders from American superhuman refugees, while French villain Batroc is employed in the US to train Initiative recruits. Canada previously passed and overturned a registration act years before. Registration was already mandatory for Chinese superhumans. South America doesn't seem interested in registration and only seek the return of Silverclaw who was arrested during the Civil War. War is expected to break out between America and Atlantis with the US using their new superhuman army as defence.

Fantastic Four #543[1/3] *
The Human Torch and the Thing are back in the Baxter Building, watching a documentary about the birth of the Fantastic Four which addresses the effect that the Civil War had on the Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic's marriage and whether or not it and the team will make it through.
Sue admits Reed won her back by saving her life and the couple decide to take time out of the FF to work on their marriage. They bring the Black Panther and Storm in as replacements now that the Wakandan Embassy has temporarily taken up residence in the Baxter Building.
MCG Notes: 
  • The fallout from the main series and well as major fallout from the tie-ins are all featured in blue & black
  • Secondary fallout from the tie-ins and less 'important' follow-up stories is featured in grey.
She-Hulk #9 (2006)
She-Hulk and John Jameson get married, though proceedings are marred by the ongoing superhuman civil war, during I MARRIED A MAN-WOLF.

She-Hulk #12-14 (2006)
and John Jameson's feelings for each other revealed to be influenced by Starfox; She-Hulk and Jameson separate during I MARRIED A MAN-WOLF.

X-Factor #10-12 (2006) 
Two of the Tryps are killed in battle with X-Factor, only the older Tryp survives.

Cable & Deadpool #33-34 (2006) 
Deadpool sides with the Six Pack against Cable, putting the final nail in the coffin of their already fragile working relationship.

Thunderbolts #106-109 (2006-207) 
Baron Zemo continues to expand his Thunderbolts Army to oppose the Grandmaster; Zemo defeats the Grandmaster, apparently killing him; Zemo gains near-unlimited power, but is betrayed by Songbird who shatters his moonstones, losing him in space/time; Moonstone returns; the Thunderbolts army disbands; Songbird and Moonstone are asked to join the Initiative.

Thunderbolts Presents: Zemo - Born Better #1-4 (2007) 
Baron Zemo appears at different points in time, learning his family's dubious history as he goes.

Punisher War Journal #4 (2007) 
The Punisher uses Stilt-Man's funeral as an opportunity to kill super-villain mourners.

Deadpool #36 (2007)
springs Taskmaster on his way to Prison 42; Taskmaster's re-apprehension appears off-panel.

Amazing Spider-Man #539-542 (2007) 
Spider-Man dons his black costume as he searches for the man who shot May Parker; Spider-Man learns the Kingpin was behind the attack and has his revenge during BACK IN BLACK.

Ms Marvel #11-12 (2007) 
AraƱa continues to train with Ms Marvel.

Blade #9 (2007) 
Maria Hill comes looking for Blade for double-crossing her.

Irredeemable Ant-Man #1 (2006) 
How Eric O'Grady obtained his Ant-Man suit is revealed during LOW-LIFE.

New Excalibur #16 (2007) 
Excalibur continue to operate as Great Britain's primary super-team with little mention of registration.

Marvel Comics Presents #5-7 (2008) 
The real Plunderer is revealed to be alive; the one the Punisher killed was an impersonator working on his behalf.

Moon Knight #13 (2007) 
The Profile helps Moon Knight join the Initiative during THE INITIATIVE.

Immortal Iron Fist #1 (2007) 
Danny Rand officially goes back to being Iron Fist again during THE LAST IRON FIST STORY.

Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Wolverine #1 (2007)
Wolverine and Doctor Strange learn Captain America is really dead when they locate his body and interrogate Crossbones during FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Punisher War Journal #7 (2007) 
The Punisher takes the mantle of Captain America for himself during THE INITIATIVE.

Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Avengers #1 (2007) 
The respective Avengers teams deal with their anger over Captain America's death during FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Spider-Man #1 (2007) 
Spider-Man struggles with the loss of Captain America during FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Captain America #1 (2007) 
Tony Stark offers Hawkeye the role of Captain America during FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

New Warriors #1-2 (2007) 
A team calling themselves the New Warriors, led by Night Thrasher emerges during THE INITIATIVE.

Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Iron Man #1 (2007) 
A funeral is held for the fallen Captain America during FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Captain America #26 (2007) 
The Winter Soldier begins his investigation into Captain America's assassination during THE INITIATIVE / FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

What If?: Civil War #1 (2008) 
The Watcher (disguised as the Stranger) reveals two alternate realities to Tony Stark to show him how the Superhuman Civil War could have ended; the Captain America of Earth-2108 leads all the heroes against registration when Tony Stark dies; Iron Man of Earth-10208 loses the Superhuman Civil War when he loses control of the Thor clone.

Ms Marvel #13-14 (2007) 
Arachne has a rematch with Ms Marvel; AraƱa helps reunite Arachne with her daughter; Arachne accepts an assignment in Canada; Ms Marvel is given her own task force - Operation: Lightning Storm - to hunt down unregistered heroes during THE INITIATIVE / ALPHA TO OMEGA.

Punisher War Journal #11 (2007) 
The Winter Soldier forces the Punisher to give up his Captain America identity; Lynn Michaels is revealed to be working as a deep cover agent for SHIELD during THE INITIATIVE.

Omega Flight #1-5 (2007) 
Arachne and USAgent join Sasquatch and Talisman's new Omega Flight; Michael Pointer joins Omega Flight as GuardianBeta Ray Bill allies with Omega Flight against the Wrecking Crew and other unregistered villains who have fled America; Michael Pointer earns the team's respect during THE INITIATIVE / ALPHA TO OMEGA.

New Avengers #27 (2007) 
Luke Cage's underground Avengers officially form, opposing Superhuman Registration; the Avengers invade the Raft to investigate Ms Marvel's claim that Captain America is alive during THE INITIATIVE.

Irredeemable Ant-Man #7 (2007) 
Damage Control are revealed to be back in business.

Mighty Avengers #1-2 (2007)
The formation of Iron Man's registered 'Mighty Avengers' squad is revealed in flashback; Ares begins working for the Initiative as a member of the Mighty Avengers during THE INITIATIVE / THE ULTRON INITIATIVE.

New Avengers #34 (2007) 
Luke Cage and Jessica Jones name their daughter Danielle Cage during THE TRUST.

X-Factor #15 (2007) 
The SHIELD agent dupe is absorbed by the real Jamie Madrox.

Black Panther #26 (2007) 
Black Panther and Storm join the Fantastic Four as a political show of good will on both sides; the Baxter Building becomes the acting Wakandan Embassy during THE INITIATIVE / FOUR THE HARD WAY.

Fantastic Four #544 (2007) 
Uatu the Watcher reveals Storm and the Black Panther's children have a special destiny during THE INITIATIVE / FOUR THE HARD WAY.

X-Factor #20 (2007) 
Quicksilver loses his ability to restore mutant powers.

Thor #1 (2007) 
Dr Donald Blake returns, along with the true Thor.

Deadpool/GLI Summer Fun Spectacular #1 (2007) 
The Great Lakes Champions become the Great Lakes Initiative.

She-Hulk #16 (2007) 
Two-Gun Kid continues to work for the Initiative during PLANET HULK.

Uncanny X-Men #487 (2007) 
Storm begins sporadically helping the X-Men again, without the Black Panther.

Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man #19-22 (2007) 
It's revealed that Principle Roger Harrington was murdered and replaced by the school janitor (the Chameleon 2211); Miss Arrow fights Betty Brant for Flash Thompson and reveals her true nature as the Other during BACK IN BLACK.

Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #15-16 (2007)
Iron Man's role as Director of SHIELD comes under the spotlight during THE INITIATIVE.

Avengers: The Initiative #1 (2007)
Former New Warrior Justice helps train the next generation of Avengers; Rage, Slapstick and Ultra Girl go back into training; Camp Hammond - the training ground for registered heroes - is built on the ruins of Stamford during THE INITIATIVE.

Nova #2-3 (2007)
Nova (Richard Rider) returns to Earth learns the fate of his fellow New Warriors during THE INITIATIVE.

Heroes for Hire #4-5 (2007) 
The Heroes for Hire take down Ricadonna's Skrull organ ring.

Avengers: The Initiative #3 (2007) 
The remnants of the Thor clone are revealed to have been recovered and held at Camp Hammond; the Rangers assist the Initiative; new versions of the Iron Spider armour are given to the Scarlet Spiders during THE INITIATIVE.

New Warriors #3-6 (2007) 
Tony Stark's underhanded Civil War dealings are revealed to two detectives; the new Night Thrasher is revealed to be the original's brother - Donyell Taylor (formerly Bandit) - during THE INITIATIVE.

Fantastic Four #550 (2007) 
Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman rejoin the Fantastic Four; the Black Panther and Storm leave the team during THE INITIATIVE.

The Order #1 (2007) 
The new Champions are renamed The Order; Hermes becomes Calamity; Artemis is fired; the Bannermen are killed; the line-up of the Order is fully revealed during THE INITIATIVE.

Silent War #1-6 (2007) 
The Inhumans go to war against humanity begins cover the stolen Terrigen Crystals; the Inhumans recover the crystals but Black Bolt loses the Inhuman throne to Maximus in the process.

Thunderbolts #110-112 (2007) 
The new Thunderbolts hunt unregistered heroes; the T-Bolts' leader is revealed as Norman Osborn; Radioactive Man acts as a Chiene envoy while working with the the Thunderbolts during THE INITIATIVE / FAITH IN MONSTERS.

She-Hulk #17 (2007)
is revealed to be a prisoner of SHIELD during

World War Hulk: Front Line #1 (2007) 
Front Line plays a major part in covering the Hulk's return to Earth during WORLD WAR HULK.

Ghost Rider #12 (2007) 
Ghost Rider continues his hunt for Lucifer during WORLD WAR HULK.

Damage Control #1-2 (2008) 
Bill Foster's nephew, Tom Foster, becomes the new Black Goliath then simply Goliath in honour of his uncle during WORLD WAR HULK: AFTERSMASH!

She-Hulk #20 (2007)
John Jameson tries and fails to reconcile with She-Hulk; he signs annulment papers to officially end their marriage.

Sub-Mariner #1-6 (2007) 
Nitro remains a prisoner in Atlantis; Namor uses Nitro to destroy Atlantis and end a war with the surface; Namor relocates to Latveria world during THE INITIATIVE.

Marvel Comics Presents #7-12 (2007-2008) 
Omega Flight oppose a Canadian Government conspiracy to increase Michael Pointer's powers.

She-Hulk #21 (2007) 
It's insinuated that the Rhino could've been an alternate universe double from Earth-A.

Sensational Spider-Man #38-39 (2007) 
Still separated from his Symbiote, Eddie Brock returns and tries to kill May Parker during BACK IN BLACK.

Avengers: The Initiative #9-12 (2008) 
Taskmaster is employed by the Initiative to train recruits at Camp Hammond; Equinox is revealed to have joined the Initiative.

Wolverine #57-61 (2007-2008) 
Amir is murdered by ShogunWolverine learns he's lost his soul makes a deal with Lazaer that returns his it to him and breaks their recurring struggle, so the next time he dies it'll be permanent.

Penance: Relentless #5 (2008) 
Robbie Baldwin has his revenge on Nitro.

Ghost Rider #19 (2008) 
Ghost Rider sends Lucifer back to Hell.

What If... Annihilation Reached Earth? #1 (2008)
On Earth-14026, the Annihilation Wave reaches planet Earth while the Superhuman Civil War rages on; the heroes are unprepared and many die; Captain America and Iron Man put their issues aside to save Earth, though the cost is high.

Captain America #30 (2007)
Sharon Carter learns she's pregnant with Steve Rogers' baby during THE INITIATIVE.

Amazing Spider-Man #545 (2008) 
Peter Parker's secret identity is erased from public knowledge when he and Mary-Jane Parker make a deal with Mephisto; Harry Osborn is revealed to be alive during ONE MORE DAY.

Howard the Duck #1-4 (2007-2008)
She-Hulk has Howard the Duck registered and given a full Presidential pardon after he defeats MODOT.

Captain America #42 (2008) 
Arnim Zola transfers the Red Skull's consciousness out of Aleksander Lukin's body; Lukin is shot dead by Sharon Carter.

Captain America #34-42 (2008) 
Bucky Barnes becomes Captain America; Sharon Carter loses her baby when she's stabbed in the stomach by Sin; Sharon Carter admits to killing Steve Rogers; the Red Skull's consciousness is transferred into a robot body.

Thunderbolts: Reason in Madness #1 (2008) 
Mister Hyde uses Jester's corpse to find a way around the nanotechnology used by the Initiative to control him.

Captain Marvel #1 (2008) 
'Captain Marvel' is next seen, struggling to find his place in a world that saw him die during SECRET INVASION: THE INFILTRATION.

Captain Marvel #5 (2008) 
'Captain Marvel' learns he's a Skrull impostor with Mar-Vell's memories during SECRET INVASION: THE INFILTRATION.

Black Panther #35 (2008) 
The 'Brother Voodoo' who attends the Black Panther and Storm's wedding is revealed to be a Skrull impostor; the Cannibal returns and dies in battle with the Skrull Brother Voodoo on the astral plane.

Amazing Spider-Man #549 (2008) 
Dexter Bennett turns the Daily Bugle into the DB!

X-Factor #25 (2008)
Layla Miller
travels into the future during

Amazing Spider-Man Extra! #1 (2008) 
Hammerhead is patched up with cybernetics by Mister Negative during FAMILY TIES.

Avengers/Invaders #12 (2009) 
Bucky resurrects Toro using a Cosmic Cube.

X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead #1 (2008) 
Quicksilver regains his speed powers.

Moon Knight #19 (2008) 
Tony Stark voids Moon Knight's Initiative membership when he kills the Black Spectre.

Moon Knight #21 (2008) 
Tony Stark sends the Thunderbolts after the fugitive Moon Knight.

Amazing Spider-Man #570 (2008) 
Having quit the DB!, Joe Robertson starts working for Front Line.

Amazing Spider-Man #581 (2009) 
It's revealed that Mysterio helped Norman Osborn fake Harry Osborn's death.

Punisher War Journal #19-23 (2008) 
GW Bridge captures the Punisher; Stuart Clarke continues to work for the Punisher and tries to save him from SHIELD until he learns the Punisher killed his girlfriend.

Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust? #1 (2008) 
The Warden is killed allowing Noh-Varr to take over the Cube during SECRET INVASION.

Secret Invasion #1 (2008) 
The alien inmates break out of the Cube; 'Yellowjacket'/'Hank Pym' and 'Edwin Jarvis' are revealed to be Skrulls during SECRET INVASION.

New Avengers #40 (2008)
A flashback reveals 'Spider-Woman' is a Skrull called Queen Veranke during SECRET INVASION.

New Warriors #15 (2008) 
The New Warriors finally locate the bodies of Night Thrasher and Microbe during SECRET INVASION.

Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #1-3 (2008) 
The Young Avengers and Runaways meet again; Xavin comes to Hulkling's aid when the invading Skrulls attempt to reclaim him during SECRET INVASION.

Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #33 (2008) 
Cybermancer is the only member of the new Force Works team to be revealed during SECRET INVASION.

Avengers: The Initiative #17 (2008) 
The Mormon super-team in Utah are named The Called (although no members are revealed) during SECRET INVASION.

Secret Invasion #6 (2008) 
The Skrull Captain Marvel inspires Noh-Varr to take up the mantle of Mar-Vell and dies from wounds received in battle with the Super-Skrull; the Israeli version of the Initiative is revealed to have been infiltrated by the Skrulls during SECRET INVASION.

Avengers: The Initiative #19 (2009) 
Red Wolf's dog Lobo is revealed to be the Skrull infiltrator in the Rangers during SECRET INVASION.

Punisher War Journal #25 (2008) 
Stuart Clarke is badly scarred when he tries to kill the Punisher and becomes the new Jigsaw during SECRET INVASION.

Secret Invasion #8 (2009) 
Iron Man loses the position of Director of SHIELD for failing to preempt and immediately thwart the Skrull invasion; the position Norman Osborn is put in by the Initiative allows him the opportunity to take control of the organisation and create HAMMER to replace SHIELD during SECRET INVASION.

X-Force #11 (2009) 
Domino joins the next iteration of X-Force.

X-Men: Worlds Apart #1 (2009) 
Distance begins to grow between Storm and the Black Panther as she spends more time with the X-MenBast helps Storm free the Panther from possession by the Shadow King.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (2008) 
Walter Declun returns; it's revealed that Wolverine only stabbed Declun's eyes and not his brain; Declun's eyes are revealed to have been replaced with cybernetic implants.

Avengers: The Initiative #21-22 (2009) 
Night Thrasher (Donyell Taylor) joins the surviving original New Warriors; without the Skrull Hank Pym keeping the Thor clone deactivated, it goes online and goes on a rampage; the clone takes the name Ragnarok during DARK REIGN.

Dark Reign Files #1 (2009) 
The Avatars are considered for Norman Osborn's plans during DARK REIGN.

Agents of Atlas #3 (2009) 
The resurrected Namora mourns the loss of Namorita during DARK REIGN / THE DRAGON'S CORRIDOR.

Captain America #46-48 (2009)
and Namor team-up to reclaim the original Human Torch's body.

Captain Britain and MI13 #15 (2009)
Digitek is seen fighting vampires as a member of MI13 (it's possible his suicide was faked in order to escape the Prison 42) during VAMPIRE STATE.

Thor #11 (2008)
Steve Rogers' spirit appears to Thor.

Marvel Comics Presents #6 (2008) 
Shroud continues to help Arachne after she joins Omega Flight.

Punisher War Journal #26 (2009) 
A new Stilt-Man emerges.

Moon Knight #26-30 (2009) 
Moon Knight and the Punisher next meet, joining forces against the Mexican drug cartel.

Thunderbolts #132 (2009) 
The empty Cube is used as the headquarters for Norman Osborn's new black ops Thunderbolts during DARK REIGN.

Punisher #10 (2009) 
GW Bridge is sacrificed by Microchip and the Hood in an attempt to resurrect the Punisher's family during DEAD END.

Mighty Avengers #24 (2009) 
Norman Osborn digs up Bill Foster's grave to use his clavicle to divine the location of Hank Pym's Avengers during DARK REIGN.

Incredible Hercules #127 (2009) 
Aegis falls to his death after a battle with Hera and the Huntsman during DARK REIGN.

Marvel Divas #1 (2009)
goes back to costumed heroics.

Dark Reign: Made Men #1 (2009) 
A new Jack O'Lantern emerges during DARK REIGN.

Black Panther #5 (2009) 
Shuri takes the mantle of Black Panther during DARK REIGN.

Avengers: The Initiative #28-29 (2009)
The Hood offers to resurrect Dwayne Taylor if Donyell Taylor agrees to work for him.

X-Factor #40 (2009) 
Jamie Madrox meets an older Layla Miller when she brings him into the future.

Dark X-Men: The Beginning #2 (2009) 
Michael Pointer joins Norman Osborn's 'Dark' X-Men as Weapon Omega, opposing the real X-Men during UTOPIA / DARK REIGN.

Captain America Reborn #1-6 (2009-2010) 
The Red Skull's deal with Doctor Doom to create a time-travel weapon resulted in Captain America's body dying while his essence was sent hurtling through time; Steve Rogers is resurrected and confronts the Red Skull, but doesn't retake the role of Captain America during CAPTAIN AMERICA REBORN.

Amazing Spider-Man #606-607 (2009) 
Spider-Man and the Black Cat hook up again.

Amazing Spider-Man #614 (2010)
The DB! is destroyed by Electro during THE GAUNTLET.

Invincible Iron Man #14 (2009) 
Pepper Potts and Tony Stark begin a sexual relationship during DARK REIGN.

Incredible Hercules #129 (2009) 
Cobalt Man, Bill Foster and Namorita are seen in the afterlife, hoping to be resurrected.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 (2009) 
The real Bushman is resurrected by the Hood; Marlene Alraune returns to Marc Spector.

Amazing Spider-Man #618-620 (2010)
Mysterio (Quentin Beck) returns to his original costume and doesn't mention his resurrection again during THE GAUNTLET.

Marvel Zombies 5 #2 (2010) 
Howard the Duck reveals he joined the Ohio Initiative team before joining ARMOR.

Siege: Embedded #1 (2010) 
Front Line plays a major part in covering Norman Osborn's attack on Asgard during SIEGE.

Avengers: The Initiative #34 (2010)
Donyell Taylor turns against the Hood; Penance finally reveals unmasks to the New Warriors, revealing himself to be their old friend Robbie Baldwin during SIEGE.

Siege #4 (2010) 
The Superhuman Registration Act is abolished during SIEGE.

Thor #610 (2010) 
Ragnarok is destroyed by the real Thor during SIEGE.

Amazing Spider-Man #648 (2011)
J Jonah Jameson gives Joe Robertson enough money to turn Front Line into the new Daily Bugle during BIG TIME.

Punisher: In The Blood #4 (2011) 
Jigsaw kills Stuart Clarke.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #9 (2010) 
Steve Rogers recruits Moon Knight into his new Secret Avengers during THE HEROIC AGE.

Avengers Academy #1 (2010) 
Robbie Baldwin returns to his Speedball identity during THE HEROIC AGE / PERMANENT RECORD.

Shadowland: Moon Knight #2 (2010)
Randall Spector returns as Shadow Knight; Daredevil uses the Profile against Moon Knight during SHADOWLAND.

Shadowland #5 (2011) 
The Kingpin reclaims his place as the Crimelord of New York during SHADOWLAND.

Ant-Man & the Wasp #1-3 (2011) 
Hank Pym uploads Bill Foster's mind into a virtual reality utopia programme.

Young Allies #5 (2010) 
AraƱa becomes Spider-Girl during THE HEROIC AGE / NOW, NOT TOMORROW.

Invincible Iron Man #28-33 (2010) 
Justine Hammer hires Spymaster to sabotage Stark Resilient, giving Iron Man his shot at revenge against the man who helped bring about Happy Hogan's death during THE HEROIC AGE.

Nova #32-35 (2010) 
Nova encounters Namorita from Earth-TRN343 and brings her back to Earth-616 during REALM OF KINGS.

Avengers Academy #10 (2011) 
A group of Cobalt Men attack Speedball and the trainee Avengers in Stamford to reignite public contempt against him.

Captain America #606-610 (2010) 
Baron Zemo returns to the presents and seems to be a villain again; he reveals the new Captain America's true identity to the media during THE HEROIC AGE.

Fear Itself #3 (2011) 
Bucky Barnes appears to die at the hands of Sin during FEAR ITSELF.

Fear Itself #4 (2011)
Steve Rogers reclaims the mantle of Captain America; Tony Stark turns to drink again when he "sacrifices his sobriety" to gain an audience with Odin during FEAR ITSELF.

Fear Itself: The Home Front #7 (2011) 
Miriam Sharpe forgives Speedball for his part in her son's death and changes her opinion of super-heroes during FEAR ITSELF.

Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt #6 (2011) 
Camp Hammond is shut down during FEAR ITSELF.

Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6 (2011) 
The Scarlet Witch gives Rictor his powers back and she begins restoring the mutant powers she took away during THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE / THE HEROIC AGE.

New Avengers Annual #1 (2011) 
Goliath (Tom Foster) joins the Revengers, looking for payback against the Avengers who he blames for his uncle's death during REVENGERS.

Venom #11 (2012) 
A new Jack O'Lantern reveals he's murdered everyone who previously used that identity, which may or may not include Daniel Berkhart.

X-Men Legacy #264-265 (2012) 
Weapon Omega is put into a coma by the X-Men when he finally loses all control of his powers.

New Avengers #20-21 (2012)
Ragnarok joins Norman Osborn's new Dark Avengers during OSBORN RISES.

Avengers vs X-Men #9-12 (2012) 
The Black Panther informs Storm that their marriage has been annulled when they find themselves on opposing sides; Hope Summers and the Scarlet Witch restores mutant kinds lost powers during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.

Dark Avengers #175 (2012)
Ragnarok and his fellow Dark Avengers become the new Thunderbolts when Luke Cage's Thunderbolts are lost in time during THE END IS THE BEGINNING.

X-Factor #245 (2012) 
Jamie Madrox proposes to Layla Miller.

X-Factor #247 (2013) 
Jamie Madrox and Layla Miller go on honeymoon in Las Vegas.

Young Avengers #1-5 (2013) 
Kate Bishop sleeps with Noh-Varr; Noh-Varr joins the Young Avengers during MARVEL NOW! / STYLE>SUBSTANCE.

Scarlet Spider #16 (2013) 
The Armadillo reveals he was fired from the Rangers.

All-New X-Factor #1 (2014) 
Quicksilver joins a new iteration of X-Factor during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!

A+X #17 (2014) 
Captain America uses the micro EMP anti-armour tech again against Doctor Doom.

Avengers #29 (2014)
Captain America and Iron Man butt heads again when Cap discovers Iron Man ordered his memory to be wiped to hide the actions of the Illuminati during ORIGINAL SIN.

Axis #1-2 (2014)
Red Onslaught reveals Tony Stark's back-up plan to take down his friends using Stark Sentinels if they ever go rogue; Red Onslaught takes control of the Stark Sentinels during AXIS.

Superior Iron Man #5 (2015)
The Teen Abomination (Jamie Carlson) is revealed to be the son of Happy Hogan during AVENGERS NOW!

Spider-Woman #6 (2015)
A new Goldbug emerges, utilising the 'Secret War' armour of the original.

Avengers #44 (2015)
As the fate of the world hangs in the balance, Captain America and Iron Man go head-to-head in furious conflict once again during TIME RUNS OUT.

Civil War #1-5 (2015)
On Earth-32323, the Superhuman Civil War never ended; part of this world makes up the domain known as the Warzone on God Emperor Doom's Battleworld during SECRET WARS.

Contest of Champions #5 (2016)
The Collector plucks Night Thrasher from time just before the explosion in Stamford, ensuring his survival; Night Thrasher is forced to take part in the Contest of Champions during ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL

Contest of Champions #9-10 (2016)
On Earth-TRN619, Tony Stark used the Reality Gem to manipulate the events of the Superhuman Civil War, eventually becoming president and leading the Mighty Avengers as the Iron Patriot.

All-New, All Different Avengers #8 (2016)
Coldheart is revealed to have survived the explosion at Stamford or somehow resurrected; Coldheart is held at SHIELD's Pleasant Hill prison during STANDOFF.

Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill - Omega #1 (2016)
is revealed to have somehow survived being shot in the head by Underworld; and is held at SHIELD's Pleasant Hill prison during STANDOFF.

Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #3-5 (2016-2017)
Having somehow been resurrected, Cobalt Man is kidnapped by the Mercs for Money for Umbral Dynamics who wanted his radioactive suit during ALL-NEW, ALL DIFFERENT MARVEL.

Civil War II #0-8 (2016-2017)
Another war develops between the superhumans, though it's unrelated to the first; Iron Man and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) come to a disagreement over using Ulysses Cain's precognitive powers to prevent criminals acts before they happen during CIVIL WAR II.

Clone Conspiracy #2 (2017)
Mysterio (Francis Klum) is resurrected by the new Jackal to battle Spider-Man during DEAD NO MORE: THE CLONE CONSPIRACY.

Prowler #1 (2016)
Jack O'Lantern (Steven Levins) is resurrected by the new Jackal during DEAD NO MORE: THE CLONE CONSPIRACY.

Black Panther #13 (2017) 
Storm and the Black Panther begin to reconcile their romance.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #6 (2017)
On Earth-18118, Professor X and the Avengers proposed a solution to the registration that prevented the Superhuman Civil War from ever happening.

Spider-Man: Life Story #5 (2019)
On Earth-19529, the Superhuman Civil War plays out very differently with a much older Spider-Man.
See how the Superhuman Civil War impacts the key Marvel Universe characters in their own, individual reading orders - more will be added over time:

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