
Sunday 4 April 2021


The Ultimate Universe launched in the year 2000, giving new readers a chance to hop aboard a modern-day reworking of the Marvel Universe and was a surprise success! Still a part of the Marvel Multiverse, Earth-1610 featured familiar versions of some of the most popular characters with more relevance than their 1960s-born counterparts. As it started from scratch, there was less continuity and backstory for new readers to worry about. And its freshness and willingness to break the rules made it feel like a Marvel Universe where anything could happen.

As the mainstream Marvel Universe (Earth-616) began to really push the boundaries of expectation as it approached 2010, Marvel felt the Ultimate Universe had comparatively lost its edge. There was almost 10 years of continuity for new fans to deal with and it had strayed from its purpose of being more accessible. So they decided to bring back that feeling that anything could happen, regardless of whether or not it should...

If you loved the Ultimate Universe, you may well have hated ULTIMATUM. The most reviled villain in comics history destroys the world many of us come to love over the previous nine years. Earth-1610 would never recover from the destruction caused by this event which was intended to shake up the Ultimate Universe and give it back its edge. Many would argue that it had the exact opposite effect.
Previous events that have a direct impact on this storyline:
Major Event: This storyline incorporates multiple titles and issues which tie into a central mini-series, with events that impact almost every character involved. It's considered to be a major event.

Only want to read the essentials? The five issue mini-series is the core story. Read every tie-in, if you like, or just read the main series and add the issues featuring the characters who interest you the most. It's up to you!
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #129
  • Ultimatum #1
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #130
  • Ultimate X-Men #98
  • Ultimatum #2
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four #58
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #131
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four #59
  • Ultimate X-Men #99
  • Ultimatum #3
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #132
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four #60
  • Ultimate X-Men #100
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #133
  • Ultimatum #4-5
  • Ultimatum - Fantastic Four: Requiem #1
  • Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2
  • Ultimatum - X-Men: Requiem #1
Ultimate Spider-Man #129
The Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm meets Spider-Woman and instantly becomes infatuated with her, not realising she' a female clone of his buddy Peter Parker! Peter heads into New York with Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, Kitty Pryde and Kenny 'Kong' McFarlane. While they're gone, the NYPD take May Parker in for questioning regarding her connection to the masked vigilante Spider-Man...

Ultimatum #1
New York is suddenly flooded and millions die instantly. Peter Parker leaves his friends, donning his Spider-Man costume to save some lives. The X-Men's Angel survives the flood, but Dazzler, Nightcrawler and the Beast aren't so lucky. At the Baxter Building, the flood interrupts Reed Richards' proposal to Sue Storm. The rock-skinned Ben Grimm saves her while Reed confronts Namor, believing him to be behind the tidal wave. Johnny Storm is missing. Hank Pym escapes house arrest and, donning Ultron's Yellowjacket costume, desperately searches for the Wasp. Iron Man pulls Captain America out of the water. Bruce Banner's transformation into the Hulk saves him from drowning and he bumps into a Watcher monolith. The temperature in Latveria drops unnaturally. Doctor Doom is the only one not frozen to death. Inland, in Westchester County, Charles Xavier senses the deaths of three of his students and much of the population of New York. Realising who is behind the attack, Xavier telepathically contacts the Ultimates, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man, informing them that their enemy is Magneto...
Ultimate Spider-Man #130
Aunt May denies any connection to Spider-Man until everything goes quiet. Finding her way to the street, she sees the damage done to New York by the flood. Spider-Woman shows up, accidentally referring to her as 'Aunt May'. Kitty Pryde her fellow L train passengers, despite their openly-hostile attitude to her mutant powers. Spider-Man rescues as many people as he can until he runs headlong into the Hulk...

Ultimate X-Men #98
Rev William Stryker goes from pacifist to mutant-hater when his family are killed by the flooding of New York. He and a squad of his father's military associates don SHIELD Sentinel tech and lay siege to the Xavier School for Gifted Children while the X-Men are hunting Magneto. Having recently been ejected from the main squad, Rogue recruits Vindicator (John Wraith), Sabretooth and the Juggernaut to take on Magneto her way...

Ultimatum #2
Iron Man flies Cap to the Triskelion but is too late to save his life. Carol Danvers and Iron Man prepare for war when the building comes under attack. At the Statue of Liberty, Thor finds Valkyrie dead. He's transported to Valhalla where he makes an agreement with Hela to fight for her resurrection. Hawkeye convinces Yellowjacket find Wasp already half-consumed by the Blob.The Invisible Woman loses control of her powers. Reed Richards allies with Doctor Doom and Power Princess (from the Squadron Supreme of Earth-31916) as they plan to head back to the Supreme Power Universe. Magneto pays a visit to the undefended Charles Xavier at the Xavier School, ending his life by breaking his neck.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #58
Mary Storm returns to Sue Storm's life when she hears her daughter is in trouble. Only the insane Arthur Molekevic can save her which he plans to do by shrinking down and going inside her...
Ultimate Spider-Man #131
Inspired by Spider-Man selflessly rescuing New York citizens, J Jonah Jameson returns to the ruins of the Daily Bugle to write a piece explaining what a true hero Spidey is. Aunt May sends Spider-Woman out to find Peter. Spidey finds Daredevil's corpse while the Hulk helps him rescue people. The Hulk eventually rampages again, breaking the magical seal at Doctor Strange's house and unleashing demons on the city...

Ultimate Fantastic Four #59
Grimm and Molekevic shrink down and fly a ship inside Sue Storm. They fix her brain, but discover nano-ots in her bloodstream. Restored, Sue realises the nanobots were created by Reed. General Thaddeus ' Thunderbolt' Ross offers Ben Grimm a job as a test pilot.
Ultimate X-Men #99
Psylocke sends out a psychic distress signal, warning that the Xavier School is under attack. The Sentinel-enhanced Stryker and his compatriots kill their way through several mutants until Rogue and her savage little mutant posse arrive. Juggernaut is killed, enraging Rogue who kills all the Sentinels except Stryker who now feels justified having witnessed her murderous actions.

Ultimatum #3
Mystique reveals to Magneto that Cannonball, Detonator, Forge, Hard-Drive and Longshot are all dead. Magneto explains his plan to create heaven on Earth for the handful of surviving mutants. Elsewhere, the giant-size Yellowjacket bites the Blob's head off and takes Wasp's body to the Triskelion to allow the Jocasta Project to 'fix' her. He then takes down a swarm of Multiple Man dupes out, but is killed in the process. Captain America and Valkyrie return to life when Thor agrees to stay in Valhalla with Hela. The Ultimates prepare to take on Magneto...
Ultimate Spider-Man #132
Kitty Pryde and Mary Jane fight over Peter Parker when Kitty admits she still loves him. Doctor Strange's body is reanimated by the demon Nightmare who attacks the Hulk and Spider-Man with illusions of their failures. Hulk destroys Nightmare and along with the orb that separates Earth and the Dark Dimension causing Strange's house to explode...

Ultimate Fantastic Four #100
After finding more nanobots in Ben Grimm's blood and figuring Reed would've snuck them into Johnny Storm's system, too, Sue figures she can track Johnny using the nano's signal. But the equipment they need is in Atlantis. Between awkward flirting moments, Ben and Sue they learn Reed is on Earth-31916 and Johnny Storm is trapped in the Dark Dimension...

Ultimate X-Men #100
Armies of Multiple Man dupes act as suicide bombers all around the globe. The X-Men find Xavier dead. Everyone except Havok is killed at the Academy of Tomorrow. The X-Men fight the Multiple Man army in the Morlock tunnels as mutants and humans alike are targeted by Magneto's rage. Wolverine, Ka-Zar and Shanna locate the prime Multiple Man and kill him, ending his terror campaign.

Ultimate Spider-Man #133
Spider-Woman investigates the ruins of Doctor Strange's house, but only uncovers an enraged Hulk. The army distract the Hulk and Spider-Woman searches for Spider-Man. Kitty Pryde and Spider-Woman rescue more survivors. Kitty finds Spidey's mask and heads back to Aunt May's house to give her the bad news...

Ultimatum #4
The oversized 'demon' Dormammu rises from the ruins of Doctor Strange's house, powered by a medallion containing Johnny Storm. Dormammu finds Strange and squeezes him until his eyes pop out and his head bursts. Sue Storm and Ben Grimm free Johnny while a mysterious figure (who's never revealed) takes light from Strange's corpse. The X-Men convince the Hulk to side with them against Magneto. Reed Richards, Doctor Doom and Power Princess locate Nick Fury who agrees to return home from Earth-31916. Doom regretfully admits he had the Scarlet Witch assassinated in a plot to rule the world himself. Wolverine finds Kitty Pryde at Peter Parker's house and gives her a box. She needs to hang onto it and open it if he dies. The X-Men and Ultimates attack Magneto's floating citadel. Angel's killed by Sabretooth. Valkyrie lops Magneto's arm right off, but he stands ready to fight them all off left-handed...

Ultimatum #5
Magneto manipulates the metal in Iron Man's armour and Cyclops' visor, forcing them to blow the skin off Wolverine's bones. Wolverine utters his last words while stabbing Magneto through the belly. Magneto blasts the adamantium right off his skeleton, leaving only a clawed hand in his chest. While the heroes are distracted, Magneto to slowly drags himself out of the room. Mystique sets off a bomb that blows up the engine room of the floating citadel. Marvel Girl uses the last of her Phoenix powers to link Nick Fury and Magneto's minds and show him the truth about mutants - that they're man-made. Realising it was all for nothing, Magneto restores the world to its proper axis, then Cyclops blows his head off. Everyone escapes the citadel as it falls from the sky and into the sea. Eight days later in Washington, Cyclops publically requests that all mutants surrender to the government to avoid being rounded up and shot. An assassin then shoots Cyclops in the head. Ben Grimm travels to Latveria to find Doctor Doom keeping Namor prisoner. Ben crushes Doom's head until the blood spews out onto his rocky hand. A very gaunt-looking Quicksilver tells Moira MacTaggert (though it could actually be Apocalypse or Kang) that he killed Cyclops with the same bullet that killed his sister. Quicksilver now takes his father's place as the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy.
Ultimatum - Fantastic Four: Requiem #1
The Fantastic Four find out that Johnny Storm was swallowed by the Statue of Liberty which led to him ending up in the Dark Dimension. Dormammu used Johnny's flame powers to break into the Earthly plane. Together, Sue Storm and Ben Grimm defeated Dormammu by cutting off his oxygen supply, forcing him back to human form. Returning home, Sue confronts Reed over the nanobots and rejects his marriage proposal. Sue and Johnny attend their father's funeral. The FF disband. Ben accepts Thunderbolt Ross' job offer. Sue returns to science. Johnny moves to Paris. And Reed moves back in with his parents.

Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #1[1/2]
When J Jonah Jameson saw Spider-Man's heroism during attack on New York, it altered his perception of him completely. Jonah decided to write an article confessing his change of heart. Little did he realise he'd be writing Spider-Man's obituary as reports come in that Spidey is no more.

Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #1[2/2]
Sat among the ruins of the Daily Bugle, Jameson shares some of Ben Urich's previously rejected stories about Spider-Man, starting with the time he saved Tony Stark and Mary Jane Watson from Hydra terrorists.

Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #2[1/2]
Despite the body count in New York numbering the thousands, including his own wife, Jameson continues to turn his attention to the truth about Spider-Man. Partly out of guilt for having outright lied about the hero in order to sell papers.

Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #2[2/2]
Once he's done sharing what must've been Ben Urich's understanding of the Hulk's first meeting with Spider-Man (conflicting with the version revealed during MARCH ON ULTIMATUM), Jameson proclaims Spidey as a hero and an inspiration. Elsewhere, Captain America pulls a maskless Spider-Man out of the rubble, barely alive...

Ultimatum - X-Men: Requiem #1
Kitty Pryde recovers Wolverine's hand from the Triskelion, enabling the remaining X-Men - Iceman, Marvel Girl and Rogue - to bury their dead in the ruins of the Xavier School for Gifted Children. They don't even get to start putting bodies in the ground when Mystique, Sabretooth and an Ultimates-themed android called Assemble shows up to beat and/or recruit them to the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy. Marvel Girl reveals she no longer has her powers. Captain America shows up to beat down Assemble and pay his respects. Cap and the bad guys soon up and disappear and what remains of the X-Men call it quits...
Ultimate X #1-5 (2010-2011) 
Kitty Pryde learns what's in Wolverine's box when the contents leads her to Logan's son, James Hudson; Firestar tries to create a normal life for herself in California; Marvel Girl/Jean Grey next appears as 'Karen Grant'; 'Karen' begins recruiting mutants while Mystique continues to do the same for Quicksilver's Brotherhood; Firestar learns she's the Blob's daughter; the Blob is also revealed to have a son - Teddy Allan - who becomes the new Blob; Firestar, the Hulk and Jimmy Hudson join Karen Grant's squad of SHIELD superhumans; the Scarlet Witch appears to be alive.

Ultimate Spider-Man #1-5 (2009-2010) 
Johnny Storm and Iceman move into May Parker's house; Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker are revealed to have started dating since Peter and Mary Jane Watson broke up; Kitty Pryde takes on a new secret identity as the Shroud.

Ultimate Avengers #1-3 (2009) 
The Avengers are formed in place of the Ultimates; Swarm becomes the Red Wasp and joins the Avengers.

Ultimate Spider-Man #9-13 (2010) 
Johnny Storm and Spider-Woman make out, which weirds Peter Parker out; Kong and Kitty Pryde hook up; Principal Suitress quits his job at Midtown High School; the Daily Bugle reopens as a web-only news outlet; J Jonah Jameson learns Spider-Man's secret identity.

Ultimate Enemy #1-4 (2010) 
Enid Richards, Gary Richards and Mary Richards are killed in an attack that is also believed to have taken the life of Reed Richards; Sue Storm and Ben Grimm get together; Ben loses his rocks and gains new powers during ULTIMATE DOOMSDAY.

Ultimate Mystery #1-4 (2010) 
Reed Richards is revealed to be alive and responsible for the death of his family; Richards becomes an enemy of the former Fantastic Four as 'The Maker' during ULTIMATE DOOMSDAY.

Ultimate New Ultimates #1-5 (2010-2011) 
The New Ultimates are formed, mostly out of former Ultimates; Ka-Zar, Power Princess and Shanna join the New Ultimates; Hela barters with Thor for a son; Valkyrie is murdered by Loki; Thor is resurrected; Power Princess returns to Earth-31916; Hela gives birth to Thor's son, Modi.

Ultimate Avengers 3 #1-6 (2010-2011) 
A new Daredevil (Ray Connor) emerges; a vampire Hulk clone turns the new Daredevil into a vampire; Daredevil is killed by Captain America.

Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #3-4 (2011) 
Captain Britain is revealed to have survived Multiple Man's attack on London; Carol Danvers is injured in battle and replaced as Director of SHIELD by Gregory Stark during DEATH OF SPIDER-MAN.

Ultimate Spider-Man #160 (2011) 
Spider-Man's secret identity becomes public when he dies fighting the Green Goblin during DEATH OF SPIDER-MAN.

Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #6 (2011) 
Gregory Stark is revealed to be a traitor; Nick Fury takes up his old role as Director of SHIELD during DEATH OF SPIDER-MAN.

Ultimate Fallout #5 (2011) 
The 'Scarlet Witch' continues to manipulate Quicksilver during DEATH OF SPIDER-MAN.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #1 (2011)
The Ultimates make their official return; the Maker (Reed Richards) becomes a recurring enemy of the Ultimates during THE REPUBLIC IS BURNING.

Ultimate Comics: Hawkeye #2-4 (2011) 
The origin of Hawkeye's enhanced vision, speed and reflexes thanks to the Program is revealed; 'Karen Grant' and her team, Ultimate X, are revealed to be working for SHIELD during THE REPUBLIC IS BURNING.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #3 (2011) 
Spider-Woman joins the Ultimates during THE REPUBLIC IS BURNING.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #1-4 (2011-2012) 
Kitty Pryde, Iceman and the Human Torch (Johnny Storm) get to work forming their own X-Men, initially recruiting Rogue; mutants are revealed to be in internment camps following the public revelation that they're man-made; Rev William Stryker next appears; Stryker is convinced by his father, Admiral William Stryker, to continue his Sentinel-enhanced assault on mutantkind.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #5 (2011) 
Ultimate X switch their allegiance to Xorn's hidden city of Tian and become the Runaways.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #5-7 (2012) 
Rev William Stryker is killed by the Shroud (Kitty Pryde); the real Multiple Man is revealed to be alive; the 'resurrected' Scarlet Witch is revealed to be an illusion created by Apocalypse.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #12-13 (2012) 
Havok is revealed to be alive; Kitty Pryde becomes the spokesperson for mutant rights.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #15 (2012) 
Hydra return with a plot to take over America during UNITED WE STAND.

Ultimates Comics: X-Men #17 (2012) 
Returning to her true identity, Jean Grey infiltrates the X-Men's mutant Utopia; a mutant claiming to be Psylocke first appears during UNITED WE STAND.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #18 (2013) 
Thor kills Modi when he turns out to be evil during UNITED WE STAND.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #19 (2013) 
Hela curses Thor forever for killing their son.

Ultimate Comics: Wolverine #4 (2013) 
Sue Storm first appears as Kang; James Hudson learns Quicksilver is his half-brother and takes on the name Wolverine.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #27-29 (2013) 
'Psylocke' is revealed to be an imposter intent on igniting a war that wipes out mutantkind and is killed by Jean Grey; Quicksilver is killed by Kang after joining her Dark Ultimates and immediately betraying them.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #33 (2013) 
Following a conflict with Kitty Pryde, Jean Grey officially rejoins to the X-Men.

Cataclysm: The Ultimate's Last Stand #4 (2014) 
Captain America dies defending the planet from Galactus during CATACLYSM.

Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #5 (2014) 
The Maker (Richards) helps save the world from Galactus during CATACLYSM.

All-New Ultimates #1 (2014) 
Spider-Woman becomes the Black Widow and becomes leader of the Young Ultimates during ULTIMATE MARVEL NOW!

Ultimate FF #1-6 (2014) 
The real Doctor Doom returns, revealing that the 'Doctor Doom' killed by Ben Grimm was actually Mary Storm; Sue Storm forms the Future Foundation; the FF team up with with the Maker (Richards) during ULTIMATE MARVEL NOW!

Ultimate End #1-5 (2016) 
The Ultimate Universe officially ends during SECRET WARS.

Spider-Men II #1-5 (2017-2018)
It's the revealed that the Ultimate Universe has either been restored or survived the incursions.
See how this story fits into the wider Ultimate Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Ultimatum HC
Ultimates 3 #1-5
Ultimatum #1-5

Ultimatum Companion
Marvel Spotlight: Ultimatum #1
March on Ultimatum Saga #1
Ultimate Fantastic Four #58-60
Ultimate Spider-Man #129-133
Ultimate X-Men #98-100
Ultimatum - Fantastic Four: Requiem #1
Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2
Ultimatum - X-Men: Requiem #1

Ultimatum #1-5

Ultimatum: X-Men/Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four #58-60
Ultimate X-Men #98-100

Ultimatum: Requiem
Ultimatum - Fantastic Four: Requiem #1
Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2
Ultimatum - X-Men: Requiem #1

Ultimate Spider-Man vol.22
Ultimatum: Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man #129-133
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3

Ultimate Spider-Man vol.11 HC
Ultimate Spider-Man #123-133
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3
Ultimatum - Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2

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