
Sunday 8 November 2020


Cloak & Dagger are back to their old selves since Dagger's sight was been restored in the final battle against Mister Jip. But there's still work to be done on the streets of New York as runaways and homeless people come under attack from a Neo-Nazi group with links to some sinister magic.

What's going on with Cloak's powers? Not only does he have some new abilities, but his connection to the Darkforce Dimension is also having an effect on his personality. Dagger's never gonna fall for the guy if he can't even crack a smile...
Minor Crossover: Due to the cancellation of Cloak & Dagger's ongoing series, the aftermath of 'The Eye of Force Saga' is picked up in Web of Spider-Man.
  • Cloak and Dagger #14-17
  • Cloak and Dagger #18 (also see THE INFINITY GAUNTLET)
  • Cloak and Dagger #19
  • Web of Spider-Man #77-78
Cloak and Dagger #14
Even Rebecca 'Rusty' Nales and Brigid O'Reilly notice Cloak has become more angsty than normal when they ask for his and Dagger's help in investigating a series of murders. The killers are impaling homeless people to walls with unbreakable spears and leaving a symbol as a calling card. Dagger's investigation takes her to a Neo-Nazi nightclub club where she 'befriends' Erich Hennig. She's invited to the fight club's hidden depths where a former-couple with a grudge fight to the death on a giant Eye of Force swastika symbol. Their spilled blood unleashes flames that tear up through the club itself and into the New York sky. Dagger returns to Cloak...

Cloak and Dagger #15
Nazi leader Thule visits Erich Hennig who believes Dagger was the cause of the intense magical explosion, not realising she's superhuman. Elsewhere, Dagger feed Cloak light, only for it to make him shoot bubbles of darkness from his chest. Later, Dagger meets Erich Hennig and is taken to the Eye of Force headquarters, Schamballah, in the Northern Rocky Mountains, Colorado. Cloak sneaks in too...

Cloak and Dagger #16
Cloak phases through Schamballah in search of Dagger. He learns how afraid the troops are of Thule, discovers their magic lance-launcher that messed with his powers and finds out that Dagger has penetrated Thule's Inner Circle. As the Third Reich fell in World War II, Thule escaped via a 'Darkdoor', landed in America and started his Thule Society. His abilities allow him to sense Cloak's presence and cast him back to his and Dagger's apartment building in New York. There, a demon called Avandalia appears to Cloak. Back at Schamballah, Thule fires a lance which pulls Dagger and Erich with it through the Eye of Force's Darkdoor portal. She briefly passes D'Spayre, then materialises in New York where she and Erich are pulled from the hurtling lance by Spider-Man...

Cloak and Dagger #17
Dagger hands Erich Hennig over to Nales and O'Reilly. Cloak teleports Dagger and Spider-Man back to Schamballah where Thule attempts to sacrifice one more victim, Anna Johnson, in order to unleash the Vril - the alien race he's been working for. Cloak and Dagger rescue Anna. Thule's right-hand man, General Berglund, becomes the sacrifice Thule needed when he gets hit by a lance and hurled into the portal. The Vril break through and revealed to be demonic heralds for Mephisto who emerges and swallows Thule whole! Back in New York, Erich breaks out of his cell and releases his fellow Neo-Nazis. Nales and O'Reilly turn up at the strange apartment and find Father Phillip Carlisle (Dagger's step-father) sitting at a dinner table with Avandalia and one other...
Cloak and Dagger #18
From nowhere, Ghost Rider arrives and joins Spider-Man, Cloak and Dagger in the war against his demonic forces. Mephisto is briefly called away by his new master Thanos for an update on his extra-curricular activities. Thanos turns down Mephisto's offer of the four heroic souls. On New York, at Cloak and Dagger's apartment building, the police arrest a grandmother for killing her entire family, the building itself collapses except for the strange apartment where the mystery host transforms Detective Brigid O'Reilly into Mayhem. In Colorado, Anna Johnson finds herself in the arms of Erich Hennig. Spider-Man and Ghost Rider escape as Schamballah collapses. Cloak teleports himself and Dagger away only to find themselves at the dinner party from Hell...

Cloak and Dagger #19
D'Spayre is revealed to be behind the macabre dinner party, with Cloak and Dagger as the guests of honour! Father Carlise and 'Rusty' Nales are now addicted to D'Spayre's new drug, Darklite (a hybrid of heroin and crack) and the effects feeds D'Spayre with energy. D'Spayre reveals he was behind Cloak and Dagger gaining their powers, assigning them to magical creatures only for them to be bonded to the wrong ones. D'Spayre switches their powers only for them turn against their 'creator'. Mayhem kills Avandalia. D'Spayre to destroys the levitating apartment. The D-Lite kills Phillip Carlisle. D'Spayre appears to be destroyed in the chaos which also returns Cloak and Dagger's powers to each other. Days later, after Cloak discovers he's no longer connected to the Darkforce Dimension, they're watched by Anna Johnson who is actually Cloak's sister...
Web of Spider-Man #77
Cloak & Dagger let Spider-Man know they're alive after their recent clash with Mephisto, but the web-spinner has to get to a fundraising event to turn the Poseidon Hotel into accommodation for the homeless. A group of Morlocks attack the event and try to reclaim the Poseidon has their sole home. Anna Johnson is among the homeless people. She sets Spidey straight on the Morlock's intentions. The all-new new Firebrand shows up and destroys the hotel on behalf of his boss, gangster Phillippe Bazin...

Web of Spider-Man #78
Darkhawk's nemesis Phillippe Bazin doesn't want a homeless shelter on his turf. Firebrand is soon confronted by Cloak & Dagger and the Black Cat. Spider-Man breaks free from the rubble and turns Firebrand's heat-beams against himself, shorting out the costume that gives him his abilities, then leave him at the mercy of the guests he almost killed. Anna Johnson leaves the scene before Cloak gets a chance to reunite with her. The Daily Bugle decide to start up a project to help the homeless. The surviving Morlocks are accepted into a nearby shantytown. And J Jonah Jameson appears to have more sinister plans for rebuilding the Poseidon Hotel, (but we never find out what).
Silver Surfer #47 (1991) 
Mephisto returns to Thanos' side in preparation for his master's grand plan during REBIRTH OF THANOS.

Infinity Gauntlet #1-6 (1991)
Thanos initiates his master plan, but Mephisto betrays him during THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.

Darkhawk #7-8 (1991)
Phillipe Bazin continues to empower super-criminals, granting magnetic powers to Lodestone.

Web of Spider-Man #81 (1991)
Phillipe Bazin hires Bloodshed to kill Spider-Man.

Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Hearts of Darkness #1 (1991) 
Ghost Rider next confronts Mephisto.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #31-33 (1991)
D'Spayre is revealed to be alive when he meets with the other Fear Lords.

New Warriors #29-30 (1992)
Firebrand (Russell Broxtel) returns and is revealed to have joined the element-themed villains for hire Force of Nature.

Web of Spider-Man Annual #9 (1993) 
Cloak and Dagger are reunited with Mayhem and learn she's more out of control than ever.

Spider-Man Unlimited #5 (1994)
May Parker's relationship with Willie Lumpkin is revealed to have fizzled out.

Marvel Knights #7-9 (2001) 
Cloak is manipulated by D'Spayre's 'cousin', Nightmare, into trying to consume all lawbreakers; Dagger temporarily absorbs all of Cloak's darkness.

Union Jack #2 (2006)
Firebrand joins RAID (Radically Advanced Ideas in Destruction), having been replaced as a member of Force of Nature by Firewall.

2009 Dark X-Men: The Beginning #2 (2009) 
Despite their status as mutants being unclear, Norman Osborn recruits Cloak and Dagger into his Dark X-Men during UTOPIA.

Dark Avengers #8 (2009) 
Cloak and Dagger defect from the Dark X-Men to become real X-Men during UTOPIA.

Cloak and Dagger #1 (2010) 
Doctor Nemesis confirms that Cloak and Dagger are not mutants, prompting them to leave the X-Men during NATION X.

Cloak & Dagger: Spider-Island #1-3 (2011) 
Cloak and Dagger's powers are temporarily switched by Mister Negative during SPIDER-ISLAND.

Amazing Spider-Man #700.4 (2014) 
A rogue nurse gives the unconscious Firebrand an adrenaline spike, turning him into a bomb in and attempts to use him to kill Spider-Man; Firebrand seemingly dies during THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO.
Cloak and Dagger: Agony & Ecstasy
Includes Cloak and Dagger #14-19

Infinity Gauntlet Box Set Slipcase
Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus
Include Cloak & Dagger #18

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