
Wednesday 16 September 2020

X-MEN READING ORDER: The Phoenix Saga (1977-1981)

While Chris Claremont was making strong leaps as the writer of the adventures of the All-New, All-Different X-Men, it was the addition of artist John Byrne to the creative team that really established the 'must-read' status of the series. For a series to go from cancellation to becoming one of the top ten best-sellers in the industry was a leap that was largely unheard of. Claremont & Byrne introduced Alpha Flight, the Shadow King, the Hellfire Club, Proteus, Kitty Pryde, Mariko Yashida and the dreaded future timeline of Days of Future Past, but their best-loved storyline was the Dark Phoenix Saga which turned Jean Grey into a cosmic-level threat and the fallout would be hard

For the most part, you can stick to the main series and annuals when reading the Claremont/Byrne era. These were the days when the X-Men weren't guest-starring in every other title and their overall story was so much better for it. Sadly, it's one of these eras in Marvel history that people feel the need to constantly embellish. Chris Claremont himself provided most of those embellishments in the reprint series Classic X-Men by adding and 'fixing' pages in issues 1-28 also adding back-up features revealing untold tales in issues 1-44. It's worth noting that Jim Lee's first X-Men story (outside of Alpha Flight) was in Classic X-Men #39. Those additions are largely skippable, but as always I've included everything! You can avoid the stories in grey for a smoother reading experience or just completely avoid Classic X-Men to make it even smoother!

As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at the Marvel Chronology Project which I use as a basis and work out my own continuity.

MCG Notes:
  • Issue listings in blue & black: The must-read X-Men stories from this time period, along with any key related stories and often-forgotten tales that are worth a read.
  • Issue listings in grey: Part of the X-Men chronology, cameo appearances or stories of note that are non-essential or no longer considered 'required reading'.
  • Chronology: Every appearance of the X-Men from this period is included in chronological order, mapping out their timeline rather than just the order the issues were released.
  • Spoilers: The issue/story overviews may include spoilers, so be warned!
  • JUST WANT TO KEEP IT SIMPLE? Scroll down to THE CORE LIST to see a version of this reading order without story descriptions, page-by-page breakdowns or less important appearances - just a list of the essentials.
Follow the earlier adventures of the X-Men with these reading orders:

X-Men #108 (1977) / Classic X-Men #15[1/2] (1987)
First appearance of Jahf and Modt; deep in the centre of the Shi'ar Empire, the X-Men end Emperor D'Ken Neramani's plan to use the M'Kraan Crystal on the universe; Lilandra Nerami returns to Earth with the X-Men; Corsair is revealed to be Cyclops' father (though Cyclops is still unaware).

Iron Fist #15 (1977)
First appearance of Bushmaster (John McIver); a case of mistaken identity leads to Iron Fist battling the X-Men; Wolverine continues to wear Fang's costume during NIGHT OF THE STEEL SERPENT.
X-Men #109 (1978) / Classic X-Men #15[1/2] (1987)
First appearance of Minister Araki, Gary Cody, Weapon Alpha (James MacDonald Hudson) and Department H; Department H send Wolverine's old friend James Hudson to forcibly bring him back to work for them; Weapon Alpha is outmatched by Wolverine's new X-Men allies.

Classic X-Men #28[2/2] (1988)

The X-Men prevent a murder on Halloween night.

X-Men #110 (1978)
An unknown enemy hires Warhawk to attack the X-Men at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.
Marvel Treasury Edition #26: The Rampaging Hulk[5/5] (1980)
In a New York bar, Hercules ridicules Wolverine, leading to a fight breaking out between them; the pair call a truce and drink together.
MCG Note: This story is a reprint from Marvel UK's Marvel Comic #335 (1979).

Classic X-Men #13[2/2] (1987)
Misty Knight realises there more to her roommate, Jean Grey (aka Phoenix), is a mutant; Misty and Jean save some dolphins from a shark.

Classic X-Men #18[2/2] (1988)
The X-Men begin to realise just how powerful Phoenix is.

Classic X-Men #27[2/2] (1988)
Wolverine continues to compete with Cyclops over Phoenix, even while they battle demonic monsters.

Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man #1 (1982)
First appearance of Smokescreen; Storm teams up with Spider-Man and Power Man (Luke Cage) to stop Smokescreen from convincing kids to smoke.

Girl Comics #1[6/6] (2010)
Phoenix, Cyclops and Wolverine battle Hand ninjas.

Classic X-Men #17[2/2] (1988)

Mesmero subverts Phoenix in order to kidnap the X-Men.
X-Men #111-113(pp.1-13) (1978) / Classic X-Men #18[1/2]-19[1/2] (1988)
Beast (Hank McCoy) goes in search of the X-Men when they're kidnapped by Mesmero; Magneto is revealed to be behind Mesmeros actions and manages to defeat the X-Men and hold them and the Beast prisoner; hints are revealed that Magneto is Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch's father; the X-Men escape and take Magneto by surprise.

X-Men and Dr Doom Annual (1998)
Travelling through time, a younger Doctor Doom witnesses the X-Men's battle against Magneto.

X-Men #113(pp.14-17) (1978) Classic X-Men #19[1/2] (1988)
Magneto, Beast and Phoenix escape Magneto's exploding volcano headquarters.

X-Men #114(pp.1-9) (1978) / Classic X-Men #20[1/2] (1988)
Beast and Phoenix believe the remaining X-Men are dead, but the X-Men have survived and find themselves in the Savage Land.
Classic X-Men #21[2/2] (pp.1-7) (1988)
In the Savage Land, Colossus meets Nereel of the Fall People.

X-Men #114(pp.10-13) (1978) Classic X-Men #20[1/2] (1988)
Professor X closes the Xavier School, believing the X-Men are dead; the X-Men adapt to life in the Savage Land; Cyclops begins to recall Corsair in his childhood memories.

Classic X-Men #21[2/2] (pp.7-12) (1988)
Colossus and Nereel become close when he defeats a T-Rex.

X-Men #114(pp.14-17)-116(pp.1-16) (1978) / Classic X-Men #20[1/2]-22[1/2] (1988)
First appearance of Nereel; Sauron attacks the X-Men; the X-Men save the Savage Land from Garokk the Petrified Man and Zaladane and cure Sauron, restoring him to human form.
Classic X-Men #22[2/2] (1988)
First appearance of C'Jime and M'Rinn; Storm encounters two other-dimensional beings in the Savage Land.

X-Men #116(p.17)-117 (1978-1979) / Classic X-Men #22[1/2]-23[1/2] (1988)
First appearance of the Shadow King/Amahl Farouk; the X-Men leave the Savage Land, but are caught in a storm; Professor X recalls his psychic confrontation with the mutant Amahl Farouk, unaware that he had merged with an entity called the Shadow King; Phoenix goes in search of a new life for herself; it's revealed that the young orphan Storm grew up as a thief on the streets of Cairo.

Classic X-Men #23[2/2] (1988)
Nightcrawler briefly teleports to a desert island on the way to Japan.

Classic X-Men #24[2/2] (1988)
Phoenix travels to Greece and meets a young man called Nikos, unaware that he's really the mutant Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde); as Nikos, Mastermind begins manipulating Phoenix. 

X-Men ##118-121 (1979) / Classic X-Men #24[1/2]-27[1/2] (1988)
First appearance of Alpha Flight (Aurora, Northstar, Sasquatch, Shaman & Snowbird); Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert) and Mariko Yashida; first appearance of James MacDonald Hudson as Vindicator; the X-Men team up with Sunfire when Moses Magnum holds Japan to ransom; Wolverine meets Mariko Yashida for the first time and reveals he can speak Japanese; Vindicator leads Alpha Flight on a mission to retrieve Wolverine for Department H when the X-Men return to America.
Power Man and Iron Fist #57 (1979)
Storm, Cyclops and Nightcrawler and the Daughters of the Dragon offer Power Man and Iron Fist a hand against the Living Monolith.

Classic X-Men #26[2/2] (1988)

Wolverine and Banshee swap stories in a bar.

Classic X-Men #25[2/2] (1988)

Wolverine goes up against a bear and a hunter.

X-Men #122-124 (1979)
Professor X is revealed to have journeyed into space with Lilandra and is unaware that the X-Men are alive; Mastermind pursues Phoenix under the guise of Jason Wyngarde (actually his real name, though not his true appearance); Colleen Wing makes a move on Cyclops; the X-Men battle Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy and are tested by Arcade
Marvel Team-Up #89 (1979)
First appearance of Cutthroat (Daniel Leighton); Nightcrawler comes to Spider-Man's aid when Cutthroat is hired by Amos Jardine to kill him.

Classic X-Men #29[2/2] (1989)

Storm flies Colossus back home to Russia where he's reunited with his sister, Illyana Rasputina, only for him to be branded a traitor.
X-Men Annual #3 (1979)
Arkon clashes with the X-Men when they misunderstand his desperate request for help as an attack; Arkon and the X-Men discover treachery on Arkon's world, Polemachus.

Bizarre Adventures #27[3/3] (1981)

Nightcrawler finds himself in a bizarre alternate reality when he tries to rescue the Vanisher.

Classic X-Men #31[2/2] (1989)

Professor X struggles to adapt to life on alien worlds.

X-Men #125-126(pp.1-14) (1979)

First full appearance of Proteus; Professor X prepares to return to Earth when he realises how powerful Phoenix has become; Mastermind continues to manipulate Phoenix; Beast discovers the X-Men are alive and inform them Phoenix is on Muir Island, off the coast of Scotland; the reality warping mutants Proteus (the son of Moira MacTaggert) breaks free from his cell on Muir Island; the X-Men head to Scotland where they struggle with Proteus.

Classic X-Men #32[2/2] (1989)

Wolverine and Nightcrawler struggle to maintain their hold on reality when they face Proteus.

X-Men #126(pp.15-17)-127(pp.1-4) (1979)
The X-Men continue to face Proteus; Moira decides to killer her own son.

Classic X-Men #33[2/2] (1989)
Havok and Polaris reconcile their relationship and join the fight against Proteus.
X-Men #127(pp.5-17)-129(pp.1-6) (1979-1980)
To defeat Proteus, Cyclops decides the X-Men need to cross a line they've sworn never to cross; Banshee leaves the X-Men to look after Moira on Muir Isle; the X-Men return to America where they're reunited with Professor X; Mastermind continues to mentally seduce Phoenix, even she's fully reunited with Cyclops.

Classic X-Men #39[2/2] (1989)

The X-Men confront the murderous mutant Billy Briggs.

Classic X-Men #20[2/2] (1988)
Storm takes a holiday on a tropical island and uncovers a strange conspiracy.

X-Men #129(pp.7-16) (1980)
First appearance of Kitty Pryde, Carmen & Terri Pryde, the Hellfire Club, the White Queen (Emma Frost) and the Hellfire Knights; first shadowed appearances of key Hellfire Club members; the X-Men try to recruit Kitty Pryde but are attacked by Emma Frost and her Hellfire Club lackeys.

Classic X-Men #35[2/2] (1989)
Emma Frost tries to mentally coerce Kitty Pryde.

X-Men #129(pp.16-17) (1980)
The Hellfire Knights kidnap Professor X and the defeated X-Men.

X-Men Origins: Emma Frost #1(p.30) (2010)
Emma Frost inspects her prisoners.

X-Men #130-134(pp.1-15) (1980)
First appearance of the Black Bishop (Harry Leland), the Black King (Sebastian Shaw), Dazzler (Alison Blaire), the White Bishop (Donald Pierce) and Senator Robert Kelly; first appearance of Phoenix as the Black Queen; the Hellfire Club are revealed to be behind Warhawk's attack on the X-Men; the mutant singer Dazzler helps Cyclops, Phoenix and Nightcrawler when they rescue the other X-Men; Phoenix displays immense power in defeating Emma Frost; Cyclops learns Jason Wyngarde is Mastermind, but not before he transforms Phoenix into the Hellfire Club's new Black Queen; the X-Men are recaptured, until Wolverine frees them and Phoenix breaks free of Mastermind's control.

Iron Age #3[2/2] (2011)
Iron Age: Omega #1 (2011)
Having travelled through time from the future, Iron Man clashes with Sebastian Shaw and the X-Men and accidentally gives Phoenix a new name; Iron Man tries to talk Phoenix out of her darker urges; Cyclops and Phoenix briefly accompany Iron Man to the present during

X-Men #134(pp.15-17)-135(pp.1-7) (1980)
First appearance of Phoenix as Dark Phoenix; Phoenix transforms into the Dark Phoenix and clashes with the X-Men.

Fantastic Force #2-3 (2009)

Dark Phoenix is either plucked from this moment in time to briefly become one of the Hysteries (alongside the Scarlet Witch and Polaris), or this is the Dark Phoenix of Earth-807128, also plucked out of time.

X-Men #135(pp.8-17)-137(pp.1-21) (1980)
First appearance of Bel-DannEarthquake, Hussar, Raksor and Warstar; on a cosmic murder rampage, Phoenix destroys the inhabited planet D'bari IV, attracting the attention of the Shi'ar; the Beast and the Angel help Phoenix regain control of her mind when she returns to Earth; the X-Men are teleported to the Moon by Lilandra and the Shi'ar; the X-Men face a trial by combat against the Shi'ar Imperial Guard to save Phoenix from execution. 

X-Men #137(pp.22-23) (1980) / Fantastic Four Annual #18(pp.1-2) (1984)
Wolverine's confrontation with the Skrull representative Raksor and the Kree soldier Bel-Dann begins a confrontation between the two that carries on far past the trial of Phoenix.

X-Men #137(pp.24-35) (1980)
First appearance of Manta; for the fate of the X-Men and the universe, Phoenix allows herself to be destroyed.

Classic X-Men #43[2/2] (pp.1-6) (1990)
First appearance of Phoenix as the White Phoenix; finding herself alive, Phoenix helps a construction worker at the edge of space.

X-Men Forever #3 (2001)
Future Jean Grey's mind briefly inhabiting the body of the White Phoenix in her past and  uncomfortably chats with Death.

Classic X-Men #43[2/2] (pp.7-13) (1990)
White Phoenix realises the construction worker is Death who talks about her place in the universe.

Breaking Into Comics The Marvel Way #1[2/6] (2010)
The X-Men try to help Cyclops through his grief before laying 'Jean Grey' to rest.

X-Men #138 (1980)
A funeral is held for Jean Grey; Lilandra gives Cyclops a holomatrix of Phoenix's essence; Cyclops leaves the team; Kitty Pryde joins the X-Men. 

X-Men Annual #4 (1980)
First appearance of Margali Szardos; first appearance of Amanda Sefton as Jimaine Szardos; the X-Men get help from Doctor Strange when Nightcrawler's adoptive mother, Margali Szardos, drags the X-Men to a magical replica of Hell; Magali believes Nightcrawler killed her birth son, Stephan Szardos, and seeks revenge.
X-Men #139-140 (1980)
First appearance of Heather Hudson and Stevie Hunter; first appearance of Kitty Pryde as Sprite; Angel rejoins the X-Men; Wolverine and Nightcrawler head to Canada to make peace with Alpha Flight and end up clashing with the Wendigo.

Marvel Two-in-One #68(pp.1-17) (1980)
The Thing comes to Angel's rescue when the Toad is hired to kill him.

Marvel Two-in-One #69 (1980)
Storm cameo; Storm tries to disperse a mysterious dark fog that appears to be generated by young Vance Astrovik meeting his future self, Vance Astro of the Guardians of the Galaxy

X-Men #141 (1981)
Uncanny X-Men #142 (1981)
First appearance of the Avalanche (Demonic Petros), Destiny (Irene Adler), Pyro (St John Allerdyce), Omega Class Sentinels, Earth-811, the X-Men of Earth-811 (Colossus, Magneto, Kate Pryde, Franklin Richards, Storm, Rachel Summers & Wolverine); Mystique forms her own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with Avalanche, Destiny, Pyro and the Blob and attempts to assassinate Senator Robert Kelly; the Kate Pryde of an alternate future inhabits the body of her younger self, Sprite, in order to prevent the assassination, though this doesn't change the during DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.

Marvel Two-in-One #68(p.18) (1980)
Angel, Thing and Candy Southern attend the reformed Toad's new theme park.

Dazzler #1-2 (1981)
First appearance of Carter Blaire; Dazzler contacts the X-Men and considers membership but decides against joining them; the X-Men attend Dazzler's live show which is invaded by the Enchantress.

Uncanny X-Men #143 (1981)
First appearance of Aleytys 'Lee' Forrester and the N'Garai; Cyclops joins Lee Forrester's fishing crew; Sprite dispatches a N'Garai demon when it invades the Xavier School.
A version of this reading order without story descriptions, page-by-page breakdowns or less important appearances - just a list of the core X-Men stories and essentials:
  • X-Men #108-124
  • X-Men Annual #3
  • X-Men #125-138
  • X-Men Annual #4
  • X-Men #139-141
  • Uncanny X-Men #142-143
The saga of the X-Men will continue in these reading orders:
  • 1981-1984: From The Ashes
Notable versions of the X-Men from alternate universes, based on this era.
What If #27 (1981)
In an alternate universe (Earth-81727), Phoenix doesn't die, but her survival leads to the X-Men disbanding.

Phoenix: The Untold Story #1 (1984)
Originally, Phoenix was going to live through her trial, but an editorial decision was made for her to die for wiping out a whole planet; this issue reveals the original ending of the 'Dark Phoenix Saga'.

What If #16 (1990)
In an alternate universe (Earth-90816) Wolverine ends up being transported into the past while in Uatu the Watcher's home; Wolverine battles Conan the Barbarian in the Hyborian Age.

What If #32-33 (1991-1992)
In an alternate universe (Earth-9112), Phoenix survives but has her powers psychically shut down; the return of Jean Grey's Phoenix powers leads to a war between humans and mutants; this story is based on Chris Claremont's original notes for how the lives of the X-Men would have played out after the 'Dark Phoenix Saga'.

What If #40 (1992)
In an alternate universe (Earth-92800), Ororo Munroe remained in Cairo as a thief though she still ran into the X-Men eventually.

What If #59 (1994)
In an alternate universe (Earth-39259), Wolverine remained in Canada as the leader of Alpha Flight.
Uncanny X-Men Omnibus vol.1
X-Men #108-131
X-Men Annual #3

Uncanny X-Men Omnibus vol.2
Bizarre Adventures #27
Marvel Treasury Edition #26
Uncanny X-Men #132-141
X-Men #142-143
X-Men Annual #4

X-Men Classic Omnibus
X-Men Classic: The Complete Collection vol.1-2
Classic X-Men #1-44

X-Men Epic Collection vol.5: Second Genesis
Iron Fist #15
X-Men #108-110

X-Men Epic Collection vol.6: Proteus
Marvel Team-Up #89
X-Men #111-128
X-Men Annual #3

Marvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men vol.2-6
Uncanny X-Men #142-143
X-Men #108-141
X-Men #142-143
X-Men Annual #3-4

X-Men Milestones: The Dark Phoenix Saga
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga
X-Men #129-137.

X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga Omnibus
Bizarre Adventures #27
Classic X-Men #6, 8, 13, 18, 24, 43
X-Men #108, 125-138

Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol.19
Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Mutants & Monsters
Wolverine Omnibus vol.1
All include... 
Marvel Treasury Edition #26

Iron Fist Epic Collection vol.1: Fury of Iron Fist
Marvel masterworks: Iron Fist vol.2
Marvel Universe by John Byrne Omnibus vol.2
All include... 
Iron Fist #15

Alpha Flight by John Byrne Omnibus
X-Men/Alpha Flight
Both include...
X-Men #109, 120-121, 139-140

Marvel 75th Anniversary Omnibus
Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Days of Future Past
All include... 
Uncanny X-Men #142
X-Men #141

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