
Monday 29 June 2020

SILVER SURFER READING ORDER: Herald No More (1966-1986)

The stories that got me into the Silver Surfer came in the mid-80s and early '90s, so I'm no expert on the earlier tales of the 'Sky-Rider of the Spaceways'. With that in mind, it seems that most of his earliest appearances are popular with hardcover Surfer fans for one reason or another. The issues below cover Norrin Radd's very first appearance and follow the entire period when he was trapped on Earth for betraying his master, Galactus.

The Silver Surfer's mostly been an introspective loner, but you'll see the times he's allied himself with the Fantastic Four, teamed-up with Thor and Spider-Man and been a member of the Titanic Three and the Defenders. All while desperately trying to escape his prison, planet Earth!

As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at the Marvel Chronology Project which I use as a basis and work out my own order based on the vast back catalogue of comics I've read over the last several decades.

MCG Notes:
  • Issue listings in blue & black: The must-read Silver Surfer stories from this time period, along with any key related stories and often-forgotten tales that are worth a read.
  • Issue listings in grey: Cameo appearances or stories of note that are non-essential or no longer considered 'required reading'.
  • Chronology: Every appearance of the SIlver Surfer from this period is included in chronological order - mapping out his timeline rather than just the order the issues were released.
  • Spoilers: The issue/story overviews may include spoilers, so be warned!
  • WANT TO KEEP IT SIMPLE? Scroll down to THE CORE LIST to see a version of this reading order without story descriptions, page-by-page breakdowns or less important appearances - just a list of the essentials.
Silver Surfer #1 (1968)
Flashbacks: Norrin Radd agrees to become the Silver Surfer - Herald of Galactus - to save his home planet from consumption.

Hulk #10-12 (2009)
First appearance of the Offenders (made up of Baron Mordo, Red Hulk, Terrax and Tiger Shark) Not long after being made the Herald of Galactus and leaving his home planet of Zenn-La, the Silver Surfer is plucked from time to be recruited by the Grandmaster to join the Defenders alongside the Hulk, Doctor Strange, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the Hulk from various points in time to fight the Collector's team of Offenders.

Marvel Shadows & Light #3[4/4] (1998)
The Silver Surfer has an encounter in space that reassures him that becoming the Herald of Galactus hasn't cost him his soul.

Silver Surfer #129-130 (1997)

The Silver Surfer shares space with his future self who travels back in time to learn Zenn-La's true fate.

Silver Surfer #-1 (1997)

First appearance of the Other; the Silver Surfer encounters the Other during FLASHBACK.

Untold Legend of Captain Marvel #1 (1997)

Silver Surfer cameo; Galactus consumes the Kree planet Tarsis.
Fantastic Four #48-50 (1966)
First appearance of Galactus (Galen), Ricardo Jones, the Punisher (robot) ,the Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd), Belle Thorne, Sam Thorne, Wyatt Wingfoot, Taa II and the Ultimate Nullifier; the world-devouring Galactus attempts to consume Earth when he's led to the planet by his Herald, the Silver Surfer; the Fantastic Four and the Surfer himself dissuade Galactus from carrying out his threat; as punishment for his betrayal, Galactus creates an invisible barrier which traps the Surfer on Earth.

Fantastic Four #55-61 (1966-1967)
The Silver Surfer becomes Doctor Doom's prisoner when the monarch of Latveria steals his powers to use against the Fantastic Four and the Inhumans.

Tales to Astonish #92[2/2]-93[2/2] (1967)
The Hulk attacks the Silver Surfer when he refuses to take him to another planet, as he's unable to understand that the Surfer is now trapped on Earth; the Surfer tries and fails to cure the Hulk.

Fantastic Four Annual #5[4/4] (1967)
The sentient computer QuasiMoDO tricks the Silver Surfer into giving him a human form.

Fantastic Four #72 (1968)
The Surfer turns against the citizens of Earth in the hope that they will find a means of expelling him from the planet.

Fantastic Four #74-77 (1968)
Galactus returns to reclaim the Silver Surfer, but he escapes to the Microverse; after escaping the Fantastic Four and the Psycho-Man, the Surfer helps Galactus find a new world to consume, but is returned to Earth instead of being granted his freedom.
Silver Surfer #1-9 (1968-1969)
First appearance of the Badoon (including the Brotherhood of Badoon, Brother Royal and the Monster of Badoon), the Flying Dutchman (Joost van Straaten), Mephisto, Zenn-La and the Zenn-Lavians (including Shall-Bal); the Silver Surfer's origin and birth name are revealed; the Surfer discovers the Badoon's attempt to invade Earth; Mephisto first tries to tempt the Silver Surfer to stop him from blocking his future plans to enslave humanity; Loki tricks the Surfer into attacking Thor; in his attempts to escape Earth, the Surfer encounters the Stranger, Overlord, Ludwig von Frankenstein and the Flying Dutchman. 

Silver Surfer #10-18 (1969-1970)
First appearance of the Doomsday Man; Shalla-Bal travels to Earth in search of the Silver Surfer, but returns to Zenn-La for medical treatment after she's shot; Warlock Prime summons the Abomination to attack the Surfer; the Surfer saves humanity from the Doomsday Man, battles Spider-Man and falls out with the Fantastic Four; Mephisto manipulates the Surfer into attacking SHIELD until he turns on Mephisto instead; after a clash with the Inhumans, the Silver Surfer declares war on humanity.
Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #4-6 (1999)
The Psycho-Man is revealed to be behind the Silver Surfer's increased aggression; Spider-Man teams up with the Surfer against Psycho-Man and Annihilus.

Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comics Magazine! #6-7, 11-12 (2001-2002)
Mister Fantastic turns to the Silver Surfer for help against Doctor Doom when the rest of the Fantastic Four are believed to be dead.

Sub-Mariner #34-35 (1971)
First appearance of the Titans Three; Namor the Sub-Mariner recruits the Hulk and the Silver Surfer to help him defeat El General of San Pablo who has obtained a device that controls the weather; the Avengers oppose the Titans Three, not realising they're trying to save the world.

Marvel Feature #1 (1971)
Silver Surfer cameo; first appearance of the Defenders; Namor, Doctor Strange and the Hulk consider the Silver Surfer for membership in the Defenders, only for the Surfer to knock himself unconscious in his latest attempt to escape Earth.

Thor #192 (1971)

Silver Surfer cameo; Balder summons the Silver Surfer.

Thor #193 (1971)
The Silver Surfer fights alongside Thor against Durok the Demolisher.

Sensational She-Hulk #30 (1991)
Silver Surfer cameo; the Surfer is briefly pulled into the future.

Fantastic Four #121-123 (1972)
The Silver Surfer destroys Galactus' latest Herald, the Air-Walker robot; the Surfer agrees to become Galactus' Herald again in order to save the Earth, but Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) transports Galactus and his Worldship to the Negative Zone to save both the Earth and the SIlver Surfer.
Defenders #2-3 (1972)
Calizuma and the Warrior Wizards try to take control of the Silver Surfer, but are defeated by the Defenders; the Defenders take the Surfer to another dimension and clash with the Nameless One in a failed escape to help him escape Earth, angering the Surfer.

Defenders #6 (1973)
First appearance of Cyrus Black; the Silver Surfer tries to make amends with the Defenders and helps them defeat Cyrus Black.
Defenders #8[1/2] (1973)
The Silver Surfer joins the Defenders when they're attacked by the Red Ghost and Attuma during WAR BELOW THE WAVES.

Defenders #8[2/2] (1973)
Avengers #116 (1973)
Defenders #9-10 (1973)
Avengers #118 (1973)
Defenders #11 (1973)
The Avengers and Defenders are manipulated by Loki and Dormammu into competing for the pieces of the Evil Eye; the Silver Surfer defeats the Scarlet Witch and the Vision for a fragment of the Eye; the Silver Surfer leaves the Defenders during AVENGERS/DEFENDERS WAR.
Fantastic Four #155-157 (1975)
Doctor Doom coerces the Silver Surfer into attacking the Fantastic Four when Doom has brainwashes Shalla-Bal into being devoted to him; Doom attempts to steal the Surfer's Power Cosmic again.

Code of Honor #2 (1997)
Silver Surfer cameo.

Thor #233 (1975)

Silver Surfer cameo.

Marvel Treasury Edition #13: Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag (1976)
Silver Surfer cameo.

Tomb of Dracula #50 (1976)
Anton Lupeski summons the Silver Surfer as a weapon against Dracula.

Avengers #168 (1978)
Silver Surfer cameo; the Surfer senses the battle between Starhawk and Korvac during THE KORVAC SAGA.

X-Men #135 (1980)
Silver Surfer cameo; the Surfer senses the cosmic power of the Dark Phoenix.

Incredible Hulk #250 (1980)
First cameo appearances of the the Arabian Knight, the Collective Man, Sabra, the Soviet Super-Soldiers (including Ursa Major) all unnamed; the Silver Surfer cures Bruce Banner of his transformations into the Hulk and asks for his help in piercing Galactus' barrier that keeps him trapped on Earth; a gamma-enhanced Silver Surfer loses control and the device which empowered him explodes, turning Banner back into the Hulk; the Surfer gives up his chance to escape and uses his gamma power to save Banner's life, restoring the curse of the Hulk.

Defenders #92 (1981)
Silver Surfer cameo; the Surfer refuses to help the Defenders save existence.

Defenders #98-101 (1981)
The Silver Surfer returns to the Defenders; the Surfer is captured by the group of demons called the Six-Fingered Hand; the Surfer is tempted by Mephisto; after the dark defeat of the Six-Fingered Hand, the Silver Surfer takes Doctor Strange and Clea to Africa to cheer them up.
Avengers #215-216 (1982)
The Silver Surfer turns to the Avengers for help when the reincorporated Molecule Man decides to destroy Earth.

Defenders #107 (1982)
Silver Surfer cameo; the Surfer attends Nighthawk's funeral during

Avengers Annual #11 (1982)
The Silver Surfer returns to the Defenders to free the Avengers from Nebulon's control.
Silver Surfer #1 (1982)
The Silver Surfer briefly escapes Earth and clashes with Mephisto.

Defenders #112-115 (1983)
First appearance of Arcanna Jones, Nuke and Power Princess of Earth-712; the Defenders travel to Earth-712 where the Squadron Supreme have fallen under the Overmind's control; Null the Living Darkness is revealed to be the power behind the Overmind.

Incredible Hulk #279 (1983)
Silver Surfer cameo; the heroes of America celebrate when the Hulk receives a Presidential pardon.

Defenders #122-124 (1983)
New Defenders #125(pp.1-20) (1983)
First appearance of Cloud, Sassafras and Seraph (Sonya Tolsky); the Elf with a Gun takes the Silver Surfer, Doctor Strange, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the Hulk into the future where he convinces them that they must never work together again in order to prevent the end of humanity during ASHES, ASHES...
Fantastic Four #259-260(pp.1-15) (1983)
Tales of the Marvels: Blockbuster #1(pp.5-21) (1995)
Fantastic Four #260(pp.16-22)-261 (1983)
First appearance of Norman McArthur; the SIlver Surfer comes to the aid of the Fantastic Four when Doctor Doom uses Tyros the Terrible (aka Terrax) as an agent against them; Doctor Doom's body is destroyed in the explosive battle; the Surfer helps the FF locate the missing Mister Fantastic during THE TRIAL OF REED RICHARDS.

New Defenders #125(pp.21-39) (1983)
Angel, Iceman and Moondragon leave the Defenders as Doctor Strange, Hulk, Namor and the Silver Surfer announce their departure during ASHES, ASHES...

1985 #6 (2008)
Silver Surfer cameo; the Surfer is among the heroes protecting Earth-1210 from an army of villains from Earth-616. 

Secret Wars II #9 (1986)
Avengers #266 (1986)
The Silver Surfer is among the heroes battling the Beyonder; the Surfer and the Molecule Man join forces to save Earth during SECRET WARS II.

Marvels: Eye of the Camera #4 (2009)
Silver Surfer cameo; Phil Sheldon takes photos of the Silver Surfer and Molecule Man saving Earth.
A version of this reading order without story descriptions, page-by-page breakdowns or less important appearances - just the core issues:
  • Fantastic Four #48-50
  • Fantastic Four #55-61
  • Tales to Astonish #92-93
  • Fantastic Four Annual #5[4/4]
  • Fantastic Four #72, 74-77
  • Silver Surfer #1-18
  • Sub-Mariner #34-35
  • Fantastic Four #121-123
  • Defenders #2-3, 6, 8
  • Avengers #116
  • Defenders #9-10
  • Avengers #118
  • Defenders #11
  • Fantastic Four #155-157
  • Incredible Hulk #250
  • Defenders #98-101
  • Avengers #215-216
  • Avengers Annual #11
  • Silver Surfer #1
  • Defenders #112-115
  • Defender #122-124
  • New Defenders #125
  • Fantastic Four #259-261
  • Avengers #266
The Silver Surfer reading order will continue:
  • 1987-1992: Freedom
Silver Surfer Epic Collection vol.1: When Galactus Calls
Fantastic Four #49, 55, 57-60, 72, 74-77
Fantastic Four Annual #5
Tales to Astonish #92-93

Silver Surfer Omnibus vol.1
Includes Fantastic Four Annual #5 and Silver Surfer #1-18.

Fantastic Four Epic Collection vol.3: The Coming of Galactus
Marvel 75th Anniversary Omnibus
Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four vol.5
Marvel Visionaries: Jack Kirby vol.1
Silver Surfer: The Coming of Galactus
All include...
Fantastic Four #48-50

Fantastic Four Epic Collection vol.5: The Mystery of the Black Panther
Fantastic Four #55-61
Fantastic Four Annual #5

Hulk vs the Marvel Universe
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection vol.2: The Hulk Must Die
Incredible Hulk Omnibus vol.2
Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk vol.3
All include... 
Tales to Astonish #92-93

Fantastic Four Epic Collection vol.5: The Name is Doom
Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four vol.8
Both include... 
Fantastic Four #72, 74-77

Marvel Masterworks: Silver Surfer vol.1-2
Silver Surfer #1-18

Spider-Man: Webspinners - The Complete Collection
Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #4-6

Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders vol.1
Defenders #2-3, 6
Marvel Feature #1
Sub-Mariner #34-35

Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders vol.2
Avengers #116, 118
Defenders #8-11

Thor Epic Collection vol.5: The Fall of Asgard
Thor #192-193

Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four vol.12
Fantastic Four #121-124

Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four vol.15
Fantastic Four #155-157

Tomb of Dracula: The Complete Collection vol.4
Tomb of Dracula Omnibus vol.2
Both include... 
Tomb of Dracula #50

Defenders Epic Collection vol.6: The Six-Fingered Hand
Defenders #92, 98-101, 107

Avengers: The Big Three
Avengers: The Trial of Yellowjacket
Marvel Masterworks: Avengers vol.20
All include...
Avengers #215-216

Defenders Epic Collection vol.7: Ashes, Ashes...
Avengers Annual #11
Defenders #112-115, 122-124
New Defenders #125

Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four vol.22
Marvel Universe by John Byrne Omnibus vol.1
Silver Surfer Epic Collection vol.3: Freedom
All include...
Silver Surfer (1982) #1

Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus vol.1
Fantastic Four: The Trial of Galactus
Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne vol.4
All include... 
Fantastic Four #259-261

Secret Wars: Battleworld Box Set Slipcase
Secret Wars II Omnibus
Both include... 
Avengers #266
Secret Wars II #9

Fantastic Four: Behold Galactus!
Fantastic Four #48-50, 74-77, 121-123

Fantastic Four Omnibus vol.2
Fantastic Four #48-50, 55-60.

Inhumans: The Origin of the Inhumans
Fantastic Four #48-50, 55-61

Fantastic Four Omnibus vol.3
Fantastic Four #61, 72, 74-77
Fantastic Four Annual #5

Avengers/Defenders War
Avengers Epic Collection vol.7: The Avengers/Defenders War
Avengers Omnibus vol.4
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers vol.12
All include... 
Avengers #116, 118
Defenders #8[2/2]-11

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