
Thursday 10 June 2021


Namor the Sub-Mariner is on the run (or the swim) having just fought his cloned son Llyron and been blamed for sinking a Russian ship. Leave it up to the Avengers to come in, ask no questions and go for the jugular. But that's the least of the exiled King of Atlantis' problems. The return of a magical foe with ties to the original sinking of Atlantis is about to threaten the lives of countless Atlanteans by bringing the city to the surface once more.

The Fantastic Four and Fantastic Force race to the rescue when the unthinkable happens, while the Inhumans turn the return of Atlantis to their advantage. And on the periphery, the impact of Morgan le Fey's actions will be felt on Monster Isle and help bring about the end of Adam Warlock's Infinity Watch.

Don't expect greatness here. This event marked the cancellation of Namor's ongoing series and underlines how confusing many Marvel titles had become. This was an era when crossovers were happening whether they were necessary or not. Mister Fantastic was dead. Young Franklin Richards had been replaced by a teenage version of himself from the future. Thor was dressed like a She-Ra support character. It wasn't the greatest time for the Fantastic Four and 'Atlantis Rising' didn't do them any favours.
Previous stories that set Atlantis Rising in motion:
  • FOUR NO MORE! - Death of Mister Fantastic
  • NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE! - The birth of Fantastic Force
  • EVEN THE WATCHERS CAN DIE - The FF's last harrowing mission

  • Namor the Sub-Mariner #58-59 (tie-in)
  • Namor the Sub-Mariner #60-62
  • Warlock and the Infinity Watch #41-42 (tie-in) (also see THE WATCH IS BROKEN)
  • Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #1
  • Fantastic Force #8
  • Fantastic Four #401
  • Fantastic Force #9
  • Fantastic Four #402
  • Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #2
  • Fantastic Four Unlimited #11

Namor the Sub-Mariner #58 (tie-in)
Wanted for a crime he didn't commit and cast out of Atlantis, Namor the Sub-Mariner finds himself assaulted by the Avengers. His only allies - Stingray, Tiger Shark, Tamara Rahn, Triton and Andromeda - come to his aid as the Deep Six. While the two bands of super-humans battle in the depths of the Atlantic, the Russian Organizatsiya arrange for the kidnapping of Nadia Dornova, the 'widow' of Emil Blonsky aka the Abomination. Namor proves his innocence to the Avengers who depart. But the Abomination arrives before they they get time to catch a breath. Meanwhile, off the east coast of Sao Miguel, oceanographer Dr Vivian Morgan discovers the Azores are sinking...

Namor the Sub-Mariner #59 (tie-in)
Having figured out Blonsky is the Abomination, Major Bogatin of the Organizatsiya is holding his wife, Nadia, prisoner aboard his own sub and is forcing him to retrieve plutonium from the sunken sub. Bogatin intends selling the plutonium to AIM to power one of the island bases. Instead, the Abomination has encountered Namor while the Deep Six have almost fully dispersed. Triton and Andromeda rescue the captured Nadia and Stingray from the Russian sub, while Namor defeats the Abomination who blows up AIM's base and catches up with Bogatin. All the heroes survive, but Triton who's missing. On San Paolo Island, Dr Vivian Morgan is woken and summoned to a ritual in a hidden cave where she's hailed as a priestess...
Namor the Sub-Mariner #60
Wielding the sacred Sword of Kamuu that can only be held by an Atlantean of royal blood, Namor heads out in search of Triton. Instead, he and Andromeda encounter the Bloodwraith who's been drawn to the source of great evil. Believing Namor to be the evil he seeks, Bloodwraith runs Namor through with his Ebony Blade which absorbs the Sub-Mariner's soul. Dr Morgan discovers the mutated Triton on Sao Paolo. The Star Sapphire pendant she's worn since discovering the secret ritual brings out a darker part of her personality as she makes plans for Triton.

Namor the Sub-Mariner #61
While Andromeda fights Bloodwraith in an effort to free Namor, Namor's soul awakens in the sword itself. He meets other absorbed souls, fighting alongside Sir Percy of Scandia (the original Black Knight) against undead hordes, speaking with Victoria Bentley (killed by Bloodwraith during ASSAULT ON GRAYMALKIN) and coming face-to-face with his wife, Marrina (killed by Namor during FUTURES IMPERFECT). Dr Morgan emerges with Triton under her control and uses the sapphire to bring Bloodwraith to her heel, instructing him to kill Andromeda. Inside the sword, Andromeda convinces Namor to fight against Marrina. He escapes, freeing her soul and returning to his own body. Andromeda remains but the confused Genevieve Cross awakens in her body.  Weakened, Namor faces Morgan le Fey who reveals she's been reincarnated in Dr Vivian Morgan's body...
Namor the Sub-Mariner #62
Morgan Le Fay orders Triton and Bloodwraith to kill Namor, but he narrowly escapes. Taking 'Andromeda' back to Atlantis. In his weakened state, Kamuu appears to Namor in a vision and reveals Morgan le Fey's link to the moment when Atlantis originally sank. Llyron attempts to expel Namor once again, but the undersea kingdom begins to shake as Morgan begins raising Atlantis. Namor tries to stop her, but Triton stops the Sub-Mariner from running Morgan through with the Ebony Blade in order to save Dr Morgan's innocent soul. When the sword pierces Triton, the final part of Morgan le Fey's spell is complete and Atlantis rises...
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #41 (tie-in)
Pip the Troll teleports Gamora to California where she tries to decide on a direction for her life now that she's quit the Infinity Watch. On Monster Island, Moondragon telepathically stops Maxam from trying to kill Adam Warlock (see THE WATCH IS BROKEN) Delving into his memories to discovers Maxam was sent from the future to kill Warlock before he could become the genocidal Magus. Learning of a tidal wave that's approaching Monster Island due to the rise of Atlantis, Pip returns to get everyone to safety but may already be to late...

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #42
Pip teleports Drax the Destroyer and the comatose Moondragon to Chicago. Thanos asks Gamora to help him steal the Time Gem back. Warlock assures Maxam that he can't become the Magus then leaves him to drown on Monster Island. All of the Infinity Gems suddenly vanish and Warlock finds himself fighting Maxam without the aid of his Soul Gem. The tidal waves end the fight, allowing Maxam the chance to break Adam Warlock's neck. He disappears back into the timestream having completed his mission. But Warlock's death is a ruse created by Moondragon. Warlock's new purpose is locating the missing gems. He's unaware that Thanos has the exact same plan...
Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #1
On Earth's moon, Nathaniel Richards (father of Reed Richards - the deceased Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four) breaks into Uatu the Watcher's home, accidentally setting of an alarm that opens a portal, sucking the entire building inside. Richards escapes, but the portal keeps sucking and endangers the nearby city of Attilan, home of the Inhumans who call the Fantastic Four for help. Kristoff Vernard (the child with the implanted memories of Doctor Doom) manages to shrink the city to transport it off the moon. But minions of Maximus steal the tiny Attilan and take down the FF. Back on Earth, Morgan le Fey has claimed the risen Atlantis restoring its original name, Avalon. Thor arrives and attempts to dispute her claim, but Le Fay enslaves him. She sends Thor to capture Namor, creates a barrier around Avalon and opens a portal for the island's first guests... the Inhuman Genetic Council.
Fantastic Force #8
Morgan agrees to hand Atlantis over to the Inhuman Genetic Council as the new Attilan. To distract the human governments from this process along with their own efforts to claim Atlantis, the Council sends the elite Inhuman strike force, the Crimson Cadre, to attack Hawaii. Fantastic Force are dispatched to subdue them. Devlor rejects Arcadius' offer to join him and restore his genetic instability. When the victorious Fantastic Force return home, Paul Alvarez reveals that Huntara isn't from the future and is actually his long-lost sister...

Fantastic Four #401
The Fantastic Four fight back against Maximus' forces, but soon realise they've been shrunk and placed in the tiny Attilan. Maximus brainwashes the Human Torch and sends him to kill the diminutive members of the FF. Morgan le Fey strikes up a deal with the Inhuman Genetic Council. Atlantean guards find the unconscious Namor floating in the ocean. into enlarging him, but shrinks all except the Human Torch who he controls as his agent. Nathaniel Richards sneaks aboard Maximus' ship and teleports away with Attilan and the Human Torch. Doctor Doom's former aid Boris helps the Fantastic Four escape Maximus' minions as Ant-Man enlarges them and the team stand ready to face Maximus. That's when Thor arrives and threatens the ship...
Fantastic Force #9
Huntara refuses Paul's claims, knowing she was raised in the future by Nathaniel Richards. Psi-Lord (the teenage Franklin Richards) leads Fantastic Force to Latveria where they find Nathaniel being chased through Castle Doom by the Human Torch. Morgan le Fey sends the healed Triton to Latveria to kidnap Nathaniel Richards. Psi-Lord frees the Human Torch from Maximus' control. Huntara confronts Nathaniel over the truth about her origins, though he reveals nothing and instead uses his technology to release Psi-Lord's younger self, Tattletale, as a separate being. Triton enters the fray, stealing Attlian back and making his exit with Nathaniel as his prisoner...

Fantastic Four #402
The Fantastic Four have control of Maximus' ship, but are under attack from Thor. Arcadius of the Inhuman Genetic Council tries to convince the Inhuman Royal Family that they have to kill Namor in order to save Attilan. Llyron proves to be a good king and leads the homeless Atlanteans to safety. Thor is freed from Morgan's control. The FF bring Namor and the Inhuman Royal Family together, but Black Bolt immediately attacks the Sub-Mariner. The Invisible Woman brings the fight to a close, but Arcadius convinces the Inhuman Royal Family to teleport away. Having regained his senses, Thor announces his intention to join the fight against Morgan le Fey...
Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #2
Morgan Le Fey gains the discarded Ebony Blade The Fantastic Four, Thor and Namor break through the barrier that surrounds Atlantis and fight the Inhuman Royal Family. Triton returns to his normal form. Young Franklin Richards is absorbed back into Psi-Lord. Thor causes serious damage to Black Bolt, causing him to leak energy. Morgan le Fey uses the Ebony Blade to contain the FF, Thor and Namor, but the Psi-Lord taps into the souls in the Ebony Blade to overwhelm her. Arcadius restores Attilan to full size, claiming the risen island of Atlantis as the Inhumans' new home. The fate of the Inhuman Royal Family is unclear. The Human Torch joins Fantastic Force. Distraught over the loss of Atlantis and his people, Namor takes his leave...
Fantastic Four Unlimited #11[1/2]
Black Bolt recovers from his fight with Thor. Arcadius orders the Crimson Cadre to attack the Inhuman Royal Family in their weakened state in his attempt to rule Attilan. Lockjaw teleports them to Manhattan where they're attacked again, this time by statues under Arcadius' control. After drawing attention from local law enforcement, the Inhumans escape to Avengers Mansion where they ask Crystal to rejoin them. Crystal decides to remain with the Avengers. GIant-Man fails to repair Black Bolt's damaged antennae. The Inhuman Royal Family head out to find their place in the world now that they're blocked from returning to Attilan...

Fantastic Four Unlimited #11[2/2]
Namor assesses the Atlantean body count. Llyra reveals Llyron's origin to Namor. Leading the surviving Atlanteans out to sea, 
Llyron commands that the remaining fertile female Atlanteans should be implanted with hybrid clones to prepare for a future attack on the surface-world. Stingray barely manages to save his wife Diane Newell as Hydro-Base is destroyed. The Brand Corporation try to claim Atlantis and send the elemental Manowar to defeat Namor, though he narrowly manages to fend them off. Namor sits on his throne as a king with no kingdom.
MCG Note: The entries in blue and black are the stories that are directly impacted by the major events of Atlantis Rising and its main chapters. The issues in grey are stories impacted by the sub-plots and tie-ins that aren't key to the main story threads.

Rune/Silver Surfer #1 (1995) 
Rune of the Ultraverse is revealed to be behind the disappearance of the Infinity Gems during THE WATCH IS BROKEN / GODWHEEL / SPINE: PRELUDE TO BLACK SEPTEMBER.

Rune #∞ (1995)
Adam Warlock travels to the Ultraverse to track down the Infinity Gems during

Fantastic Force #16 (1996)
A subtle clue suggests that Zarathustra is really Paul Alvarez' sister, rather than Huntara.

Fantastic Four #404-405 (1995) 
Without a home or a kingdom, Namor seeks membership in the Fantastic Four; Namor remains with the team as an ally; 'Boris' is revealed to be Zarrko the Tomorrow Man. who reveals that Mister Fantastic and Doctor Doom are still alive.

Fantastic Four #406-408 (1995)
The Fantastic Four learn Mister Fantastic and discover he's been a prisoner of a being called Hyperstorm; the Human Torch rejoins the FF during STRANGE DAYS.

Fantastic Force #17-18 (1996)
Diablo tries to use PsiLord as a pawn in his feud with Mephisto; Fantastic Force free Psi-Lord and learn Mister Fantastic is alive; Fantastic Force disband.

Fantastic Four #411-412 (1996)
The damage to Black Bolt's antennae eventually drives him insane; the Fantastic Four and Namor help subdue him and place him in stasis; Namor and Mister Fantastic fight to win the Invisible Woman's affections.

Fantastic Four #413 (1996)
Mister Fantastic and Psi-Lord fix Black Bolt's antennae and restore his sanity; a time platform replaces the teenage Psi-Lord with the younger Franklin Richards during RAGE AGAINST TIME.

Cosmic Powers Unlimited #4 (1996)
Moondragon restores Drax the Destroyer's mind, restoring his intelligence and memories; Drax forgives Moondragon for murdering him and gives up some of his strength to restore her body during

Avengers Unplugged #6 (1996)
Bloodwraith returns as Sean Dolan obtains Proctor's version of the Ebony Blade and becomes Black Wraith.

Thunderbolts #3 (1997)
Tiger Shark returns to his villainous ways, joining a new line-up of the Masters of Evil.

Marvel Team-Up #6 (1998)
Namor discovers he can no longer breathe underwater.

Avengers #1-3 (1998)
Morgan le Fey returns, twisting reality to suit her schemes during HEROES REBORN.

Marvel Team-Up #4 (1996)
Namorita is revealed to have become temporary leader of New Atlantis, though she finds the role unsuited to her causing many citizens to leave in favour of Llyron's new kingdom; Warlord Keerg sees this as an opportunity to seize the throne of New Atlantis; after a period of being unable to breathe underwater, Doctor Strange reveals Namor's inability to breathe underwater is psychosomatic.

Quicksilver #4 (1998)
Following their time on Counter-Earth, the Inhuman Royal Family are revealed to have retaken their rightful place among their fellow Inhumans on the island Attilan.

Marvel Team-Up #9-11 (1998)
Namor briefly uses a special suit that allows him to breathe underwater in order to head to New Atlantis, defeat Keerg and reclaim the throne; Namor's ability to breathe underwater is restored.

Iron Man #7 (1998)
The vacated section of the Blue Area of the Moon is next used as a staging base by the Supreme Intelligence and the Lunatic Legion during LIVE KREE OR DIE!

Warlock #1-4 (1998-1999)
Adam Warlock
is revealed to have returned to Earth-616 and reclaimed the Soul Gem; Warlock is reunited with Gamora, Pip the Troll and Drax the Destroyer.

Inhumans #12 (1999)
Namor forms an alliance with Black Bolt; Atlantis is sunk below the waves once again; Attilan is transported back to the Himalayas.

Defenders #2 (2001)
Andromeda returns with her soul having escaped the Ebony Blade and regained control of her body.

Defenders #7 (2001)
Attuma forms his own Deep Six with a line-up that includes Tiger Shark.

Captain Marvel #32-34 (2002)
The Magus is revealed to have escaped the Soul Gem and become a devourer of souls in order to gain a fully corporeal form.

Incredible Hulk #50-54 (2003)
Nadia Dornova-Blonsky is revealed to have discovered that her husband, Emil Blonsky, is the Abomination; she explains that Blonsky was an abusive husband.

Incredible Hulk #76 (2004)
Nadia Dornova-Blonsky is killed during the destruction of the Leader's base.

Thanos #1-6 (2003-2004)
Thanos learns Galactus is collecting the Infinity Gems in order to end his cosmic hunger; Thanos and Adam Warlock thwart Galactus' plans.

New Thunderbolts #1 (2005)
Llyron doesn't seem to follow through on his plan to impregnate all Atlantean females and, instead, starts attacking the surface world with a small team called Fathom Five with Manowar as a member during AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED.

Dark Reign - The List: X-Men #1 (2009)
Norman Osborn reanimates Marrina in her Leviathan form as a mindless pawn against Namor, forcing him to kill her again during DARK REIGNDARK REIGN - THE LIST / NATION X.

Chaos War: Alpha Flight #1 (2010)
Marrina is among the many who are resurrected by the Chaos King; Marrina rejoins Alpha Flight during CHAOS WAR.

Guardians of the Galaxy #22-23 (2010)
The Magus is revealed to have maintained a level of control of Adam Warlock's body; Adam Magus tries to turn Earth-616 into a realm like the Cancerverse during

Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1 (2010)
Adam Magus is killed by Lord Mar-Vell of the Cancerverse during

Annihilators #1-4 (2011)
The Magus is resurrected as a child by the Universal Church of Truth, but is imprisoned by the Annihilators during

Infinity Countdown #5 (2018)
A new Infinity Watch (comprised of Adam Warlock, Turk Barrett, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange and Star-Lord) briefly forms to oppose Requiem during
See how this story fits into the wider Marvel Universe continuity with these reading orders:
Fantastic Four/Inhumans: Atlantis Rising
Fantastic Force #8-9
Fantastic Four #401-402
Fantastic Four: Atlantis RIsing #1-2
Fantastic Four Unlimited #11
Namor the Sub-Mariner #60-62

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