Now the mutants are scattered and picking up the pieces. Will Mystique get away with her betrayal. Will Cyclops summon X-Force again? What's the future of Mutant Town? Will Cable escape Bishop? And what does the future mean for the X-Men?
- X-Men Legacy #208
- X-Men Legacy #209
- X-Men Legacy #210
- X-Factor #28
- X-Factor #29
- X-Factor #30
- X-Factor #31
- X-Factor #32
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[1/5]
- Wolverine #62
- Wolverine #63
- Wolverine #64
- Wolverine #65
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[2/5]
- X-Men Legacy #211
- X-Men Legacy #212
- X-Men Legacy #213
- X-Men Legacy #214
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[1/5]
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[2/5]
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[3/5] (also see THE RISE OF VULCAN)
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[4/5]
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #3[5/5]
- X-Force #1
- X-Force #2
- X-Force: Ain't No Dog #1[2/2] (tie-in)
- X-Force #3
- X-Force #4
- X-Force #5
- X-Force #6
- Cable #1
- Cable #2
- Cable #3
- Cable #4
- Cable #5
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[4/5]
- Young X-Men #1
- Uncanny X-Men #495
- Uncanny X-Men #496
- Uncanny X-Men #497
- Uncanny X-Men #498
- Uncanny X-Men #499
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[5/5]
- X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[3/5]
- Young X-Men #2
- Young X-Men #3
- Young X-Men #4
- Young X-Men #5
Under orders from Exodus, Tempo slowed time long enough for the Marauders to escape with Professor X (Charles Xavier) after he was shot by Bishop. At a secret location, Exodus heals Xavier's mind but he remains comatose. In his mind, Xavier questions whether he really intended to save young mutants by making them X-Men or to raise an army. Exodus calls on his former mentor to help heal the Professor... the depowered Magneto.
X-Men Legacy #209
Magneto and Omega Sentinel combine their know-how and repair Xavier's mind. Frenzy then tries to kill Magneto who's saved by the revived Xavier. Magneto burns Frenzy's brain with a surgical laser through the eye. Exodus promises to kill Magneto for murdering a mutant, but Xavier defends him and a psychic war begins...
X-Men Legacy #210
Other telepaths feel the backlash of Xavier and Exodus' psychic battle, including Emma Frost who realises Xavier is alive. Exodus is defeated and asks Xavier to lead the reformed Acolytes. Refusing his request, Xavier orders Exodus to allow him, Magneto and the Omega Sentinel to leave unharmed and begins a journey to rediscover his lost memories. In Australia, Rogue seeks out the X-Men's old Outback base. At the Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw orders his lackey to open the Cronus file...
X-Factor #28
In the former-Mutant Town, Wolfsbane announces she's leaving X-Factor Investigations to avoid fulfilling the prophecy that she'll kill Jamie Madrox and Layla Miller. The rest of the team are devastated that Layla is lost in the future. Jamie breaks into one of the Purifiers' hidden bases to beat them to a pulp. Siryn wonders how to tell Jamie she's pregnant with his kid.
X-Factor #29
Siryn tries to tell Madrox she's pregnant with his child, but he assumes she's trying to tell him she's leaving the team and walks away. When Rictor goes missing through a hole in the pavement, the rest of the group rally together to find him. As reality seems to shift around Mutant Town, Rictor figures out Arcade is behind it all.
Magneto and Omega Sentinel combine their know-how and repair Xavier's mind. Frenzy then tries to kill Magneto who's saved by the revived Xavier. Magneto burns Frenzy's brain with a surgical laser through the eye. Exodus promises to kill Magneto for murdering a mutant, but Xavier defends him and a psychic war begins...
X-Men Legacy #210
Other telepaths feel the backlash of Xavier and Exodus' psychic battle, including Emma Frost who realises Xavier is alive. Exodus is defeated and asks Xavier to lead the reformed Acolytes. Refusing his request, Xavier orders Exodus to allow him, Magneto and the Omega Sentinel to leave unharmed and begins a journey to rediscover his lost memories. In Australia, Rogue seeks out the X-Men's old Outback base. At the Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw orders his lackey to open the Cronus file...
X-Factor #28
In the former-Mutant Town, Wolfsbane announces she's leaving X-Factor Investigations to avoid fulfilling the prophecy that she'll kill Jamie Madrox and Layla Miller. The rest of the team are devastated that Layla is lost in the future. Jamie breaks into one of the Purifiers' hidden bases to beat them to a pulp. Siryn wonders how to tell Jamie she's pregnant with his kid.
X-Factor #29
Siryn tries to tell Madrox she's pregnant with his child, but he assumes she's trying to tell him she's leaving the team and walks away. When Rictor goes missing through a hole in the pavement, the rest of the group rally together to find him. As reality seems to shift around Mutant Town, Rictor figures out Arcade is behind it all.
X-Factor #30
X-Factor come to Rictor's rescue, but Arcade ups the ante by creating an energy field around Mutant Town that fries whoever tries to cross. When X-Factor locate Arcade's control hub, they only the member of the Purifiers who allowed Rictor to infiltrate them. If he dies, bombs will go off all around Mutant Town. And he's just poisoned himself...
X-Factor #31
Val Cooper arrives and can only watch as Mutant Town burns. X-Factor rescue as many civilians as the can - mutants and former mutants - while Rictor smashes Arcade's computers until they overload. Arcade escapes by pretending to be a robot. Val Cooper has some news for Jamie Madrox...
X-Factor #31
Val Cooper arrives and can only watch as Mutant Town burns. X-Factor rescue as many civilians as the can - mutants and former mutants - while Rictor smashes Arcade's computers until they overload. Arcade escapes by pretending to be a robot. Val Cooper has some news for Jamie Madrox...
X-Factor #32
X-Factor's headquarters is the only building left standing in Mutant Town. Val Cooper gives the team an ultimatum. Either the government will give them new identities and split them all up or X-Factor can work for the government (like the last iteration of X-Factor did during MUTANT GENESIS). Jamie realises Siryn's pregnant and the whole team celebrate. Madrox turns down Val's offer and destroys their building before. Six months later, X-Factor have set up shop in Detroit. But Val finds Madrox and tells him he'll be working for her from now on...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[1/5]
Cannonball goes home to Kentucky where he meets his sister, Husk, and immediately gets into a fight with four members of the Cabot family. Once he's let off steam on the family the Guthries have been feuding with for decades, he angrily explains his lack of direction without the X-Men and flies off to find something worth fighting for...
Wolverine #62
Cyclops wants Mystique taken off the board permanently and asks Wolverine to handle it. Flashbacks reveal that Wolvey and Mystique's history goes all the way back to the 1920s. In the present, Wolverine tracks Mystique down in Afghanistan where Mystique pretends to be Wolverine to fool the locals into doing her dirty work.
X-Factor's headquarters is the only building left standing in Mutant Town. Val Cooper gives the team an ultimatum. Either the government will give them new identities and split them all up or X-Factor can work for the government (like the last iteration of X-Factor did during MUTANT GENESIS). Jamie realises Siryn's pregnant and the whole team celebrate. Madrox turns down Val's offer and destroys their building before. Six months later, X-Factor have set up shop in Detroit. But Val finds Madrox and tells him he'll be working for her from now on...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[1/5]
Cannonball goes home to Kentucky where he meets his sister, Husk, and immediately gets into a fight with four members of the Cabot family. Once he's let off steam on the family the Guthries have been feuding with for decades, he angrily explains his lack of direction without the X-Men and flies off to find something worth fighting for...
Wolverine #62
Cyclops wants Mystique taken off the board permanently and asks Wolverine to handle it. Flashbacks reveal that Wolvey and Mystique's history goes all the way back to the 1920s. In the present, Wolverine tracks Mystique down in Afghanistan where Mystique pretends to be Wolverine to fool the locals into doing her dirty work.
Wolverine #63
Kansas City in 1921,Logan acted as Raven Darkholme's enforcer when she headed up a gang of grifter mutants and freaks. In the present, Mystique disguises herself as a nun to get well-meaning passers-by to slow Wolverine down. She then kills and replaces Senator Miles Brickman to get the US Army on her side...
Wolverine #64
In the '20s, Raven convinced Logan and the rest of their crew to pull off a bank heist, but betrayed them all, leaving everyone at the mercy of the law. In the present, Wolverine calls in a favour from an old Afghan contact who blows him up to get his 'dead body' into the army base. When he heals, he goes after 'Senator Brickman'. Mystique escapes again but arms herself to the teeth, ready to take Wolverine head-on...
Wolverine #65
In the '20s, Logan betrays Mystique and their crew before she can, kicking off decades of animosity. Now, Wolverine and Mystique brutally fight it out with blazing guns and slashing claws in the Syrian Desert. They both get a killshot at the same time. Wolverine heals from the bullet to his brain. Mystique isn't so lucky as she won't be able to reach civilisation before she dies from the claws through the heart. Wolverine leaves her to die slowly in the desert...
Kansas City in 1921,Logan acted as Raven Darkholme's enforcer when she headed up a gang of grifter mutants and freaks. In the present, Mystique disguises herself as a nun to get well-meaning passers-by to slow Wolverine down. She then kills and replaces Senator Miles Brickman to get the US Army on her side...
Wolverine #64
In the '20s, Raven convinced Logan and the rest of their crew to pull off a bank heist, but betrayed them all, leaving everyone at the mercy of the law. In the present, Wolverine calls in a favour from an old Afghan contact who blows him up to get his 'dead body' into the army base. When he heals, he goes after 'Senator Brickman'. Mystique escapes again but arms herself to the teeth, ready to take Wolverine head-on...
Wolverine #65
In the '20s, Logan betrays Mystique and their crew before she can, kicking off decades of animosity. Now, Wolverine and Mystique brutally fight it out with blazing guns and slashing claws in the Syrian Desert. They both get a killshot at the same time. Wolverine heals from the bullet to his brain. Mystique isn't so lucky as she won't be able to reach civilisation before she dies from the claws through the heart. Wolverine leaves her to die slowly in the desert...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[2/5]
Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi) goes home to Wakanda where he's even more of an outsider due to being born of a Russian father and his Vibranium tattoos that keep his powers in check. But his powers are still killing him. He meets a younger brother he never knew he had as his mother warns him to stay away from their family.
Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi) goes home to Wakanda where he's even more of an outsider due to being born of a Russian father and his Vibranium tattoos that keep his powers in check. But his powers are still killing him. He meets a younger brother he never knew he had as his mother warns him to stay away from their family.
X-Men Legacy #211
Twelve days after leaving the Acolytes, Charles Xavier visits his childhood friend, Carter Ryking, at the Ryking Secure Psychiatric Facility. Together, they learn the true identity of Dr Nathan Milbury, the man who employed both their parents and occasionally ran tests on the kids. Elsewhere, a psychic assassin comes gunning for Juggernaut but can't break his helmet's defences. Sebastian Shaw is also aware of someone's interest in him. Carter Ryking is murdered by his own carers. And a whole team of assassins are sent to kill Xavier...
Twelve days after leaving the Acolytes, Charles Xavier visits his childhood friend, Carter Ryking, at the Ryking Secure Psychiatric Facility. Together, they learn the true identity of Dr Nathan Milbury, the man who employed both their parents and occasionally ran tests on the kids. Elsewhere, a psychic assassin comes gunning for Juggernaut but can't break his helmet's defences. Sebastian Shaw is also aware of someone's interest in him. Carter Ryking is murdered by his own carers. And a whole team of assassins are sent to kill Xavier...
X-Men Legacy #212
Gambit arrives in time to save Xavier from the assassins. Together, they begin an investigation as to why someone wants to kill Ryking, Xavier, Shaw and the Juggernaut. They head out to the Alamogordo Nuclear Research Facility where Xavier's father worked with Juggernaut's dad (who later become Xavier's adoptive father), Nathan Milbury and Irene Adler. Another squad of assassins keep Gambit busy while Xavier comes under psychic assault from 'Milbury' aka Mister Sinister...
Gambit arrives in time to save Xavier from the assassins. Together, they begin an investigation as to why someone wants to kill Ryking, Xavier, Shaw and the Juggernaut. They head out to the Alamogordo Nuclear Research Facility where Xavier's father worked with Juggernaut's dad (who later become Xavier's adoptive father), Nathan Milbury and Irene Adler. Another squad of assassins keep Gambit busy while Xavier comes under psychic assault from 'Milbury' aka Mister Sinister...
X-Men Legacy #213
Years ago, Mister Sinister created the Cronus Device - a machine designed to hold his consciousness when he dies and transfer it into one of the kids he once experimented on. When Sinister was killed by Mystique (during MESSIAH COMPLEX), Cronus activated. Initially, Sinister selected the body of the immortal Amanda Mueller (aka Black Womb, the great-great grandmother of Cyclops, Havok and Vulcan). Mueller tried to reverse Sinister's plan by forcing the Cronus Device to select her and gain his powers. Mueller hired the assassins who now bring Xavier to her lair beneath Alamogordo where she shoots him in the chest. Sebastian Shaw and Gambit arrive. But it seems Mueller was too late and Xavier rises with Mister Sinister in complete control of his body and mind...
X-Men Legacy #214
Xavier battles Sinister on the astral plane, while Sinister's new physical form comes under attack from Amanda Mueller's Black Womb defence technology. He turns the tech against her, killing her. Gambit charges Shaw up, enabling him to destroy the Cronus Device. Xavier reclaims control of his body and forces Mister Sinister's consciousness out when the machine is wrecked, leaving him lost without a form. Two days later, Sebastian Shaw invites a mysterious young woman to join the Hellfire Club as the new Black Queen. Instead, she takes the name Miss Sinister...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[1/5]
Beast returns to the ruins of the Xavier School for Higher Learning to destroy all the students' files, then heads off with the disembodied mutant brain Martha Johansson, aka No-Girl.
Years ago, Mister Sinister created the Cronus Device - a machine designed to hold his consciousness when he dies and transfer it into one of the kids he once experimented on. When Sinister was killed by Mystique (during MESSIAH COMPLEX), Cronus activated. Initially, Sinister selected the body of the immortal Amanda Mueller (aka Black Womb, the great-great grandmother of Cyclops, Havok and Vulcan). Mueller tried to reverse Sinister's plan by forcing the Cronus Device to select her and gain his powers. Mueller hired the assassins who now bring Xavier to her lair beneath Alamogordo where she shoots him in the chest. Sebastian Shaw and Gambit arrive. But it seems Mueller was too late and Xavier rises with Mister Sinister in complete control of his body and mind...
X-Men Legacy #214
Xavier battles Sinister on the astral plane, while Sinister's new physical form comes under attack from Amanda Mueller's Black Womb defence technology. He turns the tech against her, killing her. Gambit charges Shaw up, enabling him to destroy the Cronus Device. Xavier reclaims control of his body and forces Mister Sinister's consciousness out when the machine is wrecked, leaving him lost without a form. Two days later, Sebastian Shaw invites a mysterious young woman to join the Hellfire Club as the new Black Queen. Instead, she takes the name Miss Sinister...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[1/5]
Beast returns to the ruins of the Xavier School for Higher Learning to destroy all the students' files, then heads off with the disembodied mutant brain Martha Johansson, aka No-Girl.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[2/5]
Magik (Illyana Rasputin) recently returned from the dead, retaking Limbo in her Darkchylde form, but she's short of a soul. She requires four more bloodstones (having already gained one from Pixie) to win it back. She teleports to the Xavier Institute only to find rubble and decides to bide her time before reuniting with her brother Colossus.
Magik (Illyana Rasputin) recently returned from the dead, retaking Limbo in her Darkchylde form, but she's short of a soul. She requires four more bloodstones (having already gained one from Pixie) to win it back. She teleports to the Xavier Institute only to find rubble and decides to bide her time before reuniting with her brother Colossus.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[3/5]
The alien Shi'ar are now ruled by the third Summers brother - Gabriel Summers, aka Emperor Vulcan. Havok and Polaris have joined the Starjammers in an effort to depose his rule. Instead, they were taken prisoner (during EMPEROR VULCAN). When he's not torturing Havok's allies so he can hear their screams, Vulcan taunts him with news that the X-Men disbanded after the birth of a new mutant. Instead, this only makes Havok stronger...
The alien Shi'ar are now ruled by the third Summers brother - Gabriel Summers, aka Emperor Vulcan. Havok and Polaris have joined the Starjammers in an effort to depose his rule. Instead, they were taken prisoner (during EMPEROR VULCAN). When he's not torturing Havok's allies so he can hear their screams, Vulcan taunts him with news that the X-Men disbanded after the birth of a new mutant. Instead, this only makes Havok stronger...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[4/5]
Bishop attacks Forge in his home steals his time-travel technology and a cyborg arm, continuing his mission to hunt down Cable and kill the mutant baby. Two days later, Forge finds he's unable to recreate the time machine without Cable's technology. He beefs up his security then plans to use his engineering abilities to save mutantkind.
Bishop attacks Forge in his home steals his time-travel technology and a cyborg arm, continuing his mission to hunt down Cable and kill the mutant baby. Two days later, Forge finds he's unable to recreate the time machine without Cable's technology. He beefs up his security then plans to use his engineering abilities to save mutantkind.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[5/5]
Dani Moonstar was fired from the X-Men's teaching staff after she lost her powers on M-Day (during HOUSE OF M). Despite this, it's Moonstar who Surge comes looking for when she needs advice over failing as a leader for the trainee New X-Men. There's a clash of ideologies, though, as Surge isn't given answers she wants to hear so she storms off.
Dani Moonstar was fired from the X-Men's teaching staff after she lost her powers on M-Day (during HOUSE OF M). Despite this, it's Moonstar who Surge comes looking for when she needs advice over failing as a leader for the trainee New X-Men. There's a clash of ideologies, though, as Surge isn't given answers she wants to hear so she storms off.
X-Force #1
X-Force #2
X-23 sets explosives she rigged around the Purifiers' base, but Risman manages to escape with Wolfsbane and Bastion. Archangel learns X-Force are using his Angel's Aerie as a headquarters for their black ops missions and insists on getting involved. Bastion takes Risman's place as leader of the Purifiers and instigates his own plan, starting by tracking down the insane and unstoppable Technarch known as Magus...
Warpath begins to wonder what his new role in X-Force has turned him into. Is he a hunter? Or just a killer? He's trying his best to make sure he's not just a murderer and does his damnedest to remember each person whose life he's taken...
X-Force #3
Bastion gathers the most renowned mutant-hunters in recent history and infects them with a sample the Techno-Organic Virus, enhancing the living and reanimating the dead. He then heads up the Human Council with Matthew Risman, Leper Queen and Donald Pierce, alongside the freshly-resurrected Graydon Creed, Stephen Lang, William Stryker and Bolivar Trask. X-Force locate Wolfsbane (who's been pumped full of heroin) and Wolverine orders in a mutant healer...
X-Force #4
Elixir (trainee member of the disbanded New X-Men) purges most of the heroin from Wolfsbane's system, but seeing Archangel triggers a red rage implanted in her by Eli Bard and Reverend Craig. She guts X-23 and tears off Archangel's wings, taking them to the Risman whose scientists learn the wings contain the Apocalypse Strand. Shards of the self-replicating, metal wings are grafted onto Risman's soldiers. Back at the Aerie, Elixir's attempts to heal Archangel fail, but his wings grow back on their own. And they're metal...
X-Force #5
Believing Bastion has corrupted the Purifiers' cause, Matthew Risman plans to kill him with his new Choir of 'angels'. Bastion uses Stryker as a puppet to turn the Purifiers against Risman. The reborn Archangel loses control of his wings and flees to avoid killing his friends and locate his stolen wings. Wolfsbane breaks free of Craig's control. Risman and the Choir attack the Facility, slaughtering the Purifiers until he faces Bastion directly...
X-Force #6
While Archangel kills his way through the Choir, X-Force sneak in. Wolverine interrupts Risman's standoff by stabbing Bastion in the head. Reverend Craig's programming backfires when he stands in front of Angel's wings and triggers Wolfsbane's killfrenzy. Eli Bard steals the techno-organic sample, claiming "she is my queen" before killing Risman with vampiric abilities. Warpath saves X-23 from Bard, who escapes. Archangel transforms back into his pink-skinned and feathered self. The Human Council escape. With Risman off the board, Cyclops figures out X-Force's next target. And there's a whole Council to choose from...
Believing Bastion has corrupted the Purifiers' cause, Matthew Risman plans to kill him with his new Choir of 'angels'. Bastion uses Stryker as a puppet to turn the Purifiers against Risman. The reborn Archangel loses control of his wings and flees to avoid killing his friends and locate his stolen wings. Wolfsbane breaks free of Craig's control. Risman and the Choir attack the Facility, slaughtering the Purifiers until he faces Bastion directly...
X-Force #6
While Archangel kills his way through the Choir, X-Force sneak in. Wolverine interrupts Risman's standoff by stabbing Bastion in the head. Reverend Craig's programming backfires when he stands in front of Angel's wings and triggers Wolfsbane's killfrenzy. Eli Bard steals the techno-organic sample, claiming "she is my queen" before killing Risman with vampiric abilities. Warpath saves X-23 from Bard, who escapes. Archangel transforms back into his pink-skinned and feathered self. The Human Council escape. With Risman off the board, Cyclops figures out X-Force's next target. And there's a whole Council to choose from...
Cable #1
It's the year 2043 (Earth-80521) and Cable and the baby 'mutant messiah' are far from safe. For someone who's bounced around time a whole crazy lot, Cable taking the kid to dystopian futures doesn't seem like the smart way to keep her out of danger. He is, however, prepared for the bandits who try to rob him but he wasn't prepared for Bishop to have tracked him down through time...
Cable #2
Having stolen a bionic arm with time travel capabilities from Forge, Bishop has tracked Cable down to a diner in the year 2043 where he doesn't waste any time trying to kill him. But the self-proclaimed local law, aka the Turnpike Authority, get between the tussling mutants until Bishop uses his energy powers to throw a truck at Cable.
Cable #3
Cable narrowly dodges the truck and realises Bishop has damaged his time travel device. The Turnpike Authority knock Bishop out and try to sell him to some men in suits, but he manages to break free and kill his captors. A waitress, Sophie Petit, nurses Cable back to health back at her place until an old, familiar face rolls right in the door...
Cable #4
Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) is the last mutant left on Earth-80521. So, when Cerebra picked up mutant signatures he just had to go check 'em out. Bishop convinces Sophie's boss to give up her home address. Cannonball holds Bishop off to buy Sophie, the baby and the injured Cable some time to escape in her truck. Bishop kills old man Cannonball and Cable decides it's time for a showdown...
Cable #5
Cable visits the ruins of the Xavier Institute and nabs a whole bunch of weapons and a sexy uniform for Sophie. Bishop takes over the Turnpike Authority, but Cable uses an X-Jet to take them out. Bishop has Cable and the baby in his sights, but Cable jumps forward in time eight decades as he can no longer jump back. Back on Earth-80521, Sophie kills the suits who run New Jersey.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[4/5]
In the present day, Hellion wakes up from his coma after the injuries he suffered at the clawed hands of Lady Deathstrike. Feeling abandoned when he learns the X-Men have disbanded, Hellion tries to hit back at them by offering to join the now powerless Magneto. Magneto rejects Hellion's offer.
Young X-Men #1
Blindfold has a premonition that she's about to become an X-Man again, but a member of the team will die while fighting Donald Pierce. Cyclops recruits Wolf Cub, Rockslide, Dust and Blindfold as the next generation of X-Men, along with a new mutant called Ink. He introduces them to the Danger Cave beneath the ruins of the Institute. When they're all trained up, Cyclops will send them to kill their former teachers, the original New Mutants, who've gone rogue. But another mystery mutant lurks in the shadows, watching...
Uncanny X-Men #495
Two weeks ago, Cyclops met with Iron Man at the ruins of the Xavier Institute and advised him to back away from mutant affairs, especially now that there are no longer any X-Men. After spending some 'quality time' in the Savage Land, Cyke and Emma Frost return to America where Cyclops has big plans for mutantkind. They answer a distress call from Archangel in San Francisco and arrive to find him transformed into a hippy. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Colossus are taking a to Russia to visit Colossus' homeland.
Uncanny X-Men #496
A 'Goddess' is transforming San Francisco into a living '60s acid flashback. In Russia, Colossus visits his family's graves and Wolverine decides the three of them need to hit a bar. Of course, they end up clashing with a local armed gang, attracting the attention of the Russian government...
Uncanny X-Men #497
Robots from the Red Room capture Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler. Confined, the creepy Russian General starts torturing his new captives to learn the secret of M-Day. In San Francisco, the Goddess senses Emma Frost's mental probes and sends the Police after her and Cyclops...
Uncanny X-Men #498
Recently, a group of ageing hippies found an injured, amnesiac mutant woman with the power to change reality. With no memories of her own, she gave the hippies their fondest desire and made San Francisco look and feel like it did in the 1960s. That woman is Martinique Wyngarde (formerly known as Mastermind) and she's got a team of mind-warped '60s X-Men - Archangel, Warpath, Hepzibah and Iceman - all set to stop Cyclops and Emma Frost. In Russia, the trio of X-Men use the General's torture devices against him and escape, running headlong into the last living Russian super-soldier, Omega Red.
Uncanny X-Men #499
Cyclops single-handedly defeats the mind-controlled X-Men and Emma Frost beats up Mastermind. Having set everything right, the X-Men are welcomed to San Francisco by the mayor, Sadie Sinclair. They're just not used to that kind of positive treatment! Back in Russia, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Colossus narrowly defeat Omega Red and prepare to head home to see what Cyclops has planned for the X-Men...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[5/5]
After the fight for the mutant messiah, the Marauders have fallen apart just like the X-Men did. Scalphunter (or at least the clone of the original Scalphunter) is laying low, working as a chef in a greasy diner in the middle of nowhere. Over several days, a priest stops by at the diner and compares his migas to reproduced art - is the reproduction as good as the original? Nightcrawler reveals himself to be the priest (thanks to an image inducer) and reveals that he's decided to let Scalphunter go on to live his empty life as a copy of a copy of a copy, rather than kill him as he'd intended.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[3/5]
Cyclops sends Northstar to convince Anole to return to the X-Men. Anole used to look up to Northstar, but he was also viciously pummelled into submission by him when Northstar was killed and resurrected by the Hand (during ENEMY OF THE STATE). Anole rejects Northstar's offer to rejoin the X-Men, but doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere, any more.
It's the year 2043 (Earth-80521) and Cable and the baby 'mutant messiah' are far from safe. For someone who's bounced around time a whole crazy lot, Cable taking the kid to dystopian futures doesn't seem like the smart way to keep her out of danger. He is, however, prepared for the bandits who try to rob him but he wasn't prepared for Bishop to have tracked him down through time...
Cable #2
Having stolen a bionic arm with time travel capabilities from Forge, Bishop has tracked Cable down to a diner in the year 2043 where he doesn't waste any time trying to kill him. But the self-proclaimed local law, aka the Turnpike Authority, get between the tussling mutants until Bishop uses his energy powers to throw a truck at Cable.
Cable #3
Cable narrowly dodges the truck and realises Bishop has damaged his time travel device. The Turnpike Authority knock Bishop out and try to sell him to some men in suits, but he manages to break free and kill his captors. A waitress, Sophie Petit, nurses Cable back to health back at her place until an old, familiar face rolls right in the door...
Cable #4
Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) is the last mutant left on Earth-80521. So, when Cerebra picked up mutant signatures he just had to go check 'em out. Bishop convinces Sophie's boss to give up her home address. Cannonball holds Bishop off to buy Sophie, the baby and the injured Cable some time to escape in her truck. Bishop kills old man Cannonball and Cable decides it's time for a showdown...
Cable #5
Cable visits the ruins of the Xavier Institute and nabs a whole bunch of weapons and a sexy uniform for Sophie. Bishop takes over the Turnpike Authority, but Cable uses an X-Jet to take them out. Bishop has Cable and the baby in his sights, but Cable jumps forward in time eight decades as he can no longer jump back. Back on Earth-80521, Sophie kills the suits who run New Jersey.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[4/5]
In the present day, Hellion wakes up from his coma after the injuries he suffered at the clawed hands of Lady Deathstrike. Feeling abandoned when he learns the X-Men have disbanded, Hellion tries to hit back at them by offering to join the now powerless Magneto. Magneto rejects Hellion's offer.
Young X-Men #1
Blindfold has a premonition that she's about to become an X-Man again, but a member of the team will die while fighting Donald Pierce. Cyclops recruits Wolf Cub, Rockslide, Dust and Blindfold as the next generation of X-Men, along with a new mutant called Ink. He introduces them to the Danger Cave beneath the ruins of the Institute. When they're all trained up, Cyclops will send them to kill their former teachers, the original New Mutants, who've gone rogue. But another mystery mutant lurks in the shadows, watching...
Uncanny X-Men #495
Two weeks ago, Cyclops met with Iron Man at the ruins of the Xavier Institute and advised him to back away from mutant affairs, especially now that there are no longer any X-Men. After spending some 'quality time' in the Savage Land, Cyke and Emma Frost return to America where Cyclops has big plans for mutantkind. They answer a distress call from Archangel in San Francisco and arrive to find him transformed into a hippy. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Colossus are taking a to Russia to visit Colossus' homeland.
Uncanny X-Men #496
A 'Goddess' is transforming San Francisco into a living '60s acid flashback. In Russia, Colossus visits his family's graves and Wolverine decides the three of them need to hit a bar. Of course, they end up clashing with a local armed gang, attracting the attention of the Russian government...
Uncanny X-Men #497
Robots from the Red Room capture Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler. Confined, the creepy Russian General starts torturing his new captives to learn the secret of M-Day. In San Francisco, the Goddess senses Emma Frost's mental probes and sends the Police after her and Cyclops...
Uncanny X-Men #498
Recently, a group of ageing hippies found an injured, amnesiac mutant woman with the power to change reality. With no memories of her own, she gave the hippies their fondest desire and made San Francisco look and feel like it did in the 1960s. That woman is Martinique Wyngarde (formerly known as Mastermind) and she's got a team of mind-warped '60s X-Men - Archangel, Warpath, Hepzibah and Iceman - all set to stop Cyclops and Emma Frost. In Russia, the trio of X-Men use the General's torture devices against him and escape, running headlong into the last living Russian super-soldier, Omega Red.
Uncanny X-Men #499
Cyclops single-handedly defeats the mind-controlled X-Men and Emma Frost beats up Mastermind. Having set everything right, the X-Men are welcomed to San Francisco by the mayor, Sadie Sinclair. They're just not used to that kind of positive treatment! Back in Russia, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Colossus narrowly defeat Omega Red and prepare to head home to see what Cyclops has planned for the X-Men...
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[5/5]
After the fight for the mutant messiah, the Marauders have fallen apart just like the X-Men did. Scalphunter (or at least the clone of the original Scalphunter) is laying low, working as a chef in a greasy diner in the middle of nowhere. Over several days, a priest stops by at the diner and compares his migas to reproduced art - is the reproduction as good as the original? Nightcrawler reveals himself to be the priest (thanks to an image inducer) and reveals that he's decided to let Scalphunter go on to live his empty life as a copy of a copy of a copy, rather than kill him as he'd intended.
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1[3/5]
Cyclops sends Northstar to convince Anole to return to the X-Men. Anole used to look up to Northstar, but he was also viciously pummelled into submission by him when Northstar was killed and resurrected by the Hand (during ENEMY OF THE STATE). Anole rejects Northstar's offer to rejoin the X-Men, but doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere, any more.
Young X-Men #2
For the last three weeks, Cyclops has been training the Young X-Men to bring down the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, made up of former New Mutants. Blindfold knows one of their number will betray the team and one will die at the hands of Donald Pierce. Blindfold and Ink track Moonstar to her Colorado retreat and take her down, but Ink knocks Blindfold out and reveals himself as the traitor...
Young X-Men #3
Ink takes Moonstar and Blindfold to Donald Pierce and reports back to Cyclops, telling him that Moonstar took Blindfold prisoner. 'Cypher' convinces the creepy mutant back at the ruins of the Xavier Institute to kill Cyclops. Dust, Rockslide and Wolf Cub's fight with Magma goes sour when Magma turns Dust to glass. Wolf Cub clomes close to killing Magma, but the team take her prisoner instead.
Young X-Men #4
Ink gets powers based on whatever tattoo he gets. He adds a telepathic upgrade when lightning lines are inked onto his temples. Ink, Rockslide and Wolf Cub assault the Hellfire Club's New York chapter to get to Sunspot and Cannonball, the leaders of the new Brotherhood. But it quickly becomes apparent that the Young X-Men have been had. Back at the Institute, Graymalkin attacks 'Cyclops', only for the image inducer to drop and reveal... Donald Pierce!
Young X-Men #5
Magma restores Dust and the set the rest of the Young X-Men straight. Donald Pierce's plot to take Sunspot's place in the Hellfire Club is revealed The Young X-Men track Pierce down but, just as Blindfold predicted, Pierce kills Wolf Cub.
For the last three weeks, Cyclops has been training the Young X-Men to bring down the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, made up of former New Mutants. Blindfold knows one of their number will betray the team and one will die at the hands of Donald Pierce. Blindfold and Ink track Moonstar to her Colorado retreat and take her down, but Ink knocks Blindfold out and reveals himself as the traitor...
Young X-Men #3
Ink takes Moonstar and Blindfold to Donald Pierce and reports back to Cyclops, telling him that Moonstar took Blindfold prisoner. 'Cypher' convinces the creepy mutant back at the ruins of the Xavier Institute to kill Cyclops. Dust, Rockslide and Wolf Cub's fight with Magma goes sour when Magma turns Dust to glass. Wolf Cub clomes close to killing Magma, but the team take her prisoner instead.
Young X-Men #4
Ink gets powers based on whatever tattoo he gets. He adds a telepathic upgrade when lightning lines are inked onto his temples. Ink, Rockslide and Wolf Cub assault the Hellfire Club's New York chapter to get to Sunspot and Cannonball, the leaders of the new Brotherhood. But it quickly becomes apparent that the Young X-Men have been had. Back at the Institute, Graymalkin attacks 'Cyclops', only for the image inducer to drop and reveal... Donald Pierce!
Young X-Men #5
Magma restores Dust and the set the rest of the Young X-Men straight. Donald Pierce's plot to take Sunspot's place in the Hellfire Club is revealed The Young X-Men track Pierce down but, just as Blindfold predicted, Pierce kills Wolf Cub.
X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1 (2008)
Mystique survives and comes looking for Iceman during MANIFEST DESTINY.
Uncanny X-Men #500 (2008)
The X-Men officially announce their relocation to San Francisco; Cannonball rejoins the X-Men; the High Evolutionary gives Magneto a suit that emulates his magnetic powers during MANIFEST DESTINY.
X-Force: Ain't No Dog #1 (2008)
Wolverine continues to hunt the Purifiers alone.
The X-Men officially announce their relocation to San Francisco; Cannonball rejoins the X-Men; the High Evolutionary gives Magneto a suit that emulates his magnetic powers during MANIFEST DESTINY.
X-Force: Ain't No Dog #1 (2008)
Wolverine continues to hunt the Purifiers alone.
Young X-Men #6 (2008)
Moonstar returns to the X-Men in a teaching capacity during MANIFEST DESTINY.
Astonishing X-Men #29 (2009)
Forge plans to save mutantkind get out of hand during MANIFEST DESTINY / GHOST BOX.
Young X-Men #6 (2008)
Sunspot leaves the Hellfire Club; Moonstar and Sunspot agree to act as mentors to the Young X-Men in San Francisco; Anole joins the Young X-Men; Cannonball and Magma return to the X-Men during MANIFEST DESTINY.
X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3 (2009)
X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3 (2009)
Jonas Graymalkin reveals his origin and sexuality to Anole who talks him through adjusting to the 21st century during MANIFEST DESTINY.
King-Size Cable #1 (2008)
Bishop locates Cable and the baby in another future timeline during WAITING FOR THE END OF THE WORLD.
X-Men Legacy #217 (2008)
King-Size Cable #1 (2008)
Bishop locates Cable and the baby in another future timeline during WAITING FOR THE END OF THE WORLD.
X-Men Legacy #215-216 (2008)
Professor X finally meets with Cyclops and Emma Frost during MANIFEST DESTINY.
X-Men: Original Sin #1 (2008)
Professor X finally meets with Cyclops and Emma Frost during MANIFEST DESTINY.
X-Men: Original Sin #1 (2008)
Sebastian Shaw makes his play to reclaim leadership of the Hellfire Club during ORIGINAL SIN.
X-Men Legacy #217 (2008)
Miss Sinister's origin is explained during ORIGINAL SIN.
Uncanny X-Men #501 (2008)
Uncanny X-Men #501 (2008)
Mastermind's mysterious benefactor is revealed to be the Red Queen, aka Madelyne Pryor (Jean Grey's clone) during MANIFEST DESTINY.
Cable #6 (2008)
Cable continues to search for a safe haven for the messiah baby while Bishop continues to pursue them both; flashback reveals how Warpath and X-23 put Forge's security to the test during MANIFEST DESTINY.
Cable #7 (2008)
X-Force's next mission is to travel forward in time to kill Bishop; Cyclops risks Beast discovering the existence of X-Force.
Cable #10 (2009)
Cable #10 (2009)
The young mutant messiah is named 'Hope'; Cable runs into the Turnpike Authority again during WAITING FOR THE END OF THE WORLD.
X-Force #8-11 (2009)
X-Men: Worlds Apart #1-4 (2008-2009)
X-Men: Kingbreaker #4 (2009)
Havok and Vulcan have their showdown during WAR OF KINGS.
Young X-Men #6 (2008)
X-Infernus #1-4 (2009)
War of Kings #6 (2009)
Secret Invasion: X-Men #2 (2008)
Husk returns to the X-Men during MANIFEST DESTINY / SECRET INVASION.
X-Factor #39 (2009)
Val Cooper's arrangement with Jamie Madrox is discovered by X-Factor and comes to an end; Siryn has the baby, but things don't go to plan.
Husk returns to the X-Men during MANIFEST DESTINY / SECRET INVASION.
X-Factor #39 (2009)
Val Cooper's arrangement with Jamie Madrox is discovered by X-Factor and comes to an end; Siryn has the baby, but things don't go to plan.
X-Force #8-11 (2009)
Bastion and the Human Council begin making mutants' lives difficult; Archangel and Elixir officially join X-Force; Domino and Vanisher officially join X-Force; Eli Bard reveals his origin to Selene (his 'queen'); Caliban, Thunderbird and the Camp Verde tribe are reanimated by Eli Bard and Selene using the techno-organic virus; Caliban, Thunderbird and the Camp Verde tribe are reanimated by Eli Bard and Selene using the Techno-Organic Virus.
X-Men: Worlds Apart #1-4 (2008-2009)
Gentle is framed for murder by the Shadow King; Storm helps Gentle clear his name; Gentle returns to the X-Men.
Uncanny X-Men #504 (2008)
Mastermind returns as a member of the Red Queen's Sisterhood during LOVELORN / MANIFEST DESTINY.
Uncanny X-Men #504 (2008)
Mastermind returns as a member of the Red Queen's Sisterhood during LOVELORN / MANIFEST DESTINY.
Uncanny X-Men #507 (2009)
Archangel is forced reveal the return of his Archangel powers to Beast during LOVELORN / MANIFEST DESTINY.
Young X-Men #7-8 (2008-2009)
Young X-Men #7-8 (2008-2009)
A part of Dust is revealed to still be glass and is slowly killing her; it's confirmed that Ink is not a mutant - he gets his powers from his mutant tattoo artist, Leon Nunez; Cipher makes her first, full appearance and joins the Young X-Men; a team called the Y-Men - humans given powers from Leon Nunez' tattoos - emerge during MANIFEST DESTINY.
Young X-Men #11-12 (2009)
Young X-Men #11-12 (2009)
Dust dies, but is resurrected by Ink, redeeming him but leaving him catatonic.
Havok and Vulcan have their showdown during WAR OF KINGS.
Young X-Men #6 (2008)
Sunspot leaves the Hellfire Club during MANIFEST DESTINY.
X-Infernus #1-4 (2009)
Magik's Bloodstone Amulet is claimed by Witchfire; Magik is reunited with Colossus; the X-Men fail in their attempt to help Magik reclaim her soul but convince her to rejoin their ranks.
Marvel Holiday Spectacular #1 (2009)
Marvel Holiday Spectacular #1 (2009)
Hellion is revealed to have returned to the X-Men.
War of Kings #6 (2009)
Vulcan is deposed by Black Bolt who sacrifices himself to defeat the insane mutant; Gladiator becomes Majestor of the Shi'ar Empire during WAR OF KINGS.
Cloak and Dagger #1 (2010)
X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop #1-3 (2009)
X-Men: Second Coming #2 (2010)
Uncanny X-Force #17 (2014)
Hope confronts Bishop over making her childhood a living nightmare during VENDETTA.
X-Men: Divided We Stand
Includes X-Men: Divided We Stand #1-2.
X-Men Legacy #224 (2009)
Professor X and Gambit cross paths again; Professor X helps Rogue control her powers and remove the mental echo of Mystique from her psyche.
New Mutants #1-4 (2009)
Magik is reunited with the original New Mutants (Cannonball, Magma, Moonstar, Sunspot and Karma) who officially reform as a team.
X-Factor #41 (2009)
Jamie Madrox is reunited with an older Layla Miller.
Professor X and Gambit cross paths again; Professor X helps Rogue control her powers and remove the mental echo of Mystique from her psyche.
New Mutants #1-4 (2009)
Magik is reunited with the original New Mutants (Cannonball, Magma, Moonstar, Sunspot and Karma) who officially reform as a team.
X-Factor #41 (2009)
Jamie Madrox is reunited with an older Layla Miller.
X-Men Legacy #225 (2009)
Professor X briefly aids the Acolytes before they disband.
Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1 (2008)
Professor X briefly aids the Acolytes before they disband.
Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1 (2008)
Moonstar is revealed to have been given her Valkyrie powers back by Hela during UTOPIA.
Uncanny X-Men #515 (2009)
Uncanny X-Men #515 (2009)
Scalphunter goes to the X-Men for help when he's hunted by the New U-Men during NATION X.
Cloak and Dagger #1 (2010)
The Young X-Men make their last official appearance as a team.
X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop #1-3 (2009)
Bishop's origin is expanded to explain why he wants the mutant baby dead during MESSIAH WAR.
X-Force #18-20 (2009)
X-Factor #200 (2010)
New Mutants #12 (2010)
X-Force #18-20 (2009)
Doug Ramsey is resurrected by Eli Bard and Selene; X-23 kills the Leper Queen; Kimura kills Adam Harkins when he tries to spare X-23's life.
X-Force #24-25 (2010)
X-Force #24-25 (2010)
Eli Bard is betrayed and murdered by Selene; X-Force defeat Selene; Elixir, Warpath, Wolfsbane and X-23 leave the team during NECROSHA.
Nation X #2 (2010)
No-Girl rejoins her fellow mutants during NATION X.
X-Factor #200 (2010)
X-Factor return to New York.
Cable #23 (2010)
Cable #23 (2010)
Cable and Hope defeat Bishop and the Turnpike Authority; Bishop is stranded in the future.
X-Men: Second Coming #1 (2010)
X-Men: Second Coming #1 (2010)
Cable and Hope Summers (now a teenager) return to the present day; Bastion begins his ultimate plan to destroy mutantkind during SECOND COMING.
New Mutants #12 (2010)
William Stryker is killed by Archangel during SECOND COMING.
X-Men Legacy #235 (2010)
X-Men Legacy #235 (2010)
Cameron Hodge is killed by Warlock during SECOND COMING.
Uncanny X-Men #524 (2010)
Donald Pierce's capture is revealed to be part of Bastion's plan to put a mole inside the X-Men's headquarters during SECOND COMING.
New Mutants #13 (2010)
Uncanny X-Men #524 (2010)
Donald Pierce's capture is revealed to be part of Bastion's plan to put a mole inside the X-Men's headquarters during SECOND COMING.
New Mutants #13 (2010)
Donald Pierce is killed by Cyclops during SECOND COMING.
X-Force #27 (2010)
X-Force #27 (2010)
Cable and Cypher join X-Force; X-23 returns to the line-up for a special mission during SECOND COMING.
X-Factor #206 (2010)
X-Factor #206 (2010)
Bolivar Trask commits suicide to break free from Bastion's control during SECOND COMING.
X-Force #28 (2010)
X-Force #28 (2010)
Bastion returns with a more Nimrod-like form; Hope Summers kills Bastion, Graydon Creed and Stephen Lang, ending the reign of the Human Council; Cypher leaves X-Force; Cable is killed during SECOND COMING.
X-Men: Second Coming #2 (2010)
Domino and X-23 leave X-Force; Wolverine and Archangel form a new (Uncanny) X-Force alongside Deadpool, EVA, Fantomex and Psylocke; Omega Sentinel rejoins the X-Men during SECOND COMING.
New Mutants #21 (2011)
Wolverine #1 (2010)
Mystique has her revenge when she helps send Wolverine to Hell during WOLVERINE GOES TO HELL.
X-23 #5-6 (2011)
Mystique has her revenge when she helps send Wolverine to Hell during WOLVERINE GOES TO HELL.
X-23 #5-6 (2011)
Miss Sinister's origin is expanded; Mister Sinister returns and attempts to claim the body of Miss Sinister as his host.
New Mutants #21 (2011)
Magik puts her fellow New Mutants and the World in danger in her efforts to have her revenge on the Elder Gods; Magik and Pixie reclaim the lost parts of their souls.
X-Factor #213 (2011)
Wolfsbane officially rejoins X-Factor.
Wolfsbane officially rejoins X-Factor.
X-Men Legacy #250 (2011)
Frenzy joins the X-Men.
Wolverine and the X-Men #1 (2011)
Frenzy joins the X-Men.
Wolverine and the X-Men #1 (2011)
Beast returns to teaching when Wolverine rebuilds and reopens the Xavier Institute as the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning; the entire school literally becomes a Danger Room during REGENESIS.
X-Factor #227 (2012)
X-Factor #227 (2012)
Wolfsbane's vision of the future with Jamie Madrox and Layla Miller dead at her feet comes true.
Generation Hope #14 (2012)
Generation Hope #14 (2012)
Zero creates a body for No-Girl during REGENESIS.
Uncanny X-Force #10 (2011)
Uncanny X-Force #10 (2011)
Archangel becomes infected with the Apocalypse Seed, giving in to his Dark Angel persona and becoming the heir of Apocalypse.
Uncanny X-Force #18 (2012)
Uncanny X-Force #18 (2012)
Archangel is stabbed with the Life Seed, effectively killing him; he is reborn as a younger Angel (with pink skin and metal wings).
Uncanny X-Force #19 (2012)
Uncanny X-Force #19 (2012)
Angel joins the Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters during REGENESIS.
Avengers vs X-Men #11 (2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #11 (2012)
Professor X is killed by another member of the X-Men, Cyclops, during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.
X-Termination #1 (2013)
X-Termination #1 (2013)
The Dreaming Celestial is finally woken up during X-TERMINATION.
Age of Apocalypse #14 (2013)
Age of Apocalypse #14 (2013)
The Dreaming Celestial is killed in a cross-reality battle during X-TERMINATION.
Uncanny X-Force #17 (2014)
Hope confronts Bishop over making her childhood a living nightmare during VENDETTA.
All-New X-Factor #5 (2014)
The true Magus returns during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!
Magneto #4 (2014)
Magneto kills the last of the Purifiers during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!
The true Magus returns during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!
Magneto #4 (2014)
Magneto kills the last of the Purifiers during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!
X-Men #19 (2014)
Ink is revealed to have recovered and is attending the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.
Cable vol.1: Messiah War
Cable vol.1: The Last Hope
Include Cable #1-5.
Ink is revealed to have recovered and is attending the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.
Cable vol.1: Messiah War
Cable vol.1: The Last Hope
Include Cable #1-5.
New X-Men: Quest for Magik: The Complete Collection vol.1
Include X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[2/5].
Road to War of Kings
War of Kings Omnibus
Include X-Men: Divided We Stand #2[3/5].
Uncanny X-Men: Divided We Stand
Collects Uncanny X-Men #495-499.
Uncanny X-Men: The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction
Includes X-Men: Divided We Stand #1.
Wolverine by Jason Aaron Omnibus
Wolverine by Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection vol.1
Wolverine: Get Mystique
Include Wolverine #62-65.
X-Factor vol.6: The Only Game in Town
X-Factor: The Complete Collection vol.2
Includes X-Factor #28-32.
X-Force vol.1 (Hardcover)
X-Force vol.1: Angels & Demons
Include X-Force #1-6.
X-Force by Kyle & Yost: The Complete Collection vol.1
Includes X-Force #1-6 and X-Force: Ain't No Dog #1.
X-Men: Divided We Stand
Includes X-Men: Divided We Stand #1-2.
X-Men Legacy: Divided He Stands
Collects X-Men Legacy #208-212.
X-Men Legacy: Sins of the Father
Includes X-Men Legacy #213-214.
Young X-Men vol.1: Final Genesis
Collects Young X-Men #1-5.
You have mistakenly written "New Mutants" instead of "Young X-Men" in the last sections.
ReplyDeleteAn understandable mistake. :)
Well spotted! Thank you, Midnighter!